122. Intense duel! Extreme danger! Tims 'Henshin 'and' Spiritual Fiend! Successful Proof!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Execution Hill) - Wednesday, 4:30 p.m.|

The ground collapsed in the downward movement as Tim sailed through the wind, swinging down towards Isora, the two swords collided, at which point the pressure between the two was released and prepared a huge hole-shaped ruin, Tim and Isora in looked at each other as the pressure prevailed over the surroundings ...

** GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. **

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Execution Hill) - Wednesday, 4:31 p.m.|

Tim slid across the floor and swung his sword as the dust rose, Tim wrapped his sword behind his back, releasing the blue fire that followed him, Tim disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Isora with a quick stroke. Isora, who then swung his sword at Tim.

But, at that, Tim quickly disappeared before the swing, taking advantage of his astonishing speed, and rounded with his body behind Isora's back.

Isora was surprised to see Tim almost hovering behind him, but at that moment a blue cyclone fire appeared all around his body and Tim swung towards Isora's back, but luckily Isora swung with his right hand, and the energetic swords, which were white energies, defended Tim's attack, and at that the fire was blown away.

As before, Tim showed up at the same spot with his sword ready. Tim moved his head to the side and spread both legs, one in front of him and the other behind his back, with that Tim erupted out a blue fire whirling around his sword, which was swung to the side. Isora then moved his hand and by that time Tim had already figured out what was waiting for him.

The first attack Isora used in the beginning of his 'Henshin'.

The white violent pressure of energy formed into a white beam and then flew towards Tim. In doing so, Tim quickly raised the pressure of the fire and thus grabbed the sword with both hands, of course because the sword was lighter, this allowed Tim to score faster. Tim cut into the middle of this beam and at that, began to hold back Isora's attack, but his blue fire spat around Tim's body, also on both sides.

With that, the white pressure pushed Tim back across the hard ground and he also had minor problems, but at the end of the strikes, Tim finally forced his sword forward. Fire erupted in the plane through his point of the sword, which then flashed through the energy tunnel of this attack, causing Tim's hands to bounce into the air as white light exploded on both sides. Isora was surprised at the attack and used his sword to swing through the blue fire and draw the fire aside.

Tim and Isora looked at each other. By moving his right hand, Isora shot thinner beams that were much faster and more penetrating. Tim took a step back and noticed the next beam flying towards him, with approaching to the side and raising his hand, that beam flew past Tim's armpit. Then Tim quickly took a step to the side and stabbed his black sword to the side. Tim ran in the direction of Isora, who was emitting rays in a quick process.

Tim jumped the third beam, the next beam that flew towards his body allowed Tim to cut through and landed, continued to approach to the side as the beam flew past Tim's body again, the next beam allowed Tim to air rolled to the side but hit him in the arm as Tim did not yet have full experience with his 'Henshin', with the blood shown Tim landed on the ground and hurried, increasing his speed even further. Tim then cracked the ground at that speed, into a larger hole that reached deeper into the ground, but Isora swung his sword quickly.

Tim appeared in front of Isora at one point and then cut to the side, with two swords hitting, the pressure of their strength rose, Tim's sleeve was torn into one by such pressure, Isora felt pain in his arm and it gave way, knocking him to the side, and the pulse in the form of a circle collapsed through the air on the side, on both sides where the larger rocks stood, both were demolished, Tim landed on the ground with a step and cut onwards, he released the 'Seraphic Penetrate', which began to cut through the top of the ground and approached Isora. At that, Isora quickly stabbed his sword and prepared a white barrier, which reached on both sides, touching the attack of the barrier, the ground shook longer.

Tim quickly disappeared from the payroll with motivation and started circling around Isora on both sides. Isora swung his sword and began to emit white rays that tried to hit Tim, but only a dust explosion rose from every side, and Tim then quickly appeared in front of Isora, but at the same time Tim's eye shook. A white beam hit him directly, and Tim was thus caught in this attack, due to the force, Tim was carried higher into the air when Isora aimed all four swords against Tim. "Die." Tim was pushed back, but stopped by making a flip in the air and releasing the pressure behind his back to stop, but what awaited him was surprising.

"Divine Beam ...." With the utterance of the attack, Isora fired a huge beam at Tim, which roared through the air, also destroying the surroundings. "I can't dodge it!" With a shout, Tim then let out a blue fire that covered his entire blade and then uttered. "Infernal Laceration!" Tim swung forward twice in a row, created both flaming cuts in the other direction, and two flew toward the beam.

Tim noticed that his two fire cuts were quickly stopped, so he was surprised and grabbed the sword, Tim swung forward but not just once, several times in one second, of course that didn't help so Tim was caught in the attack, which was then shot into the distance and pulled Tim with it, the others looking overhead became surprised to see the beam crash into the wall, more than 1,500 meters away from where the attack was casted, causing the beam to explode when it hit a huge wall, or mountain, and at the same time quickly disappeared, Tim felt pain in his back as he got stuck in the wall, and with that the white ray vanished.

