77. The missing member of the Soul Callers!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

After defeating Turbulent Fiends, Tim and their friends came to meeting of a girl named Yasue who seemed to have been wrongly accused in attacking the Police Force. The first two who have met with Yasue were Rachel and Tooru but didn't gain any proper answers, through the event before, the girl began chasing down a Shade where Tim finally entered and protected the wrong persom, by the time he met with the girl, it appeared that she seemed to be on his side, after explaining that 'Terror Shades' exist and that they are Ghastly Bodies who bring several nightmares to life, touched by Shadow Mist os the cause of such thing. But not long afyter the meeting, Ayuka and the rest split to searcu Shoujin Street after finding an essence of a Shade which was put in capsule. But as said, Tsukimi then arrived thinking that Yasue was their enemies and fought her, luckly for Tim he prevented the attack since Yasue proved tham that she was not the causer of the striked down Officers, her scarf was attached perfectly, or so they thought. As the heroes split into four world direction of Shoujin Street, they came across several enemies seperately. Ayuka fought Eito who was overwhelmningly overpowering her plus, she needed to protect Myles. Sayoro and Codey that reachest eastern fought Kobe who had an ability to manipulate green energy and even his own Ginken, spear! As for Tsukimi she came across a new ally, named Mia and with the two sticking together a fake, named Tina faced against them who looked almost identical to Yasue, but as the fight continued our Heroes ended victorious.

But for Tim, he came across a betrayal of Yasue who introduced their plan and that she WAS actually the one to take down those officers. Ayame was the one who began that, but with struggles, Tim and Ayuka were the final two to defeat their opponents, Ayuka reached near death experience and almost lost, but luckly to her newly introduced technique, "Hanatsu", she defeated Eito and as for Tim, his burning fire reached the second stage, now his fire could reach higher temperatures, even coloring to blue, after his struggles he won and even took care of Ayame and Yasue in one blow, who are now being stranded in prison! But... just as they thought everything was finished, there is another wave of Shades who are now hiding in Clock Tower. What will be happening next?

|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Sunday, 10:15 a.m.|

As we know, Tim seemed to have fell into consciousness, but his waking up, sure won't be very expecting.

From sleeping, Tim finally began opening his eyes when giving blinks from time to time. Right when he woke up, he felt confused and froze on the spot, seeing somebody above him. "Uh..." Confused from before to now, Tim looked at the person. "Gooooooood mooooorning! How's your nap been going on!!!" Mia taunted out with her words, Tim noticed that she had both of her arms next to two sides of his face, and her legs spread across to both sides as she kept kneeling over him. "Whaat! Wait! Who! Who are you!!!! What are you doing in my bed and why are you even in my house!?!" Tim asked when quickly crawling back near the wall and slapping his back at the wall. The girl who still didn't introduce herself, closed in with her estatic smile and faced right to the front of Tim's face, eyes and lips. Because of him being uncomfortable of her, he kept trying to back her away without touching her. "Ooh! Right! I'm just your nurse, the name is Mia Kaiyó!" Tim was still as of then confused. "My.... what?! Hey! Hey! No! No! I don't need a nurse! I just need some water, now back away!" But Tim felt something squeezing into his chest. "Come on, calm down, you just woke up, what's the problem here?" Mia asked when Tim kept sitting uncomfortable, noticing her long blue hair and very cute but confused face, however, with his eyes slowly acting, he confusingly looked at his own chest when becoming even more uncomfortable, after seeing Mia's breasts squeezing into him without her knowing either. "Eeeeek!" Tim immediately grabbed Mia's shoulder and gently pushed her back when rolling on the ground and backing away in the wall. "If you don't get out, I'm calling the police! What was your name? Mia? Yeah, if you~" But he was interfered. "Oh, don't give a worry, I'm not here to harm you!" Mia called but Tim became unamused. "Even if that's true, you're still at my home!!!" Yelling at Mia, Tim kept on pointing at her and raising and dropping arm constantly. Mia looked at him sideways. "Hm.... but, if other friends told me about home and they know me, is this still breaking in? Everything is still attached too!" Tim's eyes squiggled around after he faced to the back, he grabbed the closet's handle and dragged the door open. "Ayuk~" But as Tim hoped that Ayuka were there, he only saw his clothes. "Uh... Ayuka?" Tim questioned but then faced at Mia. "Oh, she isn't at home." Mia said, still very confused. "At HOME?! This was not her home either way! Thank god she's gone!" Tim shut the door closed. "Oh! Hey! Want me to make you a morning breakfast or something to drink." Mia made another cute smile when Tim confidently answered. "No, thank you, I can care of myself." Mia became disappointed. "Aw... come on, why must you be so mean..." She said with a sad but angry face in one. "I'm not! Besides, you're the one who broke into MY apartment! Now, please make your way out!" As Tim continued complaining about this situation, Mia sighed. "Why? But I was so wondering to meet you!" Mia sat down on the bed with crossed legs and arms, making a 'hmph' look. ".... Fine! Whatever, then stay here! But~" Calling out to her, something knocked on the door. Since Tim just woke up to weirdness, he sighed annoyingly and then quickly rushed to open the door. "Yeah? What, is it another intruder if so you can just~" But Tim was unable to finish the sentence, he became unamused he came across a police who just visited him.

