78. A chrisis of the missing brace!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

|Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Sunday, 10:24 a.m.|

Ayuka walked past a block while she made sure nobody was around with silent movement, she faced at a smaller building ahead and walked toward it, she knocked on the door when a younger boy opened the door. "What do you want?" Ayuka faced at the boy and that even made the boy surprised. "I need to talk to him..." The boy then said. "What if I don't want to let you in? Think about that?" The boy asked who had kind of confident look. "Now, now Akira, worry not let us see what our beloved Ayuka has got to tell us." A man smiled who seemed to be a bit older and as well quite a jokester of some kind. "Right! Yeah! Sure!" Akira then spoke and moved to the side. There was also a cat that talked. "Hey to you too Akari." Said Ayuka who looked at the cat. "Just who I didn't expect to see." The cat named Akari seemed to be able and talk, it had a male voice. "So, Kirashito, what exactly brings you here?" The man asked with crossed arms after the question. "I need a few answers and help from you." After Ayuka said something strange came to the mind of the rest. "Oh, not much for you to ask about something..." Man gave additional smile and turned around. "Then, come on, may you enter too." Following the rest, Ayuka entered. "Some tea?" With accepting the offer, Ayuka nodded and then sat behind the table, the man was preparing tea while Akari layed on the kitty bed. "Tsch, why do I gotta deal with this girl... ugh." Spoke Akira once crossing his arms and sat down on the table. "Come now, Akira, be nice to our guest!" Smiled the man who continued with his tea. "So now, tell me what you would like to know." "I've come across a a boy, named Tim.... he's around 175 centimeters tall, he seemed to have been able and see me for the first time when I chased down a Demon." The time that Ayuka explained, Tim continued to roam around Tokyo City and strike out the weak demons that were scaring people.

"Heesh, dealing with these Demons, and still have not come in path between Ayuka..."

"Oh... a new Ginkenian?" Questioned the man and then waited for an answer. "Well, I suppose he is now, but before he gained his own Ginken, he also met up with Giovanni, because of Giovanni's death, Tim now took over.... I'm here to ask you, if you have the 'Type Brace', he could use one before I leave..." Spoke Ayuka who asked in wonders. "Hm, why do you need the brace, we only have several but are the copies of another." The man said, but Ayuka soon then answered. "Exactly, he needs the real and not a copy, he needs it if he wishes to keep his power... even I had difficulties before I got mine." Ayuka showed a white brace on her right wrist after raising the arm. "Are you actually worried about a Ginkenian, you know, Ayuka.... you never cared much about others, so what's with this guy! Oh, I get it, you're falling for him!" But right when the man said, Ayuka declined. "Quit being an idiot, that's not it! But getting to meet him properly, I believe that he could potentially reach even more than now, he needs to get the brace so his powers don't disappear." Said Ayuka rushing in words. "The problem is, the final 'Type Brace' was given to another a few years back... however..... we can use a different item which could be really helpful for him... much better quality too." Finally the man began talking some interesting words. "What type of item, though?" Ayuka added up by questioning him. "It's a....."

|Tokyo City - Arigato Street - Sunday, 10:40 a.m.|

Tim dropped down while hearing a woman scream, with his sword hanging behind, he sliced through the Demons body and quickly took care of it, it was another human, with her bottom on the floor, she was scared but confused. "W....What happened, why is there... why did it..." The woman stood up and rushed away. "....I won't get used to this... not them seeing me..." Tim looked at the floor and noticed a photo. "Was... this dropped by the girl....? Hey! Wait!" But unable to hear him, the woman just ran into the distance. "Wait up!" After running from the alley, Tim immediately lost contact with the girl because of the giant crowd of people. "....Just great....." The blood evaporated from the floor of the Demon and then Tim continued searching for Ayuka.

|Tokyo City - Sekai Street - Sunday, 10:46 a.m.|

In Sekai Street, a boy walked while Rachel, Tooru and Chapple once again decided to go on for a walk. "Where are you bringing us now.... Tooru?" Rachel once again bored of the attitude asked. "Isn't that simple! We're taking a very cute break, we're visiting the Sekai Museum!" Tooru who was very estatic answered then clapped with her hands. "Seriously, what are we going to do in museum? Watch the historical crap or something, not very interested y'know." Chapple who was the taller, walking behind easily answered already annoyed for a quick instant. "Hey! Watch it big guy! We're going to show ourselves and enjoy the entertaining purpose of the museum, can't wait!" Tooru jumped up and down on the spot when clapping as well. Rachel and Chapple zoomed their heads together. "Yeah, why did we agree to go with her anyway?" Rachel spoke while almost speaking loud enough for Tooru to hear. "Don't ask me, but we can be certain that this girl is crazy, going to museum, like heesh...." After Tooru spun around, the two friends of her stepped sideway away from each other. "Alright! Here it is, an amazing museum to which we can be very proud that exists!" She pointed up over the stairs at the standing building, but then they noticed Codey and somebody else. "Shades, huh? That's really convinient, are you sure you haven't been daydreaming, Code?" A boy next to him giggled, both of the two were walking down the stairs. "Wha'? C'mon matey... why won't you just take it seriously, haven't you seen it all over the rules, even I came across one with Sayori...." The boy now began to believe somewhat evenly. "Uh, well, it's really hard for me to believe such thing, but, if you say, I bet it's true!" The boy next to Codey answered and looked to the sides. ("I feel uncomfortable, what if he figures out about me too...") Thought the boy, but then, Codey's name was quickly called out. "Hey! Codey! Who's your new friend?" Codey became squiggly into his eyes but shook the head after seeing his friends. ("And there we go, more people....") The boy thought but sighed after facing at Codey, nicely and calmly. "Oh! This is Kanji! I met him just after the.....*cough*....Tim came in contact with his, how to put it.... enemies..." Tooru, Rachel and Chapple became serious but unamused. "Why are you hiding things from us, we already know about his~" But before saying, Rachel stopped Tooru. "Right... well, don't worry, Kanji knows too." Codey's fronted friends looked at Kanji. "Oah! So your name is Kanji! Real smooth my guy!" Rachel and Chapple both squashed their palms at Tooru. "Don't.... call him that, it makes it weird after just meeting him... don't make us feel worse..." Two of them asked, but Tooru rolled with her eyes and looked away, sighing out.

