82. Existance of 'Demonical Ginkenians'!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Friday, 6:30 p.m.|

Tim, Dasuke and his two younger sisters stood before a house. Tim who was unamused was given a flinchy eye. "I...am not used to a house.... couldn't you have picked an apartment rather?" Tim asked who was out triggered by the house. "Nope! I could have NOT found apartment with three seperate rooms! So, this is now your prison!" But after saying such word, Tim answered. "Why do you call every home a prison!? What is your problem!" Tim angrly asked in annoyance. "Why you ask! Now that is the most simple damn question! Because! You'reeeeee stuck in it!" Dasuke called confidentally and then clapped with his dad-armed fingers. "Shut up for once, I might of have been even more glad when you were 'dead'!" Both of Tim's sisters looked at him. "Yeah, for his age he acts like a swarm child..." Charlotte added up with a very unpleasent or unamused face. "We can't do much about it, though!" Ava hurried to add an answer along the rest, soon after, Dasuke layed on the floor. "My children grow so fast! It's almost cry-giveful!" Called Dasuke but then Tim answered. "Stop rolling on the floor like a hedgehog for once!" Tim spoke but Dasuke stood up. "Ah! I get it! Having a girl you love could potentially keep you a bit disasterous!" But to Tim's better, he kept his unamusement to himself, but showed it with his expression. "Stop calling them anything that involves girlfriend in the meaning, they are only friends you moron!" Tim answered to Dasuke but, as if he were to listen. "Whaaaaa', come on, we all know you like one of them!" Swore Dasuke once still acting like a baby on the floor, that was constantly making Tim even more upset and annoyed. "Shut up!!!" Two sisters of Tim looked at each other. "Charlotte, don't you think they are going at it for too long, they could help with boxes..." Spoke Ava who was holding a lighter box in her two hands. "Eh? They'll be going at it for a while, we'll just make them do the cleaning and other crap in our home, besides, once these two start, there's almost no end to it." Spoke Charlotte after hearing Tim and Dasuke, standing behind holding a box and complaining with proper argues. "I suppose you may be right, too the 'inside' we go." Ava giggled after smiling from the answer she was given, but then very strange, Tim heard a 'beep' on his phone. "Ah! See! Your girlfriend is calling you!" Tim who already had too much on his mind faced and began thinking. ("Two Demons? Now, seriously? Where is it, come on?") Tim faced around the area to try and scout it clearer, but incapable of doing so, he hurried to look and wondered where these two Demons could be. Dasuke who was confused to his own son, asked. "Uhm, Timboy, everything alright!" But with complains, Tim accepted the thought of rushing. "Shut up and help your daughters, I gotta hurry and check for something or someone..." Tim put his phone into the pockets of his jeans and rushed East. "Hey! Hey! Timboy! Yo!" But Dasuke then became quiet, closed his eyes with confident smile. "Go get the hold of your beloved... do not fail me my son!" As Dasuke began shouting, his tears began flowing down his eyes, thankfully because overhappiness. "Heesh, his parent's suck!" Myles just grabbed a box and carried it inside of the home. "I'm surprised Tim allowed you to stay with us even...." Ava added with a look to Myles. "Well somebody 'oughta keep him away from teenager girls, he is too perverted on his own..." After hearing Charlotte's complains, Myles just became unamused. "Look, I just make sure that none of the girls stay lonely forever, I am a free love-sharing person!" But as of Charlotte, she added again. "Maybe you'd rather love a monkey, goes better with your attitude!" Charlotte thought it out. "Charlotte, come on, that was just mean!" Ava who just dropped the next box answered. "Ah, calm down, not like he'd take it seriou~" But when Charlotte faced back at Myles, her eyes squiggled. "How can this be... am I really only good for monkeys..." Myles who kept on encircling on the floor, wiggling asked. "Orrrrrr.... maybe he would.... oh, don't care, let's just carry these boxes, besides, dad and Myles are pretty much useless!" Soon after speaking, Dasuke entered. "Alright! My two sweethearts! Daddy is here to help you bark on the journey with carrying boxes, need a piggy ride! I'm all set, yeah!!" But both of his daughters, unamusingly declined his offer. "Why do you suck so much, Dasuke?" Myles let out a question, but then already seeing Dasuke on the floor. "Awh! I won't get used to these children, growing so fast!" Once again, Dasuke broke out in tears. "Annnnnnd he is at it again...." Finally Myles began helping with boxes but as for Tim, what happened to that ring.

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Friday, 6:43 p.m.|

Tim who was running extremely quickly with his opened hoodie came across a duo of Demons, rushing on the opposite side of his right arm, as he ran with the hoodie constantly waving behind, Tim gave a question. "How did I not sense them, they were so close.... if these two keep roaming around here, there will blood be bound to be found....!" Tim quickly reached for his phone when reading a message. But as he read, the two Demons faced. "Look at him, he's going for it... he thinks that we are just every day ordinary Demons! Hah, what a rookie, let's take care of him somewhere else... Lucas, keep leading him..." The tougher and talking Demon spoke and confidently, Lucas agreed with a nod. But between the messaging, Tim read through. "Ayuka, what does she want?" He began checking in on the messaging.

