99. Treating Kimoshi! Kodachi 'Himahasai'!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requirea for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Southern) - Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.|

Codey jumped extremely high in the air and unleashed a beaming tornado throw with his flying boomerang which Ikamoto countered back with his katana, slicing it forward, he skimmed his foot and appeared right in front of Codey who swung. Ikamoto backed down with a duck and disappeared from the spot, Codey hurried along with his twisted thoughts and blazed over the sky with his dual thrown boomerangs, once again, countering back with a slice, Ikamoto safely defended himself. But rushing in for offense, Codey quickly smashed his strong foot into Ikamoto's face pushing him back and then throwing another chain of his dual boomerangs. Ikamoto twisted his body and made several rolls in the air to avoid the boomerangs, both duelists took distance, tired.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Western) - Tuesday, 4:31 p.m.|

"Damn it... somebody is already fighting..." Tim was sensing both fighters in the distance who then hurried in another sweeping dash, Tim bounced with a leap in the air and landed on the edge of the rooftop, he cleansed his eyes to see further and began thinking. "There's gotta be a shortcut to the gate but it's also probably a risk...." With his loud gaps several members called out. "I heard something, check this area!" A member from the squad called. Tim was serious and spoke. "Should be more quieter, they are everywhere around this area.... they seem to be from 9th clan...." The number messed out Tim. "There's more than 8 clans? So how many is there in total..." With arguing over numbers, Tim noticed several other Ginkenians who were not put on duty with number 13. "Is there 13? So why the hell was it only 8 in C.A.C.... ugh... this will be problematic, there's probably, hundreds... if not thousands of enemies from this entire Society... gotta hang on and find a better way...." But then, before knowing, Tim sensed a higher and powerful Spiritual Symbolism... Tim faced and noticed. "Toshi! Check the Cloud Area... might be some enemies over there... Kimoshi, check Sun Area and Lass, check the Star Area...." It was Saraki, ordering his squad. "Saraki?!" From shock and surprise, Tim crouched and continued to stalk. "He has to know where Ayuka is, but I shouldn't go, it won't be safe..." Tim scooped over another rooftop and continued onward. Saraki and his left group ran forward while the ones who were sent, split out. "Just where the hell are these guys... Shinkaku's gotta be around here... but I would be able to sense him.... unless... unless he's lowering his Spiritual Symbolism for us to be incapable of sensing... damn this kid..." Saraki rushed to the front. "Squad 3, go after Toshi, Squad 4, hurry along and go with Kimoshi, as for Squad 1, go follow Lass!" Saraki gave another set of orders. "Yes! Understood lieutenant!" The Squads split to the located orders. "Squad 2, you're staying with me on the watch, let Squad 1, 3 and 4 deal with scouting for Shinkaku, us will, focus on locating the enemy..." Saraki and Squad 2 of Ginkenians dusted their shoes forward. "They're set in Squads, I got the first four... Codey and the rest probably have the other Squads.... damn, I don't understand their setups...." Tim sweeped his palm on the chimney and then disappeared by using Vanishing Dash, moving toward the gate. "This is guranteed a success if we get there in time..." Tim just slid on the edgy roof and bounced from the edge, from surprise, Squad 4 came across him which made Tim surprised, his eyes shook while being in the air over them. The Squad faced upward but nothing was there. "What is it Yhoro?" Another member of squad asked. "I felt as if somebody was above us..." Yhoro spoke and sighed. "Dude, you're kidding, you're just worried of being attacked!" But to those words, Tim then landed behind them and raised his sword. "Seraphic! Penetrate!" Squad 4 turned back and became surprised while sensing Tim's insane Spiritual Symbolism. The blue aura that was smooth, burning around Tim, chaosed over his body when Tim slashed downward and unleashed a crescent sweep of blue energy which went beaming through the middle of the Squad's army and then blowing and exploding them aside in an instant. Kimoshi yelled in surprise when his back went cracking into a pole, then bouncing onto his stomach. "What the hell, that's gotta be the one who we're looking for!" Kimoshi called out when reaching for his chip. "Saraki! We've found the target! Please hurry, we won't be able to fight him alone!" But from shock, Kimoshi was unable to communicate with Saraki. "Don't wory, the thing was caught in the blast..." Tim stepped above and in front Kimoshi who seemed to be upset. "Damn the brutally will commence you!" Kimoshi reached for his basic Ginken when swiping forward, Tim drew out his sword and blocked the immersive strike and defended, but from the strike he was pushed on the floor back, even causing him to lose balance and almost drop onto the floor. "The hell?" Kimoshi was serious. "If Saraki can not hear or be communicated to, I'll just keep you busy 'till then, for his arrival... I am Kimoshi Tateyamo, Member of the 9th Clan and also the leader of Squad 4, prepare to be exposed! Ko-da-chi!" Tim's eyes sharpened to a shake, Kimoshi unleashed a traditional but insane amount of energy which was glowing from his body and Ginken, it was waving in a soaring aura, coloured orange which blasted into the air and created a dusty wind, Tim covered his eyes and facial view from the sand when noticing a sharp and long scarved blade. "Kodachi! Himahasai!" Kimoshi spun onward when blowing away the dust, he summoned a two bladed spear, which he then spun and aimed at the ground. "Kodachi state?" "That's right... I might be incapable of learning Henshin, but for now, Kodachi is all I rely on... so don't think that you'll sweat your butt from here, without a scar..." Kimoshi was extraordinarly serious and the rest of his Squad was down. Saraki who just sensed an aura, cursed out a word. "Kimoshi! Hey! Squad 4! What's the state! Hello! Kimoshi!" But to no avail, Saraki could not be given an answer. "Damn this thing is broken! Something went down!" From a rush forward, Saraki continued to order Squad 2. "What do we do Lieutenant Saraki?" Many thoughts later, Saraki spoke. "Continue moving, we're on the defense and locating the enemy, Kimoshi can take care of himself!" From understanding, Squad 2 nodded. Tim moved back and took courage when holding his heavy sword. ("Kodachi... no surprise there... these are well trained Ginkenians..., it's a spot on, this will not be easy at all, gotta get through this guy though.... don't need more obstacles...") Tim turned his sword's sharp sided blade toward Kimoshi when releasing a burning fire on it. "I see your Ginken's got an actual type, haven't been dealing with many of these 'Type Ginkenians'!" Kimoshi added when worried of failure. "It does, it's Nensho...."

