140. Codey's successful treatment! The plan on reaching Yuuma!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

After Kanji successfuly brought Codey to the treating building he put Codey inside of the capsule where he met a woman who was filled with knowledge on how to operate these capsules. After the three hours passed, Codey was recovered, his human soul was regained and with such awakening, Codey was awaited with a smile from Kanji, and then the next days passed.

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

- One week later after everyone's recovery -

[Tokyo City - Ginga Street, Thursday, 4:30 p.m.]

On a bright day, a dimension appeared, and through it stepped Yukito, Tihara, Saraki, and Asuka, all ready to help. Even though they got rid of the last bit of the 'Golden Stone', there was still a higher number of Demons raging around the city in front of them.

In Tim's room, however, Tim sat on the bed and listened to Ayuka sitting at the table, it looked like she was drawing some kind of map. "How long do you plan to draw that crap?" With a question, Tim crossed his arms. Ayuka, however, exhaled and turned to him in his swivel chair and leaned back on the table. "You know that preparing a plan takes a few minutes. For now, all we know is that Yuuma is staying in the clock tower. Of course, we have to be careful about the traps and how many warriors this man still has." Tim, however, was getting impatient. "Why don't we break through and attack so we can just kill and cut him through?" Ayuka exhaled again and rested her cheek on her palm. "First of all, we don't know the layout of the tower, which means we don't know how the corridors are composed nor do we know the area efficency, just wait, I'm going to visit this tower tonight and try to make a plan on how we're going to break in."

Tim gave up on this. "Gah! All right, whatever." Tim now lay down on the bed and had his arms crossed behind his head. Ayuka turned back to the paper and took notes.

Then Tim heard something. Ava ran through the door and stopped. "Tim! We have a burgular, our father was stabbed!" Tim became surprised and Ayuka was lost. "What? What happened?" With a quick rise, Tim turned to her. "Some group broke through our door and attacked our father, quick, help!" With that, Tim and Ayuka quickly ran up the stairs and followed Ava.

But what they saw was unexpected. When Tim looked at Dasuke he noticed that his hairstyle had been ruined. "Gah! My hair! Do you know how long it took me to fix it!" Crying for his hair, Dasuke called out. "Tell me where Tim Shinkaku is!" In front of them stood a man with red hair and dressed in black. Tim immediately stepped in front of the man. "Hey! What's up, boy?" With the question, the man took a step back. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" With a serious question, the man said. "I'm here to find-" But then Tim reached for the man's black glasses as the swoop ran down the boy's face. "Saraki, what the hell are you doing here? Why are you in my house?" Saraki, however, immediately became embarrassed.

"Hey. I'm not the only one." Saraki pointed toward the door where three others stood. "Captain Yukito? Lieutenant Tihara and Asuka? What are you doing here?" Asuka applauded with the question and aimed behind her. "Wahahah! Look at you! We're not the only ones!" When Tim looked behind Asuka's back he was immediately surprised.

"Oooh! How interesting! Another sweetheart!" Shion jumped in front of the others and applauded. "Captain Shion? Wh- What are you doing here ?!" With the question, Tim was lost. "Oh? Come on! Is that how you greet a beauty?" Yukito quickly stopped Shion. "She shouldn't have come by the rules, but she wanted to see this world ..." Shion bowed. "Oh come on, Captain Yukito. Why are you so unfun?"

"I wasn't expecting a captain, three lieutenants and a child." When Yukito heard this he immediately called out. "I'm not a child! And learn to call with the words 'Captain Kobayashi'!" Yukito was a little angry. "Sure, whatever ...." When Tim said this, a red mark appeared on the right side of Yukito's forehead, anger.

"Big brother? Do you know those psychopaths?" Charlotte asked. "Psychopaths ?!" With a question, Asuka moved in front of her and looked at her seriously. "I suppose." "Oh! Hello Ayuka. I didn't know you'd be around." Saraki said, but Ayuka immediately smiled embarrassed. "Ah! Yup! Why not, just preparing something, ehehe ...." ("Great, now these freaks.") With what Ayuka was thinking she exhaled.

- A few minutes later -

[Tokyo City - Ginga Street, Thursday, 4:40 p.m.]

Tim sat on the floor and was very unamused. "We found that a larger number of Demons appeared in this city, that was why they sent us here." Explained Yukito by sitting at the window. "But when we arrived there were a hundred times fewer Demons than we expected, maybe you know why?" With a question, Asuka looked towards Tim and Ayuka. "Well. Maybe the number decreased because me and Tim successfully destroyed the last part of the 'Golden Stone'. Then the number of Demons decreased below 30%, which means less activity and more freedom of people." In explaining, Ayuka leaned back on the table. "Seriously? What about those three freaks who Captain Himurya warned us about?" With a question, Tihara reached forward during the moment she was leaning against the wall.