"Tim you haven't been fighting Demons, have you?" But Tim who was confused of Ayuka's messages decided to write down a quick answer. "Not yet, but now I am..." He tapped the send button and put the phone back in the pocket, he just slipped on the floor and turned around, constantly chasing the Demons.

|Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Friday, 6:45 p.m.|

"No! What a fool, come on, I told him yesterday to stop for a while!" Ayuka spoke after seeing the given message from Tim. "Ooh, your Ginkenian friend, really isn't too suitable for understanding...." Tishida said with his grip fan waving it up and down. "Yeah, this guy sure is stupid as a molten rock." Akira who was usually always annoyed spoke and faced away. "God! I have to go after him, he just won't listen, what an idiot!" Ayuka put on her white-to-red hoodie and dashed out with it waving behind. "Her friend is actually quite interesting living...." Swore Tishida and faced at the cat, named Akari. "Bah! Haha! Who am I kidding! They'll manage someeeething out, I suppose, anyone wishes some tea?" But no one answering the question that Tishida gave, made him confused. "Guess not, oh well, bahaha!"

"Where are you even!" Ayuka began stressing out and tried to sense Tim's Spiritual Symbolism. "Ugh... so stubborn.... why won't he just take the break that I told him, such an idiot....! I can't even sense his Spiritual Symbolsim properly, it feels so weak and he thinks, or .... believes that he can take on two Demons, sure maybe at his full recovery, but this, this is just so stupid by him..." Ayuka just turned a corner when jumped over a fence and slid on the floor, she then hurried straight back on the path.

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Friday, 6:55 p.m.|

Tim was right behind Demons when running besides a river and with the sun setting away, the orange light, coming from the sun made the scene quite beautiful, however, that was not the case here as the two Demons seem to be leading Tim into a trap. "Should we stop by here, I think, this is better than an alleyway, just look we can use as much water as we want and his fire that is already weakened will be useless, scouting him was a brilliant idea!" The Demon at the front laughed, but Lucas just nodded. "Surely this will be enough!" The two Demons have just skimmed, turned around and the Demon raised his arm, however aura appeared around him and a massive hammer was held by the Demon, Tim who has not brought out his sword yet, slid on the floor, trying to stop before the hammer smashed. "What the hell!" It was smashed at the ground, but thankfully, Tim bounced from the slide back and pushed himself in the air, as the hammer hit, the river on their side bounced up and even covered the sun for mere seconds, but the real destruction was on the dirt path of where they were running, it raised up the floor but luckly Tim landed safely and faced forward, his white hoodie waved in force and even caused him to cover his front face. "What the hell? Is that a real Ginken! How can these low grade Demons wield a Ginken?!" But then, he was given an answer. "Low Grade? No buddy! Us two... are different type of Demons, refer to us as 'Special Grade' Demons!" And the wording quickly remembered Tim that Ayuka spoke about different grades of Demons that not even she knew about. "Ah! You believe us, right! But I can see that... in your eyes... you are clueless about who we are.... what are the Special Grade Demons, many creatures question us... but a simple sentence to use for us is...." Tim was ready to hear it and even prepared for defense if necessary. "The Demons.... that we are.... are part of a Ginkenian too! The Special Grade Demons, rised above all others, we are the reincarnation of the killed Ginkenians who once had a second spirit inside their body! We are pretty much a Ginkenian just like you.... but with abilities such as other Demons have.., the 'Ginkenian part' gives you an answer to why we are able to hold the Ginken and the look of a Demon is also answered in that sentence that I have spoken about. Be aware, with your current state you dared to chase us down, even if you had no clue of who we were... that's brave, I must say, but this will be awfully a quick entrance and exit! I'll show you! My name is Leord Tikazawa, once being a Ginkenian, then becoming..... a Demonical Ginkenian, last words before you go down?" Leord asked as he held the huge hammer on his shoulder. "...My final words you ask?" From the closed eyes on Tim's face, Tim then smiled, he reached forward with his right arm and then grabbed it with his left. Blue aura that he had in Spiritual Symbolism blasted outward and immediately whirled around his body when covering him in smoke. A sharp blade stabbed through the smoke and then uncovering that Tim's clothes changed to his Soul Caller uniform. Black trench coat, Tim used his finger to trap the cloth around his hand and then spun it extremely quick, he spun his entire sword when grabbing the handle and sweeping his sword behind, blue aura appeared for a second and his answer was given. "It's to get ready for a fight and death..." Tim finished his words with a confident smile.

|Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Friday, 7:00 p.m.|

The pressure of Tim's Spiritual Symbolism was sensed by Ayuka immediately. "No! Such a fool! You can't do that~"

To be continued...