137. Strategic conflict. A demonstration of Ayuka's power!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- The fight between Ayuka and Kouta has began -

".....but that doesn't mean she'll have a better chance of winning. She's caught inside of these walls as well. ") But, as he pondered, one of the icy spikes stabbed itself through his shoulder, and blood spat. ("What? What happened? From behind? But how?").....

("That's not all that this attack allows me to do...")

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

- Meanwhile while the fight was on its way -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street Edge, Wednesday, 6:40 p.m.]

Tim and Kanji jumped into the air over the house roof. With his sword on his back, Tim turned to Kanji running right behind him. "Kanji, how is it looking for Codey like?" At the question, Kanji looked in his arms and checked on Codey. "It's the same for now, I think we'll have enough time." As Kanji said this, Tim turned back forward. "Okay ... better for him. If he doesn't survive, I swear to punch him in the face." Of course, Codey's heart was torn. ("Demons have seven hearts. But, Codey is a Half-Demon, which means it's not the same. When you think about it, Codey looks dead but his Demon soul is still alive ... which means that soul has to keep him alive. Please , you have to survive Codey. ") Tim now reached for Tiffara. "Tiffara! How far are we?" With the question of the wristwatch, Tiffara answered. "So far, you've run 20 kilometers ... only 170 kilometers left." Tim pulled his hand away. "Aren't you going to thank me ?!" With an angry question, Tiffara answered again. "Oh shut up!" Tim called.

- Back in the middle of the duel -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street Edge, Wednesday, 6:42 p.m.]

Ayuka, hidden in the fog, was emitting attacks. Kouta, who attempted to avoid these attacks, took a step aside and jumped. An icy spike flew under his feet. Then the next spike appeared, stabbing over his head. Luckily, he swung his sword and destroyed that icy spike. He landed in a frenzy and continued to retreat from the attack.

("How can she see me. How can she perceive me perfectly if I can't do it myself?") When he thought about it, he bent down and slid to the side, but he felt the ice stab behind his right. So he raised his right hand and defended the ice as his body slammed into that ice.

("Her attacks are almost impossible to avoid. And her body can't be hit if I can't detect her through this fog. ") He jumped forward again and bent down. He avoided both spikes. ("There must be something to this attack. Something must allow her to detect my body from afar without seeing it.") At that, Kouta cut forward and halved the next ice tip. ("But what?") With that, he bounced to the left and avoided the attack.

"You want to find out how I can perceive you?" With the question, the attacks stopped and Kouta heard a voice from Ayuka. As she stood in the middle of the fog she raised her right hand and looked at her. ("Does she intend to tell me her position or how does her attack work ??") Kouta listened to the question. A cold wind blew around her arm as she spoke. ("Sure. It's not wise to tell him now ... but.") "You see that fog. This fog is related to my sword which means that every person or thing inside that fog is perceived by me, as long as my sword is held by me ... . "As Ayuka explained her attack, Kouta was surprised. ("So ... that's it .... fog .... somehow I need to get rid of that fog ... damn it. But how?")

When he tried to figure out how to get rid of this fog he heard the next rumble of the wall, so he jumped to the side and avoided the frozen spike. ("Luckily I don't have to worry about the floor. But the walls are already giving me trouble ... ") Kouta reached for his sword and stretched his right arm to the side as he ran and looked to the side.

He jumped forward and swung as he hoped Ayuka was in front of him, but nothing. But on the swing, he let out a gust of wind and blew fog around him, and at that he found something. ("That's it .... for a second I was able to sense her 'Spiritual Symbolism'. By blowing a fog, I'll be able to get to her!") With that, he turned in the direction where he felt her pressure. Ayuka, who was standing in the middle, closed her eyes. ("He already understands ..... as long as my fog is covered through the whole area he can't feel me. But if he blows the fog away a little due to force, he can feel me for an active second. More average as long as the fog is blown away.") Ayuka that moment looked to her left.

Ayuka let out a blue light through her eye, raising her fist and uttering it. "Ha-na-tsu." At that, Ayuka gained a white aura and her outerwear blew through the wind. "I found you!" At that, Kouta cut forward, but his eyes widened. Ayuka punched forward with her right fist and hit Kouta in the face, his body almost collapsing as his body flew into the distance. ("What happened? She used her hand ?!") As he thought, his body crashed its back against the wall, and the fog was now gone. Ayuka's sword, which was now wrapped around her string, hung behind her buttcheeks.