"Those Demons were killed. But now we have to find Lord Yuuma and stop him, of course. It's not going to be an easy task, because we don't know what the situation is in that tower yet, of course I'm going to slip through it tonight and try to figure out more 'understandable' approach. " The others listened as they explained. "Huh. So you're going to try to break in and try to write down the shape of the interior wall layout?" With a question Saraki asked, Ayuka also confirmed. "Why don't you go with her, Tim?" Saraki looked at him when asked. "Better question. Why are we all inside my room ?!" At the loud question, the others looked up.

"It's the only room where we have a permission, which means it's almost inappropriate outside your house." At the explanation, Yukito replied. "Plus, it's a warm room!" Shion added and applauded. "Tsch ... whatever. The answer is because Ayuka won't let me." Tim looked away.

"It's better that only she goes, because she has less chance of being noticed by herself." Spoke Saraki.

"So. During this time when you're hanging out in this city, what are you going to get and where are you going to sleep? And not before you answer. My room is not available!" When Tim answered that, Asuka looked at Tim.

"Oh come on Timmy! Please!" But Tim didn't agree to it. "No. Not even by chance! You're the last person that I'd let to stay in my room!" Tim was loud with a funny look. "What would you do to convince me of that anyway?" Asuka reached for her shirt and prepared to open it. "Aaaaah! What do you think you're doing, you can't change my mind by undoing a button!" Asuka then lifted her wing. "Not even if you lift your skirt a little!" Tim covered his eyes as he screamed. "Damn ittt! I will not give into temptation! A man like me does not give into temptation !!" Tim yelled loudly.

Ayuka, however, now stood behind him with a very unamused face. "Oh really? Then why are you peeking through you fingers?" Tim, on the other hand, fell to the ground, and almost burst into flames.

[Tokyo City - Ginga Street, Thursday, 4:50 p.m.]

"I'll find some place to sleep and so on. But I don't know about others." Saraki stood up and yawned. Yukito also stood up but and then exhaled. "The roof will be enough." With that, Yukito jumped out of Tim's window and landed on top of the roof and sat down.

"Eh. I'll ask for a motel or something." Shion also confirmed what Tihara said. "Just a one more thing. When are you planning to slip through the tower and at what time?" With a question, Shion turned in Ayuka's direction.

"I was thinking at eleven in the evening, that's when it's quieter and a lot less people are our in that environment." Ayuka leaned against the wall and looked at the others. "All right. Then I'll just leave, we're in touch." Saraki jumped out the window. "You know you have the door to exit.!" Tim snorted loudly. "Whatever." Saraki disappeared from the meadow and with it all spread through Tokyo City. "Really. Don't you think that's a bit more dangerous? Eleven o'clock is quite late." But Ayuka exhaled. "Let it be too late, I don't mean to die after all." With that, Ayuka stepped into the closet. "That's why I'm also going to have free time to rest. Night." The closet door closed as Tim became unamused again.

- A few hours later -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street, Thursday, 11:00 p.m.]

Ayuka jumped to the top of the pole and looked forward toward the clock tower. "Successful arrival, now just figure out how to get inside and write down on a map." Ayuka jumped forward and landed on the ceiling of the building. She noticed two weaker guards. With that, Ayuka descended on both of them and knocked them both to the ground with both hands, hiding their bodies behind the wall. She ran closer to the door and leaned against the edge of the wall.

She checked to see if everything was free and then entered and ran through the dark hallways. She looked around and found that the vents were connected all the way through and to the top. ("Vents. This will be useful to enter without anyone seeing us.") Ayuka checked the area again and then jumped towards the vent and removed the cover, crawled through these hallway vents and checked again if they were all connected. (" It also looks like there were only a few guards. It just looks like they were weaker. But we bet they'd call an alarm right away if they saw us. ") Ayuka took a breath and continued on her way through the vents.

After a few minutes, she reached the top and looked down through the opening. She noticed Yuuma sitting at the table, angry and impatient. He was shaking with anger. ("It must be him. But it's not safe for me to attack him now.") Ayuka then accidentally pushed against the wall, and with that, Yuuma looked up at the ceiling. Luckily, Ayuka pulled away at the right moment. ("What am I doing. That was close!") Now, however, Ayuka began to draw the layout of the vents and other things.

("Good, got it. Better to retreat now.")...

To be continued...