142. Beginning of the planned shift. Raiding the clock tower.

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- As Tim, Ayuka, Saraki, Captain Yukito and Shion, Lieutenant Tihara and Asuka join forces and take on the raid of the tower, they'll be awaited by someone who they least expected, who might that be?

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

- The night after (10 minutes before the raid) -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street, Saturday, 10:50 p.m.]

With a remote view and a safe distance, everyone was in place. Tim, Ayuka, Kanji, Saraki, Yukito, Shion, Asuka and as well as Tihara.

"So. All I have to do is observe what the situation is and if anyone is going to approach?" With a question Kanji added, Yukito confirmed. "That's right. But be careful and make sure you see them right away. We don't want to get a late warning." Yukito kept putting pressure on Kanji as Kanji became nervous.

"Uh. Yeah, but why did you pick me and not Codey? He's more appropriate because he can detect people through the air." But with that, Shion explained. "I could understand that. As you know, Codey contains 'Demon Blood' we don't want him to go wild again and lose control of his body, with that meaning it's best for him to be be as far away from Lord Yumma as possible." Kanji then understood.

"I guess you're right. Ugh, okay, I'll try my best." With that, the others moved on. "Be careful, Kanji." With the utterance of the word, they all jumped forward and approached more slowly. "Try to hide as much of your 'Spiritual Symbolism' and pressure as possible, we don't want to be perceived immediately." Explaining while Yukito ordered this, the others accepted.

"Yeah ..... We know .... but, better question, do you really think it will be so easy to break through the guards, one of them could think and put harder trouble in our direction." When Tim said that, it looked like he already knew the situation.

"Well, that's exactly why we decided on Captain Shion to enter through the hallways and gain all the visibility on her, and in the meantime, as we said, the three of you will slip through the vents." During the wiretap, Saraki and Ayuka confirmed. ("Even if that's the case. I feel like I have a bad feeling ....") It finally took 10 minutes to think.

- 10 minutes later -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street, Saturday, 11:00 p.m.]

It was eleven o'clock. Tim and the others landed on top of the roof and looked around. "You were right, Ayuka. Demons are still walking around the tower." By saying this by Tim, Ayuka confirmed with a serious face and then distributed the alarm into Shion's hands. "Here's the entry alarm." Upon receiving this item, Shion moved that alarm with a serious face and hung it on her uniform at her hips.

"Activate it only when you're in trouble." But Shion made an unamused face. "I'm the captain. I should probably know that by now." Yukito pointed with both fingers. "Asuka. Tihara. Asuka you take the west side of the tower, Tihara, you take the east and I will take the north, Tim, Ayuka and Saraki will step through the south side, because that's where the vents start." They all confirmed their line.

"Shion, you probably know what to do. But just in case. During the approach of me, when those Demons and guards see me, hurry up and jump from the roof behind their backs and enter the hallways." But as before, Shion already understood. ("Huh. By personality Shion looks a little unsuitable for a captain, but her brain, cooperation and understanding is at the top, and probably her power too .... ") Tim turned back in the direction of the tower.

"Before we continue. How long is the way to the top through the vents? Ayuka." By asking Saraki, Ayuka answered with a serious face. "With calculation and without interference, access is guaranteed in 10 minutes, but that number can go up if we approach problems." With that, Saraki nodded. "Good. So, it takes 10 minutes without interference. But I hope you remembered the layout of these vents. What is the case through the hallways?" Ayuka spoke again. "It only takes 7 minutes through the hallways, but if you approach the elevator then most likely 4 minutes, by getting to the elevator at all, it takes about 15 minutes up the stairs at average human speed. For Captain Shion this won't be a problem as it would take her the least 3 minutes, but because she'll probably be stopped by a guard, it'll take her a lot longer. "

Tim then reached out to speak. "Wait. This tower seemed to me not even that high, wasn't a normal size of it about 70 meters?" But, Ayuka stopped him. "I said that by appearance, otherwise if we counted, then it probably reaches 170 meters in the air, at least." Tim and Saraki both became surprised with a funny face. "Now it seems to me that it would take more than 15 minutes for the average human speed ... 30 at least in my head." Said Tim.

"Okay, enough time we've thrown away, let's go now." At the command, everyone nodded and disappeared in other directions with 'Vanishing Step'.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (North), Saturday, 11:05 p.m.]

Yukito ran forward and prepared to face the guards. With a sudden display of the body, Yukito reached for his back and called out his Ginken. "Shimokiru." He exclaimed, and with that two human guards immediately seized their swords and became serious. "Stop! There's no way forward! Stand back or we'll be forced into a duel!" With a loud command, Yukito turned around and noticed that the Demon had surrounded him in a very short time.

"Sorry but that's not going to happen." Yukito now let out a short but very cold wind around his sword. "Last warning! Step aside or you'll be put to death." Yukito, however, was silent. ("They are acting tought .... suppose they think I'm weak because of the lowered pressure ....") With that, Yukito heard. "All right! You asked! Demon Servants attack." At that one command, all the Demons jumped towards Yukito.