But when the fog was completely blown away, Ayuka had a glowing white aura that flickered endlessly. Her right arm was raised to her shoulder as she let out white energy. Her hair and clothes, however, blew sharply. Kouta turned forward as he fell to his knees. ("What the hell ?!") As he asked this, Ayuka's eyes glowed blue.

("Her' Spiritual Symbolism 'has risen drastically! It must be this technique she is currently using.") Then he heard the words that Ayuka uttered. "Now that we're surrounded by walls, I don't need to worry about someone noticing my pressure. It's probably good for you to know. I really don't like to use this technique in front of others, but this time it's an exception." As she let out a lot of pressure, the hard floor beneath her shook.

Kouta stood up and picked up his sword.

"You laid down your sword. How do you intend to win?" At that, Ayuka aimed her hand to the side. "With fists." At the utterance, Ayuka disappeared from the spot, and at that single state, the ground collapsed further, and Kouta was quickly surprised by this. ("She's even faster than before!") Kouta swung his sword and moved it in front of him with a swing. But, Ayuka who appeared in front of him used her left leg to jump and spun into the air. At the pressure of her betrayal, she kicked her left foot forward directly into Kouta's face. He felt his right bone crack his cheek, taking him away and his sword swirling in the wind. With the next spin and kick, Ayuka hit the sword handle and bounced it against the ice wall. With that, she straightened up and landed on her feet. Kouta, who was still kind of fine, stopped and grabbed his cheek.

("Her weak strength exceeded mine. Ugh .... this girl, how many strategies does she have.") As Kouta straightened up, he reached forward with his left hand. ("I didn't mean to kill you, but if necessary. Then I will.") When Ayuka jumped back into the air, she noticed Kouta swinging his left hand to the side. At that, however, Ayuka felt the sword slash in front of her. With confidence in her body, Ayuka raised her left arm and allowed the sword to cut straight through her skin and also cut through her middle of the sleeve. "Mistake!" With pain in her arm, Ayuka moved her right arm behind her back. Kouta, however, who saw this, became frightened and froze on the ground. Ayuka was jumping in front of him when he heard the following words. "Brutal Force!" With that, Kouta already knew what was going to happen.

Ayuka gathered all her strength and aura in her right hand as she let out a white light that nearly blinded Kouta. With this force, the ground collapsed and lifted but shattered into pieces. Now, however, her fist flew in front of her as her right eye turned silver, simmilar to the time when she fought Eito. At that moment her strength and pressure rose higher. She struck Kouta's face directly in the middle. "Don't stop me, because only Codey matters here!" Now, however, Kouta saw all the icy walls and even the ceiling crumble into icy glitter, and his gaze was faint and black, his body flying through the built wall and rolling into the distance. At the end of the blow, when Ayuka landed on the ground, her right sleeve was completely torn, due to the force, her hand was also bloody.

("Her.... 'Spiritual Symbolism' I... I couldn't have felt it in that second.... what happened to her, why did her eye turn silver...") After questioning himself, he now laid on the floor, bloody and with broken face, as for Ayuka. She breathed heavily when her white aura completely faded away, the last thing that stood in front of them was a destruction of site.

- Meanwhile -

[Outskirts - Forest Field, Wednesday, 6:50 p.m.]

Tim and Kanji ended up out of town and were now moving through the forest floor. Tim felt an instant of pressure for a moment that immediately disappeared. "Tim, do you know where now?" With a question Kanji added, Tim turned his back on him. "Tiffara ... well the location shows me it's still 120 miles away. It means we're getting closer ...." As Tim explained the situation, he then asked. "Hey ... Kanji. Is it possible for you. Uhm, did you feel some kind of huge pressure?" Kanji looked at Tim lost. "Uh. No. Are you sure you're okay?" As Tim and Kanji moved with a run jump, Tim turned back forward. "Uh ... yeah ... forget it, maybe I just have too much inside my heads" ("But, I know. I felt a kind of pressure. It was so strong that it just forced me to let go of the sweat on my face. Just what was that?")

Tim and Kanji continued on their way as they now began to move closer to the open field. "Hey! Open field and river! I think we're on the right track!" At this when Kanji said, Tim nodded. "Yeah. That's why we better hurry, because we don't know how long Codey will last."

("Just wait a little longer. Codey.") Tim said as he and Kanji disappeared from the spot.

To be continued...