97. Arrival to the 'Spiritual Realm's Society'!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

A 'Spiritual Mode'! One of the basic techniques that a Ginkenian should master! It's another extension to their power and allows them to seperate their spirit from their body on the outside. A linking technique such as this one is necessary for Ginkenians because of it's polluted power, allowing them to switch dimensions between Zero World and Planet Earth. This ability is usually not shown by the trained Ginkenians but their pressure can be felt. Once the Spirit Seperates through the body their potential can be easily overwhelmed and a basic Ginkenian could easily be harmed by their own Spirit. The 'Spirit Mode' is quite different and the bodies of Ginkenians become Spiritual, through seeable and very difficult to learn. But the weakness of such body is risky.... Currently we still do not know much about this mysterious technique.....

|Spiritual Realm - Guiding Path - Tuesday, 3:40 p.m.|

Then and now, our heroes still mark around Guding Path, but.... soon, the strange appearence arrives.

As they ran through the path a menacing sound started to be heard behind them. Soon, facing back, Tim's eyes trembled. "What is that thing?!" Tim loudly shouted in concern with the rest still moving. "It's the Soul Eater, once it comes in contact with your body, your Soul will be sucked out and you'll, be killed, I prefer to call it the cleaner." Akari spoke and then, Tim stressed out, but Codey spoke. "Are you kidding us? This thing is after us to wipe us out, why?!" Codey questioned, terrified. "If we're in for longer than 30 minutes, it will blow through for any impostors or unappreciated guests... that's why we have got to hurry and run quicker!" Speaking to them, Akari hurried and thy group followed. "Aye! I said it myself! There are worse things than enemies or death!" With a shout out, they began hurrying while the loud movement behind them continued to gear after. "How much further until we arrive?" So that Kanji could impulse an answer, Akari spoke. "We're very near! But be aware, there a Guards which will be waiting behind the door!" "What door?!" Tim asked in confusion and louded out. "You'll see... no time to be warned about that, just hurry up!" Finally no more questions given, they continued to move as the 'Soul Eater' continued to close in on them. "Ah damn it! Just forget about any other guestions, get the hell out of here!" Codey loudly yelled once they kept rushing. "This is so stupid, I feel like a rabbit being chased down by a hungry wolf! Why haven't you told us sooner about that, Akari?!" Tim yelled while speeding up with his rush. "Well, a bit of fun before fighting could be lovely, right?" With unamusement, Tim spoke. "This is no time for fun! It's time to go and find Ayuka, and another word! I thought this thing was SUPPOSED to be straight, not a cyclone reaching up!!!" The group was rushing up the path in a cycle while nearing the top. "This is just a near exit, so we're almost at the door." Akari who seemed to had no trouble using Spiritual Mode, was very calm. "How can you be so calm and relaxed! We're literally being hunted, we can get eaten any time soon and what will be our achievement, nothing, NOTHING!" Odina was a bit quite as she listened to Tim and Codey complaining. "Yeah! Like why the hell, Akari!" Codey shouted who was very uncomfortable. "Hey! Don't use my words and then add them to your speech!" Then and now, Tim and Codey began arguing. "There is no such woffle rules to where I am not allowed to use your words, you never banned me from them!" Codey screeched and beginning to ignore the hunter behind them. "Well then it can be done, if I don't allow you to! Stop screwing around while we're being chased by a titanic thing, whatever the hell its supposed to be!" Yelled Tim to his angry speech. "I'll do as I'll want to do!" Codey's talking that instant became instantanously quicker with a different voice, because of annoyance. "Would you two already shut the hell up! We're almost at the end!" Tim and Codey heard Kanji but then faced, however the 'Soul Eater' began to catch up. "Gyaaaah! we're so doomed!!" Loud and clear, Codey screamed, they continued and Odina slipped on a scaled up floor. "Odina!" Reaching back, Kanji caught her arm and pulled her forward. "T-Thank you!" With heavy breathing, they continued moving and now began jumping over platforms. "Is this a game or something, what the hell!!!" Codey yelling made others uncomfortable. "Shut up for a second, will you!" As they bounced over, Codey lost balance and missed his step, he was then ready to drop to abyss. "Gah!" However in luck, Tim caught him. "See this is what happens when you talk all the time!" Quickly pulling him up, Tim and Codey ran forward, they soon came to light and jumped through it. "We're out!!!" But as they were about to be glad, they faced around when each of their aura bursted. "What's going on! Why are we in the air! I thought that we're going to be waited by guards!" Tim asked in anger, but then. "They've awaited us, they's planned it, hurry up and worry about yourselves!" Akari shouted and made the rest confused. "Waaaaah?!" Their aura bursted into a barrier which then seperated the rest and all five colours bursted into different aimed directions. In the distance at the headquarters the head captain stood. "Head, they've arrived....." Rentarou spoke while standing besides other captains, now there were also four other leaders that were not at the C.A.C., which was also a bit inconvinient.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Western) - Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.|

