76. Second stage! Upgrade of Spiritual Fire!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

With Ayuka nearly killed, Myles stepped in and wasted Eito's time so Ayuka had the chance to recover, luckly before Myles's assault, Ayuka rescued him with her new shown powers called Hanatsu! This way she had an upper edge against her opponent, but as for Tim..

being surrounded by a group of Shades, causes him to stay in trouble.

[Tokyo City - Furó Street, Friday, 9:45 p.m.]

Sayori and Codey just arrived to Tim's apartment. "What is this all about?!" Codey asked when meeting with Tsukimi and the rest. "Oooh! Such manly boy! How are you~" But before Mia could speak, Tsukimi dragged her away, making others confused. "Listen up! The liquided tentacle that Tim has in his bedroom is an essence of another Shade! We have to get rid of it immediately or another copy of a human will be born!" Tsukimi immediately explained while facing at his friends. "Wait.... so.... that thing is danger to us? How come we didn't came to a conclusion before that?!" Sayori asked very well shocked and in fear. "I know! We have to destroy it!" Codey however was a bit confused. "Why did you need all of us, you can just squeeze it on your hand...." But as soon as Codey spoke, Mia interfered. "Do NOT tell me that you have squeezed the fallen essence!" Mia said which then put everybody on the line of worry. "....Well.... I might.... of have...." Codey looked away embarrassed. "Do YOU have ANY idea what you have just done! The tentacle reacts like duplication, if you squeeze it it will just regrow! That's why burning them is the best way of handling them and getting rid of them, because their forgotten 'soul of body' is destroyed and burnt, it won't be available to grow, just like plant, if it's burn it dies, but if you spread it, it will just grow a new one!" Codey, Sayori and Tsukimi's eyes became shocked after hearing it. "So does that mean, there might be another duplication of the same enemy we fought?!" After asking, Mia nodded. That brought out a discourage. "We gotta hurry and get rid of the essence inside of Tim'a home!" As they all agreed, they rushed up, but once arriving their eyes bursted in shock, the capusle that was locking down the essence was shattered and black footprints reached through the windows. "No! It escaped!!" Tsukimi shouted after smashing her palm at the wall, she then rushed at the window and tried to scout the next new footprints. "If that thing roams! We're doomed!" Yelled Mia who seemed afraid and annoyed for the very first time from meeting. "So NOW what do we do?!" Codey asked as he faced at Tsukimi. "No other choice but to follow and find it!" Mia pointed through the opened window. "But how?! We don't have any type of fire to reach!" Spoke Sayori after giving a worried explanation that needed to be filled. "We have to reach Tim, he's able to release fire, it should be enough!" Tsukimi answered, but without them knowing, they all hurried along and ran through the rainy night.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Southern), Friday, 9:48 p.m.]

Switching back to Tim who seemed to still be in trouble. With a lined up group of Shades running at Tim caused him to lose his focus and from the shock immediately backed away. Because of them constantly multiplying he now had even more enemies to deal with. "This isn't right! I can't fight them! Burning them won't work! The rain is too heavy!" Tim jumped with a leap onto a wall, holding by it, but from surprise one of the Shades screeched from above and dropped down onto Tim who then smashed his feet into the back of Tim. Quickly slinging the Shade away, Tim squashed his back on the rocks when the next few Shades blasted at him in escapist rush. Quickly standing up allowed Tim to back away but a next claw cut behind into his back, soon after that, Tim sliced backwards and once again duplicated the cut Shade. "Damn it! They are like plants and seeds, spreading!" Rushing back, Tim reached the wall once a Shade jumped from the front with a fist smash at his face, quickly ducking below the blow, Tim sliced upwards with orange fire dashing out and once again tripled another Shade, he disappeared to the sides but was still surrounded by enemies. "Come on! Gimme a break!" He faced back but the Shades grabbed the sharp blade and began pulling it. "Let go!" Tim smashed the pulling Shades and quickly escaped by once again duplicating them. "Haha! Come on, you can't escape, there is exactly 66 of these Shades, and there were only 8 of them at the beginning, you can't win, no matter what you do, so just give it up already!" Ayame laughed when holding her forehead, laughing crazly. "You're wrong! I'll figure out a way to burn them and stop spreading them!" But as Tim called, a Shade sliced into his back, then kicking him forward and a bunch of Shades jumped at Tim and grouped over him. "Damn it! Get off!" With orange flames bursting beneath them, he blew them in the air and was free, but they duplicated once again. "I didn't even cut them! Why did they duplicate?!" Tim spoke out loud with a confused question. "Perfect! 76!" Giggled Yasue who just watched the struggles before her. "It's over! You can't compete against us! You've already lost so just give up!" With a shout, Ayame reached over once grabbing a bow and aimed it at her enemy.

