143. Unexpected enemies! 'Well-known' Guards approach before our heroes!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Hallways), Saturday, 11:10 p.m.]

Shion was moving through the hallways and meanwhile a large crowd of guards tried to stop her.

One of these guards had already swung his sword but Shion ran with her arms outstretched behind her back and held the sword. Since she was wearing a white kimono they found it easier in the dark, but that didn't mean a weakness for her.

Because of her skill, Shion jumped in front of the guard as the sword blew past her, kicking her sole into the guard's face and placing his body on the ground, but she continued to move.

At one point she had to urgently turn to the side but was greeted with other guards who were ready but looked frightened. Shion leaned forward and disappeared, leaving the guards frozen in space. After that, however, Shion appeared behind them and continued, the guards trying to stop her, fell to the ground. ("I'm at about 40 meter mark now.") At that, Shion stopped as soon as she noticed a wall.

She looked up and saw the next staircase. By jumping along the wall, she approached the 60-meter mark and also successfully completed it. As she jumped into the hallway, she ran forward and saw the walls leaning in different directions. She felt the pressure and quickly slid behind the wall with it, hiding her pressure and listening as she had her back against the wall.

Her eyes twitched as the sweat drop slowly slid toward her jaw. ("Who is this? No one has warned me of such strong pressure ....") While Shion was thinking in her head, she took a step. "I know you're there ....." Someone said in words, it was a girl, and Shion showed up. "Who the hell are you ?!" When asked, Shion prepared just in case. "One of the 'Main Guards'. Laia is my name and I'm also usually a lookout point for the surroundings." Upon explanation, Shion became unreasonable. ("Why didn't Ayuka warn us about such enemies ... or did she want us to fall into their trap, is Ayuka on their side? Oh what am I thinking .... maybe she didn't have the chance to see them then ... but how ... .? ") With this, Laia got up from her spot and grabbed her sword.

"You're probably wondering how you weren't alerted of us. The day before your friend slipped through the vents, 'Lord Yuuma' heard movement over his head in the vents. We weren't there at the time because we were on high guard, but he found out that someone was watching him, so he assigned us light tasks. He found out that you and your friends would probably try to attack him, so he prepared everything for this event. " In the eavesdropping added by Laia, Shion asked.

"'Main Guards'? So that means there are more of you ...." Shion said. "Yes, that's right. Because Lord Yumma really isn't capable of dueling, me and two of his other most trusted guards are there to protect him ...." Shion understood the greater percentage. ("Yumma is incapable of fighting? Now I understand why he never showed himself ... and he probably gathered all those souls to gain his power ...") At this, Laia moved her sword to the side and swung it. . "Jaakunaiki!" With that, Laia's sword gained a black force surrounding her blade that was destroyed, she used an energy blade made up of her aura.

("Ginken who composes energy and an aura in the shape of a blade? Such weapons are usually almost impossible to use with the human body but must consist of 'Demon Blood' ... but these guards only have human blood, then there must be some other option .. .. ") When Shion was thinking she called the name of her sword, and with that she also reached out with her right hand to her alarm given to her by Ayuka and she pressed that button.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Vents), Saturday, 11:15 p.m.]

"Ayuka, I think you counted the time wrong ..." Saraki who was in the column behind Ayuka and Tim reached out with the words. "I got it right, other than crawling very slowly, it's probably going to take longer, think about it." Then when Ayuka turned behind her she became unamused. "Great." That was the word Tim gave. "What are you doing?" With the question, Ayuka also saw that Tim had his eyes covered with black tape.

"What? What is it about me now?" With the question, Tim became serious and unamused himself. "Why do you have your eyes covered with black tape ???" In doing so, Tim spoke up immediately. "I don't want to have your ass in my face!" In doing so, Ayuka gained a quieter alarm on her wristwatch.

"Looks like Shion turned on the alarm and showed the clip ...." Ayuko was surprised to see a girl who wasn't there yesterday. "What? That woman wasn't there at the time ... these could be bigger problems, Yumma probably has other guards." Tim and Saraki, however, were serious, Tim finally dropping his black tape. Tim looked at the woman. "That's it ... I detected this woman once, this pressure when Kanji and I were trying to save Codey." In doing so, Tim became serious. "And her pressure was above-growing of a captain too! I have to go back to Shion and help!" But Ayuka and Saraki stopped him.

"What are you crazy about? Just a few more meters to get there and you're really going to throw this offer ???" Saraki asked. "Yeah and so what? Better than getting in trouble, ratherh help her!" It was uttered by Tim,. "Tim! Captain Shion hasn't shown all her strength yet, she can still use 'Henshin' if necessary, don't humiliate her, as she's not a captain for anything." Ayuka explained. "Yeah but ... still ..." But Ayuka spoke back. "We're almost at the top, let's move on and head to the others." In doing so, Tim gave up on speaking.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Hallways), Saturday, 11:17 p.m.]

("If she stops my path ... then I must somehow break through her, of course after the pressure she's standing with, I believe it won't be easy.") Shion took a step and in an instant swung her sword behind her back she released the flowing energy that was meandering behind her back and at that moment she said the name of her sword. "Makisen!" In doing so, Shion made sure she was ready to withdraw her attacks as she accelerated through the leveled hallway.

