74. A betrayal of a revealing enemy! Yasue!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

Ayuka has reached her plan on finding the nearest water supply who was just followed up by her opponent who she just cannot seem to be succeeding in beating him, Eito and Ayuka fought toe to toe with their bare body parts, but from betrayal of their plan, Eito injured Ayuka by manipulating ground from the force-releasing energy, through the time, Tim and Yasue came to a dead end with a woman named Ayame, standing in their way! Lucky for them the meeting with her, allowed them to figure out more on what the "Shade Essences" were! Now, they shall be ready to face trouble.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Southern), Friday, 9:20 p.m.]

Now where the moon shined, something was ready to force it's stuckness out. "Do you believe you've won, I bet that everyone has already defeated your 'group', still think you can fight all of us on your own?" Tim asked who seemed to be angered. "Defeated our group? Believe me, we're only the first wave, the second wave is much more dangerous than us, we've already won... and still, yet they might have defeated several of them, one of your 'friends' has a big struggle.... and who'd know, the one who should be the most skilled;...." Tim was quite uninterested into her explanation. "...Ayuka....." Tim added up. "That's right, she has had very hard struggle, you know, she might be dead by now already..." Ayame said who was fooling Tim. Because of his high emotions to his beloved friends, he became quite worried but angered at the same time. "You..." Tim made a raging step forward but an arm went swinging before him. Yasue prevented him from moving once standing ahead of him. "Are you actually trying to stop him from moving, Yasue?" Ayame added who cleared her throat with a laugh. "She.... knows you?" Tim faced toward Yasue who's hair waved. Yasue released a withstanding, bright and red electricity which surprised Tim, with a back hand strike, Tim was smacked in the face, one he went bursting through the dusty air, directly into the wall, from such force even the wall colappsed, throwing Tim down on the ground, Yasue turned her back toward Ayame and immediately reached behind her back, she dragged out her sharpened katana once it shined through the moon, the red electricity was forcing its way around such blade, when Yasue's scarf immediately wrapped outwards. Tim who sat on the floor in pain faced. "Y...Yasue, why did~" But then, soon after him speaking, he noticed a ripped part of the scarf, revealing that he trusted the wrong person. He remembered the cut part of the cloth he found and puzzeled the picture together. "...Y...Yasue, you~" Tim stood up who still faced at his long gone 'friend', now appearing to be an enemy. "I suppose you were unable to puzzle the photo together, the girl who rushed, Tsukimi was right, I was the one who taunted down those officers! But you, trusted me, just by looking at the scarf, you thought I didn't know about my scarf being cut...?" Tim was listening. "What! How? You showed it and there wasn't a mark, proving the cut scarf!" Tim loudly yelled. "And Tsukimi fought my fake duplicate... we ordered her to keep her mouth shut so she wouldn't spill it on me!" Explained Yasue who said her serious answer. "....Do you mean.... to say...that.... you planned this all out, just for what, the other fake of you outplayed Tsukimi on what you're saying?!" Yasue pulled her scarf from around her neck when showing a mark on her neck. "Yes, all of this was planned out! To make me seem unsuspicious, to make you all to split, to bring you to a trap to strip you away from that Ginken! The plan was quite simple, and the answer to your question about scarf, it was wrapped around my neck in the opposite so that you were unable to figure out, that Shade I chased was a fraud, a simple fish to bring you out there! We knew that you teaming up with your friends could potentially force our plan to waste, we decided to split you out and to gain your trust!" Yasue raged her words at Tim who was annoyed. "Yes, I may add, the plan that we made was surprising! Didn't even though you plebs would actually fall for it!" Ayame answered with her body standing next to Yasue's. "You seriously thought of everything! Even making ME believe?!" Tim angrly asked who seemed to be in burning rage. "Yes and you alone is still a beginner, taking what we want is a simple work, destroy you and then kill you. That is WHAT we must do if we want to complete the life of better people! Such as our friendly Terror Shades!" Yasue slowly raised her right arm high into the air when she began releasing a black mist which was dusting its way around the area, several 'Terror Shades' began rising from the dust, giving them a physical body and soon surrounding Tim with him unable to go any where! He was stuck in the middle, ready to face a true terror.

The rain who continued to splash in the night reflected in the pods of water, wetting even Tim. "..." Tim faced around. "Can't believe I actually believed you... but, because of my own mistakes, I'll just have to stop it myself!" Tim stretched his right arm outwards, when a burning fire twisted, summoning his Ginken when the tracking cloth waved behind the handle. "You, believe that you're able to win, just by yourself, when fighting against, seveal opponents!" Yasue made a dissapointed smile when the thunder struck from behind, brighting her up. "You know! I am, very! Very dissapointed in you! Good luck, because there is nothing you can do, not by you going solo!" Yasue laughed and immediately ordered the creepy 'Terror Shades' to attack our hero.

Tim, standing in the middle, quickly became angry and with a burning notch, swung sideways towards one Terror Shade, which struck against him, though the fire was very useless against them the rain since made it weaker, and at the first cut, Tim doubled his opponents. With shaken eyes, he quickly took a step back, but the next insidious 'Terror Shade' swung his sharp claws. Tim swung his sword and defended, but the next pair of 'Terror Shades' attacked him at one point. Tim bent down and cut up, doubling his opponent again, he quickly stepped aside and avoided the swinging claw, but at the same time the Terror Shades doubled again and hit him in the shoulder, quickly wounding him into his arm, reacting quickly, Tim cut through again but this time the Terror Shades tripled, Tim was surprised and had no idea how to get rid of it. Due to a useless surprise, Tim quickly swung the next Terror Shade, as they started trying to take his sword, but luckily Tim was still strong enough to keep it, Tim spun in quick action and cut through the surrounded Terror Shades ... but , they all doubled up, and avoided back.

"You may as well give up!" Voices coming from Yasue were making Tim nervous and began losing his cool, he was being tripped over, cut and stumbled, injured and attacked, he nearly had ability to protect himself from a few attack... but to such actions, he was also getting weaker and weaker by his deep wounds and beated up body, one of the Terror Shades then rushed in with a stabbing claw which was ready to cut Tim through his chest, but stepping aside and backing away by blocking, he only took a small cut into his chest, where he then kicked forward and knocked the Terror Shade from close range, the rest of them were making noises and slowly nearing Tim, who was still, by now stuck in the middle of all of them. Already breathing heavily and tired, Tim began thinking. ("These Terror Shades, might be very weak! But their constant increasing duplicates is no where fine for me to be able to handle them! And cutting them... again... will make it far more worse! How am I supposed to do anything?") Tim thought after being struck by another Shade. "Sorry, but my friendly Shades will keep and keep attacking, no matter how much pain! They will all, wipe you away, just like a toy!" Laughed Yasue, turning to darker side.

Tim stepped forward and turned toward Shade with a worried look as his sword, blowing in the wind, quickly slashed forward but with that single reaction a blue spark appeared which quickly circled around his sword but at the swing it disappeared and the orange fire cut through the next Shade.

Yasue noticed such thing and became confused, keeping quiet she became calm. "...What.... was.... that....?" That was her sentence after forgetting about the fight. Ayame was suspicious of her reaction but stayed quiet. As the fight progressed, Tim still kept on struggling...

[Tim and his allies betrayed, the one who faced against these duplication Shades, truly has a worse side of the fight! What will happen, what was the blue spark, was it released from his aura or something else.... is he going to be able and find a way to defeat Yasue, now known enemy and the rest?]

To be continued...