75. A Hidden Spiritual Release! Hanatsu!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

Tim has now officially came across a true event, Yasue who he believed was an ally appeared to be his real enemy, by talking he figured out that they still are after his Ginken, the second group of his enemied! As he struggles his rounds against Shades, Ayuka is still faced against Eito.

("These Terror Shades, might be very weak! But their constant increasing duplicates is no where fine for me to be able to handle them! And cutting them... again... will make it far more worse! How am I supposed to do anything?")

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Eastern), Friday, 9:27 p.m.]

"Ayuka! Hey! Ayuka, wake up! Hurry please! We have troubles and very, very bad troubles!! Hey! Do you hear me! Woman!" Myles continued shouting while moving Ayuka as he tried to wake her from consciousness. "Now, now, little baby child, move aside, I might hurry up and finish this, then I'll deal with you." Eito was walking slowly behind Myles, while seeing Ayuka beated down and scratched, wounded and bleeding. Myles turned around, afraid. "No way! I won't let you touch her! Not any longer!" Myles stretched both of his arms to hopefully stop Eito from moving. "You've! GOT, to be kidding me... you, prevent me you're just a lost child with no parents, I may as well execute your 'NOW' friendly 'MOTHER', she's been alive for more than enough!" Said Eito looking directly into Myles's face, shaking in fear, our Myles spoke with a gulp. "She's not my mother! She's a very good friend! I can't let you!" But Myles's words just caused him to be smacked away by Eito. Myles rolled on the floor as he already bleed from the mouth. His eyes showed fear, but feelings. "Do me a favour and shut up." Eito reached down for Ayuka, but he was soon grabbed by something by the leg. "No! I won't! Stop!" Eito noticed Myles who held his foot. "Will you quit it you stupid snail!" Eito began kicking and stomping on Myles, but Myles just couldn't let go. "Get LOST!" Increasing his strength forced Myles to be knocked back, and injured further. Eito then faced again toward Ayuka but, Myles stood on both feet and threw a rock which bounced off from Eito's head. "I told you! To leave her alone!" Myles yelled, but still, Eito then turned around and became serious. "Fine... I'll let her be for now, just this while as long as I kill you." Eito began walking toward Myles who was almost unable to move. "Now, would you rather die first, or shut up! This wouldn't be necessary if you weren't standing in my way! Kid!" Eito called out his dagger and unleashed a striking force which terrified Myles. "Just so you won't be crying here, I'll make this painless for you!" The dagger was spun in Eito's hand as Myles continued to be afraid.

"Now, die, kid." Eito sliced toward Myles, but.

At a quick moment, the white light roared as the body slid across the ground and with a jump and kick it quickly struck Eito in the face, Eito was pushed aside when someone landed on the ground, with shining eyes, the blue light shone in the darkness. Myles was surprised. Ayuka stood up with her waving hoodie that was just unzipped and released a white aura, which slowly waved around her body, the bright aura was bursting in the darkness, when Ayuka's sleeves completely ripped, the force and pressure that she was releasing, kept roaring in the night.

Ayuka seemed to be extremely serious and didn't show any pain. "Ha-natsu." Ayuka said, finally revealing her secret strength. Myles was shocked and even he could feel the shaking ground. "Ayuka! You're alive! Thank- Thank goodness!!" Myles called, glad to see his friend be alright.

"Myles, thank's a lot.... I did not expect this from you..." Ayuka said who faced at Eito. "W...what?" He was overwhelmingly confused. "You tried to protect me... even though you knew you had no chance, let's put your pervetness aside, apart from that, you're actually really brave and a well caring person... I'm sorry to keep you worried, but please, now... stand down and keep distance..." Ayuka spoke after seeing Eito standing back up. "This will get dirty, very quickly." Ayuka proceeded with a singular step after Myles nodding and immediately, from her raging speed and pressurized power she blasted ahead, even shattering and cracking the ground with outgiving advancement, without Eito finally be incapable of seeing her, Ayuka appeared before him, smashing her fist into the face of her own opponent, such boosting enpowerment increased the dealing damage and even blew back her opponent, Eito. He rolled down on and to the ground, struggling to keep his stance and slamming back into a pole. Eito dropped onto his knees but faced ahead. "Well, you seem to have been keeping some secrets from us knowing, isn't that right, Ayuka?" Eito was on the floor, but still proud of her powers, he gave out another smile.

"This might become more interesting!" With a smile, Eito grabbed his dagger, and then disappeared from the spot, with a quick reaction appearing immediately behind Ayuka but at the same time, Ayuka bent down and avoided the attack, kicked back and hit a punch in the stomach from Eito and pushed him back, with a quick left-footed slip, Ayuka turned clean and disappeared from the standing spot and appeared in Vanishing Dash just in front of Eito, striking a blow with her elbow and forcing Eito to lose his breath quickly. Eito made a turn and landed on the ground but noticed that a piece of the ground in front of him was destroyed, he quickly noticed Ayuka's face right in front of him, and froze in place in fear, Ayuka hit forward but disappeared and appeared behind Eito, who he also missed Ayuka, with the joint approach of the soles, Ayuka closed her eyes and quickly kicked back, releasing the wind from the pressure and destroying the next piece of ground. Eito rolled on the ground in the distance and quickly noticed Ayuka following him, Eito cut up after the rebound but Ayuka dodged with a backward motion and then disappeared, appearing in the air, leaning back, over Eito, who then flipped his body and kicked but, Ayuka made a flip back and hit the kick in the back of Eito as he was in that position, right after that, Ayuka disappeared again and reappeared over Eito who still flew away in an force. She grabbed his face and let out a sharp and cold shockwave that allowed her to bounce off the air against the ground, rammed the face from Eito into the ground and followed with a run, sliding Eito's body across the floor and swinging it which then dropped into the wall, which was quickly destroyed by such rapid force.

Looking at the improved Ayuka, Myles said to himself. "She so much quicker now, stronger and more calm! Is that what a fully trained aura really can become from a human, is she able to deal so much damage, just by releasing her aura, she named or called it Hanatsu, right! But, her power isn't doubled, nor tripled, is it actually quadrupled? If that's the case, the pressure from her must be even more insane than seeing! Doing these shatter spots, just by moving! How does it not destroy her body! How can she hold it, is there something I'm not aware of it! I wish to know more about this unimaginable power.... also, it doesn't feel nothing like from before... when did she had the time to learn it, or! She possibly already knew it but hid it! That must be it, there is no chance she could've learned it in only two weeks! But this power she possessed could have been a real help to Tim and others when they faced against Turbulent Fiends! Her Spiritual Aura has got to do something about that boost! Has to! Just... what are you really... Ayuka?" Myles was shaking on the spot feeling her pressure that was kept on released and watching the fight between the two enemies.

[Ayuka unlocks and/or shows a new power! Hanatsu as she calls it, why was she hiding it from others, how powerful is it really, will it be enough to defeat Eito or will it go to waste, two very difficult fights still are ongoing!]

To be continued...