119. A fiery rescue! Tim approaches the captains!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requires for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Northern Corridor) - Wednesday, 3:39 p.m.|

Over time, that smoke, dust, pressure, and energy was lost in the distance, and nothing was able to be felt, Haku and Tim both layed on the floor, side by side, Tim was in pain and wounded ... And Haku he just laughed but was hurt. "Shinkaku Tim ..... you better save your friend ....." With that, Haku closed his eyes, and finished his smile. Tim, however, stared at the sky, and was unable to move his body, and then Tina jumped up. "Your name is Tim Shinkaku? Isn't it?" But, Tim could barely say anything. "Hahaha! Captain Haki hasn't enjoyed a fight in a long time, come back in the future so you can fight Captain Haki again .. thank you again, Timmy ..." But when Tim heard that, he closed his eyes and all he could see was darkness ....

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outedge) - Wednesday, 3:50 p.m.|

Somewhere outside of Society.

Tim heared a voice. "Hey hey, it's going to take a bit quicker to wake up." It was a male voice. Tim, however, turned to the side and noticed a cat. "A- Akari?" With a question, Tim looked surprised. "That's right, hello ..."

"What ... am I doing here?" With a question, Tim sat down straight. "Let's say you were lying on the floor, I had to bring you here for that." With that question, Akari licked her paw. "Um ... you didn't bring me on your back with your cat's body, did you?" Tim scratched himself.

"No, no, you already know how I move through, don't you?" With a smile, Akari smiled and took a step at that, and Tim was amazed when he noticed the smoke, in front of him again. "Erm, what are you doing?" At that, a body appeared in front of him, Akari stood in front of him.

"That's how I brought you ... so listen." Tim had his eyes open to the end and very uncomfortable, looking up and down while he had no idea what to say. "Um .... um ...." Akari stepped closer as Tim lifted his head down, then saw Akari sit down in front of him. At that, Tim looked down and almost said the word. "First things first. You still have some time to save Ayuka, of course, that doesn't mean you can save her easily, since I needed to check your wounds, you were pretty close to death you know ..." But Tim raised his head, up and down, not knowing what to say, his face slowly began to redden and become hotter, meanwhile Akari spoke. "I have used this silk to bring your Ginken along, as it was shaking all the time and trying to attack ...." While Akari, sitting in crossed legs, showed some kind of silk and Tim's ears let go steam, and Tim quickly raised his hands in front of his face with angry vocabulary.

"Put something on 'Like Clothes !!!!!!!!"

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outedge) - Wednesday, 3:52 p.m.|

"Are you sure? If you don't look at firm, young female body now, you might never see one ever again, look!" When Tim finally turned back towards Akari he was still angry and noticed Akari opening her T-shirt. Tim shuddered, and immediately turned away and grabbed his nose. "Ugh... no... I'm bleeding... ugh!" Tim held his nose as his voice changed to higher. "Are you okay?" Akari listened to Tim crying into the word.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Outedge) - Wednesday, 3:53 p.m.|

"The clothes are so uncomfortable." Having said Akari, she fixed her orange tracksuit. Tim, however, stared at the silk Akari showed him.

"So, uh ... how is this 'silk' supposed to help with holding other Ginkens?" Tim asked as he was dressed in his trench coat. "Well, it acts like an object that stops that Ginken's pressure, and keeps it out of that little bit of metal inside, it connects to some other body, and it shows Ginken as if there were another person, in this case me, the wielder of that Ginken . " With what Akari explained, Tim then quickly uttered. "Really .... I'm interested in something...., at the beginning ... you resigned to go find something, was this it?" But Akari did not confirm this. "No, I went looking for that paper." In doing so, Akari picked up the paper and showed it to Tim. "Um, what is this?" With a question, Tim grabbed the paper.

"It's a paper report for Ayuka that Ayuka was able to obtain first, but, it looks like the paper has been altered." Tim turned away. "Tatar City?" Akari nodded. "That's right, Ayuka was first sent to the Tatar City in this world ... not to us in Tokyo City, but with that Ayuka understood her instructions differently .... it looks like someone framed her, that is, someone wanted to get Ayuka into trouble. " With that, Tim listened, and fixed his bandages.

"But .... why?" But, Akari didn't have a chance to collapse, because deep down she knew that, but she wasn't allowed to tell Tim.

"Good news, otherwise ... it looks like the execution of Ayuka has been extended by 10 minutes .... some 'technical' problem." Tim, however, was very unamused. "Technical problems ... you know that-" But even before Tim finished, Akari accepted. "Yeah, yeah, I know, in general, what I meant, you have a little more time to get there, to her direction ... which also means it's better to go as soon as possible ..." Tim nodded with an exhalation, and stood up. . "Thanks for the help ..." "Sure, but listen, when you get there, you're probably going to fight some captain, so remember what you learned from Tishida." Tim nodded and opened the door, quickly using Air Step and continuing on his way.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Execution Hill) - Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.|

Saraki ran in the direction of Ayuka to somehow at least try to save her. "Just great, I warned Tim for help, but nooooo, of course he'll go alone and fight Captain Haku!" With that, Saraki approached towards the hill. The captains were standing in front of the cross when Saraki then quickly stopped. "Captain Himurya Shezaki! Please listen to my words!" With the words Saraki gave, the other Captains turned against him. "Hmmm ... Lieutenant of the Ninth Clan, Saraki, please step aside." But, Saraki was angry. "Sorry Captain, but I'd like to tell you that Ayuka Kirashito is pure, I don't know exactly what happened, but I believe Ayuka has no duty to be executed!" Ayuka hanging in front of the cross, spoke in confusion. "S .... Saraki?" Ayuka looked ahead in amazement.

