123. Successful thanks and association!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Headquarters - Outside) - Wednesday, 5:18 p.m.|

As has been said, all the captains approached the headquarters and listened to Captain Himurya. But Captain Oshan and Captain Sadako were nowhere to be seen. "We're all here except Captain Kauri, Captain Sadako and also Captain Oshan?" With an uttering question, Amagari turned against the others. With a stick held by the captain, he gifted it to the ground. "All of you have arrived except the three captains, please if anyone tells or you've seen them anywhere, please for you to tell right away since we've figured out their correct plan." All the captains looked at each other. "Captain Himurya, we've forgotten about Captain Alexis ...." With a barrage of words, Codey confirmed. "Young Codey ... please explain to everyone what happened, since Captain Alexis was sent in your direction east."

At that, all the captains turned against him.

** GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. **

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Headquarters - Outside) - Wednesday, 5:20 p.m.|

Tim standing next to Codey looked very serious and disappointed. "Uh ... of course ... before entering, Captain Sadako was waiting for us after a successful entrance, and Sadako explained some sort of command that your guard Jajemoro should fight to death and because he did not do so, Captain Sadako stabbed him in the wrist, which is why our friend Odina arrived with all the help with healing his wound, and after the duel against Alexis, Sadako reappeared but without knowing what she did, Captain Sadako knocked Alexis unconscious with one attack ... because I don't know the area, I couldn't figure out where she was going, but in the middle of the duel with Yukito, she showed up again and explained their plan. " With that, Codey finished.

"Captain Yukito, can you confirm?" With a nod of his head, Yukito confirmed immediately. "That's right, everything Codey explained is the truth ... no comment." As Yukito confirmed, the other captains began to believe the others as well. "But if that's true ... then there must be evidence that someone changed the report that was donated to Ayuka Kirashito." With a nod, Yukito raised his hand and showed the paper. "This is the only evidence we were able to obtain from Akari, and the second piece of evidence was torn off by Captain Sadako." Captain Himurya received the report and then handed it to the other captains.

When they moved on to the next paper, they agreed as well. "Well, they seem to be right ..." At the end, Shion handed the sheet back to Himurya's hands. "And I also confirm that it's fake." With this, Captain Himurya confessed. "Uhm ..." With a question, Tim reached for the word. "Please, Shinkaku Tim?" With the question Himurya confessed, Tim answered. "Is it possible, if I may ask, what you did to Ayuka Kirashito?" Hoping that everything was fine with Ayuka, Tim also raised his hopes. "Shinkaku Tim, don't worry. Ayuka Kirashito was sent to the main quartet, they will bring her everything she ran out of during her imprisonment, food, water and also her Ginken." With the words given by Captain Himurya, Tim became lost. "Her .... Ginken?"

"That's right, before we sent Ayuko Kirashito to your world, we removed Ginken from her because we didn't want her to kill the Demons with her sword ...." But with that, Tim was still lost.

"So ... Captain Himurya, with what you explained, how should we proceed then?" Rentarou asked more seriously. "For now, it would be most important to find Captain Oshan and Captain Sadako ..." But when he said that, someone approached. "I don't think it will be necessary." Everyone looked in the direction of the voice where Captain Oshan and Captain Sadako were standing. And with that, everyone immediately prepared for the fight. "Oh, it looks like you've already figured out what's really going on here, what a shame." With a smile, Captain Oshan, smiled. "Captain Oshan and Captain Sadako you two are under arrest!" But with an excuse uttered by Shion, it wasn't helpful. And Tim reached for his sword with an angry look, and appeared before Oshan. "Tim !! Stop! "But before Codey could stop him, Tim cut down, but at that moment, something immediately stabbed Tim, with a shaken face, Tim quickly lost consciousness." Bastard .... "But at the word that Tim said he fell to his knees.

With that, Isora quickly moved his sword, but Oshan just laughed. "Everybody stop!" With a loud command, Himurya immediately ordered. "But, Captain Himurya." Shion said but Oshan and Sadako just smiled. "Oh, so you're not going to attack? How unfortunate ...." With the saying, Oshan grabbed his glasses and shook them in his hands, thereby immediately throwing them to the ground and destroying them. "The orders are this, take all the injured warriors to the southern area where you can heal them." With that, however, Himurya also asked. "Captain Oshan, what's your reason for doing this?" But, the answer was easy. "As Sadako has already assured, Oshan has said.

"Very easy. And you probably already know that Captain Sadako and I changed the order on the report. The reason? Which is extremely guaranteed, the execution of Ayuka was guaranteed by this order, so we wanted to execute her to gain her power, because probably everyone already you knows that Ayuka is the daughter of the goddess Zero. The reincarnation that Ayuka would get by destroying her body and burning her soul would gain enough energy to fill the 'Spiritual Core' as it is the only object that can unite the two worlds into one , and with that we can finally awaken all the Demons and other races, with this power we would hide the world from people like you, of course to be able to gain Ayuka's power it is necessary that her soul is burned no other way does not exist, but because I do not have the right fire, we hoped that such a plan would be successful, but it seems that a friend of these young Ginkenians, brought security, which was not planned ... but .... it seems that this option deleted ... all that is possible now is to wait longer for the core to fill up..."

