79. An influence of a losing power!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

|Tokyo City - Furó Street - Sunday, 3:40 p.m.|

Returning home, Tim quickly walked toward the sofa, but freezing on the spot, made him confused and with another few pair of flinching eyes. "W....what are.... you... doing... I thought I told you to get out of my home." Tim asked who watched at Mia, sitting on the sofa. "I'm just polishing my nails! Looks good, doesn't it?" She showed it to Tim but he couldn't care less about the girly stuff. "Where'd you even get the proper tools for that?" "Oh, I just borrowed one of my friends money, uh... without questioning him first." Tim was quite annoyed, however his confusion was far more weird. "And who might that friend be~" Before he completely asked, he immediately realized and rushed into the living room's shelf once searching into his own wallet. Almost his eyes spewing out made him to shout. "It's gone! Where did it!?!" Tim immediately turned around and faced at Mia who was confused. "Oh, did I forget that it was you who I borrowed it from, sorry!" Tim rustled in into her face with his wallet left in the arm. "Are you stupid! You can't just steal anything or take anything from me! You thieeeeef!!" Tim shouted once being quite annoyed in anger. Mia made an uncomfortable yet embarrassed smile. "Why sorry, heesh, don't need to be so rude!" But as Tim heard the word 'rude', he interfered back. "Rude?! Only one who WAS rude is you, you stole a handy money! Are you kidding, have your parents never taught you how to ask before taking it!?" Tim shouted very loudly that even Ayuka who seemed to have been returning heard it. "Well if I were to ask, you'd just say no, and I needed some toy to play around while I'm staying in this trash-bag." Tim's skin whitened and froze on the spot. "Trash-bag?" Tim shook his head and pointed right ahead. "My home is not a TRASH-BAG! You bi~" But before Tim completed his word, the door opened and as it did Ayuka stepped in. "....What is going on?" Tim and Mia both faced at the standing Ayuka, when Mia who sat on the sofa, reached for Tim and hugged him in, his face was dugged into her breasts as he immediately became uncomfortable. "Awww! Have you never seen a boy and a girl make out?!" Mia asked while Tim's body constantly seemed to be squeezed into her body. ("It's so squishy! This is not comfortable! Let me, let me go!!") Tim now tried to yell out, but unable to because of his mouth being squashed in. Ayuka's face became immediately hot in the face. "Mrhmh...mrhmh..." But Tim was unable to talk, Mia made a smile and squeezed him back in, but then Myles entered and he immediately froze on the spot. Mia looked at him with with her mouth opened in a circluar shape, after seeing Tim's face being squashed in, his nose bursted and exploded on the ground. Ayuka stepped to the side, very uncomfortable, but Myles then stood up, cleaned the mess and ran in. "TIM! HOW DARE YOU! I BUSTED YOU! NOW I SEE YOU! YOU'RE A REAL PERVERT! Let me join in on the fun!" He jumped forward but, Tim was let go and Mia stood up and let Myles flying down onto the ground smashing his face into a wall, once his body flinched. "Are you stupid?! Are you trying to kill me, I could have barely been able to breath!!!" Tim began pointing front and then up and down. "Admit it, 'making out' with me was entertaining!" Mia called, but Tim dropped on the floor. "MAKING OUT?!" Myles straighed back up and faced at Tim, once jumping onto his back. "Hey! Get off! Get off, Myles!!" But Tim and Myles began to keep on pulling or pushing themselves by the skin. "Myles! If you don't stop you are NEVER getting any more food by me!" Tim loudly shouted once pulling Myles off. "I don't need you NASTY MINDED food, I got Ayuka to make food!" But soon as Myles yelled... something was said by Ayuka. "Not anymore." He froze on the spot and faced at her. "Whaaaaat?!?" Tim cleaned the dust as he crossed his arms. "See, told you!" But soon then... "Same goes for you..." Ayuka added unamusingly and faced at Tim, who froze on the spot. "WHAAAAAAT?!" Both of the two boys dropped on the floor and lost their hopes. "This is it... we're done for...." Tim of course agreed to what Myles said. "But wait up a minute! Where have you been wandering of too, I searched for you and didn't find you anywhere, so mind explaining your early-morning disappearence?" Ayuka looked at Tim and proceeded with a partially short answer. "Was trying to shop for some 'supplies', can it not be done?" Myles then stood up next to Tim and gave a nod. "Yeah Tim! Why are you so rushy on a girl, she can be free for a while, y'know, maybe she visited somebody, nobody knows who a girl is dating." As Myles had his arms crossed he kept nodding. Tim gave unamusing look down at Myles. "And I thought you didn't let other boys, dating her, do not act innocently, besides, she hasn't been here for that long, so she sure could use someone by now..." Both Myles and Tim accepted their nods. Slowly beginning to think of saying, Ayuka became quite annoyed. "Hey! I didn't say she can! I just she could have been! And that, I do not take lightly... yet..." But then Ayuka shouted. "I didn't go on a date without NO one! Don't be too stupid, you're both foolish already!" Ayuka angrly shouted once both of the boys looked. "Hm... why not, you seem like a girl that could easily date someone, that be a boy or a girl... just look, a perfect shape of your boobs." Mia added up, quickly moving behind her and grabbing Ayuka's breasts to show, Ayuka who was already embarrassed kept flinching on the spot. "Great outfit too." Mia raised the back of her clothing. "Beautiful long hair!" Mia swiped her tailed hair ahead. "And shining blue eyes, it's just perfect!" Mia called. Ayuka immediately covered her breasts with crossed arms and kept her embarrassement. "Are you crazy or something!? Don't be another pervert!!!" Ayuka shouted who faced to the right, Tim looked at the right after seeing Myles. "That.... was squishful and HOT." Myles's nose bled almost when he smashed the parted body on the floor. "Why did you do that in front of the two guys! You fool!" Ayuka loudly shouted as she faced at Mia. "This is most difficult life I'd imagined." Tim seemed to be disencouraged and also unamused, he walked toward his room and shut the door. "Wait! Tim! I got something that you might need." Tim opened the door once again and sweeped through the opening. "What is it now?" Ayuka reached onto her back pocket and dragged out a some kind of a triangular object with a flame symbol. "Eh?" Tim's eyes fliched once and then twice. "It's a 'Type Bracelet', well it's not exactly a bracelet, but it's a 'Type Object', call the shape whatever you want... but it's an item to keep your powers attached." Ayuka said and reached forward, but Tim declined her item. "No thanks!" Mia and Ayuka looked at him confused. "Don't need it, I'm fine without it." But Ayuka quickly stepped in with her words. "No! You need it, your powers will disappear at some point if you don't use this item." But Tim, as he kept declining her offer, sighed. "Don't worry, I'll be fine..." Tim walked toward the room. "...Wait! Tim, but, you got to~" Before entering his room, Tim already seemed to have left through the window. "Well... that totally went smooth." Mia quacked out. "What a fool! I have to give this thing to him!" Ayuka looked through the window first but she was unable to see him, soon after she rushed down the stairs. "Hey! What about me?!" Mia asked but she was also quickly given an answer, that was also unexpected. "Keep an eye out on that pervert, you two are almost the same!" Ayuka was already down on the outside. "Hey! I'm not a pervert.... aw come on, what so wrong about girl's touching each other, same goes for boys, like, why...." Sighed Mia when scratching her hair.

