87. Shinkaku's struggling process!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

A 'Spiritual Mode'! One of the basic techniques that a Ginkenian should master! It's another extension to their power and allows them to seperate their spirit from their body on the outside. A linking technique such as this one is necessary for Ginkenians because of it's polluted power, allowing them to switch dimensions between Zero World and Planet Earth. This ability is usually not shown by the trained Ginkenians but their pressure can be felt. Once the Spirit Seperates through the body their potential can be easily overwhelmed and a basic Ginkenian could easily be harmed by their own Spirit. The 'Spirit Mode' is quite different and the bodies of Ginkenians become Spiritual, through seeable and very difficult to learn. But the weakness of such body is risky.... Currently we still do not know much about this mysterious technique.....

|Tokyo City - Sasayuku Street - Tuesday, 11:50 p.m.|

"You're really here to fight me, for her... seems Giovanni found a fool to be given a sword like that.... my name's Saraki Hatashi, I'm a lieutenant or a sidekick of the Ablazed Phoenix's clan, to put Ayuka on execution, these orders have been given to me by the head captain and nothing must stand in the way! So before I crush that skull, you might wanna change mind and then run like a baby!" Saraki spoke, but even thought he was there to take Ayuka, his heart seemed to be good. "Tim, this is none of your concern, it was myself who foolishly mistreated the rules, just let it go." Ayuka tried to calm Tim down but Tim shook his arm. "I don't care, they have no rights to put you down under execution for only one mistake, don't you think that Saraki?" Saraki just gave a sigh and faced him. "Not my choice, if I were to head leader, I'd done it completely differently, but now, the reason I came for, if it's fighting you that necessary then I'll go with it~" Saraki moved his katana which then swung forward. "Saraki! Just quit! Neither of you have to fight! I'll come wi~" Before finishing, Tim canceled Ayuka's words. "Sorry, Ayuka, but this will get quite dirty, very quickly, so no interference!" Those were Tim's final rules toward Ayuka. "Why am I trying..." Finally, Ayuka gave up and dropped her hand, closing her eyes. The shine upon them kept on blowing over and then Saraki sighed. "Usually I say nicely for the opponent to go, but if you insist, I'll despose you." Saraki then pulled his katana and with speedy swing glided in front of his face, Tim already waited onto the attack and in a dash forward and swing ahead, Saraki hoped to gain an easy victory, but even if Tim couldn't use most of his powers, he still decided to give a step and swing forward with his sharp sword, but after such event, Saraki crouched and cut sideways, straight up, Tim of course blocked the attack but because his body was not well enough to be efficient in defense, it easily pushed him back and right soon as he almost dropped, Saraki ran ahead and with a double swing, sliced directly at Tim, downward. But Tim grabbed his sword on its tilted flatness and blocked but from pressure the ground broke and Tim somehow was able to push Saraki back, even if he succeeded he was still no where strong enough to go one on one, but that was not enough to prevent him to do so, because of his hatered right then, Tim dashed ahead and slashed but Saraki blocked it with an easy assault, returned the swing, but hurrying over, Tim disappeared in Vanishing Dash, but his speed seemed to have been decreasing drastically and because of that, Saraki already appeared before Tim and sliced forward, Tim then seemed to get shocked and still had a quick reaction to block, but of a sweep onward, Saraki pummeled Tim on the sides, smoothing the stance of his and then slipping Tim to the ground, at this sanity, Tim rolled backwards and sliced through the ground, a tiny amount of Spiritual Symbolism was still in his sword but, was that going to be enough was the question. "For your Spiritual Symbolism, you move quite good, but that won't be the case when I land a cut." Saraki answered and grabbed his katana with both arms, Tim picked his sword and breathed already heavily, a use of his Spiritual Symbolism that was already weak, simply made it worse for his breathing, that was also sensed by Ayuka, but as Tim spoke to her, she just couldn't stop him. ("I can sense it clearly, if he uses more of those techniques... he won't be able to stand anymore and rest will not help him...") Ayuka was, as mentioned before, very annoyed but decided to give up some of her hopes of victory. ("There's nothing a Ginkenian like him at this state could manage to at least harm somebody like Saraki, he's being overwhelmed by a lieutenant, and one of the highest ranks in the Ginkenian private world.") Tim just dashed to the side and swung in a circular motion at his opponent, Saraki, but easy follow, Saraki ducked to avoid and then stabbed forward, but Tim jumped and flipped over the katana and then contacting a kick into Saraki's face, pushing him back and before landing, Tim swung at his enemy. Saraki to that event, disappeared and easily caught Tim off guard, kneeling him into the back and pummeling Tim back down to the ground. As Tim rolled on his shoulder to side, he quickly sweeped back on the feet and took another longer breath. Saraki reached for his cheek and sighed. "That was a messy kick... heesh, guess he isn't a total weakling even though I do not sense his Spiritual Symbolism.... will make this much more fun for me." With words let out, Saraki spun the katana and seriously gave a check on Tim, but as he did that, Tim disappeared right from the ground, he appeared behind Saraki