139. The horrific transformation! Fiendish soul breaks over the battlefield.

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- After seeing Ayuka's injured body in the woods -

Tim got up more slowly and kept his hands hanging in front of him. "T ..... Tim ... but." But Tim quickly interrupted Kanji. "Listen to what I'm telling you. Codey urgently needs healing. If you don't want Codey to die, you're going to do it." The black energy that was advancing with the slow hovering around Tim was rising.

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

- Meanwhile -

[Outskirts - Forest Field, Wednesday, 9:25 p.m.]

"I have to hurry. Codey's pressure is slowly disappearing. Come on, just hold on a little longer. Thank God Tim let me film the location from his wristwatch."

- Earlier -

[Outskirts - Forest Field, Wednesday, 9:15 p.m.]

{"Kanji. Listen. For once, the surroundings look too calm. Please mimic the locations from my wristwatch to yours, as we don't know if anything will stop us in our tracks." With what Tim was saying, Kanji was lost. "Uh. But why would anything cross our path, so far everything was fine?" Tim turned to face him. "Precisely because of that. It's too calm, so hurry ... hurry."}

- Currently -

[Outskirts - Forest Field, Wednesday, 9:26 p.m.]

"Maia, does that seem normal to you?" With the question Ume added, all three were frightened. "Uh .. Yeah, definitely ...." Tim turned to face him as his eye glowed yellow through the darkness. His face was gaining a white mask, his sclera turned black and his pupil and iris turned yellow. His energy was now black and pure darkness.

But this time his face was covered with a whole white mask, and both eyes were altered. His clothes started to blow when his trench coat changed to the same shape as his Henshin uniform. His sword, however, gained three sharp metal teeth along his blade, the blade turned pure black, and now his fire was pure black.

Tim's voice became very loud and maniacal. His hair was still white but it was a little sharper.

"What is this? He's not a Half-Demon ?!" With a question, Maia raised her right hand in front of her face in horrible surprise. "Maia, it's not even close to the Demon but it has energy from a Fiend. This guy has Fiend inside of him.

"Now what?" With a question, they noticed how Tim raised his sword over himself. "Taste this edible attack! Seraphic Penetrate!" Tim giggled insanely, cutting down. He released a black slice of energy flying towards Maia and the others. "Quick do something to Chiharu!" With Maia commanding, Chiharu jumped forward and swung his hand but the slice Tim unleashed easily cut through Chiharu's entire arm and tore it to pieces in such a way that Chiharu's hand could not heal.

Maia and the others were surprised, and Tim now took a step ahead of him and disappeared in the shadows. In a solo moment, Tim appeared in front of the others and slammed against them. "Daizen watch out!" Although Ume warned him, Tim's sword cut through Daizen's neck and his head flew into the air as blood exploded in the air.

Tim landed in front of them and shook his sword to make the blood rush to the ground. The body from Daizen, however, fell on his back and in one attack, Tim got rid of one of their Demons. ("So fast. None of us could detect him? His energy is horrible and exceeds ours!") Tim, however, now cut to the side and Ume quickly jumped backwards to avoid. Tim disappeared from the spot and immediately appeared behind Ume's back. "Behind you, Ume!" But Maia was too late, Ume could already feel the sword cut through his neck. Ume's eyes shook but his head exploded in blood.

Maia and Chiharu were alone, and Maia was very frightened as she did not know what to do to save herself.

When Maia looked into Tim's face she only saw darkness, fear and tremendous power. By stepping back, Maia tried to avoid. "Please. Stop. Stop, please let me live." But Tim had already started walking towards her. "Let you live? Hahahaha! Is this a joke! No one standing in front of me has another chance at life!" Tim growled as he prepared his sword. "Please. I'll do whatever you want! Just don't kill me!" Tim grabbed his face and grinned inclusively. "Please! Everything? All right, then why don't you let me dismember your body into a thousand bloody pieces?" Maia kept moving back all the time.

"Sorry! Really! It wasn't my decision!" Tim looked away. "Oh! Then tell me whose was it?" Maia now answered immediately. "From Lord Yuuma. He is the one who commanded us to kill the Demons and gather the Human Souls! He only needs three more. Please!" Now Chiharu swung his hand towards Tim but with that Tim cut this Demon in half. Chiharu fell to the ground and did not move.

"Oh, but where is this kind gentleman?" The answer was brought to Tim immediately. "In Tokyo City! At the top of the clock tower." "So. I was right! Gahahah, that will be even more interesting!" Tim was still moving towards Maia, but she was on the edge now. "Well, thank you, now is the time to die!" "Please! No! Stop!" But even before Maia could stop him, Tim cut in front of him, but.

"Tim! Stop!" The voice was loud and his eyes trembled. The blade was already resting on Maia's neck. She suffered in fear and shivered as she looked with her eyes at the blade.