"What happened?!" With a question, Codey looked in the same direction, but. "Attack from my brother!" Ayuka was overwhelmed.

"What??? Just now reached even further than before !!" Codey shouted loudly. "We have to hurry, Tim must be in trouble!" But even before Ayuka spoke, she felt the pressure, just like the others, they turned in the direction of the ruined mountain.

The pressure detected in the distance of the mountain was higher than before, the rocks rose and floated as a result, the dust rose, rustled and thundered, with that the rock exploded into pressure and rolled on the ground towards, Ginkenians who were in that area, were loud with their howling, but they noticed a blue fire crackling through the air, forming into a cyclone that was rising and rising. Because of the heat that existed, both of Tim's sleeves burned, and Tim, who was in the distance, sucked fire into his sword and took a step, thus preparing himself and disappearing at that. Due to the force, the ground shook farther and deeper, with the pressure destroying the surroundings as Tim launched himself through the air, holding his sword with both hands as he moved through the air and also flew over Ayuka's head and others .

".... Tim ...?!" With a question, Ayuka looked up. "Is that Tim? But how ...? His pressure is so high he tore the whole mountain apart!" Codey was surprised, and Akari smiled at that. "Let's continue on our way!"

Isora, who was standing, closed his eyes, but even before he stopped his 'Henshin', his eyes were a little surprised. Tim appeared in front of him from the dash and stopped, so that sincere pressure erupted. Although Tim was injured and bloodied as well as scratched, he ruled. "Where do you think you're going .... you haven't won yet." Tim held a sword, which then finally covered the fire. "So .... yet such an attack has not stopped you ...." Isora aimed his sword to the side as the white aura appeared and hummed gently.

Tim rested his sword on his shoulder, and uttered it. "Yeah, and I don't intend to lose either ..." Isora used his aura, in which white swords began to rise around. "Huh?" With a question, Tim looked around when he saw white lightsabers hovering around him. "My attack ... uses 1000 swords at once." What Tim heard, he looked back as Isora swung down, at which point all the swords turned in Tim's direction and flew toward his body. Tim could not escape or attack as he was stopped by these swords. The swords disappeared invisibly, and Tim's body began to be wounded. Blood yearned around when Tim felt the number of attacks cut through his body, because of the pain Tim also screamed loudly. When the attack finally stopped, Tim was bleeding from all parts of his body, and fell to the ground. "What.... happened?" "We have realized now, that you are incapable of winning, please if you do step down, I shall eliminate you at your current state." As Isora spoke Tim's body flattened to the ground, and Isora finally stopped his attack again. But to his surprise, Tim tried to get up, in pain, but barely did anything. "Step down? Y-You're kidding..... I... I haven't come here.... just, just to rumble my words..... and.... get killed... no.... way I'll be stepping down so how far I've come..... Ayuka..... is innocent..." As Tim struggled to get up, Isora spoke. "Are you still alive?" At that, however, Akari and the others finally arrived. "Tim!" Ayuka, who was loud, her sound flying towards Tim's ears and from nobody yet noticing, under Tim's mask a white liquid begun to float.

Akari, Codey and the others were also surprised. "Captain Isora! Stop the attack!" Isora turned to the others as Yukito picked up his paper. "Proof that our intruders were right, someone changed the instructions, Ayuka Kirashito was first sent to the Tatar City but it was changed." With Yukito's utterance, Isora looked up and finally stopped his attack clean. Then, even before Isora wanted to stop the fight, Tim said, but.

Tim's voice was more roaring, more terrifying, his voice sounding maniacal.

"Hey, what's going on?" With a question, Tihara asked, but close to Tim's body came pressure that began to force others to the ground.

"T .... that ..... that voice, I know it!" Ayuka was frightened when she found out what was going on.

Tim's right side of his face began to melt, his skin rubbing against it became a mask made of bone. "Don't say ..." Also, Codey was scared. "You think you won? Oh, please! To lose against a jerk like you .... I think I'm going to take over this fight, hahahahaha!" After a while, Tim's voice changed completely to maniac, Tim stood up and looked like he didn't have any wounds as he stood normally, but when he lifted his face, Isora, Yukito, Tihara, Yora and Asuka all surprised.

Tim's face had a half mask built of bone in which his sclera turned black, his iris turned black and his pupil turned yellow, Tim's blue aura now made up a different color, black.

"That 'Soul' feels like Fiend!" Said Yukito. "Tim! Stop, stop it!" But the words coming from Ayuka's mouth didn't reach Tim. "What are you?" With a question, Isora turned to Tim. "What am I? Haha, I don't think you'll need to know that." Tim that was now back in his 'Fiended State' grabbed the hilt of the sword. "Stop it!" Ayuka tried again, but to no avail.