Kimoshi inhaled and waited for Tim to make the first attack. Tim knew of course but quickly disappeared from the paycheck and appeared in front of Kimoshi, with such a quick move Tim cut forward but Kimoshi quickly slipped to the side and spun his spear. Tim let out a hot fire at that swing so Kimoshi blew it away by spinning his spear. Kimoshi then ran forward and slid the sharp part of the spear across the ground as he approached Tim, Kimoshi swung obliquely upwards but Tim blocked the attack with a downward swing, Kimoshi swung the other part of the spear and surprised Tim, but after a quick thought Tim turned the sword down and cheered the swing. Kimoshi slipped under Tim with a twisting approach and slashed against Tim's back. Of course, Tim didn't let himself be hit so he disappeared and quickly appeared behind Kimoshi's head. With his sword raised high above his head, Tim cut backwards but, Kimoshi quickly turned around and defended over his head, giving a smile. "Heh ... not bad for a kid like you, got some skills, dont'cha, you make me satisfied with warrior's heart!" Kimoshi uttered and swung over Tim's thrust, Tim quickly bowed. "Had some training session back in Tokyo City!" Tim spun around and released a hot fire in the shape of a cyclone and swung forward with force. Kimoshi defended and bounced these hot flames in a flat round, but with a strong force, the fire spread and Tim disappeared the moment that Kimoshi got stunned. Tim now stood behind Kimoshi's back and slashed, to his surprise Tim slashed through Kimoshi's back but Kimoshi then pulled away with an injured back that was bleeding. "Damn, a lucky cut ..." Tim listened but placed his sword on his shoulder. "I do not call it lucky, it's brave strike... not something else...." Tim was intimidating Kimoshi. "Just prefer to give up and surrender, we're getting Ayuka out of this cursed place and if it takes an eternity and making ways through all of you!" Tim angrly spoke when his hand shook. "I am from 9th Clan, I am not here to salvage and surrender, in fact, us warriors were taught to never back down from a fight, so you can forget about this crappy ego of yours!" Tim was annoyed and unleaned his sword. "It's not ego... it's just a task, to save Ayuka.... I don't take abductions lightly, especially not when the target doesn't deserve it, I'll get through your warrior's heart and my enemies ahead!" Delicated Tim shouted and crouched his right leg. "You think you'll get through everybody, even if you do get past lieutenants, there are still 13 captains, they are the third if not fourth, more skilled and talented warriors.... and if you somehow succeed, we still have our final reserve... The head captain! You are nothing compared to him!" Kimoshi explained the twisted setup. "I couldn't care less, death is on the bed here and I won't let it get done!" Tim dashed in, from the spot and swapped his blade into the other arm, he sliced forward. "Firestorm! Gesture!" With advertising shout, Tim sweeped forward in a shape of an X and unleashed the heavy, burning and passionate fire, which went blazing through the circular air, targeted at Kimoshi. From a twacked situation, Kimoshi roared with his voice and sliced forward. Tim hurried over and disappeared from the spot, he twisted his blade and sliced back at Kimoshi, Kimoshi however made a grin and disappeared, Tim was surprised but was dropped right in front of his own attack. "Taste the burning flames of yours!" Kimoshi laughed when seeing Tim, but no showing any fear, Tim smiled and in sudden moment, the flames went crustling, striking Tim when exploding in a gigantic flame blast. "It's like playing golf, to be defeated by your own attack, pathetic and funny!" Laughed Kimoshi but then he looked sideways. Kimoshi noticed a body standing in the orange fire with a straight stance, the man's clothes were waving in the burning fire and the cloth on the sword was twirling. "What the hell! That attack was more than enough to kill me, how did you~" But seeing Tim, moving his sword, made the fire blow out and immediately rustle onward. "I think you misunderstood how 'Type Ginkens' work, their attacks, will only harm their target... not the ones who have used such attack, as for that, you belong to be put down to a study session!" Tim's clothes unburnt and he looked sideways, a burning flame rustled from Tim's left eye, then disappearing in a singular second. "You do not, understand me and my Ginken at all...."

To be continued...