73. A fist to fist outpummel!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

Codey and Sayori whom fought flowly through the battle between them and a "Terror Shade" who told about his name being Kobe, through the battle Codey decided to face this strong opponent on his own and luckly ended up winning.

While the fight ended, Ayuka began nearing to an area in which she could use some kind of water to her advantage in defeating her fast and penetrating opponent, Eito, but, will she be able to win even if she successfuly reaches the water?

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Eastern), Friday, 9:00 p.m.]

("Near here, it should be....") Ayuka rammed her way through a bush and got surprised, she held Myles's hand while facing down, standing above a very small hill, because of the darkness already darkening, she took a relieved breath once noticing a long river flowing past. "Myles... go hide behind that house in the distance, do not show yourself, no matter what happens, understand!" Myles that was very scared hurried back behind the introduced house while Ayuka ran down the hill, to the edge of the river. Seeing a disappearing and reappearing body before her changed her emotion to very serious when turning around, as the body of Eito bursted in front of her at the top of the small hill, he made a smile. "So, I suppose a dead end came right at ya, hasn't it?" Eito's proud smile moved his mouth with a spin of a dagger. "But, this also means I won't have any more fun chasing you down, oh! Hmm.... your friend is missing, good thinking! Sending him back to his mommy!" Ayuka rustled over with words. "He doesn't have a mother!" Ayuka answered with dissapointed attitude toward her enemy. "Oh, too bad for 'em, at least he has a friend, but of course, she won't be around for much longer!" Soon after Eito spoke, Ayuka faced around seeing some destruction of the area. ("What happened here, have Codey and Sayori fought somebody, and also where are they?") Ayuka asked very confusingly. "Y'know, I was thinking, you can't really injure me much, so why don't we do this with our bare hands and feet!" Eito smilled who spun his dagger noticing moon's reflection in the bladed metal. "Does it matter? If I do get close to you and I chat a hit, you'll just pull your very own weapon and cut... not a smart mind-eater!" Eito smiled after hearing Ayuka. "You believe that I'll use my dagger, even though I said it myself, that I won't? Then, what do you say about this." Ayuka noticed Eito's arm moving and readied her defense. But instead of him pointing the dagger at Ayuka, Eito just threw it into a wall in distance, stabbing it into one. Ayuka was also quite surprised. "Now! Do you believe me? Snow fairy?" Eito swore as he looked at her with another proud smile. "But, let's make it an exception, neither of us can use any of our special abilities, you understand, right?" Eito giggled while he topped the ground with his foot. With Ayuka's head turning back and facing directly at the river, she spoke. "You're serious about it.... aren't you...?" Ayuka was quite unknowledgeable. "Yes, I sure am." Ayuka faced back once again. ("Did he figure me out that quickly.... though... his dagget was disarmed... but he could pull it anytime he would want, he is able to manipulate it anyway.... the plan here is to hopefully go with what he said and if he does pull out his weapon, then I'll do it too.") Ayuka sighed with a hold of her forehead. "Fine too....." Eito gave a smile once making a fist. "Good, it will be at least 'fair' now!" Ayuka straightened up with a seriousness.