"Hello, sorry for early arrival, but we have several questions about some girl, roaming around city, people have been seeing her moving in very unnatural sight. "Uh...." Tim faced at the photo and his right eye flinched, seeing Mia's photo on it. "Have you seen her anywhere, it was this morning in Furó Street, we've been questioning this entire street." Mia who heard the conversation stood behind Tim by the door confused, now being dressed into a beige sweater and what seemed short pants for home. The policeman faced at the girl. "That's her! Strain her~" But soon after, the policeman readied in, Tim jumped ahead. "Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! Don't worry! Please you can't be sure, but listen to me, the girl you see on the photo it's not her!" Tim smiled uncomfortably and embarrassingly. ("As much as I WANT her to be gone, I need more answers from her...) Tim secretly thought in his mind. "Boy, we are very sorry but we need answers from the girl, she is identical to the one girl on the photo." The policeman spoke. "I know, but please, let me explain!" The policemen finally began to listen. "Fine, but hurry up, who is she then?" The policeman asked. "The girl you see on the photo is her twin sister! The girl studies in gymnastic and is very skilled." Tim explaimed with a smile. "Right.... then explain, why is the exact girl on the photo, with you and you're trying to keep her away from us?" Mia then finally stepped in and reached with her left arm over Tim's opposite shoulder. "Why you ask? Wouldn't you protect your own girlfriend's safety!" Mia immediately gave a smile and blinked. ("...What?! Girlfriend?! Are you serious, is she crazy, no way!!") Tim kept yelling in his own mind. "Hm, you two are partners? Oh... then I'm sorry, we'll look for her twin sister, sorry for the inconvinience. We'll take our leave and thank you for the help!" The policeman backed away and closed the door after. The other partner that was with the questioning officers asked outside after walking to the elevator. "Do you actually believe them?" "I do believe into everything else, apart from her twin sister... but gymnastic and love, that goes with the event! Don't know why those people were weirded out by her...." The policeman said when putting his photo into the pocket. But back in the apartment. "What?! Are you crazy!? You? My girfriend, was that your way out, seriously?!?!" Shouting at his 'new roomate', Tim backed away. "Yah! Besides, you wanted to help me so badly, I already see you like me!" She made a protective and knowing smile. "That's not true! I just needed to keep you around so that you would answer my questions!!" As Tim raised his voice, his eyes continued flinching. "Alright then, go on, what are the questions, buddy?" Mia sat down onto the sofa and leaned back. "First I need an answer to who are you?" Mia faced at Tim and smiled. "Oh, right! I guess you haven't figured out yet, I'm the Soul Caller who Gintoki probably told you about!" By the time, Mia answered, Tim became confused. "Wait... but... Yasue said it was her, or I thought it was her, her aura felt quite identical to the other Soul Callers." Mia sighed. "You really believed her to everything she said... hear me out." Mia spoke now finally began explaining on her own. "Currently the two of us are the final two Soul Callers, but you're basically like a substitude-Soul Caller, if that's how you'd like to think it! I say 'substitude', because you are partially human, Ginkenian and also now a Soul Caller, human in basic life, Ginkenian once in your Combat Stage and Soul Caller, because you are able to talk to your own Soul, I prefer to keep my speech away from the Soul inside of my own Ginken! And, as for Yasue, she probably was copying a spiritual aura just like some Ginkenians, she just played you out like an idiot, no doubts about it!" Mia yawned with her mouth once answering a few things. "You are aware of that~" But before Tim spoke, Mia interfered. "I'm aware to of what happened to Gintoki and the rest... but, we weren't really very 'communicative', when I heard a new and the final Soul Caller lived in this, uh 'weird' city, I set out to return and give you a visit." While she successfuly explained many things, Tim still seemed annoyed. "Whatever you say, but how did you even find my home, how did you even meet up with one of my friends?" Tim asked, but to his own regrets, he became uncomfortable. "Oh! Right! I totally forgot about that!" Mia laughed on the spot. "I just came across Tsukimi! From there on, I decided to find you, you were so bested by Yasue, Ayame and those Shades!" Her laughs were making Tim more and more and more annoyed. "Whatever! How about Ayuka, do you know where she's gone?" Tim asked and tried to be careful. "No! Haven't seen her since the time Tsukimi introduced her to me..." But those words were now stressing Tim out.

|Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Sunday, 10:24 a.m.|

Ayuka walked past a block while she made sure nobody was around with silent movement, she faced at a smaller building ahead and walked toward it, she knocked on the door when a younger boy opened the door. "What do you want?" Ayuka faced at the boy and that even made the boy surprised. "I need to talk to him..."

To be continued...