Yukito made a gap and lifted his sword to the side and grabbed it with both hands. "Icy Slaughter ..." At the utterance, his pressure rose and with one swing in the shape of a circle, ice rose, stabbing rapidly through all the Demons and freezing them like statues, making both guards overwhelmed as they saw how powerful Yukito really was. Without a word, they trembled at the door. Shion, however, moved her index finger to her jaw. "When he does something like that, I find him quite endearing as a teenager." With her mouth slightly open and rounded, Shion jumped behind the backs of both guards and ran through the hallways. ("Great. She managed to slip inside without any alarms going off.") Yukito paid attention to her.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (East), Saturday, 11:05 p.m.]

Tihara was already bored. "Dealing with Demons, God, that's going to be miserable." Tihara reached for her short sword and uttered that name as well. "Shōtorei." With that, however, she looked around and already saw that the Demons had spotted her in an instant. "Well then, let's just start. I don't need to kill them, just hold them ..." Tihara jumped over the roof to the ground with a turn and raised her sword high above her head, and as she fell, she uttered the following words. "Long Breakout." Her sword gleamed dark blue as an energy blade grew out of the blue energy, reaching at least 30 meters in total. So she released her energy blade in one fell swoop and cut through the Demon Bodies. That blade danced around her like some kind of snake.

After the attack was over, her sword shortened again, and at that moment she exhaled, knowing that these were not all the Demons around her.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (South), Saturday, 11:07 p.m.]

Tim, Saraki and Ayuka landed at the back of the clock tower. "Here. It's entering the vents." Ayuka leaned toward the vent and opened the lid. "Moving through the vents .... like we are rats ...." Tim was very unamused with his arms crossed and Saraki the same. "I'll go first, follow me." At that, Tim and Saraki immediately tried to stop her. "Wait! Ayuka! Are you kidding ???" Tim reached out with his hand very worried as it was shaking.

"What? What problem do you have now? What shouldn't I go first? After all, that's the smartest idea, since I know the layout, and any short talk or orders from me, can set an alarm to our enemies." Tim, however, reached out quickly. "I don't mean that! All I want to explain to you is that-" But even before he finished, Ayuka was still crawling through. "Gah! You're not even listening to me! Ayuka !!" But, Ayuka was already inside, and Tim was shaking with uncomfortability.

Saraki was serious and said. "You know. Maybe it's not a bad idea to go behind her..." With that, Tim looked at Saraki. "Huuuh? What are you kidding ?!" But, Tim noticed that Saraki was looking into Ayuka's butt.

"You stupid idiot! You're looking at her ass like a pervert! Don't tell me you're like Myles and just so you know! THAT is exactly why I tried to stop her, so that we wouldn't have to deal with that! " But Saraki granted it. "You're right, that's a bad idea. Go in front of me." Tim, however, called quickly. "Whaaaaaaat? Me ?! Nu-uh! No way, I'm not going to crawl behind her while having her ass right in front of my nose! Are you stupid or something, like seriously, where is everyone's manners!" But when Tim called out and measured with his forefinger forward, Ayuka called out. "Today? Or do you plan to sleep at work?" Tim turned in her direction with his eyes wide open and whitened. His mouth was shaking, angry face.

"You gotta be joking me! Do you even have any idea what you're doing, Ayuka ?!" With the question, Tim immediately almost fell. "What do you mean? I'm just trying to show you the way, you fool!" With a loud call, Tim then raised his arms on both sides. "My god! Just think about it!" Then he turned to her again. "Seriously? You still don't understand ?!" Then he became unamused. "Your ass will be in my face !!!" Ayuka, on the other hand, became a little angry but embarrassed. "So what ?!" She called, and Tim then said back. "So what ?????!!!?????" Tim added. "Sometimes you just gotta deal with a few things, either you're a girl or a boy! Now shut up or we'll never get to stop this eruption of Demons!" With that Tim once again created his funny angry face.

"I'm not going! Either you're last or I'm going first!" Tim then crossed his arms. "Just shut up and hurry up!" Ayuka called out in anger. "No damn way! Not happening!" But then Saraki grabbed Tim's back and started sliding him towards the wall. "Hey! What are you doing you little jerk! Let go of my back, I'm not going! I'll just take the outside!" But then. "Hey! Stop ignoring me, idiot!" Saraki then, without words, kicked Tim's butt and pushed him into the wall. "Just get in already!" With squeezing his foot at Tim's bottom, trying to push him in, Tim still declined.

"I'm not going! I have chosen my stuff!" However, Saraki finally managed to push Tim inside and he immediately rolled on the floor and while doing so his face by accidant leaned onto Ayuka's breasts, both of them became embarrassed. "You stupid idiot !!!!!!" Tim and Ayuka both yelled while finally, Tim managed to land a critical kick into Saraki's balls. With that Saraki shook on the spot and with one drop, he was swiped into a smooth and futuristic realization.

"I'll never be able to walk again, nor have children ...."

He gasped out a warm steam.

Meanwhile, Asuka heared all of those complains. She looked at the side and raised her left hand and then closed her eyes.

"That's sneaking in for them?"........

To be continued...