104. Crazy girl and flawless greetings! Tim and friends approach Tatsuo!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requires for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outskirts) - Tuesday, 6:31 p.m.|

Akari, Tim, Odina, Codey and Kanji were now running through the forest which was slowly becoming dark because of the latency. "So this 'space' you used, do you really think they'll help us?" With a question ahead, Kanji answered. "Sure, this lady is a very good friend of mine .... don't worry, everything will be fine." Akari smiled and quickly continued on her way, the others following her. "I just hope that it isn't some kind of trap ..." Luckily, they didn't have to worry, as the girl Akari mentioned is very kind and volunteer for others. Hoping everything would go according to plan, Tim turned around and continued his run. "We're coming ... Ayuka ... just wait.."

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outskirts) - Tuesday, 7:21 p.m.|

Tim and the others were now walking towards some kind of building and Tim was their most amazed and lost at what this building was up to. "So .... this, is .... here ... I mean, this is the place where your friend lives?" Kanji scratched his face with a question. "Yes, that's right!" Akari, standing in front of them, nodded. "Uhm .... that seems kind of a small thing .... but .... let's say I would accept this area ..." Codey checked the space with his arms crossed. "May I ask why the building has a roof in the shape of a duck's head?" But during the moment Tim asked, he heard something. "Watch out! Watch a little !!!" They all turned their backs and noticed a man running towards them. "Hey! Hey! Stop! Hey! Can you hear me-" Even before Tim could finish, this man knocked Tim to the ground, past the others. Akari just smiled, and the others saw Tim and the man rolling back. "Let's say ... it's a normal greeting ...." Codey added in his own words, they both crashed into the wall of the building and at that one a loud scream was heard, it was also girlish. "What's wrong with you !? Can you watch !!!" Tim rolled his eyes with a loud shriek. "Haaaaa? Hey, hey, hey! I said watch out, man!" The man started arguing with Tim, louder, but then something else was heard. "ENKAI! Shut up and don't yell at what you're doing !!" At that, an older girl approached the others in shorter clothes from the door. "Heih? And who are you supposed to be?" The girl looked down with her hands on her hips. Tim, who had no idea who that person was supposed to be, said. "Tim Shinkaku ..." With rolling eyes, Tim pushed Enkai aside and stood up and wiped the dust. "Oh! Akari! I haven't seen you in a while ..." the girl said. "These your new friends?" The woman asked and was all sorts of serious. "Let's say they're friends, but for the better ... everyone here is Ginkenian except this girl." Akari smiled and pointed her palm at Odina. "Ehehehe .... yes!" Odina was embarrassed by the scratch on her head. Enkai stood up with a look at Tim. "What are you looking at, idiot ?!" Tim and Enkai turned and with a rival face, looked and joined their heads closer, electricity showing between their eyes. The girl standing next to and closer to Tim and Enkai was unamused in the face. "Okay, everyone, this is Tatsuo .... my friend in the old days." Akari smiled. "Oh! Nice to meet you, Tatsuo!" Odina and Kanji both introduced themselves, and Codey added alongside. "Why are you dressing like you're on the beach ...." With an unamused face, Codey looked at the top of her dress. "Uhm .... it's a bra shirt ...." Kanji added, making Codey very embarrassed. While the others introduced themselves, however, Tim and Enkai continued their quarrel, and finally Tatsuo looked at the two boys "Shut up already!" Grasping both heads, Tatsuo squeezed them into each other and they both got a flask and fell on their asses. "Hey! What are you doing, you don't even know me, monkey !!" Tim called out loud and looked at her as he held his flask. "Heeeeh?" Tatsuo leaned forward with her serious face. She was very scary with her angry look. "What did you call me?" However, when Tim called, he swallowed his saliva and at that, Tatsuo immediately started attacking Tim in white dust and smoke. Odina was confused and Codey and Kanji very unsurprised. "I'm not going to lie, he deserved it ..." Codey added, keeping a serious face. During the observation, however, complaints and beatings were heard, all hiding behind smoke. "Gah! Ah! Sorry! I'm sorry! Ah!" Tim's voice sounded louder. "Well, maybe she's a little bit aggressive, but she's a fine person, no worries ..." Akari smiled. Finally, Tatsuo stopped pummeling Tim and turned to face the others. "Okay, you come in .... I guess you need some help."

As they entered and walked down the hall, Tim and Enkai watched each other ugly all the time. "So how come you live outside of society?" Codey, who was walking in front of the others, asked appropriately. "That area was not for me, instructions and commands, weh .... nothing special, in general .... I'd rather live here, alone with this idiot than in that society ...." While speaking, Tatsuo looked towards Enkai. "Oh, come on .... Tatsuo .... why do you have to call me an idiot ...." With a silly face, Enkai quickly checked his face. "Because you're a big, fat, hairy idiot!" At this, Enkai almost fell to the ground. "Hah! She called you, fat, hairy, big idiot! Like she was your mother!" Tim looked at Enkai with an ingenious face. "Heeeeee! Do you want me to put you on the floor here!" Enkai shouted loudly. Tim looked to the side with a comedic face and had his hands resting. "Hah! You! Even my father could turn you down to the ground!" With that, they both looked at each other angrily. ".... But these two are really loud ...." Kanji replied with a desperate face. As they walked, they both whimpered at each other and Akari just ignored them. "Um, I see you've renovated your space a bit ..." Akari added with a smile. "Not even much ...." Tatsuo, who led the others further into the building, slowly began to have enough, her eyebrows shaking as she listened to Tim and Enkai. Going on and on, Tatsuo called quickly. "Shut up or you'll be washing the floor all night!" But the first call didn't help anything. "Hah! Like I'm going to do something for you! Not by any chance, you're not my mom!" Tim shouted.

