135. Finding the owner of the 'Golden Stone', the scene of the attack. An attempt to heal Codey.

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street, Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.]

The next energy of the dark soul flew through the top of the ceiling hole and soaked inside the 'Capture Capsule'.

"How interesting .... it looks like we've gained the next presence of this energy .... five more to go ...." The man sitting at the end of the table smiled. "Maia, Ume and Daizen ... please hurry up and kill the Demons in the North Side of Tokyo City .... make sure you destroy their souls .... remember! Five." Maia, Ume and Daizen knelt in front of him and then stood up. "With pleasure, Lord Yuuma." His name was finally uttered ... Yuuma 'Lord of Demon Souls' is on the top and above human society.

"Laia, you just go back to the lookout, to the top of the tower." With the orders taken, Laia nodded. "Right away, Yuuma." At the excuse, Laia jumped to the top of the open ceiling and jumped up the wall to the top of the thinner pole. Looking across Tokyo City, Laia grabbed her viewing glasses and looked around to see what the condition was.

Meanwhile, Ume, Maia and Daizen all left the tower and turned North, ready to kill Demons and destroy their human souls, however... the task was not easy as there is a higher percentage of ordinary Demons than human Demons .

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street Edge, Wednesday, 6:08 p.m.]

"What's the condition?" After an average question, during the time Tim and Ayuka were running towards the tower, Ayuka answered Tim's question. "There are bad news and good news ... the bad news are, that the Demons have been moving in other directions for a long time ... and the good news is that their multiplication has diminished ...." Tim turned back. forward in the same direction, but stopped quickly as he saw someone in the distance.

"Tim! Ayuka!" At the loud call, both Tim and Ayuka looked up at the voice. "Kanji?" But what he held in his hands was impeccably caring.

With shaken eyes, they both noticed, Codey, bloody and without any pressure. Only a smaller proportion of his 'Spiritual Symbolism' was felt. "What happened!?" Upon a quick question, Tim became concerned. "While we were fighting ... when I was trying to stop Codey, a person showed up before I could have been stabbed, the roof formed into pointed shapes. That stabbed him, all I could figure out was that that person had some connection to the remote ability .... changing the shape of some objects .... "During the explanation added by Kanji, Ayuka quickly uttered.

"His 'Spiritual Symbolism' is still a measure of survival, we need to bring him to hospital quickly." But, Tim then said. "It's almost impossible, even the most skilled doctors wouldn't be able to heal such a wound, a heart is pierced .... the only option we have is Odina .... but she also probably doesn't have the most useful power for it ... . "

With that, Ayuka bit into her nails with a worried face. "Even if we succeed ... I don't believe Odina is able to heal a pierced heart ...." "Exactly, but I still don't understand ... his heart is pierced, how can we even feel his 'Spiritual Symbolism' ? " In doing so, to which Kanji said, Ayuka's eyes twitched at the established thinking.

"'Golden Stone' ..." With that, Tim and Kanji looked at her. "The 'Golden Stone' has unknown powers and usually provides life for the Demons. And ... if the whole stone were destroyed, it means that this rampage of the Demons would be stopped, potential death... no a guranteed death ... which means there must be another, small portion of the stone , somewhere. " Tim and Kanji took a step in listening, and before that, Kanji spoke. "So .... you're saying there's another small piece of stone, somewhere?" Ayuka nodded at the question submitted by Kanji. "That's right." "Wait, earlier, when you explained to me about this stone, I understood you that if the stone is shattered, it means it will be built in three years ... you didn't mention that Demons die because of it." Of course, that vocabulary that Tim used tickled his mind.

"Enough about that! We have to hurry and bring Codey to Odina to see if she's capable of healing!" With a loud utterance, Kanji tried to secure health care. "No .... if we find Odina, there's a good chance she'll be unable to heal Codey, but if we visit the 'Health Capsule' we're guaranteed Codey's survival." With what Ayuka explained, Kanji and Tim quickly snapped notes. "But ..." That made them both worried. "The route is longer, if I remember this building is outside Tokyo City, which means we're at least 160 kilometers away outside the city. An extra 30 because we're on the edge, which means it's a total of about 190 kilometers ...." Tim and Kanji became lost.

"Then let's hurry, we don't have enough time to talk!" In an angry voice, Kanji immediately tried to go, and Tim and Ayuka nodded. But even before they were ready to leave, they felt the pressure high there was a guy in the distance, standing on the road.

Kanji knew right away. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you heal that boy ..." Tim and Ayuka didn't understand why. "What? Are you a fool? This boy needs urgent healing! Stand back!" With a loud call, Tim tried to get rid of this man. "Tim .... Ayuka .... this is the man I saw ... this is the man who stabbed Codey." After Kanji pronounced this, Tim turned against him. "He ?!" With a quick turn back towards the man, Tim called out. "Why did you do that, he's our friend ?!" But, the answer was already expected. "Every girl, every boy ... must be wiped out of this world who have Demon Blood in them." But, what he was explaining did not interest Tim.