Laia swung her sword, making black energy, creating a sort of portal in the wall. At that moment, however, Shion noticed the blade stabbing against her head from the left. Because of this, Shion bent down and pulled away, but a smaller portion of her hair was cut. By leaping forward, Shion disappeared into the whiteness and immediately appeared on the other side of the hallway. She blew a white energy cylinder through her sword that hung behind her sword. She took a step toward Laia's back.

But Laia spotted her attack and therefore immediately swung behind her back, at which point both attacks split into each other. The white cylinder that sailed behind the blade of Shion's sword surrounded both girls. Laia was serious but she knew it was going to be some kind of attack, with that Shion disappeared from the spot and disappeared in the white light to the other side of the hallway again. With that, however, a white cylinder cut through Laia's shoulder.

In doing so, Laia hurried and turned and slashed, releasing black energy through the floor moving toward Shion's back where she stood. When Shion was in a stooped step she noticed this black energy flowing through the floor, so she quickly jumped into the air and noticed that a black beam of spike had formed and pierced the top of the ceiling. Luckily, Shion successfully dodged and landed and then watched this black spike disappear in black glitter. ("Manipulation of energy through the ground? What is most difficult here is that I can barely see the blackness on the ground in such a dark room ... after correct observation she probably has an advantage in combat .... but my attacks can be noticed immediately ....... ") Thinking, the white cylinder of Shion's sword sailed back towards the edge of her blade and continued to move.

- Meanwhile -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (North), Saturday, 11:25 p.m.]

Yukito stabbed Demon's neck with his sword. "The alarm that was sent must mean that Captain Shion was somehow stopped, but how?" When asked, Yukito looked at the alarm but quickly heard a voice. "One of the 'Main Guards' stopped her. Her name is Laia and she's one of the best warriors in Master Yumma's' eyes, and just like her, I'm also one of the 'Main Guards'. Sorry to get lost, but my name is 'Yuu Kakuritsu'. You see Lord Yumma has given me the command to approach her here and stop you. " With an explanation, Yukito reached for the word.

"And how did you slip through the hallways. Captain Shion was in there the whole time?" With the question, Yukito became lost. "You know. There's an open hole at the top of the tower, me and the other 'Main Guard' jumped through there and spread out, sorry for the misunderstanding." ("Really. Ayuka told us about a hole in the ceiling but didn't say about these 'Main Guards' ..... ") Yukito grabbed his sword and showed Yuu to prepare for the fight.

Meanwhile, near Asuka and Tihara, both of them also came to a rumble between the other two 'Main Guards' but what they didn't know is how many of them were there immediately. The one who Asuka was fighting was named Yoshiaki Kusari and the one who Tihara was about to fight was named Genkei Shinsei, meanwhile Tim, Saraki and Ayuka still proceed their way to the top and almost met the 120 meter mark. However, as they thought they will be free to stop they weren't aware of the final warrior who stood before Master Yumma, waiting just to get his dirty hands on them, the name of his was 'Lucas'.... with a smile, Lucas crossed his arms and begin to manipulate his energy around body.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Vents), Saturday, 11:28 p.m.]

"Tim would you mind slowing down, you're moving through these vents like an idiotic fool, you'll end up getting lost on your own!" Ayuka called out to him, but in return Tim just spoke back. "Not if you hurry up and give me directions, simple as that, besides. Nearing the energy I feel must mean we're getting close. And trust me, that energy above us is abnormal and insane, we got no idea who it could be, plus, the other hand here is. How on the Earth do you two not know about this tremendous energy, how can you not sense it when it's as clear as the night?" By questioning them, Ayuka returned her answer too. "I just simply cannot and I believe that Saraki cannot either... but still, if you really do feel an energy, shouldn't you be 'better' to preserve hidden, not crawl through here as if you were on a hunt after a deer?" The question was also absolutely expected to be answered with this kind of wording system.

"I don't care, talk about me whatever you want, the only thing I am after is to stop this idotic fool that is laying above us and no one will change my mind, despite that, the task won't be simple at all, we will be stopped by his guard, whoever it is and even I'm sure that in the state that we are, that person above us will overwhelm us in a simple attitude, you just watch and see. Thought like this surely will NOT stop me and the second thing. I just am itching to finally get rid of that bastard!" By the words and his voice, Saraki and Ayuka seemed rather afraid and confused. ("Why is he acting like this. It almost gives me creeps that buzz over my body, is that really Tim right now? Damn it, why would it not be, he must be itching to get his hands on that guy just so he could save other people. Or. The other case of that might be his rage, hidden inside him. Though what would make him rage like that?") But then Ayuka's thoughts recreated memories. ("Could it be the time when Codey and I got injured. Is that actually it. Is he really just here to kill him?") By thinking, Ayuka made a 'tsch' with her teeth and then faced back at the metal floor.

("Whatever it is, I can't deny or stop his anger toward that guy....") While Saraki and Ayuka were crawling behind Tim, Tim's eyes were slowly becoming darker and in short time, they would reach pitch blackness....

To be continued...