103. Retreat of the captain's lieutenants, squads and members! Loss of attackers!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requires for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Western) - Tuesday, 5:40 p.m.|

Tim and Kimoshi were still in the middle of the duel when they heard Tim's friends slowly begin to approach the first wall they were supposed to cross. "Looks like this duel will be over soon." Tim was still sharp and with the approach he jumped forward, stabbed with his sword and released a higher force of fire, which burned through the air and surrounded Kimoshi, Kimoshi quickly swung with a spear and stabbed Tim, who then immediately avoided. With the information and approach, Tim disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Kimoshi's back, this time for the third time. Kimoshi, however, had not yet given up, so he swung in a circle behind his back. Tim, of course, defended with a crossed sword and then kicked Kimoshi aside. When Tim pushed him, however, Kimoshi released his orange attack, which spun against Tim through the air. Of course, Tim remembered what this attack was doing, so he protected himself with fire and extended it around his body, which was now also hovering in a rapid explosion, both attacks hit and Tim was caught in an explosive attack, but that didn't stop him, Tim progressed quickly with a run forward and slipped directly in front of Kimoshi's face, while Tim cut up and again released an X-shaped fire attack, while Kimoshi was pushed aside and burned by the hot fire. Tim, however, quickly advanced the attack by slipping forward and quickly cut down, Kimoshi dodged by jumping back, but the next attack was already ready from Tim. With a notch up in oblique shape, Tim incised Kimoshi through his chest, adding an attack with his handle that injured Kimoshi and then pushed him aside.

"Lucky shot!" Kimoshi screamed and ran towards Tim, at which point Tim was slowly getting enough. "I've had enough of you!" Tim indirectly rounded with his sword in front of him and at that point quickly began to emit ring-shaped fire. Kimoshi, of course, continued to run forward and even pushed his two-edged spear behind his back and ran towards Tim, but at that, an orange fire quickly shot out of that ring and Tim immediately uttered it. "Watch out ..." Kimoshi's thinking quickly moved behind his back and he noticed that the other ring was behind his back. "What is it!?" Kimoshi stood in the middle of the two burning rings, Tim cut his sword to the side and at the same time both rings released a burst of fire that merged and eventually exploded, in which Kimoshi was caught, and Tim looked ahead and watching the smoke burn, Kimoshi was now lying on the floor and his clothes were burnt and his body had burns, and at that his spear layed on the side, Kimoshi could barely do anything. "It's over ... you're scared .... you don't have to stand anymore .... it'll be better for you to call for help ..." Tim rested his sword on his shoulder and then turned. "It's not ... it's not yet ... it's not yet ...it's not over...." Tim looked behind his back and was very serious. He thrust his sword back onto his back and the cloth was wrapped ... "Don't speak, you know it's over ..." As Tim said this, he ran forward. Kimoshi, on the other hand, fell unconscious and quickly lost his temper. With that, two very strong and compliant Ginekenians were defeated ....

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Headquarters) - Tuesday, 5:50 p.m.|

"Chief Captain Himurya Shezaki .... we got reports that Squad 13 and 14 crashed, squad 15 found them on the north side by the door. They reported as soon as they found them .... for once we have too little power on this side do you suggest anything? " The Ginkenian who reported held the book. "I can't believe it ... so many squads and none of them managed to stop these intruders? How is that even possible?" The moment Alexis asked, the next Ginkenian ran. "Captain! News and very bad! Kimoshi from squad 4 and a member of the ninth clan fell .... lieutenant Saraki Hatashi found him lying on the ground .... hurry with the instructions!" He called a member. One captain who wore glasses stood very seriously but behaved a little awkwardly, with a scary smile. "Um ... do you know where the body was?" Himurya replied quickly. "Captain Oshan Yusaru ..... please don't interfere with the word ..." Oshan apologized and stepped back. "Of course, my mistake!" With a smile, he looked back at the two Ginkenians. "Uh .... I think it was in the west ...." Himurya listened and finally decided. "How would you like us to proceed?" Hide asked. "Send all the squads and lieutenants back to their clans, leave these Ginkenians alone for a while ...., hopefully the gatekeeper will succeed ...." Everyone agreed and the orders were heard aloud. and seriously.

|Spiritual Realm - Society - Tuesday, 5:55 p.m.|

"All squads and lieutenants, the following instructions have been given, all must return to their surroundings in a moment, leave these Ginkenians alone, do not interfere until you have received orders." At such, as this lieutenant spoke, it was heard throughout society. "What, these instructions were never given by the captain, he never before allowed intruders to enter?" Saraki, standing and holding Kimoshi, listened and was satiated. "So, I resigned for no reason .... you can't believe it .... okay, all the squads on the east side go back to your homes and clans!" The command was loud and stern. "But, Tihara, so we came here for nothing?" Yora asked on the same side, but Odina and Kanji quickly finished the duel and demolished the squad that blocked their way. "Well, it looks like they decided to digress .... why don't I just understand." Kanji picked up his Ginken and inhaled. "Maybe they got scared haha!" Odina was loud and airy. "Calm down, now it would be best to meet up with the others ... hurry up, Odina!" Kanji confirmed their plan for now and Odina accepted it as well.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Western) - Tuesday, 6:00 p.m.|