"But, you can know that, this body is very useful, but, it can't be usable with a weakling like Tim." With that, Tim disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Isora, but because Isora misunderstood Tim, he just cut down and ripped through Tim's chest. "Hahahahaha! That's all!" As Tim laughed all the time, he then cut down with all his might, and made a huge slice into Isora's chest, the blood erupted, and Tim then, twice in a row, cut into the same part, and screamed quickly with a growl. Tim released the black energy that created the stronger 'Seraphic Penetrate' and swung down at the same time.

Tim missed such an attack and then hit Isora with this attack, which pushed Isora into the wall and destroyed it in the process. Isora was in pain but hid it, shooting the next beam in Tim's direction. But even as Tim slashed, he easily cut through the beam and stopped it in a violent attack, Tim was now even faster than before as he had the power of 'Fiend' in his body. Tim disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Isora. "Let's try what it's like to enjoy pain!" Tim cut down again, injuring Isora, who urgently needed to move away. But, Isora then resumed waving his sword again, but, Tim took those cuts like a fool without answering anything.

"Isora! His mask!" With that, Isora listened as Yukito uttered, but as he swung in the direction of Tim's mask, Tim moved his head in an instant. "Oh, what are you doing!" Tim then, stabbed through the stomach and pushed Isora aside. Tim grabbed his head and already started growling into the sky. "Damn, it's like with me, only much worse!" Codey shouted loudly. Now, however, as Tim wanted to attack another attack, his body stopped, Ayuka stood in front of him, arms stretched on both sides, and even though he was in his 'Fiend State', Tim's eyes still trembled.

"Stop!" With a call, Ayuka tried to stop Tim, with her hands on either side. "Ayuka, what are you doing?" Codey asked.

"Girl, do you want to die like that idiot!" Tim asked. "Well don't worry, I'll fulfill that wish for you when I'm done with him." Tim sighed forward with this and dashed, however, swinging in the direction of Ayuka's head to hopefully kill her, but, the blade stopped right next to her head, she was serious and still standing in front of him.

"Don't be a fool ...., Tim, I know you can hear me, so I'm telling you to break through that form, the duel is over." Tim listened. "Ayuka, don't do this, it's dangerous!" Codey called. But when Tim reached for his mask with his left hand, he was still in trouble as another soul forced him not to. "Stop it! Stop it, you're doing it again, weakling!" Tim screamed in the air. His left arm was shaking. "You can't win!" Now Tim said again. "I don't want to win in the taken state!" Tim called. "Stop, stop, stop, stop, with this!" Tim was loud. "Not until you disappear!" With a loud shriek, Tim finally pulled out the mask, causing it to fall to the floor. Tim was breathing, loud and hard.

His appearance on his face became ordinary, and Tim quickly stepped on the mask and destroyed it.

Looking ahead, Tim looked very disappointed. "Um, I see it's quite interesting for you to use 'Henshin'." With what Akari said, Tim turned against her. Isora moved his sword back into the holder, thus stopping his 'Henshin'. "If we want everything to work, we need to prove this paper, to Captain Himurya." When Yukito said this, Isora turned away. "Hey! Where are you going?" With an angry question, Tim looked toward Isora. "Enough ..." Ayuka stopped him, and sighed. "Hey .... um .... Ayuka ... thanks .... for coming in." With that, Tim was also disappointed in himself. "Yeah, yeah ... better than going on a crazy killing streak." With that, Tim turned against Yukito and others. "So .... I don't even understand what you mean by that?" Akari smiled when Tim asked her. "I found a report of an incorrect order, this can stop the execution, we just need to prove it to Captain Himury, and the others." Akari replied, but. The stick hit the ground. "It won't be necessary." Himurya approached, and the others looked at him.

"C- Captain Himurya" With a question, Yukito looked in his direction. "Commands have been given, all who are fighting may stop now ...." With what they listened to, a voice was heard.

"All Ginkenians! Captain Himurya's order! All who are still searching and fighting, please give up, the captain decided to stop the execution of Ayuka Kirashito, as the report was incorrect, please obey and all the captains are now necessary to enter and meet in the main area of 'Spiritual Realm'. " In doing so, the captains looked in to the voice that was assigned over the radio.

"Heesh, I didn't know your friend was so crazy?" Saraki scratched his face. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean ?!" Tim looked at him with an angry question. Tim's wounds also healed a bit.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (West) - Wednesday, 5:00 p.m.|

"Well you see, everything went according to your plan." Kanji looked toward Amagari. "Thank God...."

"Well, then it's time for me to join the other captains, thank you so much for joining me for tea." Amagari got up and packed his things, thanking Kanji who stood up and followed Amagari.

To be continued...