The voice Tim heard was familiar, so he turned toward the distance. Ayuka stood in pain and covered in wounds. "What? How are you still alive? How is that even possible?" With a question, Maia turned to face her. Ayuka's face was serious. "Even before I was hit by the attack I froze my back with my hand so that beam hit the ice but still hurt me. Because that blast was so strong it blew my outer clothes off and quickly sent me unconscious, but. The ice was strong enough to keep me alive. " At that, Tim's mask immediately cracked and his eyes returned to normal, the same for his sword but he was in 'Henshin' state.

"Tim. Pull that sword away, it's all right." Ayuka exhaled and smiled, Tim's eyes still trembling. Tim drew his sword without a word and left Maia alive. "I have to admit you were really smart ..." With a surprised face, Maia breathed hope. "But! Thanks, I can kill this jerk easily now!" Maia waved her hand in a loud growl and tried to stab Tim, but her eyes were shaken again as blood erupted from her neck. Her body fell past Tim and his sword was stained with blood and blood dripped to the ground. After a lucky success, Tim killed all four Demons.

Ayuka fell to her knees when she felt pain. Tim quickly jumped towards her and leaned in front of her. "Ayuka. You urgently need a doctor!" Tim touched her shoulder, but Ayuka smiled. "Doctor? What? Are you kidding? Tim, you're really funny. I'm fine as a healthy star." Ayuka looked into Tim's face and smiled.

"But. Your wounds are deep." But equally Ayuka just laughed. "They're still not as bad as Codey's. Listen, I'm fine. Good." Ayuka stood up and held her right shoulder as she stared at Tim, who was squatting in front of her. Tim's face was worried and Ayuka looked away with a red face. "Don't look at me so sadly." But when she said that, Tim smiled and stood up. "Well. If you say so." Tim raised her sword and threw it in her hand. "Hey! Watch out, this is dangerous!" Her sword bounced between her hands but she was able to catch it.

"Like your wounds?" With a question, Tim put his hands on his hips and Ayuka became very embarrassed. "..... Haha .... really funny." Ayuka exhaled. "How's Codey and Kanji?" With a question from Ayuka, Tim was happy to answer. "Don't worry. I believe they're fine. They're probably in capsules now."

- Meanwhile -

[Outskirts - Healing Building, Wednesday, 9:35 p.m.]

Kanji ran through the building. "Hello, is anyone here?" With a question, Kanji looked through the hallway, and luckily someone approached. "Um. Hello young man." It was a girl dressed in white. "Ma'am! Please! Help my friend! He was badly injured in the fight, his heart was pierced and my friend said health care is guaranteed for his life here!" At the excuse, the lady immediately uttered.

"Of course! Quickly follow me! This way!" Kanji ran after the lady as they entered the room where the water capsules lay. "Quickly put him in here." When the lady opened up the capsule door, Codey was placed directly in the water and sealed. He acquired the mask over his face and his hands were relaxed. The girl stepped to the button and set it to 75%. "Will you be able to heal this boy?" With a worrying question, Kanji looked at the lady. "Don't worry. Of course I can, let's just hope he still has enough time to survive, otherwise it'll be for nothing." Kanji listened but was genuinely annoyed. "Would you explain more clearly what happened?" And happily, Kanji explained everything.

- A few minutes later -

"Half-Demon? Huh. I haven't met him in a long time. But don't worry, I can greet him easily, just like the others." Kanji stood next to the capsule. "Thank God. I hope everything works." With an excuse, Kanji exhaled.

- Meanwhile -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street, Wednesday, 9:40 p.m.]

"How stupid, stupid, stupid! All the idiots died like rats !! What idiots! Gah!" With an angry face, Yuuma got angry loudly and almost got pissed. "How can some people be so useless! They're real jerks !!" Yuuma was losing his normalcy when he got louder angry. He almost destroyed the wall when he lost his mind.

"You'll pay for it, you damn idiots! You'll pay for it !!!" His roar was proclaimed through the sky.

During this time, while Yuuma was angry. Tim and Ayuka found the right item. A fragment of the destroyed 'Golden Stone'. With this, Ayuka stepped on this piece and completely destroyed it. Demons controlled with this stone were exploded in blood. Fortunately, Codey survived, and Ayuka lost consciousness during that moment. Tim was surprised but helped her very quickly.

Odina, who was still treating people, looked around and noticed that a higher number of people had become normal. She exhaled with a smile. "They did it ...." Odina looked up at the sky and laughed.

During this wait, however, Codey was treated in a capsule and, hoping to survive, Kanji inhaled. "Codey ... everything will be fine. Just be patient." Kanji got up and moved out and looked into the distance, toward the forest.

"I'm sorry this happened to you ...."

To be continued...