69. A One, Two, Three! Mia arrives!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

- Codey was forced to flip back and landed in a two-step landing with his both legs spread to different sides. Sayori however wall jumped and landed besides Codey. "Nice throw... but you must admit, my protection is unbearable." The green barrier shred onto the floor when Kobe spun his spear with a green electricity pressurizing around it. "What is that pressure sound?" Sayori asked with an additional look. Kobe swung his spear behind the back when spinning it again, several green aura spears were summoned behind his back, floating and ready to be thrown and pushed at his enemies. "As you know, my task here is to find Yasue.... as for you two, you must be eliminated... same goes for everyone who dares to stand in my way." Kobe made a confident smile with his shock-bursting spear.

- To his surprise, Codey turned when another portal appeared behind. The Boomerang flew into Codey's back. Sayori, however, quickly waved her hand. With the force of the wind, Codey was carried to the ground, whereupon he fell to the ground and rolled against the wall, his boomerang turned against him again. "You reaction isn't the worst..." Kobe spoke as he faced at the fallen Codey.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Eastern), Friday, 7:45 p.m.]

Kobe was spinning his spear through the area while facing at Codey's fallen body. "Codey however still had enough of his own will to fight, so without any regrets, he bursted up into standing, when picking his boomerang standing quite injured with his left arm almost skimmed at the ground. "Oh? You still believe you can fight? That's quite spectacular, what keeps you going, hm?" But Codey dared to stay quiet for the next few seconds and only after it passed, he directed his serious look at the overwhelming Kobe. "...Protecting this City is good enough reason for me to be still standing by... we do not fall without proper lose, believe me~" Codey's explanation was then once again interrupted. "Oh, protecting this city? That's a very interesting goal, how so, you're not from here anyway?" Codey hurled with listening ears when fixing his standing position to straight. "So what? Why shouldn't I protect it, this city was already under the attack once... not even that while back, we don't plan to just erase every human nor animal, that is what we're here to do anyway.... close the explanation from me, now answer me, how many of you is still there?" Codey seriously and angrly asked while facing ahead. "On every side of the street! So four... simple, is it not?" Codey and Sayori gave a glance to each other. "This means, that each of us is facing at least one of the enemy!" Sayori who listened to Codey's determined look but worried thinking gave a nod. "That's right! Splitting you was the easiest way to our achievement... no worries either, I believe your 'allies' won't just be killed that easily, sure hope so at least... but be aware... to achieve what our goal is, we must, necessarly act quickly!" Kobe explained a full-on story of their splitting up plan. "Now, why do we not quickly proceed with action! Explaining has been finished." Kobe whirled his arm from the front on the sides with his shock-bursting spear following the floating movement. Codey and Sayori drifted back with a leap for them to avoid after the fallen barrage of green energized spears flew at them, speedy and sharply.

Codey quickly rolled back high in the air and luckily avoided the flying sharp spear, but as always the spear turned in a projection and aimed back at Codey. Codey, who was still in a dominant turn, quickly cut with his boomerang to the side, and touched the spear that supported the air and released an electric wave of green that rang through the air. Codey's sleeves were quickly torn and his arm was quickly injured, while a force threw him through the air towards the ground, after a serious and confident look, Codey landed from the plant on his right hand, quickly bouncing back into air and at the same time disappeared from the air. Kobe, observing his surroundings, turned quickly and swung his spear with a quick glance. The spear he was holding cut through Codey's body, but it was just an illusion and his body quickly disappeared, Codey appeared on the other side and swung his boomerang, luckily Kobe was already ready to defend, but he sensed a shift behind his back and noticed Sayori. Both, Codey and Sayori were approaching and Kobe didn't know who to attack or how to defend. Codey, Sayori .... they were both approaching him, but ...

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Northern), Friday, 7:57 p.m.]

Tsukimi who was now alone running came fully to the Northern side of Shoujin Street. She struggled her way there but then quickly slipped when something completely made her confused. Sayori smashed her shoulder in the floor and rolled on the floor, as she backed away she also noticed that there was nothing on which she could have slipped. "What the hell happened, there is no rocks or vines for me to slip on, but... it felt so real and physical..." As her thinking continued roaring, she felt something bursting directly into her stomach, from force and pain, Tsukimi slipped back when blood immediately splashed from her shoulder, right after she felt something smashing her in the left hip, forcing her to take even more damage.

Followed up right after, something smashed into her face and then something cut her back which was very painful from before injured back. She was quickly kicked in the back where she was cut and then stomped onto the ground, something was holding her body as it stumbled over. "Hey there, sweetheart!" A female voice rolled out from behind Tsukimi. "Who are you?" As Tsukimi asked, the female's body finally showed itself. Tsukimi was very uncomfortable since the girl behind her had her breasts squeezed into the back. "And give me some personal space!" Tsukimi yelled and hoped so. "Oh! Oop~ Sorry, right away!" The girl backed away when Tsukimi finally stood up and faced behind her, she became quite embarrassed. "W....Who?" Tsukimi was well confused when the pain immediately disappeared fron her body, tapping over her body, she became quite unsure. The girl raised her right arm with two fingers pointed up as well, the girl even made a wink with an estatic smile. "Sorry for the delay! But my name is Mia! Good to see you too!" Mia introduced herself which even made Tsukimi very confused. "You're one of the Terror Shades! Aren't you?" Tsukimi asked when reaching onto her katana near her hip. "Terror Shades, who are they? Some pop star band?" Tsukimi's eyes became quite uncertain when they flinched. The girl named Mia stood ahead when fixing her long blue hair and stretched her arms high up in the air, she crossed her arms behind her neck when Tsukimi noticed to different length blades backed up on Mia's back. "What do you want, then?!" Asked Tsukimi ready to hold her katana if necessary. "Oh, right! What do I need?" Mia quickly pulled her right arm near her lips beginning to think with her left arm under her chest, leaned. "Oh! Of course!" Snapping her fingers, Mia hurried to say. "Just came from Zero World to test the 'best and greatest' food every imagined, wanted to see how planet Earth makes their food, but sad enough, everything is to pay, so.... think you can help me out a little?" Tsukimi was very unamused of Mia who stood before her. ("Is this girl actually normal? She seems way to happy and excited for everything that involves evil....") Tsukimi was hopping through her thoughts while looking at Mia. "Then explain, why did you hit me and even cut my~" But Mia immediately began explaining. "That's just my way of saying hello! And the cutting, there was this evil and mean spider, needed to cut it, but I missed a few of the times, don't worry, your wounds are fine, healed already, that's my one ability of course!" Mia explained when looking at Tsukimi who was uncomfortable. "You.... tried to kill the spider?" "Sure have! Girl, those spideys, they are creepy, having six legs and so many eyes... they are scary with their bubbly backs... oh, I know! To get your forgiveness, why don't I give you this!" Mia rushed in with her hand and threw something at Tsukimi, which smashed into her forehead and then bounced into her palm. Confused already, Tsukimi took a peek. "The hell is this?" She proceeded to ask. "I. Have. No. Idea. Lucky you!" ("This crazy girl is really strange, what's her problem, my lord?") Tsukimi following her thoughts asked. But then something started, a girl stood behind Mia and a red scarf waved. "Hm?" Mia looked behind, with her stretched arms behind but crossed when looking over her shoulder to look at the person. "And who might you be, cutey?" Mia asked.

[A foe arrives behind Tsukimi and Mia, why has Mia came to Planet Earth! What's her plan, is she really a trust worthy person or is she an enemy?]

To be continued...