138. Maia, Ume and Daizen stop Ayuka’s path.

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

- Several hours later after the victory of Ayuka, the night rose -

[Tokyo City - Kuni Mountain, Wednesday, 9:20 p.m.]

After winning her fight, Ayuka ran through the mountains. ("If I was right, the' Golden Stone 'is usually laid next to rocky lands.") By running to the top, Ayuka immediately stopped and her eyes shook. In front of her, lay two bodies, a girl's and a boy's. "What happened here?" With a worrying question, Ayuka was on 'Kuni Mountain'.

Here was the place where Gina and Chiharu collapsed. As she approached, Ayuka knelt down and moved her right hand to Chiharu's heart. ("His heart ... is still beating. But, he has a severe wound on his neck.") As she spoke, Ayuka immediately understood that Chiharu was not dead but something had left him alive. ("Half-Demon? Possibility. But I don't think it's right for this boy to survive with such a deep wound.") Of course when Ayuka stayed she stepped up to the girl but there was no more help for her, she was dead. ("Why do I have a bad feeling?") When asked, Ayuka turned to the wall, noting that the cave was closed with rubble.

She stepped closer and touched the ruin, she felt an opening behind that wall, but without knowing it, a dark aura slowly awoke behind her and a light rising into the air. "Maybe they were caught in the traps of this cave ... but, that wound on the boy is a slice." A shadowy body rose behind her and moved strangely. It shook and moved inhumanly. The shadow turned his face back and his eye glowed red. It was Chiharu who now had a reddish look through his eyes.

"Damn. Somehow I have to get inside." Ayuka stepped away from the rubble and turned. In this movement, however, her body stopped as it began to be pressed against the ground. Her eyes flickered as she saw Chiharu standing in front of him, covered in shadowy darkness.

Chiharu looked at her sideways and turned his head 360 degrees. Chiharu let out horrible noises as he reached with his right hand to the side.

("Half-Demon?!? I thought so!") With a frightened look, Ayuka took a step back and prepared herself by reaching for her body and grabbing her sword handle. Chiharu's hand turned into a physical black blade and emitted black and red energy. ("And his power. There's nothing normal, nor do I feel the human energy in him. Guaranteed. He was the one who used the 'Golden Stone'.")

Chiharu was no longer human, but a terrifying, killer monster with a lust of blood and human flesh. Chiharu swung with his dark blade but Ayuka bent down for a bigger jump. When the blade swung, however, Chiharu destroyed the rubble and ripped off the hole. ("He opened the cave. The Golden Stone must be in there.") Ayuka now grabbed the edge of the rock on the mountain and then pushed on. ("But with him on my tail, I won't do anything successfully.") Because of this, Ayuka jumped towards the edge of the fall and reached for her sword.

Chiharu turned around like a zombie and picked up his blade. He then swung it forward and cut it down. With that, he released a dark slice of energy that flew toward Ayuka. Because of this, Ayuka had to move away by jumping to the side, and the black cut flew into the distance in front of the moon, which glowed through the night.

Ayuka took advantage of this moment to cut through the middle of the Demon's body and make a deep slice in his body. Although blood spurted, Chiharu was still healthy and active. ("It didn't affect him in the slightest.") Since Ayuka didn't understand this guy yet, she made a gap between them. Chiharu, however, followed her with a look. Chiharu opened his eyes and his mouth opened wide. Ayuka's eyes quickly twitched as she saw something that could bring her nightmares.

Chiharu had sharp teeth and his mouth could almost reach all over his face. Because of this, Ayuka froze on the spot and didn't know what to do. ("What's going on? Why am I scared? It's just a Demon. What's going on?") But even though she tried to attack, Ayuka quickly jumped back and ran down the path. ("What's going on? Stop! My body won't stop running! Stop, stop, stop!") But it wasn't helpful. Ayuka was frightened, almost to death. Chiharu snarled after her and shot Shodō through his mouth.

Ayuka felt a force approaching her back. When she turned, her body was completely interspersed with red light, and with that, her body was caught in that energy, due to the force, a larger proportion of the rocks on the mountain rolled towards the forest. A red ray, Shodō, however, was shot through the lower trees and Ayuka was driven into a sharp rock, blood erupting from her body and her clothes flying high into the air.

"Hey, hey, hey. That wasn't bad." Maia stood next to Chiharu as she laughed. Ume and Daizen were taken aback when they looked at Ayuka's wounded body.

"What now, what now, um. Oh. Of course. You're coming with us." Maia looked back at Chiharu, who stood, without personality and without a brain. ("It's a real monster.") With a growl, Daizen turned to face the other two. "Didn't Lord Yuuma say we had to kill every Half-Demon to gain their human soul?" With the question Ume asked, Maia just laughed. "Half-Demon? This boy here, he's lost with a human soul, just listen, all this monster wants is to kill others, blood and threaten." With that, Ume, Daizen and Maia all laughed and turned again towards Ayuka's body.