Both of them went on the attack with the preparation as they had no big or other choice. Eito swung his first and blow it at Ayuka's face, but with a retreat under the swing, Ayuka turned her hand over and swung her elbow and aimed it at his stomach. Eito, already seeing the swing, disappeared over her arm with a jump, and grabbed her, Ayuka aimed her gaze at him as Eito wrapped his arm and twisted his body. With such information, he turned Ayuka, on her toes and hit her in the face with a kick. Soon after, Ayuka turned her palm and grabbed his hand, pulling Eito towards her and punching him in the face, while Eito quickly released her hand and made a turn in the air and kicked Ayuka's face, she quickly crossed both her hands and defended. The force slid her back anyway, so she quickly bowed when she felt the next premil in front of her and noticed an outstretched leg over her head just kicking, Eito smiled and lifted his outstretched leg higher into the air and kicked down towards the body and head of Ayuka. She quickly rolled across the floor to the side, as Eito hit the floor. However, to the surprise of Ayuka, a kick was added by Eito, it completely destroyed the ground and that destroyed ground reached out to Ayuka, Ayuka bounced into the air as the ground quickly lifted into the pointed parts of the rocks cutting high into the air and around Ayuka. Ayuka was surprised by the event, as she and Eito agreed not to use any special abilities. Stuck in the air, Eito appeared in front of her and caught Ayuka in quick surprise, Ayuka felt a strong blow bashing into her stomach, and at the force of such an attack forced her eyes to shake. Due to her strength, Ayuka quickly lost her breath and was thrown to the ground by force. When she landed on her back, she rolled back on her shoulder, then bounced off on the ruined floor, and fell back on the floor, rolling again while bouncing off the wall ahead as Eito snarled. "Ayuka!!!" With a worrying call, Myles was unable to see Ayuka in that dust.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Southern), Friday, 9:15 p.m.]

Tim reached for a liquided tentacle. "It's another one of these... damn, now I wish Ayuka was here, she could probably figure out what this is by now." Tim was quite dissapointed with his bored and unamused expression. "And Yasue... you've been hunting these 'Terror Shades', how so that you do not know yet what this is?" Tim questioned while the weird tentacle wiggled while being held by his two fingers. "I never had the chance to know what it was... as we said, it might be some sort of essence!" Yasue answered who was already well annoyed. "Huh! Then eat it!" Tim moved the tentacle in front of her face when she immediately put her palm onto her mouth, covering them. "You're such an idiot!" Said Yasue who almost gagged. "Hey, it could just be a different type of octopus's tentacle, cook it and you might like it, even though, I... myself don't eat it." Said Tim who became more unamused. "Shut up and put it inside of the capsule!" Yasue kept her palm on her mouth and dragged the capsule in front so that Tim was able to take it.

"That's right, it IS an essence of a defeated Shade, it's simmilar to a human soul that leaves the physical body after death, but this 'Tentacle' that you LOVE to call it is a type to duplicate the person who was killed, this means, after their death, a new one is born, that's why they dig into the ground because they act like plants who grow and change, but this essence, is 50 times faster to grow than an average plant..."

Tim and Yasue heard speaking. "So like a root?" Tim asked, not caring about the person. "Tim, are you dumb? Consider focusing on the person, you idiot!" Yasue raised her voice. "Tell me the point, villains are so dumb they don't even want to tell their names, half of the time, so it's better to just talk about other things!" Tim said who kept being unamused. "It's Ayame...." The enemy appeared to be a girl who stepped in front of them from the alleyway. "..." Yasue faced to annoyed Tim, who was quiet. "What's the deal now?" Yasue asked. "....! She ruined the thing on what I said, she introduced! That's so unfair!" Tim loudly called who looked away with crossed arms. Firt squiggly eyes, then anger. "Stop fooling around already!" Yasue shouted to Tim's ear. "Quiet down, you'll make me have an ear bleeding." Yasue was being constantly annoyed of Tim and even angered. "From every targets available... I get the dumb one." Soon after hearing Ayame, Tim's right side of his forehead was given a red anger mark whose eyes became very angry. "Hey! Who are you calling dumb! At least, I don't 'root' other people or copy them, like you jerkfaces!" Tim pointed his anger through the finger of his. Ayame moved her right arm under her mouth once looking to the side. "So nerve wracking, a poor Soulless human has anger issues, I might as well give out a smooch so you'd become normal!" Ayame giggled to annoy Tim "Hey! Serpent! Watch your villanous mouth!" Tim shouted after annoyance. "Went in and out of my mouth! Shall I just do what I planned on doing!" Ayame called, finally turning serious.

[Ayuka moved from Western to the Eastern side of the Shoujin Street, she struggles away to a cheating and lying enemy, but as for Tim and Yasue, they crossed paths with an enemy who is named, Ayame!]

To be continued...