68. A force manipulating enemy!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about...

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

"Why have you killed these innocent people?" Eito just giggled and fixed his front tip of the hair. "My, slow and steady, I cannot keep up with all those questions... let's talk one at a time, so now, why don't you go first with the answer? Do they looked better like this or when they saw the world?" Eito put his right hand onto his hip when looking Ayuka sidely. "You psycho! These people were much better when they were alive! What have they done to you?"

"I'll admit, for having no Ginken at all, you're agile, fast and skilled! But... I can see you're slowly running out of stamina!" Eito looked at Ayuka who was breathing heavily. ("He's right... this keeps up and I'll lose because of tireness...") Those were her thoughts while watching Eito who was spinning his dagget, throwing it up and down, recatching it.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Eastern), Friday, 7:25 p.m.]

As the fight continued on Western side against Ayuka and Eito, Codey and Sayori kept facing around as rushing through. "But can we really be sure that there is anythig strange around here?" Codey seemed to be running at the front as Sayori spoke behind him. "If there isn't something, then we've done this search for nothing, but not until we search through entire Eastern side of this street, I won't stop just yet..." Codey faced his front sights around. "True, yeah... but the murders have been done always in Hàto Street! Must mean that we might also be looking for no reason, you do understand what I mean by that, Codey." Of course, Codey's polite attitude agreed to her words. "But, we are going to find something, no matter the point." Codey then immediately sensed something and with Sayori stopped, he turned around while hearing growls. "What is that noise? Who's there, show up!" But nothing yet showed up, Codey faced back to the front and immediately began thinking also feeling kind of suspicious. Sayori then crouched as she grabbed the rough floor with her warm palm, then she immediately sensed something warmer in the area. "Something is after us, stay close don't get loose!" Sayori ordered but Codey quietly agreed as the two of them stood in the middle of the street. They continued to sense something zooming closer. Codey's eyes spotted something at the right and immediately reacted, he ducked with a step onto the left when a spear blasted over his head and stabbed into the ground, but then after the stuck in floor event, the floor shattered and both, Sayori and Codey dropped down into a massive hole when smashing their backs at the floor, the boulders and ashes collapsed onto them but with rightful correction both of them were lucky to not get squashed. "A trap? No! What the hell is going on?!" Codey faced around when seeing something at the edge of the topped floor. "Oof.... I suppose none of those boulders smashed you, christ my aim seems to have become less accurate..." It was a male voice as the man scratched his head top. Codey prepared but reached out with a question. "Who are you? Show yourself!" The sun shined onto the man when the man sighed. "Do I have to introduce myself, it'd be just fine if I were to kill you immediately?" The man outstretched his arm when the spear floated and blasted back into his grip. "But I guess it won't really bother me if I introduce myself first... I'm Kobe Kage, a rightous member of Terror Shades.... or well, I'm part of it..." The man's hair were green, curled back with his yellow eyes, he was wearing what seemed to be some sort of a curly coat, coloured black, Kobe grabbed his glasses and handed them on top of his nose and in front of his eyed for his viewsight. "Terror....Shade?" Sayori confronted Kobe with a question. "Seriously? How come you don't know about us... we're the right hand group of the 'Shadow Mist', we've been searching for that girl Yasue, but.... I suppose she isn't with the two of you.... guess I wasn't the luck one to find her, but do tell me, which of your allies journeys around with Yasue... the 'Scarlet Scarf' Soul Caller?" Both Codey and Sayori answered without proper answer. "How could we know, who even is this 'Yasue' you're talking about?" Codey reached onto his back when a yellow aura slowly began to spawn around his palm, slowly summoning his boomerang. "Oh, how do you not know? But, easy answer, the girl you've seen on the television with the long red scarf." Kobe explained while looking down at them. "Why are you after her? Is she a member of your group!?" But denying his question, Kobe smiled. "I rather want to know, why are you standing down there, you can do Air Step, can you not... the trap was meant to squash you not to keep you stuck down there, oh and you can put that boomerang to rest..." Codey was amazed that the man named Kobe knew about it. Showing his boomerang, Codey asked. "How did you know?" "Simple as any of the senses... pressure of your aura... no matter how weak the aura is, there is always a leading pressure rustling from it." Kobe explained after holding his spear. "Oh, right..." Codey then immediately threw his sharp and fast boomerang as it went beaming at Kobe. But luckly for his own likings, Kobe smashed the spear into the ground when a green shard barrier surrounded his body in an orb shape, the boomerang just bounced back through the air. "Sayori, let's hurry!" Codey leaped from the hole and blazed through the air very quickly when the bounced boomerang smashed into his grip, Codey was forced to flip back and landed in a two-step landing with his both legs spread to different sides. Sayori however wall jumped and landed besides Codey. "Nice throw... but you must admit, my protection is unbearable." The green barrier shred onto the floor when Kobe spun his spear with a green electricity pressurizing around it. "What is that pressure sound?" Sayori asked with an additional look. Kobe swung his spear behind the back when spinning it again, several green aura spears were summoned behind his back, floating and ready to be thrown and pushed at his enemies. "As you know, my task here is to find Yasue.... as for you two, you must be eliminated... same goes for everyone who dares to stand in my way." Kobe made a confident smile with his shock-bursting spear.

