96. An unfortunate accidantal injury!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

A 'Spiritual Mode'! One of the basic techniques that a Ginkenian should master! It's another extension to their power and allows them to seperate their spirit from their body on the outside. A linking technique such as this one is necessary for Ginkenians because of it's polluted power, allowing them to switch dimensions between Zero World and Planet Earth. This ability is usually not shown by the trained Ginkenians but their pressure can be felt. Once the Spirit Seperates through the body their potential can be easily overwhelmed and a basic Ginkenian could easily be harmed by their own Spirit. The 'Spirit Mode' is quite different and the bodies of Ginkenians become Spiritual, through seeable and very difficult to learn. But the weakness of such body is risky.... Currently we still do not know much about this mysterious technique.....

[Last time on GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!]

After finishing the raid of Shades, Tim and our heroes were finally put down and rest, but not to while after, the head captain from Spiritual Realm set Ayuka Kirashito onto the execution for her inproper behaviour of the rules. Dealing highly with these cautious action, Tim in that time began losing power, with luckly misses and nearing events, a duo of Ginkenians entered Tokyo City, finding Ayuka when trying to escape from their city, luckly Tim came in time and needed to fight his way through, however, as it seemed that Tim would be victorious a captain of the ninth clan joined in and put Tim down to rest, with final words Ayuka was set back to Spiritual Realm, Zero World. Throughout time passing, Tim encountered some friends of Ayuka Kirashito to where he was put under training section and learn how to release the 'Spiritual Mode', now after time passing, our group, Tim, Akari, Odina, Kanji and Codey are heading through the realm and are on their way to rescue Ayuka!

|Spiritual Realm - Guiding Path - Tuesday, 3:10 p.m.|

"You seem to be getting kind of exhausted, want me to take over for now?" Tim who was very stubborn to his health being his own actions, so he declined. "I'll handle myself... who knows... we might need you later... once I run out of stamina..." Tim's thinking was a bit edgy. "Yes, but we cannot afford you to lose the entire stamina, when we reach our mark.... if you're going to barely have any stamina, you won't be in any kind of help, there will be enemies, that we will absolutely need to take care of." Tim, listening to Akari still declined. "She's correct, we do need as much stamina as we can afford, tiring plus using the 'Spiritual Mode' is very risky...." Codey's saying also cheered others so they agreed with him. "All right.... go on ahead...." Akari gave a smile and then reached out with her 'Spiritual Mode', but for Tim, he stopped using his Spiritual Symbolism and his body once again became physical and touchable, also given back his clothes. "We'll soon be there... try to have some sort of recovery while you run..." Nodding on, they continued their path.

- Meanwhile -

|Tokyo City - Furó Street - Tuesday, 3:10 p.m.|

Mia and Tsukimi were looking at another event happening. "Once again, are you kidding me?" Sitting on the sofa, Mia had her popcorn and was leaned back, uncaring and somewhat bored, but Tsukimi was doing some of the cleaning. "Y'know, you could raise your ass and help me out with cleaning, we're here together after all." Sweeping the broom on the floor, Tsukimi began to be annoyed of Mia. Leaning back with arms hanging back, Mia gave an upside up look to Tsukimi very unamused. "C'mon.... why'd I help? You're just waistin' your time with this cleanin' of yours, not like we live here...." Tsukimi gave a very annoyed look to Mia with her eyes almost popping out, with annoyance she began sweeping the floor much quicker and extreme. "Then you may as well, leave this home and sleep on the streets!" Mia heard Tsukimi's complains. "Eh. Not interested, besides, don't wanna get dirty, I'm already good looking and good smelling...." Mia looked at her finger nails when she just dyed them. "God, you're so useless....." Tsukimi walked away and took her broom and layed it at the wall. But at that time, Mia noticed something on television and became very serious. As for Tsukimi, she found Mia's bra in her room, being extremely annoyed. "God, this girl... Mia! Why are your clothes held inside of the room I'm in~" When exiting the room, Tsukimi lost words after seeing that Mia was gone. "Mia?" The only mark was that Mia left through the waving window. "What's her problem now?" Tsukimi shook the clothing in her hand and hung it in the bathroom.