No more movement from Tim, he stood still with the rain splashing. ("It.... might be true.... I don't think I can do anything with this heavy rain.... whatever I do, I'm just making the mess worse....") Thinking while regreting his enemies, Tim faced at his Ginken. ("But... if.... I can't figure it.... then, Tokyo City is.... will be in heavy danger... but~") The bow was already being targeted by the bow by Ayame's pulling bowstring. ("I wasn't the right guy to be dealing with this job..... and my death.... will be just a guranteed failure and broken promise to Ayuka and the rest... think, think, what can I do to stop this, thing, you gotta think!") But soon after his heart beat became louder, Tim's eyes shook, his face became extremely serious when unknown progress appeared.

Tim stretched out his right hand and aimed it at the ground with his sword gripped. He grebbed it with his left too and quickly let out the fire, which glowed through the wind. "Oh! Give up! You know fire won't work! You're a fool!" Laughed Ayame when fully pulled the bowstring. Tim dropped his head and let his hair wave over his forehead to the sides with a confident and serious look. "Then try ..." Testing them, Tim seemed to be ready. "Tsch ... what a guy, you didn't stand longer than an hour, goodbye." But as the Shades dropped at Tim, the arrow from the bow flew toward Tim, but at that moment, Tim's fire dissipated and to his surprise, changed, taking on a bluish color that was now strong enough with force. "Devouring Storm!" Tim's, now blue fire was released as Tim cut in a circular motion, at which point the fire descended into the air and began to roar high into the air, the blue fire destroyed all the Shades and even caused some destruction of the buildings, which quickly disappeared in black dust, rain, which was too weak didn't reach through the fire, Tim's clothes and hair floated through the air, blew as he stood in the middle of a huge cyclone, surrounded by blue burning fire, his attack reached to the side, and also burned the clothes of the two girls in front of them, their skins were burnt. Tim now reached back with his sword and began to collect the released fire into his sword, a huge cyclone was visible in the distance from the others, people and Tim's friends became surprised, even Ayuka noticed the cyclone and became cut off. "W ... what is that?!" People asked through streets and their homes. "Are we having a fire tornado weather!?!?!" A girl screamed. Tim quickly gathered all the fire, and allowed the cyclone to stop, but at the same time Tim also cut forward. "Firestorm Gesture!!!" On the swing, Tim released a blue X-shaped fire that flew at both girls, their eyes trembled as the fire caught them, exploding on the catch and then quickly erupting around, both girls, Yasue and Ayame were bounced into the wall and at the same time became surprised, but from the force they began to cough in pain and burns, Tim, who was now standing, tired and injured, looked ahead.

Breathing heavier than usually, Tim spoke. "You....*breath* shouldn't have *breath* underestimated me...*cough*" Tim answered and then he was immediately surrounded by groups of people. "Tim!" With Codey calling in the distance, Tim faced into the crowd. "YIKES!" He shouted, but to his luck, the people were confused. "Is somebody there, how.... how did this even happen?!" Luckly these people were unable to see Tim or the Shades. Soon after the police arrived and curled through, keeping everybody away, but for Tim, the final thing caused him to drop into unconsciouss, that even left the rest to become more afraid. "Let's hurry and take him home..." Those were the words left out for him to hear.

[Tokyo City - Shoujing Street (Southern), Friday, 9:55 p.m.]

Ayuka watched at Eito who was unable to move. "Damn... you... ugly bitch.... getting stomped by a girl, this is so..... dissapointing, hehe.... you might... have won... the first wave.... but don't... don't think, us Shades will give up that easily! You'll soon face a quartet of people that are even stronger than... us!" After Eito coughed a bunch of times, he disappeared in the black dust. Ayuka cleaned her scratches from her face and ran towards Myles, finally stopping her newly shown power. "No time for questions, we gotta hurry back to Furó Street!" Ayuka spoke and let Myles to answer, but the missing essence still is roaming...

[The first wave of villains, getting defeated by our heroes reaches out and confronts them, but... the next wave is soon to come... The Missing Shade.... and Rescuing Ayuka stands by!]

|Arc 4: Seek of the Shadows - Ending|


"Sir... what about our plan?" A man asked sitting behind the table. "Those ignorant Terror Shades fail to steal Nensho, what can we do now, we don't have any further idea.... and without all of them, we cannot continue our plan!" Lia said who seemed to have set her thoughts to annoyance. "Did not expect all of them to be defeated, especially not Eito.... but for now, we must keep our plan hidden, until we don't have everything, we will not continue it... for now, we sit back, hidden....."

To be continued...