"Please ... Lieutenant Saraki that you resign, there is nothing here for you ... Ayuka Kirashito, she was decided to be executed." But, Saraki said on. "No, I will not withdraw, please release Ayuka Kirashito, and cancel her execution!" But it didn't work. Himurya struck the ground with his sword. "Enough of your words! Ginkenians, orders, prevent Lieutenant Saraki from approaching!" When orders were given, other Ginkenians ran against him and accepted the orders. "You can't believe it!" Saraki immediately reached for his Ginken and lifted him in front of his face. He defended the swing of the katana, another Ginkenian, and pushed it away.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Middle Side - Headquarters) - Wednesday, 4:01 p.m.|

Kauri came in the same direction and was frightened and lost. "What ... what happened?" What Kauri saw was this, three Ginkenians were stabbed to the wall, and that wall was quite bloody, and blood was pouring against the ground. "Oh, hello ... Captain Kauri Mashikato, welcome." When Kauri heard a male voice, she turned and noticed Oshan. "Captain Oshan Yusaru? What's going on here?" With that, Oshan just smiled. "Nothing, these Ginkenians just tried to block my way a little bit, that's all." With a smile, Oshan held the pen. Kauri, of course, didn't like what she saw, so she turned to face him.

"It seemed to me that something suspicious had been noticed in you, what are you doing?" With a question, Oshan smiled. "Don't worry, I just want to get a 'Spiritual Core' that's all." But what Kauri heard then came as a surprise. "That thing? What are you going to do with it?"

"You know what the meaning of 'Spiritual Core' is ... I need it so I can use this object, to control the reincarnated Ayuka Kirashito." With a smile, Oshan leaned back and finally looked in the direction. "What? Are you sick? That's not allowed!" But, Oshan was just smiling.

"W .... what?" Kauri then looked confused. "Oh, you don't know either? Well, Ayuka you can know this about her, she's a very important soul for the unification of the world ...." With what Oshan said, Kauri still didn't understand. "The unification of the world? These are two dimensions that are different and especially distant just for a better life, you can't change that!" Kauri said with a call. "For now, it's not possible, but with this core .... this joy of reunion will finally show itself ...." "Sorry I won't let that happen!" Kauri aimed her sword, but Oshan sighed. He took a step and Kauri's eyes twitched as blood erupted in front of her. At this, Kauri looked towards her body and noticed a huge wound through her chest. With frozen body, she froze in place. "Please don't stop me." Oshan said with a smile. "Y-You.... You're sick ...." At that, Kauri fell to the ground, and Oshan just stepped forward.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Execution Hill) - Wednesday, 4:07 p.m.|

Ayuka, who was still hanging now, noticed that the fire was approaching. "Let me go ahead, you idiots!" But, with what Saraki was saying, those Ginkenians were defeated, but, they were still coming and measured.

The fire was now approaching evenly, up to Ayuka's hand. With that ... Ayuka finally gave up, she realized it was the end of her life ... "Thanks ..... for trying .... Saraki ... everyone ... and, Tim ... "With tears flowing down, Ayuka felt the heat approaching her body.

When Saraki called the name, it happened.

Clothes floated and blew over his face. The captains and Ayuka looked up into the air as they saw a body moving through, but the moment Saraki noticed the next sword swung towards him, the Ginkenians fell to the ground in front of him, and Saraki looked on in amazement. The captains felt a tremendous pressure that could even reach the same level as one captain, the body landed flat on the cross, the body was dressed in a black trench coat, and around the neck and body was a red-black cape.

Fire rising around the cross swirled around Ayuka and the body, a silver sword gleamed in the fire, and white hair blew in the pressure of the wind. "Uh?" Ayuka looked to her left and noticed that she was leaning on someone's shoulder and holding on. Saraki finally smiled at that. "Captain Himurya Shezaki ...." Shion replied.

"Hey! Saraki!" Tim lifted Ayuka with one hand while she was overwhelmed. "Hey! Hey! What are you doing!" She asked, and Saraki then called quickly. "You! You don't intend to!" When Saraki called out, he almost lost his words. "Bring her away!" Tim moved his left hand back and then swung with full might with pressure, Ayuka then got thrown through the air at high speed, with face first. "Haaaaaaaaa !!" While Ayuka was screaming and almost crying from the fast wind in front of her, Saraki called out. "Are you crazy!?!" With that, Saraki started moving to the side. "Gyah!" Ayuka crashed into Saraki and they both rolled on the ground and the captains were incomprehensible with that.

"Are you okay?" When Saraki helped Ayuka to get up, he was still a little uncomfortable. Captain Himurya, struck the ground with his handle. "After him." The captains nodded and, at that, Isora moved his sword. But, Tim appeared in front of Isora in 'Vanishing Dash' and cut his sword into Isora's.

"Forget it ...." Tim released the blue pressure that pushed Isora a little to the side, knocking the floor down. "Next time, be more careful, idiot!" Saraki shouted loudly and, with Ayuka in hand, ran into the distance. Tim rested his sword on his right shoulder while the other captains were around Tim. "Go on, I'll keep him busy ...." The captains ran past Isora and Tim, and Captain Himurya resigned.

"Well ... looks like you showed up again ... well ... nice of that." In doing so, Tim remembered the incident when Isora stabbed him to the ground when Tim did not have his strength. "Brother like that ....."

To be continued...