|Tokyo City - Sekai Street - Tuesday, 3:15 p.m.|

Mia jumped on top of the edge of the roof and glowed blue, her Spiritual Symbolism disappeared from able to be sensed. "What's them doing now?" She stalked down on Lucas and the newborn shade, seeing them again, they were also acting quite suspicious. "Seems as if they were searching or looking for something..." Lucas faced aroumd and said a word to newborn shade, once saying so, that newborn shade began sensing something. "What's going on?" Mia thinking noticed that Lucas turned toward her way so she quickly ducked behind the edge and for a few seconds, Lucas looked at her direction, he faced back and closed his eyes, when doing so, Mia peeked over again. But after peeking over, Mia still seemed to have been unsure, but soon then, Mia noticed that Lucas's body began to be foggy. "What the?!" In an instant Lucas was gone, but to that, there needed to have been a plan. "What exactly are you planning?" Once hearing a manly voice behind her ears, Mia turned around in an instant and swung with her lighter blade, however, Lucas only swung forward with his right arm and unleashed a devestating pulse which easily bounced back Mia down the roof, she scratched her back on the edge but then slammed into the wall in the distance once a black mist, showing to be a trail, leaped behind Mia's feet, once slammed the wall crashed down and Mia was in a single blow already injured with a bleeding propellent. With two steps forward, Lucas put his hands in the pockets and looked down over the edge at the fallen Mia. "Spying on somewho and someone is not very polite, give men some privacy... were you trying to hide? Or did you just fail in seconds?" Lucas's words were heard by Mia who now just finally stood up and fixed her injured shoulder. "I lowered my entire pressure, how were you able to sense it?" Mia questioned, cleaning the blood from her hand. "Have you never heard of Bashora, well, that's how, it's a counter to you Soul Dancers who roam and hide like a bunch of cowardly cats.... you might be able to get detective work with that, but how will that help to your counter?" Mia who overwhelmed and had no concern of his words, but knowing that he somehow figured out for her to be a Soul Dancer and to even know, what they were and that they existed, made her very uncomfortable when thinking of such rare events. "You know about Soul Dancers? How's that possible, there were only several back in years, how do you still know to this day?" "I'll give you an easy and short answer, it's simple, just find it around world, many possibilities are waiting to be found, just like treasures! Do you believe that nobody knows about them, oh! I'm sure there are many and a bunch of people who still know about you and your Soul Dancing powers, if you do wish to reveal somebody's idenity or their pressure, you just need to study and perfecting this technique..." Still, facing down, Lucas spoke who seemed to have began talking more oftenly than before. Mia grabbed her shoulder and moved it but felt pain, trying to hide the broken arm, the blood flowed down her forehead once seeing foggy, but she still corrected herself to act unsuspicious, with a notice of her sword laying besides her, she reached for it and grabbed it with her fine arm. "So, is that a symbol to begin a fight? Think you can be overwhelmed.... do you even know who I am?" Once Lucas questioned, Mia dared to ask. "No, I don't, so then, identify yourself, idiot..." With a smiling grin, Lucas spoke. "I am Lucas Askaraka.... a Behemothal Spirit... and be aware, we do not take events very forgivingly... so I'll get your body to be dropped, then, once we're finished, all you're remember is that you have died against me..." Mia was shocked and asked herself. "Behemothal Spirits?" "Oh? I'll show you who they are!" Once Lucas called, his step twacked on the floor and his right arm summoned an arm blade which was in a crescent shape, his palm and hand were uncovered and because the blade was long and turned, it was nothing to harm himself. In an instant, after surprising Mia, Lucas disappeared in a wavey, blackness and quickly prepared, Mia swung with her shorter katana forward, but her attack was useless because, Lucas stood behind her, rather crouched with a smile, his blade was dripping down blood, hearing and seeing that, Mia faced onto her stomach, her stomach was cut through and her body began to be felt heavy. With final swing with her strength, Mia sliced but Lucas stepped aside and quickly turned around, slicing upward, creating a cross cut on the already given wound. ("I barely feel my waist, it's so painful, I can't even move quickly anymore....") Thinking throughout her minded world, Mia began falling, but her mouth shook in anger and she used her foot to catch herself when slicing forward. Lucas who was acting to be shocked was struck by a blue slice which was then countered back at Mia, but then so, her body went flying backwards on the rough floor injuring her even more. "Sorry, you thought that'd work... my bad...." Lucas scratched his head with flat side of his weapon and sighed, Mia was sitting up against the wall, injured. Lucas began walking toward Mia with his weapon, leaned onto his shoulder. "And so you've dropped, just like that, fighting a Behemothal Spirit... do you see the difference in our strength.... and believe me, the rest of my group is even tougher than me.... you wondered too...., well we'll talk, but... maybe after we're finished with your life..." Lucas leaned forward with a snarl faced right in front of Mia's faced, pained on the floor, Mia's sweat drops from worry kept leaking. Lucas stood straight up and leaned the sharp edge of his Ginken, right under Mia's jaw, raising her head. "Or... I can let you go, but... you'd need to tell me, to where exactly can I find.... Ayuka Kirashito, I've met her before, y'know..." Lucas's smile creeped and shocked out Mia. "What do... you want from her?" From under Mia's jaw, blood dripped a bit. "She's done quite a show once she fought and took down my weird partner, or... well, I couldn't care less about him, he was just a pathetic jerk, with a high ego...." His words were still misunderstood by Mia. "So? Then tell me, why would you want her?" "Isn't it simple, we need her for something very delightful, so tell me, where has she gone to, her Spiritual Symbolism has completely faded away?" Mia was very annoyed and unconcerned about Lucas, but she denied. "I won't tell you a word... just kill me if you're that desperate!" But Lucas popped with his tongue. "So, a coward to talk, y'know, I feel gentle and nice, so I'll let you suffer until one of your friends arrives to help you... well, not them coming too is fine as well, not like you'll be able to live for more than an hour, you'll probably bleed out if nobody helps, talk to ya..." With his completely different personallity, Lucas made his Ginken disappear and then walked away, once again with his hands in his pocket. "Oh, and tell your friends this - 'Soon arrival'...." Those were Lucas's final words when both, him and the newborn entered a seperate dimensional portal.

[ - Mia is a girl who is very well known for her purple colour eyes, blue long hair and clothes with additional colour of being black. She has one Ginken but is split into two different shapes, one being longer and tougher than the other. She is also one of the only 'Soul Dancers' currently around dimensions, her attitude and personallity is quite energetic and adores to prank her friends, mostly known as a jokester, so because of such events, her friends get annoyed by her very easily, one being Tsukimi who she currently lives with.]

To be continued...