With the problematic arrival, the seperation forced Tim to land on the western side of the area. Odina and Kanji have landed on the Eastern, Codey dropped by on the Southern side and as for Akari, she dropped right on the Northern side, the problems have just begun as the multiple armies and groups await each of them, if they wish to rescue Kirashito, these obstacles will be a complete stopping point. With the blue aura, rushing around Tim's body he seemed to have had a funny face with his eyes shaking. "Gah! Slow down! I can't even focus!!!" To that yell, Tim smashed his body on the ground, but his arrival was not cool at all, instead he landed on a head-stand with the smoke waving. "How are we looking for start?" Questioned head leader and the top captain. Hide Kakawashi from Approved Baxions clan gave him an answer. "For start we've successfuly split these people aside, four of them seem to be teenagers, one of them is a girl, three of them boys, then we have a woman on the spot too. The guy with blonde hair seems to have been dropped next to the female on Eastern side, we've put several low tier Ginkenians in that spot for watchout, the guy who seemed to have brown hair, dropped down on the Southern, we've only requested several Ginkenians in that side with Ikamoto. The adult woman was put down at Northern, we haven't yet sent a group, but we do have Clan 5 on that side so they'll be able to defend the side, with the white hair guy, who seems to be rather more skilled than the rest was put on the Western, we have put there Clan 9 and Saraki, so they should be able to block him... those are the group puts." Explained Hide.

"All right... but send Tihara, lietuenant of the 6th Clan on the Eastern side." Explained the head captain. "Yes, understood sir..." Hide reached for his microphone and spoke. "Tihara Yuhara, you've been given orders to defend and scout Eastern side of the Society!" Tihara who was already bored, layed and sat on the table, making a yawn, she seemed to have had a mini shirt and short jeans with holes. "What the hell are they on about, those animals just arrived, is it really that horrible, heesh...." Spoke Tihara and dropped onto the floor. "We'll sent members of the 6th clan with you, there are already several Ginkenians, so make sure to get there as soon as possible..." Tihara took orders. "Yeah, yeah... all right, you jelly dumbs, we're going East.... we have uninvited 'guests'...." Ten of the members from clan 6 accepted and agreed. "Yes lieutentant Yuhara!" Tihara reached for a box. "Here, Yora, take this." Tihara threw the box for the worried girl to catch. "Uhm! Yes! Yes! Okay!" Called Yora with a worried gulp. "Stop being a coward and move on, we don't got time to waste..." The entire squad or at least, ten members have set out to the Eastern side. Tim already blasted with rush forward. "I bet there won't be any help, so I'll probably have to fight through many obstacles... just wait, Ayuka..." Answered Tim when running forward through the thin streets.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Middle) - Tuesday, 4:10 p.m.|

"What's... what's going on?" Ayuka asked while hearing the alarms beaming out. Another lieutentant came standing in front of the door. "It seems that some jerks came to rescue your fat ass." Said the guy once leaning his back on the door. "Some weirdos, few teenagers.... and a woman, dunno, guess these people really cannot approve you as dead..." The guy's name was Argo and he seemed to have black hair, with blue eyes and a black jacket, he even wore black jeans. "....Tim....." Ayuka spoke in annoyance. "Ah, so I got one name... Tim is it... well, don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough..." The guy pushed himself forward. "Let them go, just get them away from Society! Just stop trying to kill them, I'll accept the death, but let them go!" Ayuka shouted, pounding the door. "We wouldn't need to kill them if they haven't come here on their own... you do realize that, right?" Argo, faced through the hole and even shut down Ayuka. "I told them to stay away, what a fool!" Ayuka called when pounding the door harder.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Southern) - Tuesday, 4:15 p.m.|

Codey stood on the street of the area. "You're telling me that the Spiritual Realm has an entire society, this god damn thing is as huge as sea... but to get through the wall, we'll probably get involved into many obstacles... there are in total of 3 walls and we're just on the outside, Ayuka however must be set down in that tower or whatever it is... and to find doors, we'll probably have some foolish guard, standing by... however, I am unsure if there will be sent any other Ginkenians at us... would they actually use their tough warriors to stop us already... maybe a few... but the thing, I should keep in mind is.... if they do, the tougher warriors will probably not be ordered to fight just yet, but to lead the members... which gives me an opportunity to punch these bags to their domain..." With a proper expectations, Codey ran forward and yes, his thinking was correct, lieutentants.... and the tougher warriors will not be set to fighting yet, however, it will be to lead the group and to properly understand their enemies...

With a dash forward, Codey began making his way toward the wall, but as he was running his senses made him hear the entire Society running around and scouting him and the rest, with a leap onto the rooftop, Codey decided to scout the area too, to puzzle a correct path to the door. The paths seemed to have been built in a same pattern but the each side had different. The Ginkenians who were pulling their feet on the floor, trying to find their target, Codey, was also sensed by Codey. "The path shouldn't be hard to remember... but if we can manage to get together, then we'll have better chance of entering..." Codey stood up straight, facing and hearing footsteps of the armies, his clothes and hair waved in the wind. "All right... this mission won't be easy at all... definetly not short either...."

To be continued...