85. Charlotte's frusturating day!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Monday, 8:00 a.m.|

Charlotte just bit into morning breakfast. "How is it?!" Giggled Ava once again, fun to ask. "It's, uh... fine..." Charlotte then took another bite. "May I ask, why... exactly do we have meat for breakfast?" Tim sighed, once leaned on the back of the chair. "Our dad seemed to get 'unfun' if there is no meat, so why do you think, I don't get it, how is he not fat, eating so much of this fat?" Tim just sighed. "What else would I expect from a moron like you!" Dasuke just then bit into the grudgy meat. "No meat! No life! That's what everybody says! And if you want to become better, you may as well eat a lot of fat!" Dasuke laughed but others were unamused. "Well, I'm taking my leave... gotta get to school." Charlotte stood up, took the dish to the counter and then hurried to her bag. "Wait! Already? Don't you start at 10:00?" But with decline, Charlotte gave an answer to Ava. "No, not actually, I just like to play some football before the class and after, plus, why not have some fun before the boring school, right?" Charlotte laughed up. "Oh! Right! Then good luck! You got perfect kicking feet!" Ava made a thumbs up. "I'll be taking my leave too..." Tim stood up. "Ah! So where are you going?! Timboy, morning date?!" But Tim smashed his palms on the table. "Are you dumb or something! I got high school too, idiot!" Tim grabbed the bag and walked to the door. "They grow so fa~" But before Dasuke finished, Ava jumped in. "Don't say it again..." Dasuke just laughed. "That's a brave girl! Fast!" He finished the words, but soon after, Ava took her leave and prepared for school. "Whaaaa'?! You too, c'mon!" Dasuke was sad down to his thoughts. "Maybe watch some child channels on TV, you may grow faster with those!" That was the final word from Ava that have been spoke. And then all three of the siblings left. "And sooo! The dad lives once again, alone!" Dasuke smurfed out some tears and then, let's move back to where others are heading.