|Tokyo City - Furó Street - Sunday, 4:40 p.m.|

Tim who was air stepping on the air, felt some sort of painful feeling, once he looked around, he quickly faced around and ignored the pain. "A Soul Caller... it's him who we should worry about?" It was a Demon, standing on both feet, but the other Demon seemed to be more quiet, what was strange, these two Demons didn't seem no where near to a human and had an ability to talk, or at least certainly for one. "Why should we worry about him, he doesn't seem tought at all..... how did 'Turbulent Fiends' and those 'Terror Shades' even struggled about someone like him, he's just a teenager boy..." The Demon laughed and followed the movement of Tim. After a few seconds, they saw a girl. "Come on! Is he blind! Tim! Hey!" But because of the heavy wind, Tim was unable to hear Ayuka. "Damn, what is going on, he should be able to at least sense my Spiritual Symbolism, what's up with him?" Ayuka asked who decided and jumped higher into the air and then ran on the roofs so she was able to keep up with Tim over the rooftops, jumping. "Oh? A girl is following him, what a sweetheart too, why don't we just take care of both?" The Demon laughed and his laughter was heard in the distance by other people. "Tim! Are you trying to ignore me, hey!" Tim faced at Ayuka and became confused. )"W... what... A...Ayuka, but.... I couldn't sense her? How is that possible, I could easily sense somebody who was using Air Step.") Thinking through his mind, Tim also realized he was unable to sense Demons either. "Stop moving! Why are you still rushing!" Ayuka shouted but then, Tim quickly felt something, the next step that he made on the air was incapable of being complete, instead he dropped and quickly began falling down the the road. Ayuka was surprised and stretched her left arm, grabbing a pole on the roof and used it to turn towards the edge of the roof, she jumped of that edge and head her drop for Tim. "What is going on! I can't seem to reconstruct the Air Stepping! Hey! What's wrong with me!" Tim was too focused on his falling and couldn't keep his attention on Ayuka, but as he was about to smash at the floor, Ayuka just landed on a street light and grabbed Tim's foot once he faced up in confusion, now he was hanging just above the traffic. "Ayuka?" Tim was shocked and even confused. "Gotcha! What were you thinking, dropping down at such height with face down first, you fool?" She asked with her right eye closed because of the heavy wind, she pulled Tim towards the street light who seemed to at least be able and stand on it. "Now, would you tell me, this drop was going to kill you if you fell at such height." Ayuka asked who stood on the pole, Tim was shocked and confused of himself. "But.... I didn't intend to.. it just felt as if I were to lose a platform.... it didn't let me stand on the air... and I... even couldn't sense your Spiritual Symbolism." Tim looked into his own palm trying to think of something. People however were confused, looking at the shaky light pole. "They should fix that street light... it seems dangerous for people to drive or walk under it..." A man said since they were unable to see Tim nor Ayuka. "What.... do you mean? That's what happened?" Ayuka added out and looked at Tim, who gave her a nod. "It felt as if I lost my powers in that singular instant..."

To be continued...