144. The fought between Yukito's enemy! Shion and Laia proceed to fight!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (North), Saturday, 11:30 p.m.]

The field was still filled by warriors, however the fight between Yukito and his opponent Yuu has achieved newer advancements. The knowledge of Captain Yukito was absolutely necessary for the rest and his power too so he could not afford to lose, which he also does not plan to do.

The fight just began and a hurling exchanging blows began. Disappearing right of the bat, Yukito prepared a swing over his head to reach a snowy downpour and he also unleashed it. Yuu who was not yet ready to fight just dragged out his sword without any hesitation and circled his sword in front of his straight body, he unleashed a blown energy as his sword was given an energy blade, just almost identical to the same that Laia uses.

But of course, the downpour of ice has been just released and with that Yuu needed to do somethiing as fast as possible, which he did. As spoken before, the circle he made with his sword unleashed a devestating energy which went blasting in the air in a winding shape, luckly Yukito readied his body to take or avoid so he spun in the air between those trails of darkness and avoided by landing on the ground, as that happened Yukito noticed that the battlefield was not frozen and the icy downpour was stopped by a black surge which shook and waved above both warriors, however, the explosion appeared above them and with sudden movement, Yuu prepared a swing as he appeared in front of Yukito, swinging his quick sword. Luckly Yukito raised that hand and blocked the handed blow, the time that that happened Yukito twisted his foot and froze the spot underneath both warriors.

The ice came growing but before stabbing through Yuu's body, he already backed away and summoned his black surge once again which was waveful above his minded head, though right after, while still half-time in the air, Yukito blew out that energy by swinging his sword obliquely and Yukito knew he could not defend it with bare sword, so he used 'Vanishing Step' and disappeared of the spot right away. The moment he did that, the black waving surge bounced on the floor and summoned a black light that devestated the areas by created a shadow swifting 'rain'.

As Yukito was bouncing back and forward he was avoiding the falling rain and in luck he suggested the next attack in his own mind which was simple. He took a step to create distance between the two warriors and immediately swung obliquely above his head and released a very freezing cold that then summoned growing spikes, made out of ice. These frozen spikes were growing in a line forward and prepared themselves to each stab into the body of that warrior, Yuu. "You're very pushy with your attacks, aren't you. You surely do not think to stop them, until you win. I will admit my likes to your fighting style, but is that really everything you 'Captains' can be capable of, joke's on you, I already am advanced enough to destroy you and your humanoid body." By saying that out loud, Yuu immediately blasted back with a jump and disappeared in darkness of pitch black, though Yukito moved his glare to the side of his body, right, and immediately twisted his sword, then he swung and unleashed the next frozen spikes and that caught Yuu off guard. "Seriously, how did that happen?" By the question, Yuu disappeared once again, but this time...

He showed himself back in front of Yukito and sliced upward, Yukito on the other hand immediately guarded and made a step back to hold the tight and heavy slam, however he felt black surge of energy, shocking itself in front of his eyes, unleashed from Yuu's weapon. Right from that point, Yukito made another step, but this time to the side and then immediately circled his entire body to face Yuu's back, then he removed his sword from the hand and touched Yuu's back and then disappearing when picking up his bounced sword. Since Yuu was rather slow in regards of that attack, he swung back into nothingness. But what he did not notice was that his back shirt was covered by cold ice.

Running to the side, Yuu raised his sword and calling his next dark surge which summoned itself in a shaky wave, which flowed through the ground just like heavy water, but Yukito blocked it after showing himself in front of that attack and immediately swung forward, if he was a second late, the attack would come in contact and probably leave a heavy or a very ugly scratch on his body, but luckly the end was good for him, since he broke that wave by freezing it and then shatter the hard ice into glitter, however, the dealt attack was not as efficient since Yuu in those seconds summoned his sword in front of Yukito which, now seemed to be connected from his aura, it worked almost as a sticky web, it had extension to itself and it was easy to operate in battle from afar.

("What the hell is this? Some sticky gum action? Is he attacking me with range just by moving his hand???") Yukito asked while shaking his sword on every side to block the quick attacks, however, he was being pushed back and kept in distance so Yuu then closed his fist and in that concerned moment, Yukito noticed a trigger on the sword. ("Explosion?!") The thinking was real. Yukito was caught in black surge of darkness and exploding attack, he was blowed back and his clothes did not keep themselves as fresh and actually achieved cuts in them, the ground even shook but Yukito was gone which in that case, shocked and caught Yuu in lost thinking. "Where did he go, crap?!" But his answer was soon given with an injury. "Behind you!" With a loud call, Yukito slashed downward and unleashing a growing spike from the ceiling of the building. Yuu was shocked once trying to avoid and even when he was in close exit of survival, he then noticed the spike of ice, cutting through his chest and body, obliquely, leaving a big and deep wound throughout and across chest, his clothes ripped down to several pieces.

Yukito then used his foot to deal another attack and smacked that sole into Yuu's stomach, deepening his wound further and knocking him across the floor. Yukito even then appeared in front of Yuu and leaked out another frozen ice, which quickly stabbed through Yuu's stomach, chest and even arms, he was bleeding when Yukito jumped and dealt a spinning kick directly into Yuu's face, pummeling Yuu's body further back into the wall which then immediately collapsed and crushed down onto him, by checking if victory was in his hand, Yukito still had several preperations to protect and fight.