|Tokyo City - Hon to benkyō middle school - Monday, 8:30 a.m.|

Charlotte and Ava both entered the school while seeing other same year children around. "Heesh! I prefered quiet schools, this is just loud and noisy...." Charlotte who was already annoyed spoke with sighement. "Well! I bet we'll get the hand of it! Good luck on your class!" Thankfully, Charlotte accepted to thanks from Ava and smiled. "This is going to make me weird out, it's a massive school and I barely know the place.... egh.... where is even my class." Charlotte faced on the map to hopefully lead herself to the correct classroom and in luck, being in Class 1A, she hurried along and came to the classroom in which many people adored to be around. ("I was supposed to meet with others on the playground to check out some football, guess that's out of my option now...") But then she sat down on her seat. "Hey! Hey! What's your name!" Several girls and boys closed to Charlotte and made her confused. "I... uhmmm... Charlotte... what do you want?" She wonderes curiously but at the same time confused. "Charlotte Shinkaku if you would consider the full name..." But the last name of her made the children quite amazed. "Are you the younger sister of Tim Shinkaku! No way, that guy helped us a while back, how is he!?" The boy asked and then their names began dropping out, constantly making Charlotte confused and at the same time somewhat uncomfortable. "I.... am.... calm down, I can't remember all of your names in an instant!" But the classmates kept on rushing in. "I heard you're very good at football! And you're a girl, you gotta love sports! Wanna go play some of the footwork?" Asked another classmate when constantly making her confused. "I actually... already spoke with a group that we'll go play after school, but... I guess you can come too so we have a proper game!" Charlotte immediately felt quite popular, but it wasn't the thing that satisfied her the most, it was actually others, usually she doesn't talk much with others... so she was quite happy for such event. "Sure! I'll rock that football match, you just see! I hope your team works as an absolutely amazing football players!" Soon as the boys spoke and even several girls, the teacher just entered inside. "Very well, everyone! Let's start slowly! So please take your seats!" The children spread out around the classroom and finally sat down on their spots. "Look, who's the new kid? She seems kind of cute.. too..." Another child with age of 12 asked while facing at the lovely Charlotte. ("Already have many looks....") Charlotte who became annoyed rather quick sighed and decided to wait for the class until somebody stepped close. "Uhmm.. hello, I know this is a bit much, but... I prefer to meet the new students face to face... hi, I'm Ara, what's your name?" The female student asked, while facing at Charlotte and for the looks, Ara seemed to be very nice and innocent. "Charlotte..." Those were the quick and only words coming from Charlotte's mouth. "That's a nice name! Who gave it to you?" With curiosity Ara added past. "It was given to me by my brother when he was still 5." "Ooh! So that means you have an older brother, anyone else?" With another question recieved, Charlotte proceeded with the next answer. "Yeah, a weird father and sister, same age as me.. and my brother, not too much better than father, but I'd give him a better score." Swore Charlotte who had her head leaned onto the soft palm of her. "You have an interesting family... so, why have you decided to visit this school~" As Ara asked, the next few students called to her. "Ara, give the rookie some time...." But the boy that seemed to be innocent, acted very strangely, besides, many children declined him as a friend. "Oh shut it Tom, let her show some things, besides, what's a new school if she doesn't get any friends!" And the boy stepped toward Charlotte after speaking to Tom. "Sorry, Tom is well, one of a kind, but hi, I'm Avis! Good to see a new face around here." Avis spoke and made a smile, luckly Charlotte accepted his personality for now. "Sure... good to see you too, name's Charlotte." Because Charlotte was a calm but easily annoyed girl, she seemed to dislike too many conversations, but she was very admireable and loved sports. "Charlotte, you remind me of my brother, simmilar names, Charlie and Charlotte, kinda funny aye?" But Charlotte couldn't really bother with what the guy said and just sighed. "If you prefer it that way, why the heck not..." "Well, sorry if we bothered you too much, if you'd like, we can show you around school after class." Smiled Ara and made a previously cute smile. "Sure, I'll take you up on that, but tomorrow rather, today I just gotta meet with a few people, my friends to play football." But then the next person said. "Hah! Have you guys heard that! A girl playing football, you may as well give that crap to somebody who knows how to play the football, dumbass." But then, after Charlotte heard the boy, she became annoyed. "Come on Ray! Quit butting in on conversation, stop acting like alpha!" Another girl called and seemed to dislike the boy. "Are you... by any chance saying that football is not a girl's sport?" But Charlotte's twister annoyance dropped out. "Oh, yes I am... a soft girl like you should focus on tennis, or maybe swimming!" Ray outcalled and then many students decided to interfere. "Ray! Stop it! She's new, no need to be rude from the gecko! Can you be friendly to everybody, what's your problem!" Avis yelled while trying to shut down Ray. "New, or not, nobody who's a girl should not play football!" Charlotte then sighed. "Seems I got in the class with the most stupid people imaginable... how's life so unlucky?" But Charlotte's words, made Ray to rage out. "Stupid you say? So why don't we play a game then, my boys team against your baby children girls?" And that made a quick rivarly between these two. "Fine by me, we'll be on the courtyard at 3:00 p.m., don't be late..." Charlotte spoke. "Time won't be the problem..." Ray laughed and then as the teacher entered, those hours passed and then... the time arrived.

|Tokyo City - Saikuru Courtyard - Monday, 2:55 p.m.|

"C...Charlotte, are you sure we should go up against them, they seem to have more experience than either of us." A girl with glasses, who was scared spoke. "What! Do you want them to think that us girls are not prepared for football, come on Tanya!" Charlotte who held the football sighed. "Y...Yeah! No! But! Still, they must know what they are doing, and there are only 3 of the girls here! Two of our team are boys, we'll just be in the way!" Tanya said and the two boys who were on their tean spoke. "Calm down! We can win as long as we team work, that way we'll show them that anyone can play football, no matter the gender!" Charlotte then admired her team with a smile. "See, even Jake agrees!" But then in a rush, the enemy team or opposite team with Ray, interfered. "Are you kitties thinking on how to run from the match, that'd be only knowable!" Laughed Ray and so agreed the rest of his team. "Shut up weirdo! We'll show you that, no matter the gender, anybody can play football!" Jake shouted out loud and pointed at them. "Such jealousy to lose, you'll be a peace of cake!" As Ray swore, they moved to the field. "Don't cry if you fall." And such way, both teams faced at each other, ready for the sport to unfold.