With that these four Demons escaped the area and left Ayuka, lying on the floor, bloody and wounded...

- A few minutes later -

[Outskirts - Forest Field, Wednesday, 9:17 p.m.]

Tim and Kanji kept moving through the next forest when they spotted the mountain in front of them. "It's Kuni Mountain. Isn't it?" With a question Kanji added, Tim confirmed. "Yeah. We have to go past that mountain, and then we're there-" But as Tim and Kanji jumped through the larger bush, Tim turned to the right as his eyes shook. At this, Tim landed on the ground and stopped moving. His eyes trembled in an intense time. "Tim, why did you stop?" But when Kanji asked this, he realized in an instant.

"That's not real. That's not real, no way, Ay-Ayuka ...." Tim noticed Ayuka lying next to a tree, undressed from between her outer garments and her 'Togetsu' sword lying next to her, she was covered in blood. Tim walked quickly to her body and touched the smooth skin on her right hand. "Hey. Ayuka, wake up! Ayuka!" But without moving, Ayuka did not move.

The only two warriors known for what was happening were Tim and Kanji, with Ayuka and Codey both wounded on the verge of death.

"Oh! Hello! I see you found a dead girl. Uh, sorry, that was a mistake from our assistant. You know, Chiharu is new to our team and hasn't gotten good orders yet. But we have a strong monster on our side which is very good for us ... but bad for your friend, uh, yeah, ouch. It doesn't look good. " Tim didn't turn around but knelt in front of Ayuka. "Damn idiots! You're crazy! Maia, Ume, Daizen! Why are you doing this ?!" At the loud question, Kanji was very angry and loud.

"Oh, calm down, my friend. After all in fairy tales, someone always dies." Maia laughed out loud. "It's not a fairy tale! It's a reality! Why don't you just give up! You were newcomers to Codey's high school !!" But what Kanji was saying wasn't interested or cared by those three. "You're a little spicy, how come? Have you never seen a dead human body before? Well, if you haven't, you've seen it now." In doing so, Ume and Daizen grinned as they collaborated with Maia.

"Don't get stuck in your head! This was our close friend, we even went to save her !!!" Kanji was angry louder when his eyes almost cried with anger and sadness. "Um, I didn't really understand that, don't worry. If you want, you can join them." Of course, Kanji did not accept this. "Oh. Wait, you can't. You have a poor boy in your arms, maybe it would be safer to take him to treatment." Maia scratched her ear. "Shut up, you damn bitch, stop with those stupid words!" At the utterance, Kanji took a step. "'Bitch'? He called me a bitch, how sad. Let me tell you something, maybe this title would suit you better." Further, Kanji had no idea what to do, either put down Codey and fight, try to calm Tim down, or continue on his own and save Codey. He was on the brink of a difficult choice.

"So have you figured out what you're going to do yet? Run away like a rat. Save your friend. Attack us, or you'll just stand there and watch us. Don't worry, your friend is very open so we can kill him quickly. But, that would is kind of miserable. Listen, if you want to cross us, go ahead. Just remember that you're going to kill your friend. " The words Maia used were meant to kill Tim. "Isn't that right? Timoshī Shinkaku?" But, the words were not caring for Tim.

"Just shut up for once!" ("But ... he's right. What should I do .... why isn't someone around ??") With a question, Kanji looked into his hands where he was holding Codey and then to Tim and Ayuka. ("Whatever I do. Whatever I do, it will end in the worst .... damn. Tim can't fight because he's completely lost in his mind. Ayuka is like a sister to him, of course he'll get lost and won't know what to do. He almost sacrificed his life only to successfully save Ayuka. Not coincidentally that he is equipped for a duel in such a state ... ")

Kanji was confused too but tried his best to get the right idea. Which, however, could also have been difficult.

At that, however, Kanji felt a tremor behind his back. Maia, Ume and Daizen all became incomprehensible. "Kanji ... hurry up. Heal Codey. I'll deal with these useless people." Tim let out a black energy that was slowly rising into the night light.

Tim got up more slowly and kept his hands hanging in front of him. "T ..... Tim ... but." But Tim quickly interrupted Kanji. "Listen to what I'm telling you. Codey urgently needs healing. If you don't want Codey to die, you're going to do it." The black energy that was advancing with the slow hovering around Tim was rising.

Kanji swallowed his saliva and then became serious. "All .... right ... as you say ...." Kanji was quickly surrounded by electricity and ran straight through the tree bushes.

"Seriously? Do you think you can beat us alone?" With a question, Maia just grinned.

"If I don't do that .... then I'm really not helpful in helping ....."

Tim's pressure was growing. In the end, however, the others became very frightened.

To be continued...