However, as the fight between those two efficient warriors was on the go, Shion did not have as much luck with her fight.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Hallways), Saturday, 11:35 p.m.]

Shion was just given next attack but she blocked by pure actions, however, she was still knocked back and even tried to think of a better strategy. ("Her movements are swifter and unpredictable, she's using the dark room to her advantages, as much as my attacks are bright, they do not prepare a well enough visuality for me, the only thing I can rely is on my senses and reflexes.... doesn't look too good for me just yet.") Thinking that, Shion then grabbed her sword with both palms and swung it to the side when she bursted out the next winding white light, since that was her Ginken's ability, manipulating the light source which she can create, since she must use her own aura for the light she does not have the perfect combination of light sources.

"That's exactly, what you're thinking. You cannot see my attacks in this darkness, but of course. We've seen several ideas about you and your techniques through the internet connection, of course we weren't sure if it was exact to your true ability, but it seemes perfectly correct just by seeing your weak attacks, hear me out, darkness is my domain, you will not be victorious just by lighting up the place and deal attacks, that's for sure." The explanation caused Shion to agree herself. ("She's right, lighting up the place is no concern to her, since I do not illuminate it quickly enough for my attacks to be superior to hers, yeah, not even efficient.... damn, maybe there's another way to stop her attacks.... but how could I?") With that, blackness still surging and inhabitating the area, my attacks are just like feather to heavy wind, blown away with the least concern or energy used....") With thinking thoughts, Shion noticed the next attack being already aimed at her.

Seeing the black shadow, swiping across the floor, needed to use her sword to release the light and knock her sword into the wall, that bounced her aside, since she did not have better idea on how to perfectly avoid, so she needed to use some kind of other movement or else, the attack would reap her apart, just as it did the wall next to her, all that was left of it, was rubbles. With that Shion hurried forward with a heavy dash and prepared for the uppercut, however, the swing that she created was pretty pointless since a dark wall, grew from beneath the floor, but in that sudden moment, Shion noted something.

("I got it! When her attack is casted, it also manipulates ground for it to be connected, this means, if I somehow sabotage that floor, I'll simply overwhelm this area with brightness, most necessary thing however is, getting brightness in this area, or else my attack won't be tough enough...") Shion just backed away with a jump and swooped on the floor, then slipped her blade's tip on the ground, cutting the ground, she was acting as if she was too fast to stop, so she needed to use her blade, to throw her opponent off guard. "Jeeze girl, these actions you take are very confusing. You couldn't stop at your own speed, man, that's harsh." Saying that, Laia hurried along the heavy floor and prepared her sharp energy blade. ("That too, her energy acting as sharp blade, that I need to get rid of it, that's the main part to casting her attacks....") Shion knew, she would just waste time by attacking her now, so she backed away with jumps, across, moving through hallway.

Once she reached the edge of the wall to a turn, she rushed behind it. "Really, now you're running like a short chicken, god, stop wasting your incompetative moves." Laia just slipped on the rough floor and noticed how Shion switched to the next turn. "Urgh..." Laia seemed not to be very pleased with Shion's action and rushed after her. ("That's right, keep following me, you're just falling right into my trap.") Shion made a serious and intimidating face, once she slipped between the wall and then again, it seemed as if she was trying to lose Laia's sight onto her body. Shion just noticed an attack heading into her direction through the floor and just to make sure, she knew that the attacks could reach as far as the darkness went, but luckly, the black spikes that grew were dodged by her jumping aside and cutting her sleeve. Shion slammed her shoulder into the arm to not risk her body slipping, so she took some heavy damage from the darkness and rushed back into encircling area of builded structures.

In that moment Shion made a smile and found one smaller window. ("That should be enough!") With that, Shion spun on the floor by sliding and crossed her back against the window and Laia was in luck with her. "Dead end, exactly to where you didn't want to come, try to run now." As Laia called that out, she slammed her sword's handle right into the ground and the black shadow went growing through floor in that Shion smashed her sword's handle into the wall and destroyed the wall which opened up a bigger hole, and the moon glow went shining through. The walls destruction was even seen by Tihara on the outside.

Laia was in an anger senses so she just hoped of luck to predict the attack, but no. The light that was now released from her sword, was too sharp and easily blinded her opponent. ("Damn it, I can't see!") Shion spun her sword and immediately stabbed it into the floor, seperating the shadow and covering it with bright light, she took that advantage to risk it all and jumped in. She cut forward and overshined the black energy used as a blade around Laia's Ginken, which was simple canceled, she followed with a spinning kick into Laia's stomach and knocked her back.

"What the hell? How did her light get so much tougher!?" The question of Laia was answered. "Brighter the area.... stronger my sword and brightness...." With that Shion swiped her right arms obliquely down to the left in front of her body and moved her left hand above the sword. "Now I have the advantage, and running back will not help you..." Even though Shion said that, Laia turned around just after giving back her view and noticed that she was closed in with Shion behind heavy metal rubbles. "Prepare for real me.... 'Hen-shin'!" Spoke Shion, with seriousness and shout.

To be continued...