136. Ayuka's deep thinking! Starting a battle!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

- Meanwhile -

[Tokyo City - Minami Street, Wednesday, 6:20 p.m.]

When Yuuma sent. Maia, Ume and Daizen to the South side they were ready to execute these Demons.

Maia jumped forward with her hand and made a dark cut that warmed the surroundings and then sent the energy straight. This energy, however, was received by the Demon before it and thus cut the Demon's neck at one notch, this Demon then fell to the ground and was killed in the middle of the road.

Maia, who still had no idea what was going on with her power, smiled. "It will be even more interesting." With that, Maia then disappeared from the spot and then appeared in front of another Demon, thus swinging obliquely downwards and killing this Demon with a sharp hand, with landing on the ground Maia turned around as she saw the Demons slowly begin to surround her. . "Oh well. It's more interesting if we kill just about everyone ... we don't have to look for 'Human Demons' and we can have fun all the time ...." With that, Maia looked sideways and let the red light through her eyes, with that gaze all the Demons around her exploded into blood and nothing else, and that blood covered the walls and floor.

- Meanwhile -

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Headquarters) - Wednesday, 6:25 p.m.|

The Chief Captain, Himurya Shezaki, called all the Captains. "Captain? What's your reason for this meeting?" Shion was quite surprised by the order of meeting. "We've got a harder call ... Tokyo City is surrounded by more Demons and that number is rising all the time. Tim Shinkaku and the rest of his friends need urgent help. Even though these Demons are weak, they just can't beat them on their own, there is far too many of them. I'd like to ask one captain and three lieutenants to go in their direction, urgently. " At this, the captains looked at each other. "You don't think that four warriors is a little too few ... if the number is growing then maybe more would be needed." Himurya did not agree with what Alexis said.

"No, your strength is enough, and we need some captains in our world, so I decided that Captain Yukito Kobayashi, Lieutenant Saraki Hatashi, Lieutenant Tihara Yuhara and Lieutenant Asuka Enatsu go in their direction, Yukito, gather these three lieutenants and from there it's up to you. " Yukito turned to face him with a serious face. "Understandable, Captain."

- Back in Tokyo -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street Edge, Wednesday, 6:26 p.m.]

Ayuka and Kouta were in the middle of a fight and the fight didn't look the best for Ayuka.

Kouta took a step forward and disappeared into the wind, taking the same step in front of Ayuka and out of nervousness, Ayuka reached forward with her sword and defended the attack. Both swords were heard in a metallic sound and a sharp force in the form of a pulse was released from the middle of their attacks when struck.

Due to Ayuka's weaker strength in her hands and body, she only had to use her top speed, and while defending, she made a gap and pushed forward with her sword.

Sure, Kouta took a step back but he quickly straightened up and cut towards her gorgeous face, luckily Ayuka bent down at the perfect moment and stretched her right leg to the side behind her back in a quick moment.

In an instant she disappeared from the spot and since Kouta could not immediately detect her he tried to focus on his instincts which also benefited him in the next attack as Ayuka appeared behind his in a three instant move. But since this was already a well-known attack, Kouta defended himself with ease by stabbing with his sword.

Although he did not see her movement he heard when both swords crashed into each other, with that Ayuka appeared in front of him in the middle of the jump. Feeling the power of his blows, Ayuka had to defend in a different way so that she would be strong enough to protect herself, so she swung her right hand and grabbed the back of the sword with her left. A small piece of sweat drop ran down Ayuka's face as she felt she wasn't even close to his strength. As Kouta pushed forward with his sword, Ayuka used that moment to push back and landed on the hard ground, but in a quick realization of his speed, she spotted him in front of her face.

("He's fast!") On reflection, Ayuka tilted her head back and defended with her sword, but this time, too, she felt Kouta's power that reached through her hand.

Since she didn't have a better move at the time, she backed away with a quick jump back but even though she did, she felt something behind her back and turned around because of it as well. She noticed the wall moving towards her back and very sharp. Ayuka therefore turned her body to the right and looked past her left shoulder as she saw the wall cut through her skin on her shoulder, thereby also squirting a little blood. But she quickly turned her whole body around and landed on the floor next to the wall.

With this movement, however, Ayuka then jumped forward as she again had to avoid the sharp wall. This sharp wall, however, shortened, but quickly Ayuka turned towards Kouta and slid her sword across the hard wall. She let out a cold wind through the blade that froze the wall.

