81. An reunition of the family!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

|Tokyo City - Mainichi no kimochi High School - Friday 4:50 p.m.|

As the students began walking from different classes of Mainichi no kimochi Hight School, they seemed to have been quite happy for it to he once again, friday. Codey, Tim, Ayuka and Mia seemed to be heading home too. "Finally... friday!" Mia said with a breath out. "What, have you already became bored, nobody told you to stay in the school anyway." Tim fixed the bag on his shoulder and was quickly given an answer. "Nope! If I want to NOT be obvious I may as well stay in high school, like all others, plus now that I got a place to stay, this is much easier...." Answered Mia with a giggle while obviously talking about Tim's apartment. "You've better stay in cell, favouring me quiet time." But Mia declined his words. "I wonder how it feels staying in the same apartment." As Codey thought with a question he directed his look at Tim. "Stupid enough... I gotta keep these two babies hidden so that I keep my home...." As Ayuka and Mia heard that, they immediately looked at him. "Hey! We're not babies you fool!" But uncaring Tim just couldn't bother. "Oh! By the way! Codey, what's your plan for the weekened?" Tim asked. "Oh, I decided to go out for a walk with Kanji, nothing much since all of you have some strange feeling tasks." Tim just gave unamusement to all others around him. "Ohh! Hey! Hey! Tim! Ayuka! Codey and Mia!" Odina hurried through the hallway with Chapple. "Uh, what's the rush?" Tim wondered in crowded confusion. "Nothing we just finished our final class so may we join your army of allies?" Chapple spoke who faced at the rest. "Don't care, do whatever you want." Ayuka immediately striked Tim into his shoulder once his nose flinched. "Was THAT necessary?" But as for Ayuka she just addicted her nod through. "Well you got a mail that somebody will be visiting you today, y'know that right?" Tim was very confused on how Ayuka knew it at all. "How do you even know that... are you stalking my private stuff, just wow...." Tim annoyingly said and almost puked out. "Now, just calm down! You were sent a letter, while you were dealing with... uh showering, the postman arrived and brought you the letter, here check it!" She gave thus letter to him. "Uh, how did you even accept the letter if it weren't me, what did you tell him?" Odina and Chapple who joined them now faced at Ayuka. "I, uh... just said~"

{"Miss, we have a mail for Tim Shinkaku, would you please call him so he takes it and writes down his name?" The postman said. "I can just sign it by myself, he isn't at home." Ayuka said while overwhelmingly confused by the postman. "We aren't allowed to give a letter to~" But Ayuka made something up. "What if I'm his girlfriend?" The postman froze. "Oh, I uh... apologise... then sure you may..." Ayuka almost gagged when saying that. ("I'm never saying these words again, this postman is really stupid!") Ayuka then signed it down and the postman left.}

"I only said I'm your friend and he seemed to allow me to sign it..." Ayuka spoke and looked to the side without others noticing her annoyance. "Uh, that's not how they usually give it...." Odina then stopped Tim. "Oh! Oh! I know! He still might be a rookie so he understood it incorrectly, right Ayuka?" Ayuka nodded after Odina's thoughts. "Yeeeeaaah! That waaas probably the case!" Look giving Ayuka snapped her two fingers. "You... don't sound very convincing..." Tim seemed to be once again unamused.

But through. They finally left the school and Tim returned home with Ayuka and Mia, which Myles adored but Tim really hated it.

