86. A hunter to track down Kirashito!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

|Zero World - Zero Headquarters - Tuesday 3:45 p.m.|

In Zero World where the 8 captains or as we know leaders stood, entered a room with the ninth person standing at the end of the hallway. Luckly the last time before Rez escaped, Alexis successfuly recovered and saved the captains, but their job now will be much different. "What's the rush now?" Rentarou asked with quite a confused look, the rest of the leaders thought the same thing. "Give me the speech, that would be very helpful before we begin." Answered the head leader with an intimidating look. "One of our Ginkenians was sent to the Earth but currently we found that she missed the day of return, for that we'll send couple of Ginkenians after her to bring her back, because of the inappropriate time puzzle, we'll have to execute, her name is Ayuka Kirashito from Ablazed Phoenix's clan, her actions will be immediately set through and will be horrible punished by death or burning her down, the second part of her punishment is because she wasn't allowed to come in contact with nobody, so captains, speak out who are the two expected and best suited Ginkenians for this mission!" The leader was very promising in seriousness, but Alexis who was supposed to be the leader could not fight through because any mission given by the head is necessary for it to be thrown at. "I might know a couple who could go on Planet Earth." Seriously spoke Alexis but then, Kauri added through as well. "Then state their names!" As the two names were told, the next plan was to track down Ayuka. "We'll head today and for such reason you must hurry while keeping your path through Zero Link, hurry up-" And those words immensely blasted out. "Yes we understand!" The captains agreed and the two most suitable Ginkenians will soon be told.

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Tuesday 4:15 p.m.|

Tim decided to sit down on the bench while facing at the spectacular river, however he seemed to have been disliking some things. "How can I protect my own family or people, if I can't even kill a normal Demon, this is so frusturating, this power loss, why hasn't she told it sooner than now...." Tim declined himself and then faced at his palm. "Is there something I have done... or is it automatic?" Tim confusingly wondered and sighed while reaching back with his palms. "Feels as if I were useless to them right now.... it makes me disgusted and annoyed at once." Tim who kept sitting down sighed and leaned backward then reached for his phone after it rang. Opening the phone he came across a message from Ayuka which said.

-> We have to talk, meet me at the mall where we first met, at 6:00 p.m., thank you, Ayuka. <-

"Huh, what does she want to do at that hour?" But no knowledge Tim just barged forward and decided to head for the home first.

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Tuesday, 4:40 p.m.|

Tim came to his home and finally opened the door, but before then, something happened, the door came opening and smacking Tim directly into the face. "Timboy! Good to see you here!!!" Dasuke came jumping at his own son, but Tim, who declined such progress hurried to the sides and made his father drop on the floor when almost smashing into a tree, but Dasuke's face could have seen better days. "Quit these surprise attacks you fool!" Tim angrly shouted but then he was given an answer. "How... did my son gain so much reflexes... that was... never his own goal!" Yacking down, Dasuke layed down as if he were dead and tired but in the next few seconds stood up, Tim was awaited by Charlotte who then faced at him kind of confusingly and remembered several things.

{From surprise and unimaginable shock, Charlotte seemed to had a glimpse of Tim's body. "...T....Tim, is... that, you?" She quietly gave a question, but then she lost the sight of him, Tim immediately felt a shock from the killed Demon.}

She then fell into thinking. "I'm sure, I saw him be in that coat... he had a sword, I couldn't have been dreaming, that was real.... damn, I can't tell..) Charlotte had some troubles trying to figure out. "Tim, you seem kind of worried or down, something bothering you?" Ava who just joined to the rest questioned and looked at Tim. "Him?! He's fine, he's just danced too much with his~" But before finishing his sentence, Tim immediately shut Dasuke down. "Shut up with this girlfriend there, girlfriend over here, quit it... but I am a bit worried, that's all you gotta know." Tim sighed and entered the room and prepared his own clothes. "Ooh! A date! I knew it!" Dasuke laughed out and clapped. "Quiet down dad, just give him some time, we all see he isn't fine!" Charlotte said when annoyed but then she looked at Tim very convincing. ("I gotta see it for myself.... it has gotta happen.") Said Charlotte when looking at Tim but thinking cold. But as the time passed, the hour arrived.

