120. Tim and the fight between Isora! Meeting with Ayuka and Codey!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requires for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons"!]

Tim and his friends successfully broke through the wall with the approach achieved and the problems.

During a situation that looked like trouble for the 'Spiritual Realm', Tim, Codey and Kanji were all expected from among one captain or lieutenant.

Kanji and Captain Amagari finished the fight in the first percent, but after a quick explanation added by Amagari, Kanji and Amagari decided to rest as Kanji trusted his friends to successfully break through the captains.

Codey, who was fighting Captain Alexis, however, discovered his mysterious dark side, with which he fortunately outgrew Alexis's power, who also narrated a technique called 'Henshin', after the battle was over, Codey regained his true body and thinking, but ... Captain Sadako knocked Alexis to the ground with her approach, which shook Codey.

With the disappearing Sadako and Alexis, Codey met with the lieutenant of the sixth clan and explained to her what the situation was, it was still before Captain Yukito from the tenth clan approached and stopped them, but fortunately, Yukito at the end of the fight. heard the truth that Ayuka had been sent to the wrong place and that none of the Captains had noticed. Asuka, a lieutenant of the tenth clan, brought a report that was supposed to explain and prove the truth to other captains, of course it didn't work ... because Sadako showed up and tore the paper report, so our heroes lost the opportunity to prove it.

Meanwhile, Tim clashed with Lieutenant Saraki, who was listed from the eighth clan to the ninth clan as a lieutenant.

Because Saraki wanted to prove he was capable of beating Tim, he held him back, and at the end, when it looked like Tim had won, they both fell to the ground. Fortunately, however, they were approached by a member of the seventh clan, Ashikiro, who granted treatment to these two warriors.

Not long after, when Tim managed to get closer to the 'Execution Hill' he was stopped, Captain Haku ... another entered, even as it looked like Haku was invincible, Tim finally managed to cut through his skin and at the same time sacrificed his sword blade, but fortunately the soul of Carissa gave all the help, so that Tim was able to regenerate his sword, and with Haku they both used their sincere power ... it was again an equal duel.

Within minutes, however, Tim was greeted by Akari, who brought him closer to the 'Execution Hill', thus also explaining how she managed to obtain the report, thus Tim headed towards Ayuka and at that, our hero made his way through the weaker Ginkenians who were giving trouble to Lieutenant Saraki, thankfully, Tim arrived at the right time.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Execution Hill - Outedge) - Wednesday, 4:12 p.m.|

Saraki, running forward with Ayuka in his hand, quickly heard her voice. "What are you doing ?! Let me go, it's important that we help Tim!" But, Saraki sighed. "Would you already shut up with your voice, you're too loud." But, Ayuka, who was very weak and malnourished, uttered it. "I think your voice, exceeds mine ..." With an unamused face, Saraki slipped aside, luckily they lost a number of Ginkenians. "Looks like the captains have been moved to different sides ... no one has followed us ..." With that, Saraki inhaled. "Finally! At least a little rest so I don't have to hold you and your heavy ass." At what Ayuka heard she uttered. "And you're supposed to be the hero of this story, you can't even talk to a girl."

"Whatever.... here, I managed to get some water." Ayuka, still looking unamused, uttered. "Now ... you can let me go ...." Saraki released Ayuka, who fell to the ground. "Hwah!"

"Hey! What are you doing ?!" Ayuka asked and was a little angry, but her voice was weak. "You said I should let you go ..."

"Well not in such an ugly way!" Now, however, Saraki looked into the distance where he and Ayuka had noticed the other Ginkenians crossing by.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Execution Hill) - Wednesday, 4:12 p.m.|

Tim and Isora looked at each other. "You know, I really hate you for what you did .... first you get involved during the fight and knock me down like a moron, then you don't care about your sister .... you wouldn't even want to help, but now you want to hurt, your sister and Saraki, once again " With that, Isora himself listened calmly. "I'm just wondering what you were like to your sister when you were younger?" With that answer, Tim moved his sword as his cape blew. "Huh? Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to break a word?" But, still Isora just moved his hand. "Nothing, huh? A little rude of you ...." With that, Tim grabbed his cape and at that he swung, and unwrapped the cape given to him by Akari to which it flew through the air, Tim's trench coat was shown and held his sword, but he still wore bandages around his body.

"My life is irrelevant to your eyes ... so, keep your voice down ..." Isora was a person who was very calm and rarely showed any emotions.

"You know ... you and Ayuka are very different in personality ... but you two can't really laugh. Just why?" With that, Tim raised his sword, and slowly began to release the blue aura from his pressure.

But, as before, Isora gave no answer.

"Looks like I'm going to have to force the words out of your mouth." With that, Tim said that, he allowed the tape covering his sword to finally start waving behind his back. Isora, however, left his sword in its basic form, a normal katana.