Tim, who did not understand their reason for the retreat, checked around and quickly hid behind the wall, noticing that all the squads and the lieutenants had left their guard duties. "This ... is really unexpected .... I'd better meet the others ..." Tim waited until all the Ginkenians ran past him and then ran towards the middle, the third wall where the greatest chance of a meeting was.

However, during the fast time, someone called his name. "Tim! Here!" Codey ran from the south side behind him. "Codey! Hey!" Tim stopped quickly and waited for Codey to join him. "How did it go, what luck?" Tim asked honestly. "Don't worry, I managed to complete the fight between Lieutenant Ikamoto, and you?" Codey asked, scratching his nose quickly. Tim nodded with a smile. "Nice job .... I only had a member from clan 9 with me .... nothing difficult, but I'll admit he was a great warrior ...." Tim smiled. "Ah, I see ... so because of you they called a retreat and a break ...." Tim nodded quickly. "But now it would probably be best to meet the others ..." Codey replied calmly. "Yeah ... that's where I was going, let's hurry, the best place is in the middle." With calm concern and a nod, they both ran towards the middle, where they were expecting the others as well.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Middle) - Tuesday, 6:25 p.m.|

Tim, Codey were both expecting the others and at that main moment, Odina and Kanji also showed up. "Hey! Here, you two!" When Tim called with his arm crossed but one raised, Odina and Kanji quickly approached. "What happened between you two, looks like as if you were loaded with a ball!" Called Kanji with an additional question. "We only had minor problems, but don't worry, we got rid of them." Codey smiled. "What about with the two of you?" Odina and Kanji shook their heads. "Nope, not one ... well, not quite, we just had to get rid of some sort of squad, that was all ..." Kanji said. "Um ... but they didn't mention it over the area... any idea to where Akari is supposed to be?" But just when Tim asked, that person showed up. "Not even, just a small proportion of squads ..." Akari jumped in front of them. "Um .... Tim, Codey, will you be okay?" Of course, when Odina asked, they nodded. "Don't worry, we're okay and healthy as a fish ...." But, in their condition, it wasn't exactly the best move to continue. "It's still a long way .... I think it's better to step back during this time about the short lockdown .... in this state you two are not yet ready to attack, when we cross the first wall we will have to collapse again, because I know how it works here. " Tim and Codey listened to Akari, and inhaled at that. "But ... we only have one more day ..., there is no time to recover ...." Of course, Akari did not accept that. "Don't worry, it'll only take us a few hours and then we'll move on ..." Codey then asked. "But .... where are we supposed to go, the whole society is around us because we're their target after all?" Codey looked at the others quickly with a question. "Don't worry .... I know exactly the right place ..." With those words, the others trusted. "Okay ... as you say ...." Tim nodded in response and all five of them headed forward for a break.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Middle) - Tuesday, 6:29 p.m.|

"I can't believe this .... Tim and the others are trying to save me .... why are you so stupid?" Ayuka, who was sitting and looking through the open wall, looked into her palm, because she was not getting enough food and drink, she slowly started to feel weaker .... all she could show was a small proportion of the cold fog. By translating her words, Ayuka quickly checked into the distance where she saw all the squads and lieutenants moving away. "Why are you trying .... what have I done to underestimate your lives for one, independent me ....?" Ayuka slowly began to lose her strength from the permanent fatigue. She watched her palm, unwilling to think, for her, she was very unhealthy. She also heard lieutenants talking, shouting and giving orders. ".... Just ... why .... please, just back off ..." With her words, she now began to think about Tim, Codey, and the others, with a last look, she looked ahead into the distance and finally gave up with thinking ..

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outskirts) - Tuesday, 6:31 p.m.|

Akari, Tim, Odina, Codey and Kanji were now running through the forest which was slowly becoming dark because of the latency. "So this 'space' you used, do you really think they'll help us?" With a question ahead, Kanji answered. "Sure, this lady is a very good friend of mine .... don't worry, everything will be fine." Akari smiled and quickly continued on her way, the others following her. "I just hope that it isn't some kind of trap ..." Luckily, they didn't have to worry, as the girl Akari mentioned is very kind and volunteer for others. Hoping everything would go according to plan, Tim turned around and continued his run. "We're coming ... Ayuka ... just wait ..."

Ayuka just glanced into the darker sky, feeling very unpleasent to thy rest....

To be continued...