"Kanji, these here are Chapple, Rachel and Tooru, few of my friends." Quiet for a few minutes and without words, Kanji finally woke up from stopping. "Ah! Sorry! Right! Right! Nice to meet you!" Kanji said when putting his phone into the back pocket. "Same here! So, what were you two doing in this museum, anything interesting?" Chapple added up for a question. "Yeah! You bet, there is so much history about Tokyo City and many items that we never knew about... it is F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!" Hearing Codey actually enjoying the museum, both Rachel and Chapple fixed their smiles to unamusement, right in instant. "Hey! See! Told you! If Codey says it, then the museum is much better than we thought!" Smiled Tooru, but dots appearing above Rachel and Chapple made it feel uncomfortable, the wind quietly blew as everybody stood still. "Ah! Don't worry, they just fell into confusion, no worries!" Tooru quickly leaned over Rachel's shoulder. But as the time passed by, Codey noticed Tim in the distance, air stepping, heading to the museum. ("What is up, why is he in his Soul Calling uniform, I need to link up...") Codey thought quietly after seeing the zooming Tim, even Kanji saw it in surprise but seemed to be serious. But soon, the screams from people reached through. "Hey! What's going on?! Why is everybody screaming?" Tooru asked while each and every single one of them started to look around. But then, they saw a group of three demons, roaming and rushing the museum. "Run! We're going to die!" People shouted out loud.

The demons running around were filled with hunger. One of the Demons descended from the hard wall and jumped against the girl and the mother. They were both loudly frightened but luckily, Tim's body disappeared from the air and quickly appeared on the ground, with a quick, side and front bump, Tim quickly defended that mother and daughter, pushing with his sword and quickly pushing the Demon aside, who let out an angry roar. The demon rolled on the ground but quickly got up and, with a group of two others, attacked Tim. With a sword in front of him, Tim slashed and instantly released his attack, the X-shaped 'Firestorm Gesture' flew at the three Demons and slashed them out of space through and also set them on fire, with a loud roar the three Demons roared and disappeared into the red glitter. Tim pulled his sword back and luckily, all that was destroyed were thinner walls of the buildings. Tim put his sword on the back and ran to the others who seemed to be confused. "Tim, what are you doing around here?" Rachel asked, and people seemed confused as they saw Tim's friends talking to air. Showing them to quiet down, Tim stepped ahead. "I know this is unexpecting, but I still haven't found Ayuka! Have you by any chance saw her leave or go somewhere?" But his friends looked at each other. Kanji quickly slipped ahead. "Wow! That was awesome, they call you Tim! Are you another Ginkenian!" But with Kanji's face almost touching Tim's own, Tim stepped back uncomfortable. "You can see me, how?" But then everybody became confused. "Wha'? How do you know about Ginkenians at all?" Tooru asked who was confused again. "Oh! I just read it in the book! I'm surprised that they are actually real, Codey! Why didn't you tell me you have a Ginkenian friend too, you only said about yourself!" Kanji asked, estatic and amazed. "So, now you've found a blonde boy?" Tim asked confusingly. "Uh, ehehe...eh.....uhmmm.... well.... let's NOT talk about it, please!" Codey sighed, strained in weirdness. "No fair, why do you have such fun friends!" But soon, Tim became annoyed. "Look, I'm only here for the question I gave, have you seen Ayuka or have you not?" But with others disagreeing, they shook heads. "Sadly no... why though?" Asked Rachel, stepped at the front. "It's just that! Mia told me about it, so I'm trying to figure out if she's alright." The rest looked. "But why are you so worried, she can take care of herself anyway." Chapple added through. "Yeah, I know, but there has got to be at least some kind of reason of her NOT saying where she went.... I need to find her, then get answers from her.... and Codey, keep others together, there have been more and more Demons lately, gotta hurry now, thanks for the help I guess!" With a quick Vanishing Dash, Tim disappeared in the air and skimmed his run over the air. "Now I suppose, that might be actually confusing... y'know...." Codey provoke the speech. "Yeah, I agree too... but I trust Tim to find her..." As Tooru spoke, they finally decided to enter the museum. ("I'm aware that she's skilled and strong... but... finding her, does keep me worried a little....") Tim thought as he continued to rule over his path...

To be continued...