Isora stood still and waited for Tim to attack. Tim took a step and spoke. "Get ready, Isora." With a leap forward, Tim raised his sword high above his head and swung it down. But Isora defended the attack with a basic swing, the ground broke from Tim's pressure, but, the reaction from Isora did not show. Tim then cut sideways but Isora defended again. Tim, however, quickly disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Isora. Isora, feeling the longing behind his back, did not move, but at the same time only moved the sword behind his back and defended. Tim shook his clear eyes, and then appeared in the distance.

"Really? You intend to just stand there, maybe you'd think of attacking?" Isora moved his sword, and Tim looked at him in amazement ... "And ... what was that supposed to do-" But because Tim didn't know this warrior properly, he got lost as something cut through his shoulder. Rolling his eyes, Tim turned to his shoulder. "What the hell?" With the question, Tim took a step and felt a small slice in his skin.

"Without taking a step .... or anything, you managed to hurt me, just by moving the sword?" Tim, however, remembered a similar thing that had happened in the past. "At least now I see the real power of you." Even though Tim had a wound, it didn't bother him. ("Move and cut .... maybe I'll have harder problems ....") With reflection, Tim disappeared from the spot and at the same time appeared in front of Isora, who tilted his sword, Tim felt the next wound, but he ignored, thus swinging to the side, but, as before ... his attack was defended.

"You can't believe it ... first fighting a captain who almost had skin impossible to injure, and now a captain defending just about every attack from me, I really feel unlucky." With that, Tim disappeared into the distance and swung his sword past his left hip, releasing the blue pressure and then swinging in front of him, straight into the air. "Seraphic!" Tim let out a blue energy that reached farther. "Penetrate!" With a swing down, Tim released a blue cut of energy that began to fly and cut through the ground, but this time his attack was more powerful, it seemed that while Tim was fighting various warriors, his strength increased to the same level as some captains.

But because Isora was him, he only destroyed Tim's attack with a cut forward, and the blue force reached past both sides of his body, also forcing his hair to sway through the wind, and the blue pressure exploded into the blue light, behind Isora's back.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Execution Hill - Outedge) - Wednesday, 4:15 p.m.|

Yukito, Codey, Tihara, Yora, and Asuka were quite far from reaching Captain Himurya, but at the same time, they all met Saraki. "C- Captain Yukito? What's going on?" Saraki was standing in front of the trees when he met the others. "Lieutenant Saraki! What are you doing here?" With a question, Yukito looked back at Saraki. "Um ... I'm equally interested in what ... are you doing with them?"

"Lieutenant Asuka brought me a paper report on the order that Ayuka Kirashito was supposed to obtain." With Yukito uttering it, however, Ayuka showed herself from behind the trees. Codey, seeing this, smiled in a huge voice. "Ayuka! You're all right! But ..." Even before, Codey uttered, Ayuka was serious. "Um ... Captain Yukito .... what do you mean by that ....." Yukito, who was also surprised, looked towards Ayuka. "Ayuka Kirashito, a member of the eighth clan, we found that your orders were wrong, one of the Captains changed the address of the city when you obtained the report, it looks like you were sent to the wrong place, after the event you were supposed to have been sent to Tatar City that is in our world ... "She was surprised by what she heard.

"So .... um, so, you say I was sent to the Tatar City .... but .... the report said, Tokyo City." "That's exactly what I'm explaining, someone changed the sheet, and put you under the frame, but, we have no reason of why ..." Although Yukito and the others knew why Captain Sadako and others needed Ayuka, they decided to hide it from her. "But! Ayuka, shouldn't you have been executed?" Codey pondered out a word, but then Saraki added. "She already was ... well, she wasn't....., but luckily your friend, Tim Shinkaku, showed up at the right time and saved her at the right time." Codey breathed a sigh of relief at what they heard. "Well done ..." Yukito confirmed.

All the other captains were looking for other parts of the 'Spiritual Area' ...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (West) - Wednesday, 4:18 p.m.|

"Well look at that, it looks like one of your friends showed up at the right time .... I assured you!" With a smile, Amagari fixed his hat again. "They did it? But why ... I mean, what's going on up there ... it was Tim's attack, wasn't it? He calls it 'Seraphic Penetrate' ... then why are they still fighting?" Kanji was a little restrained with words, but exhaled gratefully.

"Well, they haven't quite managed to save her yet .... as you can see, all the captains have been placed on the lookout around the 'Spiritual Realm', and that's because, if by chance you somehow successfully escape away ...." Kanji listened and grabbed his head. "What if someone comes in our direction?" "Oh don't worry, the captains know I'm on this side, so, they won't bother showing up ...." But someone approached.

"That's right ... but, that's not all, why Tim and the others are still fighting?" With a girlish voice, Akari appeared. "Uhm? Akari? It's you, what's going on?"

"What's going on? Nothing, I had to bring Tim closer to that hill, because he wouldn't have made it without treatment ... but, fortunately, Ayuka was saved, and now we intend to prove what really happened. " Akari showed the sheet she had in her hand. "Ooooh, now it's getting interesting, would you join a tea party." But because Akari was most capable of using 'Vanishing Dash' she declined. "No thanks ....." She immediately disappeared with that. "And .... she also disappeared ...."

"She could at least explain !!" Kanji hit the ground with anger.

To be continued...