"I don't care! This guy has a life too, and he wouldn't hurt anyone without orders, who are you ?!" With a question Tim asked loudly, the man introduced himself.

"My name is Kouta Seizu ...." Tim and Ayuka immediately understood that this man was a 'Spiritual Duelist'. "Please let us go ... you did it yourself, I can't let my friend die." But, Kouta didn't care at all what Kanji said. "No ..." With that, however, Kouta quickly felt the pressure, Kouta reached for his sword and swung forward, in seconds Tim appeared in front of the man, attempting a notch. "Bastard .... step back!" Kouta pushed him forward and pushed Tim away.

"No way!" The man said. "Tim, stop!" With a loud shout, Tim landed on the hard ground next to Ayuka. "What? Why should I stop?! I won't let this man stop us !?"

"No ... listen ... I'll keep this man, you and Kanji head south." Taking what Ayuka said, Tim and Kanji looked lost. "What? We don't even know exactly where to go!" But, Ayuka reached into her back pocket. "Here." When she said that, Ayuka threw some sort of folder in Tim's hand. "This is the route map ... translate this map with your Zero Watch, it will record everything you need and be given among your files .... this will take you to correct area, plus if necessary, you're faster in his 'Henshin' .... so use it, whenever you need to. " Tim and Kanji listened.

"Don't say you mean to fight this fool alone?" But, the answer from Ayuka was said. "Yeah ... enough talking, when you get to the' Healing Building 'you put Codey in cold water in a capsule, set the capsule to 75%, then wait a few hours .... that happened to me ... when I was younger. ... now enough, go! " Ayuka reached behind her. "Togetsu!" At the call, her sword appeared, swirling behind her back and then got caught in her palm. Without other words, Tim and Kanji ran forward. "Be careful!" With a call from Tim, they ran past- "Stop!" With a loud call, Kouta attacked but luckily Ayuka swung her sword and built an ice wall that stopped Kouta, thus extending the wall in a circle shape and creating a roof.

Kouta tried to cut through the ice but it was impossible, the force of ice just knocked him back. "What the hell is this?!" When asked, Ayuka was happy to answer. "Can't you see? Idiot, it's an ice wall. I'm sorry, but this is as far as you can go. Kouta turned with a calm face." Okay ... I'll just get rid of you first, then go after them. "

Ayuka and Kouta were now standing in front of each other, ready for the duel.

- Outside the ice wall -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street Edge, Wednesday, 6:19 p.m.]

Tim and Kanji ran with Codey in Kanji's arms. "Tim, do you think we're going to make it?" Tim was serious when he heard the question. "If we fail, then .... what have we done with it ... nothing .... so I say that the only option is for us to succeed .... Zera, show me the location!" By the time Tim called it out, his wristwatch had turned on. "I don't feel like it." Tim, however, immediately became disappointed with the funny face. "Zera! I told you to show me the location or I'll break you !!!" With a loud call, Tim spat on his watch. "Stop spitting on me, idiot, even if you destroy me, how are you going to find the right building then ?!" Tim and the watch started arguing all the time.

"Uh .... just where did humanity go .... arguing with a wristwatch ...." Kanji ran behind Tim's back and watched them argue. "Just turn on the 'Medical Building' location!" With a loud command, the watch returned the answer. "My name isn't Zera but it's Tiffara! Plus, is it so hard to use the magic word 'please'?" Tim, however, became very unamused with this. "Since when are you wristwatches known as 'Tiffara' that's a weird name?" At that, however, Tiffara became very angry. "Gah! How dare you humiliate me? I'm not the one who chose that name! Every robot in a wristwatch has a different name, plus, pick an accessory here. You're an idiot!" By calling Tiffara this, she showed emoji of showing her tongue.

A red mark of anger appeared on the right side of Tim's forehead. "You robotic disaster !!" Kanji just listened to them. "Please have someone help him."

"Tim, would you just ask her 'nicely' already ?!" But Tim immediately turned behind him with his mouth very open. "Whaaaaaa' are you kidding? It's just a damn watch !!" But then Tiffara answered back. "A watch that can help you show locations."

Tim then turned back towards Tiffara. "Okay! Tiffara!! Would you 'please' turn on the location?" But, Tiffara replied. "No ... it wasn't convincing." With that, Tim almost destroyed the clock. "Gaaaaaah! Ugh, Fine! Tiffara can I ask you to turn on the location, pretty please?" Finally the watch struck. "Sure." And finally the location turned on. "Finally .... thank God. So hard?" With the question, Tiffara answered again. "If you want I can turn it off again." Then Tim and Tiffara started arguing again. With an exhalation, Kanji continued behind them.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street Edge, Wednesday, 6:20 p.m.]

Ayuka and Kouta, who were standing, were ready. (".... I believe in them that they will save Codey ..... all I have to do is stop this man, and then go back after them .... and then it will be up to me to find that stone ... let's hope that I'll manage getting past this idiot..... ")

Ayuka stared straight and held her sword in front of her face ready for an emitting duel.

Will she succeed?

To be continued...