|Tokyo City - Furó Street - Friday, 5:10 p.m.|

Tim dropped his bag at the side and then stepped to the kitchen and grabbed what he wanted a cold breeze of juice. "Do you even know who's coming to visit?" Tim asked in confusion when facing at his holding juice. "How should I know, I only took care of your buisness, didn't read through your stuff, I'm just THAT polite!" Ayuka answered with a grin and smile. "The package is- or, letter is on your endtable!" Tim immediately took a look at the letter and opened it, but as soon as he was about to open it... the doorbell rang. "Well that is probably what the letter says!" Ayuka added but with Tim stepping to the door, he immediately opened them and was surprised. "HEY! My lovely son! Tim! How has been gooooooi-oiiiiing!" A man said and as he was about to jump at Tim he immediately slipped on the spot, but even to such failure of a visitor, Tim seemed to be shocked, two other girls were also standing on the hallway. "Hi! Good to see you again, brother!! After 5 years! You've grown so much, Timmy!" A girl said who was around 12 years old. "Ava! Charlotte! Dad?! But~" Before Tim could speak, his father immediately jumped at him. "Let me see what you learned!" His dad rushed forward with a kick which seemed to be a every so often routine between his dad which was supposed to he dead and Tim. But as Tim immediately slapped the leg of his dad, his dad spun on the air from the touch and spun on the floor, then sweeped to the wall. "Whao! Whoa! Whao! Whao! Whoaaaaaa!!" His dad seemed to have been going nuts. "I thought you were SUPPOSED to be dead?!?" Tim loudly shouted in anger but also happiness. "And you! Charlotte... Ava, you've grown so much while staying with grandma! How was time spending there?!" Tim asked with a very nice look and smile. Ayuka who stood behind all others and looking down at Tim's dad seemed to said. "Wasn't his dad supposed to be dead... and... nobody told me about him having two younger sisters!?!" But before Ayuka faced back down, Tim's dad looked up. "Oh! Hello there? Tim! Timboy! Which of these two chicks is your girlfriend! Can you introduce us!" But Tim faced back immediately. "Neither of them are! Don't be stupid!!!" Tim embarrassingly shouted. "Awh! Come on! No need to be hiding! I know this pretty lady, right here is your future wife! You just gotta get thy ring for' er!" Tim began waving with his arms up and down. "You got it all wrong! Don't be so stupid!!!" "Awh! So why the HELL are you then so red in your cheeks! Eeeeh?" Asked Tim's father who seemed to be full of energy and extreme amount of smiles. "It's because you're yelling before strangers and calling out some random ballsack like a totally weird ostrich, yelling in crazy shouts! Explain to me rathet how are you here! My mother told me that you were killed before you disappeared too?!?!?" "Well, it appeared that our dad wanted to be an idiot and before our mother.... died.... he talked her to lie to us... he seemed to have been very buisy with some random attendances." A girl who had rather black shorter hair and black eyes spoke and as for the other, Ava was quite cute and very polite with her brown hair and black eyes. "Yeah... but now! Dad right here decided to re-show himself to us so we decided to go talo to you again... and... uhm... for our grandmother.. she... died because of an illness...." Ava explained switching down to depressed like feelings. "Why didn't you hang it out to me by call or something!?" Tim who was facing at his two sisters, asked. "Timmy! We have a surprise for all of us, your two girlfriends can also come with us!" Tim stretched his look back to his dad. "What do you mean?! Where are we supposed to be going anyway?!" Tim was quickly given an answer. "And stop calling them my girlfriends!!!" Dad ignored Tim for a few seconds but then he finally spoke. "We'll be setting our sail to a different street and different home! Now that our family has regrouped, we may as well live together!!" Tim became very squisy into his face. "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! So excited! I wanna come! I wanna see!" Mia began clapping in front of her, right directly ahead of Tim's dad. "Aha! So she is your girlfriend! Very well! Blue was your favourite colour from birth! So she is very, very entertaining for you! Have you done any of the ~" But before the man or as we know, Tim's dad spoke, Tim smashed his palm on the lips and whirled his father into the wall. "Whack-a-mole! I'm not a mole!!!!!" The dad called when almost becoming a wall painting. "I know what you were gonna say and I will not let you!" Tim loudly shouted as he pointed at his dad in funny anger. "....na~" But Tim omce again stopped his dad. "Don't say it!" But then. "Dirty stuff!" The dad made a wink and made Tim even more angry. "I SAID, don't say it!" Mia who was confused, put a the pointing finger on her lips. "Did I miss something....?" Ayuka then faced at Mia and gave her an answer. "I'm glad you're dumb..." Mia scratched her hair and snapped. "Oh! Oh! Dirty stuff! Like laundry! Sure, I can handle it~" But immediately, Ayuka shut down Mia by pressing her hand on Mia's mouth. "Sorry, she just is a bit too stressed meeting new people!" Ayuka added through and made an innocent smile. "I see these two have not changed between each other at all..." Charlotte spoke but as for Ava, she just giggled. "I suppose they can rumble a bit more since they reunited!" Charlotte just faced at at Ava as the two of them heard yells, screams, shouts and complains around them.

But after a few minutes, they calmed down.

"So, would you mind explaining me this 'new home' situation?" "Of courseee! We'll move to Ginga Street in Tokyo! Just a few blocks away from Furó Street! And once again we'll live together as a family, with our new member~, uhh....~ what's your girlfriend's name... uh..." Tim became in a rusted concluded dissapointement but ignorance of annoyance and unamusement. "They are NOT my girlfriend!! This is Ayuka and that's Mia and no way, even if we do move, I am not letting these two, rascals living with us! Why can't I just stay here!!?" But when Tim asked, the two girls looked at him unamused. "Rascals... did he really just call us..... 'RASCALS'?" Ayuka asked. "Yeah! Yeah! Pretty much!" With quick wording system and nod, Mia spoke. ".....Fool....!"

"You cannot stay here because the rent is soon going to be finished aaaaaaaaand and for the two girlfriends! We have a seperate room so you may sleep with Timboy!" But soon after, dad's call, Tim smashed his fist into dad's face and flexibly knocked him back. "Fine! I'll go! Just shut up with this stupid girl-ass-friend-ass, crap!" Tim's dad name was

Dasuke and as from there... Dasuke gave them a well known smile. "Perfect! Perfeeeect! This is gonna be the most smooth, experienced and beautiful reunition with my giggly Timboy! Let us be once again a proper fam~" But as he was about to finish, Tim smashed a pillow into Dasuke's face. "Get a life, moron!" Tim added through as the soft pillow dropped on the floor. "No! My Most-smooth-beautiful-and-elegant-pillow! How dare you drop it!!!!!!" Tim just gave an answer. "It wasn't me who dropped it.... I just gave it to you, but you didn't pick it up, moron...." Dasuke dropped on all four and began crying out loud. "Such fresh and polite pillow... rest in peace.... I will miss you!" Everybody who listened to Dasuke were unamused. "Oh boy... this will be strange...." Ayuka was the final who gave a word.

To be continued...