Then she swung to the right and from that icy wall she built ice spikes that reached towards Kouta.

If Kouta had been hit by this attack he would have felt a severe wound so he backed away by jumping back and Ayuka landed on the ground and slipped. ("That's surprising .... he can also shape my ice wall into spikes and other things. Now I understand what Kanji meant.") On reflection, Ayuka turned her whole body toward Kouta and cut through the air in front of her to the right, with that, however, she began to build the next row of ice spikes, which again reached in the direction of Kouta.

When Kouta landed he was very serious so he swung forward obliquely and cut through the hard ice and halved it. This ice, however, flew over his head and past his hips, but the cold wind was still felt.

("Hmm ... this girl has knowledge in dueling. I wonder if she's the one explaining all the commands to the others. If she is, then this means I'm going to have to be more careful, after all she caught me in surprise. That attack she used from the wall to whom I withdrew and when she used that moment for the next attack before I landed it was wise from her. A minor mistake made by me would almost make me lose. This girl is very interesting. ") When Kouta was thinking this he looked in Ayuka's direction direction and noticed the determination in her eyes. At that, Ayuka made a quick move. ("She's coming!") Kouta was ready for the next attack.

The speed Ayuka used allowed her a straight attack. So she stabbed forward with both hands near her left hip toward Kouta. To his surprise, Kouta began to think during the moving attack. He moved his right hand toward her blade. ("Her eyes. I can see it. She really wants to finish this fast and help her friends, but I won't let that happen. Her attack was too stupid, so she left herself open to my attack. ") Kouta quickly took a step aside as the blade from Ayuka whipped past his right hip. Because of this, he slashed forward with his sword and Ayuka's eyes trembled. The sword cut through her face but, something made Kouta surprised.

("What ?!") The cut he waved forward flew through Ayuka's face and as it did so, her body turned to white glitter. ("Fake attack?") As he thought this, Kouta's eyes shook on, he turned behind him and noticed Ayuka behind him, her eyes were serious and her blade was already close to his face. ("She didn't leave herself open to attack but she left me open instead, so she could get closer!") At the call, Ayuka cut forward and her sword gleamed in the sun. Due to her strong attack, an audible pulse erupted when it hit and cracked the walls and floor. The ice wall, however, now had an ice ceiling.

Kouta's body, however, was covered with white mist, and at that moment his body was sent to the built wall of the building and demolished it in such. Dust flew around his body and Ayuka, who was still in the jump, noticed a white mist exploding in all directions and began to float inside these frozen walls.

Ayuka looked in Kouta's direction and moved her sword. ("It's not over yet. My attack has crossed but at that automatic moment he defended with his sword. This warrior may spit out trouble for me.") While thinking, Kouta stood up again and appeared in front of her a few meters away. His right arm was overflowed by blood which was dripping to the ground. "The attack you dropped on me now. You knew I was going to defend, right?" Because Ayuka was surprised at what Kouta said, she dared to say back. "How did you know?" Kouta now shook the blood from his right hand and answered.

"Quite easily. Your attack was slower but stronger. You knew I could defend, but what did you do with it?" When asked, Kouta also wiped his blood next to his mouth.

"Wrong." When she uttered this, Kouta became lost. "What?" Ayuka reached with her sword forward as she stood in front of him with a straight body. "Look around." Now, however, Kouta noticed the fog all around the enclosed walls. "I wanted you to defend because then my attack wouldn't activate. The attack I used works differently. The more cold wind my sword blows out, the greater the width of the attack. The attack I used was activated by touch so it could be spread around. This attack wouldn't work if you didn't defend but would be useless now. , this fog could escape the enclosed walls through the ceiling hole.

("She's right. But how did she find out? My perception is related to the surroundings, but now that the fog is everywhere, it'll be harder and slower to detect her attacks, but that doesn't mean she'll have a better chance of winning. She's caught inside of these walls as well. ") But, as he pondered, one of the icy spikes stabbed itself through his shoulder, and blood spat. ("What? What happened? From behind? But how?") Ayuka's eyes were serious when she saw Kouta fall to the ground on her knees at the wound.

("That's not all that this attack allows me to do...") Ayuka stood straight up, ready for her hopes to victory...

To be continued...