- A while later -

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outskirts) - Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.|

Tim held a floor sponge in his hands and a bucket of water. "Faster! Just get started!" Exclaimed Tatsuo. Tim ran around and washed and wiped the floor with his hands and sponge. The others sat on warm pillows. Tim meandered around and skated all around. "Haha! Look at him! Washing the floor like as if he were unable to get money on his own!" As Enkai grinned, Tim slipped and looked Enkai in the face. "What? You say I'm not able to make money on my own !?" Tim asked with an angry face and looked ahead. "Hah! That's right, at least I don't have to do that kind of pig work because I'm not a pig!" Having said Enkai, Tatsuo replied. "What do you think you're going to do? Stand there like you won't work? Hurry to work before I send you to cow shit!" Tatsuo called out loudly. "Of course ma'am!" Enkai was quickly frightened and started helping Tim. "Oh god! Whether you're a fat snail or something, you really can't wash faster!" Tim made a modest announcement. "Hah! Challenge! I'll clean this whole room in less than 3 hours!" But after that, Tim quickly slipped on the cold ground. "Hah! I'll do it in 1!" Meanwhile, they showed hatred for each other again. "Ah? Then prove it! Whoever washes most of the pay wins the bet and has to put others fingers between the doorframe!" They slipped their heads together. "Oh? Game on! Then!"

Tim called out loud and they both started running around faster and faster to win the bet and the others just watched them. Odina looked left and right faster with her head, and slowly lost herself. "I don't know where anyone is anymore!" Odin's pupils began to spin as she fell back onto her back. "Odina?" Kanji who spotted her saw that Odina was very curled up on the ground. "I'm fine .... no worries, ahaha ...." But, her pupils kept spinning. Meanwhile, Tim and Enkai continued with the madhouses. "So why did you come to visit me, today?" Tatsuo, who was sitting, asked and looked towards Akara.

"Well, Tim and the others, here, want to save their Ginkenian friend, Ayuka Kirashito from stopping the execution! A few minutes, or even an hour ago ... we attacked the society, but we were separated into all four parts of the world. We were found, well, ... Tim, Codey, these two were, but they were able to break through .... then they called for a retreat and I decided to come here for a visit .... you know they get a little puffy, and so on .. . "Akari smiled during the time Tim and Enkai continued, shouting loudly and washing up. "Just to rest? Seriously?" Tatsuo became bored. "No ... not just because of that ...., something else ..... about Tim ...." The others were more lost between Tim and Enkai, who were still running around like two little dogs. "But ... I'd rather discuss this separately ....., during the time when the others will fall asleep ..." Akari suggested, this time her face and feeling was more serious. "Okay ....., then first, I think a feast of some kind would be best, wouldn't it!" When Tatsuo answered, the others except Tim and Enkai looked up, drooling, except for Akari. "That would be quite thankful too!" Akari smiled.

- An hour later -

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outskirts) - Tuesday, 8:50 p.m.|

Tim and Enkai sat on the floor next to the walls as if they were on a marathon, drilled and quite exhausted. "Haha, you see, one hour!" Tim barely smiled with a proud reply, but, Enkai added. "Hah! you couldn't do it if I didn't help you, freak!" They both breathed louder, and sat in silence ... well almost as the others talked. "At least no one needs to put their fingers between the doors!" Tim added and inhaled. "Really? It made you more tired than, fighting, you two take turns weird ..., well, good ...." Codey replied with a scratch on his face. "Hey! Look what you're saying, what if you did that next time, huh?" Enkai asked with a serious face. "I won't be needing to, freaks ... well, enough, come to the banquet ...." Codey pointed with his right thumb behind his back and walked away. "At least something relaxing!" They both got up and ran towards the banquet, while the moment they were tired, everyone else was watching the two of them, amazed. Tim and Enkai shoved food into their mouths, quickly and rudely. "Well .... they look like they haven't had food in over 20 days ...." Kanji replied and took a proper bite into the food. "Well, then... bon appetite!"

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outskirts) - Tuesday, 9:20 p.m.|

After the feast was over, they all gained a place to sleep, on properly warm beds. Tim and Enkai were tired more than the others, and they were lying, very strangely on the bed, while Akari and Tatsuo were sitting in the other room. "So .... now that they're sleeping .... what did you want?" Tatsuo asked as she sat on the pillow. "Of course .... Tim is ...."

To be continued...