Kobe swung his spear forward and threw and shot the other spears at Codey and Sayori, both making an approach and bouncing to the side, the spears turning anyway and flying towards them. Sayori, who was surprised, landed on the ground and quickly moved her right foot to the side behind her back as the spear flew past her head. The green force released from this spear dug through the ground and created a quake. The spear turned again and aimed at Sayori, Sayori quickly squatted as the spear flew over her head, once again the spear turned and aimed for her back, however, Sayori quickly pulled her dagger and cut back and bounced the spear to the side, but by the time this was done, her lion's sleeve of clothing had been completely ripped and even gained a cut into her skin on her arm, but that spear had disappeared at the same time. The next and second spear was already flying towards her and this time Sayori avoided it and also avoided contact with the spear. Meanwhile, as Sayori withdrew, Codey was at a similar event. Codey stomped on the ground as the wind blew from the ground, the spear was prevented from approaching but quickly teleported behind Codey. To his surprise, Codey squatted but this time the spear stabbed in front of him into the ground as the ground beneath him began to fall deep into the ground, but another spear aimed at him turned upside down and quickly followed Codey. As Codey fell, he had no choice but to retreat, but the spear quickly tripled and then doubled several times into smaller ones. "Are you kidding me?!" All these little spears got faster and attacked Codey. The first spear took off but Codey dodged the air pass, the succession fell towards his head so Codey quickly turned and picked up the swarm in which he was holding the boomerang, the spear crashed and released a force that was weaker than the previous one. Codey noticed the next pair of spears continuing to follow. He reacted quickly and grabbed the rock that fell to the ground, he then threw it in front of him into the air and allowed the spear to crash into the rock. Those green spears didn't give up. Codey caught himself on a rock and started sliding down the wall with one hand on the same wall. The spears turned and flew quickly toward him. Codey twisted his feet and bounced forward, spears crashing into the wall and shattering a whole series of rock walls, Codey landed on the ground and quickly spun his boomerang and began to gather a strong force of wind. "Whisk Drive!

Codey called, when the wind waves were quickly sucked into his hard boomerang, he swung into the air and shot the boomerang in a genuinely fast move. The boomerang flew past and through the falling rocks, turning, blowing and waved in the wind, releasing wind forces that bounced the rocks into the air, the boomerang came to the surface and flew high into the air, while also releasing all the wind force that then allowed Codey to gain wind speed, Codey appeared high in the air and caught a boomerang that triggered a greater force of wind waves when touched, Codey pulled back and threw the boomerang towards Kobe with his force. Kobe was now serious and quickly spun his spear, revealing a green portal next to which he sucked in the boomerang. To his surprise, Codey turned when another portal appeared behind. The Boomerang flew into Codey's back. Sayori, however, quickly waved her hand. With the force of the wind, Codey was carried to the ground, whereupon he fell to the ground and rolled against the wall, his boomerang turned against him again. "Your reaction isn't the worst..." Kobe spoke as he faced at the fallen Codey.

[Another member or as they call, another 'part' of the Terror Shades reached out and is participating in a fight against Codey and Sayori who have been struggling hard since the beginning. Will they be able to figure a way to face off, or not, meanwhile Ayuka still faces off against Eito!]

To be continued...