The one person who was the judge blew into the whistle and the match striked out, the first one to burst in was Charlotte and while she rolled the ball ahead the opposing team already attacked. But because Charlotte was the most skilled on her team, she immediately kicked the ball and knocked it over the guy's foot, then turned around to move ahead and with Jake on the opposite side, she immediately noticed a hand raise, she passed the ball, but before the ball rolled to Jake, Ray jumped between and kicked the ball forward and rushed ahead to Charlotte's team goal. "Watch out! Hurry on defense!" Jake yelled but Yau who was the second boy prepared and rushed in to try and defend the ball, but before he managed to get the ball, Ray just pushed through on a spin and then slid the ball across the floor. "Okay! He might be more skilled than I thought!" Yau called and sweeped forward but with a pass over Yau's head, the next guy on Ray's team got the ball, Tanya confidentally reached further but with a ball rolling around her, the guy bounced the ball onto his foot and outplayed her, then passed it over head and, Ray gained that ball, with a twirl, he kicked towards the goal and with speedy circle, the goalist jumped at the ball, but for inconvinience, the ball just bounced off the pole right in the goal. "That's how you score, newbies!" Ray gave a high five to his partner. "I'm sorry, I was useless right there..." Tanya said, breathing sadly. "Calm down, it's just one goal!" Said Charlotte and proceeded with a few words. "They might not be awful at all..." Said Charlotte but then, continuously playing, the score ended up 15 against 9 for Ray's team, many goals for Charlotte's team were still necessary to win and the teams were slowly getting tired. "What losers, I told you that football is not for baby girls like you, give up, there's only 5 minutes to the end of the round! So buzz of right now!" But with a shout, something interrupted.

In a non-reaction jump, something appeared in the air, Charlotte and the others were amazed, but Charlotte noticed a kind of transperent body moving across the street toward the playground. "W ... What is that?" Trying to see, Charlotte and others began ignoring the game. And at one point, this transperent body landed on a hard field that the others couldn't easily spot, but Charlotte felt a strange sound around her. But as this creature roared, Charlotte froze on the floor at the surprise, and at that moment, something grabbed her leg. "Let go! Hey! What's are you doing! Let go!" Called Charlotte when she smelled a bad smell in front of her nose. Some sort of Demon tried to devour her, but at the same time, someone quickly showed up. "Let go!" Tim came rushing from the side and in surprise of seeing his sister almost eaten, he couldn't do anything about it but to use his Vanishing Dash, in an instant, he appeared in front of the Demon and with his sword pummeled forward, with allowance of Charlotte's fall, she dropped down but as for the Demon, that Demon was pushed back, twisting his foot, Tim immediately slipped on the spot and felt some pain, but caring about his sister, the only thing on his mind was to kill the Demon. As he rushed forward he jumped and with a cut up, the Demon was injured by Tim's sword, however the next few cuts that Tim gave were blocked by those hard feet, the playground was shaking since the Demon was an enormous size, the Demon pummeled the ground with the right arm, but Tim luckly backed away and with a slide across the ground, he smacked his back right in the pole, feeling the pain, but then ignoring him, caused him to rush ahead and finally giving the final strike to take out the Demon before him. From surprise and unimaginable shock, Charlotte seemed to had a glimpse of Tim's body. "...T....Tim, is... that, you?" She quietly gave a question, but then she lost the sight of him, Tim immediately felt a shock from the killed Demon, blowing and making a bizzare wind, even terrorizing Charlotte's team and others, Tim then decided to avoid and hurried along, when hiding behind an alley, he felt great pain and tireness and because of it, he was forced to change back to his daily clothes as for the children, they seemed to have been shocked and scared, Ray and the others even gave up the game and immediately ran. "Damn it.... this is... becoming troubling...." Tim leaned his arm on his chest and checked on the street. "At least... Charlotte and others are safe... what the hell was that Giant Demon, how was he able to go invisible?"

[ - Charlotte is black haired girl with shorter type of hair who has black eyes and is 12 years old, she prefers to keep her chill and relaxes, but she is extremely active in sports and adores to keep her friends in shape. She is the leader of their team since others seemed to be more shy, Charlotte is also one of the younger sisters of Tim Shinkaku and will support him at all cost.]

To be continued...