|Tokyo City - Sekai Street, Sekai Wallmart - Tuesday, 5:55 p.m.|

Ayuka who was sitting at the top of a rooftop waited for her meeting with Tim. "I hope he's gonna come!" She just looked onto her Zero Watch but then finally, Tim came jumping from behind next to her. "I'm here, what did you need to meet for?" At the already night, Tim faced down at her, a girl who sat, facing the sunfall. "I thought you'd already ignored me... but listen to me..." She faced right at the sunset and sighed. "I gotta return to Zero World.... if I don't... I'll be put on execution." Ayuka explained, a serious girl who was leaned to the side. "W....What, I thought you were put here for as long as you want!" But Tim's speech wasn't bothering her. "No, it was just for the time being, besides... I wasn't supposed to interact with any other Ginkenians here, so seeing on this, it might be finished, I have probably already been put on the execution... sorry Tim...." But her words were constantly stressing Tim out. "You gotta be kidding?! Why didn't you tell me that this was the case if you were to interact with me, you just put yourself on the line of death!" Tim was very annoyed but still worried to the stress. "Why didn't you~" But then. "Because I felt something else in you! I felt that I could potentially keep you as a proper friend, just the time we reached through and the weirdness.... it felt as if I actually had some sort of a connection to a Ginkenian, besides, the promise was the first that anybody has made... so far you've succeeded, but I'm sorry... I think you'll have to put that promise aside." But as Ayuka begged his words, Tim interfered. "No! I don't throw promises away! I don't care if I am currently very powerless, I'll just somehow regain my power back!" Tim hurried along and then shouted. "Is... that the case... huh.... sorry, but this will be goodbye... it was fun reaching scores with you." As Ayuka stood up she immediately dropped. "Wait! Ayuka! No! Stop!" But because Tim was unable to chase her down with the power loss, he just lost her immediately. "Is she dumb? Come on!" His hopes dropped to bottom but then. As the sun constantly set, Tim decided to become serious and because of that in the next few hours, something else came along.

|Tokyo City - Sasayuku Street - Tuesday, 11:50 p.m.|

Tim's grudge to find Ayuka was forcing out and his flexible movements were running through, tracking down Ayuka. "Where did she go! This annoying sensing, why must it be so discouraged right now! Is she actually going to accept her reason of being killed! I can't let that happen! Ayuka! Hey! Where are you!" Tim rushing, running, bursting at high speed changed into his Ginkenian form when immediately speeding up and even giving a sword, but Ayuka who tried to get away had no knowledge of Tim being chased. Ayuka with her backpack walked through the street but then, stop to think Ayuka began sensing insane Spiritual Symbolism, even making her surprise!" With the wind roaring past her mind and blazing through opened up a windy circular motion of a sort of dimension, the door of it or as they call the circle of it open and then, the honestly fast wind, bursted past Ayuka, missing and giving her clothes a wave of a ton. Ayuka has already knew, that they came for her. "Suppose it really was made for me to be executed....." And then as Ayuka thought, a man stepped outside with red hair and green eyes, his sword was leaned onto the shoulder and his uniform was waving at incredible speed, even from the pressure of the guy, the wind continued to roam over. "Found you, Kirashito Ayuka..." The man spoke and to her surprise she hurried on. "Saraki! What are you~" It seemed that it was somebody from the same clan Ayuka herself was. Saraki puked out with his sword hanging over. "I think you're aware of what I came here for... must say, this world surely seeks the greatest potential, but to make it easier for us, you are coming with me, sorry Kirashito... but head captain has decided to put you on a deadline of being executed.." Saraki spoke and then moved his eyes to face her further. Ayuka sighed. "Guess I got no choice....." Ayuka then stepped forward but before Saraki grabbed her, strangeness appeared. The wind boozled away when a shout appeared. "Ayuka! Stop!!" Tim bashed his feet on the floor once using his Vanishing Dash who he barely could use, he pulled Ayuka away when Saraki faced at his opponent, that being Tim. "What!? Tim! Are you foolish! I told you to stay away! You trying to get me out of this will just make you get killed too!" But Tim was a person who had no cares. "So be it! Hey! Tomato hair! You're not putting this girl on a deadline! My name is Tim Shinkaku and if I must, I will eliminate you!" Tim shouted with an angry attitude and then the moon reflected in Tim's metalic sword. "Tomato head?" Saraki's face diced over in annoyance. "Sounds like a delicious name, don't you think..." With adding up, Tim spoke. "You're already dumb! You know your strength isn't recovered and you still were foolish enough to burst here!" Ayuka screeched out in anger to try and help Tim from slinging himself to a deadly fight. "You want her, is that right? Then first obstacle is here! You'll just have to kill me to get your hands on her!" A yell of loud annoyance forced Tim to grab his sword in both hands and pointed it forward. "You're really here to fight me, for her... seems Giovanni found a fool to be given a sword like that.... my name's Saraki Hatashi, I'm a lieutenant or a sidekick of the Ablazed Phoenix's clan, to put Ayuka on execution, these orders have been given to me by the head captain and nothing must stand in the way! So before I crush that skull, you might wanna change mind and then run like a baby!" Saraki spoke, but even thought he was there to take Ayuka, his heart seemed to be good.

[ - Saraki is a man who is 23 years old and is one of the lieutenants of the 8th Clan, Ablazed Phoenixs, he is a friend of Ayuka and very skilled duelist who is fascinating in offensive strikes. He has bright red hair and lime green eyes with his Ginken 'Fukusei', he excells in dual wielding of his Kodachi skill, that requires several stamina leak, when in Kodachi state, his Ginken shaped into a dual whip which can be extended by aura, he is also known for wearing the basic outfit of a Ginkenian, black kimono.]

To be continued...