and this time, Saraki could not react and because of Tim's insane speed, Tim sliced right at Saraki, however in that instant, Saraki turned and blocked but from pressure, Tim released a blowing energy which reacted on purpose and blew back Saraki, Tim landed on the floor and immediately sweeped on the floor, with an insane speed of Tim's movement, he once again appeared right in front of Saraki but this time, in short moment, Saraki swung at his enemy, but to that moment, Tim already was ducked and below Saraki's jaw. ("What the?! His movements have increased in speed?! When did~") Before Saraki finished his thinking, Tim sliced forward at the front chest of Saraki and in luck, Saraki backed away but a smaller cut was in his chest which then made him bleed. Ayuka who was trying to wait and spectate the duel became twisted in surprise. ("Is... his Spiritual Symbolism returning, I had a glimpse of the sense! No, he hasn't taken the 'Type Brace' yet... there's gotta be another reason to it!") Even Saraki who now began sensing a tiny Spiritual Symbolism became twacked. He sliced forward, however Tim leaped his palm on the flat side of the blade and blocked the swing, this time he backed away and suddenly grabbed by the building's wall. Saraki soon begin giving more attention to Tim and then reached for his katana's blade. "You became seroious, have you... fine by me... this will be entertaining then." As Saraki sweeped his palm over the tilt, he said a word. "Ko-dachi!" Spiritual Symbolism immediately freely bursted from his body and even advanced to be felt by Tim, the pressure was making heavy wind, soon as it done so, the katana's blade transformed into some sort of a rope which was then given another tilt on the edge, both hands grabbed it and parts that were once blades became a duo of whips, attached to singular and secondary handle, the whip spun over head of Saraki and prepared to be used. "Kodachi? That was the same technique that Fukashi used, I don't understand, is that a technique that can be learned by others too, I completely misunderstood what was Kodachi... I'm aware that my sword is already in Kodachi's state... but... I never knew that any Ginken can use that technique, unless if I am idiotic enough!" The surprise in Tim's eyes was seen by Saraki and was then given a question. "Surprised? Can't judge you!" Spoke Saraki who was just spinning the whipping handle of a katana. "Your Ginken is already in Kodachi state, is it not... how come that a mere human and civillian of Earth succeeded to even hold such Ginken, straight from beginning, I'm aware that your Ginken was before wielded by Giovanni, but, honestly something like you, I have no yet witnessed." Calm and serious, Saraki sighed but gave competing acceptance to Tim. "I can't answer you either, but I couldn't care less.... if Giovanni entrusted this Ginken to me, and if I have accepted it, then I'll say it myself too, this Ginken,.....sword is meant for me..." Tim now had his sharp sword leaned onto his shoulder. "Yeah, but flexibility of that Ginken is not something that could go up against a Ginken like mine..." But Saraki's words were once again, not cared by Tim. "It doesn't matter the flexibility... what matters is the wielder... and I'll admit it, you seem to have an upper edge, you probably have been studying your own Ginken, more than years, while I only have had this sword with me for about 2 months..." Ayuka who listened to the conversation began to think, but then called out. "Tim. Just back off! We had enough of this arguing, I'll take my punishment, you can't win this fight! You haven't even fought a Ginken like this yet!" But Tim's answer was surprising. "I'm aware and I see now that there aren't Ginkens that are mostly blades, I see, Kodachi states make them quite different to another, that's why I'm ready to see what other shapes these Ginkens can be..." Tim was already serious and completely ignored the saying of him quitting the duel. "In Ginken world, there are many more shapes that you don't know exist... be aware of everything around that world too..." But Saraki's annoying speech allowed Tim to answer. "Oh, don't worry, I've already been to Zero World, I've seen people having many prior type of Ginkens, so I'm not very shocked to yours, but the Spiritual Symbolism of yours is much more higher than the enemies I've faced, I can see what people live, how strong they are... but to all of that, it won't end my promises..."

Tim now quickly ran towards Saraki and drew the sword, which gave a notch, but Saraki also swung with both whips winding and flying towards Tim. Because of this, Tim was forced to stop and was able to avoid the moss, and in doing so he moved to the right, but the other whip, already swung to the side, Tim jumped over it and landed on the other side, slipped quickly and ran forward and slit upwards, but, Saraki swung and caught Tim's sword in gratitude for his whip, which simply stopped Tim's attack, even as Tim became surprised and another whip hit him in the body, he bounced him aside but then Tim drew his sword and quickly set the next swing, but before he could do so, Saraki dodged and quickly appeared behind Tim, swung both whips in the cover and hit Tim in the back, pushing him forward as well. Tim even felt mass of pain, flowing through his back, but as he felt so, Tim turned around and already saw a whip, which whipped right into his face, the loud noise echoed through the street and Tim went crushing back with his back, right through a rocky wall, hanging by it with a lay on his back, feeling pain and bleeding from the face but also cut in the back, however he still held his sharp sword. As for Ayuka, she screeched out Tim's name, right on.

To be continued...