"Now that you know our plan, we'll leave you too." With this, Oshan raised his hand and pointed to the 'Spiritual Core' "At what everyone saw, Captain Himurya was surprised." Captain! Sail! We need to do something about it! Command, please! "But when Yukito called out, Himurya looked at Tim." Captain? "" Go on. "Everyone looked on in surprise." What are you doing? If we don't get that core, then we lose it forever! "Codey said louder. Oshan smiled." Don't worry, we'll take care of the core, nice. "With that, everyone looked back at the third Captain, who was always quieter and thus stepped next to the others. "Captain Arato Hakura of the twelfth clan, you too?" Amagari asked successfully. Without a word, Arato stepped forward next to the others.

"Well then .... we'll resign." With a smile, the core turned on for teleportation and all three disappeared. "Stop!" But, without success. That was the last time they saw these three captains.

With this, all the captains and Ginkenians were surprised, a larger number of captains were deployed through other clans until the new captains show up ....

A few days passed, and with that they greeted all the wounded Ginkenians except those who had been killed, and also found the wounded Captain Kauri and the unconscious Captain Alexis ....

- A few days later -

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Headquarter Bulding) - Tuesday, 8:10 a.m.|

Saraki and Captain Isora were sitting in the hospital when Saraki nagged his gaze directly in the direction of Isora. "Lieutenant Saraki? You're here to talk about what happened to me and my sister and that you're upset with my actions ...." But, Saraki, who was still grinding a different blade, said. "Uh ... no, Captain, how can you say anything like that, I shouldn't even resent it .... well, I really didn't like your origins ... but at the end everything became all right ... so, I don't know what you're talking about. " Isora just stared out the window as he sat wrapped up.

"So ... why are you here?" Saraki asked with a question. "Uhm ... well, I ... I'm here to talk about, how you like-"

"Hey! Saraki!" Tim crawled to the top in front of the window and looked through. "Hwaaaah!? Tim? What the hell are you doing here? I was just about to say something cool to Captain Isora! How dare you come in here like that?" Saraki called out loud and Tim, who was leaning against the corner of the window, uttered. "Uh ... sorry .... I didn't .... know ..." With a switch crawling across the back of Tim's head he said. "Ugh! Anyway, why are you even here?" But before Tim could ask, Odina crawled next to Tim. "Oh! Hey, how are you, Saraki and Captain Isora?" Odina was very shy with the question. Tim, however, looked towards Odina and uttered. "Uh, how the hell did you get up here? ....? I just wanted to ask ... have you seen Ayuka at all?" With a question, Tim looked back at Saraki. "Uhm, not why? Don't say you lost her again!" But, Tim raised his hands in front of his face.

"No, no! Nothing like that, I just don't know where she is right now, eheh ...." Tim waved his palms in front of him. "Well sorry, but I have no idea where she should be ..." Tim then said. "Oh ..." Odina added. "Aw, it's a shame ...."

"Welp, we have to go, see you, bye Isora!" Tim jumped to the ground. "Goodbye to both of you!" Odina and Tim both ran in the same direction. "What's going on anyway?" Saraki asked and then looked back at Isora. "Um ... Captain Isora? Is, uh ... something wrong?"

Then Isora said. "This Tim person .... I'm wondering how long he's going to call me by name ..... instead of correctly ..." Isora held his chin thoughtfully. "Uhm ..... uh ...." Saraki, as before, without words.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (South) - Tuesday, 10:05 a.m.|

Tim and Odina both arrived on the south side, where Tim immediately became unamused. "You god damn bastard! How dare you break me on the ground like some kind of idiotic giraffe ???" With a question Kimoshi added, Tim sighed. "I thought we finished already with pounding you like a skittle." But at that, Kimoshi shouted angrily. "How dare y-" But before Kimoshi finished his word, Ayuka entered and swung her right hand into Kimoshi's face. "Just shut up ..." Kimoshi grabbed his nose and muttered, and Ayuka turned to Tim.

"Do you need anything?" With a question, Ayuka asked, and Tim added. "You still don't have new clothes ....." When Tim asked this, Ayuka gained a red mark on her forehead. "Hey! First of all, I didn't have time to buy clothes and in general, they don't share everyday clothes here except for mission outfits and clan outfits!" With that, Tim sighed. "Well ... but they share Ginkenians with a loud tongue." In doing so, Ayuka became even more disappointed in him. "Would you just say what you want?" Tim nodded.

"I asked about ....." But as usual, someone reached for the word. "You're kidding ...." Tim looked away and noticed Captain Alexis. "Captain Alexis! My apologies .... do you need anything?" But when Ayuka asked that, Alexis nodded. "Yeah .... Ayuka Kirashito ... please listen ... now we've agreed with the other captains that anyone can enter 'Spiritual Realm' and Tokyo City, of course ... that's not all, but Captain Himurya wanted you, as an 'older' visitor to Tokyo City, you stay around that city, to defend people, of course ... I believe this will not be a problem because you have a lot of friends in that city ... of course don't worry, you can come back whenever you want .... that's all, and please ... if possible .... find a home somewhere just so you don't go back and forth every day to sleep. " Ayuka, she was surprised at the words Alexis added. "Uh .... so .. if I understood correctly, you said that anyone can enter and exit the 'Spiritual Realm'?" With a nod, Alexis confirmed. "Same applies to you, Tim Shinkaku and your friends, we would like to thank you for all the help."

With that, Tim still became very unamused. "Yeah anything ...." Tim asked. "It's going to be so beautiful! Ayuka is back at the party!" Odina, who was cheering, raised her hands. "Better than being glued to a cross next to a fire ...." With that, Codey scratched his face.

"And one more thing ... Tim Shinkaku, please come with me ..." With that, Alexis pointed in the direction behind her neck.

"Uh ... okay?" With that, Tim decided to follow.

To be continued...