145. Shion's most efficient ability. The 'Winged Angel' Henshin!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Hallways), Saturday, 11:46 p.m.]

As Shion spoke the word 'Henshin' even Laia became interested and rather surprised to what was going to happen, the only thing she has seen before her at the current moment, were particles and waveful smoke, covering Shion's body rom being yet seen.

("Henshin, that's the ability Lucas warned us about. But I don't understand, why is it that horror to him?") Questioning to what Lucas warned them about, allowed her to think a bit precisely. But her answer was first shown than told. Shion's sword was now a sharp white energy, simmilar to the weapon that 'Main Guards' have, by compiling energy into ther blade. Shion swung through that smoke once the smoke again was blown, however this time, her clothes were a bit wider a still white, however she had bright white wings on her back, created from the white aura, her eyes were for a second glowing in darkness and her pressure has increased quite a lot since a few seconds ago.

("It changes their looks almost completely and their pressure and 'Spiritual Symbolism' increases heavily to at least times 3 of their usual strength... does that mean, Kodachi increases times 2 of their strength? Or how does this power multiplier work? There's gotta be explanation to all of that....") Laia moved her sword while still being serious and intimidating, but she knew, she won't have easy time to beat her opponent.

"Usually I do prefer to keep my 'Henshin' out of battle, but wasting time on you does not involve my task." Saying that Shion dashed forward in an instant, with her whiteness disappearing off the bat and then preparing a down whirl swing, Laia did notice her movements but was too slow in reaction to dodge so she needed to block instead of avoiding, and that was exactly what she did. The two energized swords colappsed into each other and beamed out the bright light and the dark shadow, with that the walls began to rumble further and Laia went sliding back on the floor with her feet while feeling pressure from the given clash of Shion's sword, Shion though landed on the floor and made a step ahead, swinging with her sword while summoning her bright wave, dancing behind her back through the sword's blade, she made a step to bounce herself forward and then appeared in front of Laia, in a jump and prepared another down sharp swing.

While Laia became stressed from seeing a body in front of her and bright wave dancing behind that girl's body, she released shadow growing from the floor, however, trying that was pointless, since the glow of Shion's energy, overcovered the shadow, with that Shion sliced downward obliquely in unleashed her whitened blade, summoning a heated slice, that injured Laia across her chest and stomach. Laia was then knocked with a foot into her stomach and her body was thrown backward.

Even though Laia took a bad injury, she still had will to defeat Shion, so she flipped her body as it flew over the air and touched the floor with her free hand and slid backwards and stopping before slamming her back against the rought wall, the blood of her wound splashed on the metal floor while trying to fight with her mind, to try and figure the best approach to beat her enemy.

Shion sliced in a stabbing direction on the side of her wall and then made the next move. Shion disappeared from the spot and directly infiltrated surroundings of Laia, she appeared before Laia who tried to cut her neck but Shion disappeared from the spot and three of her bodies were seen on each direction of Laia, that made Laia overstressed further. ("Which is the correct? Is it even multiple of them? Is it just her speed? I can't tell!") But Laia's answer came quickly, the three bodies Shion all swung at her and unleashed the next white wave, that pummeled into Laia's body, her right shoulder, left arm and front stomach. Her body felt pain and shook when she got thrown through the wall. Laia rolled on the ground and went slamming sideways with her back into the next wall, she dropped to the floor and lay there as if she was hospitalized. The bodies that Shion created from pure light, vanished and Shion walked through the hole, seeing the fallen body.

"Excuse me, most reliable 'Guards'. And then, once her opponent unleashed a new technique, not expected, means you're done? That's disappointing." Shion began to move slowly by walking toward Laia, who lay on the floor. Laia was struggling to stand up. "No. You're incorrect, we've been warned by some, however he never explained the multiplier in someone's strength, meaning that the only ideal way is for us to fight at full strength. At first we were not allowed to do it, but if we see to struggle against and opponent. Only then, we reach higher limits." Finally, after Laia's explanation she stood up and picked up her sword.

Shion fell into thinking immediately with a serious look. ("They were warned. But even if so, who warned them? It couldn't be one of our own, since none of them has came across these people... it may be someone who somebody has fought before...") And then an answer was given. "I'll explain you in simple way."

- Nine days ago -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Main Area), Thursday, 10:00 p.m.]

When Lucas failed to defeat Tim, Maia decided to help him by bringing him to the clock tower. She entered the main area where the 'Main Guards' and 'Master' Yumma stood. "Master Yumma. Please we need an urgen help, Lucas has been heavily injured and almost went crazy." With such words, Yumma became disappointed. "Why should I help somebody who cannot listen to his orders. We told him and warned him to not use his anger in combat and yet, he's done exactly that. Even if I'd wanted to recover his state, I could never, it would use way to many cells of 'Stolen Souls' forget it, either you throw him away and eliminate him by executing him, or we will!" Those words were loud and clear to be heard.

"But Lord! Master. Lucas was always one of the most reliable 'Side-kick' to you, he was there to protect you! I'll do whatever you'd like, just recover him!" Mia was very pushy and would do anything. "Mia, please, leave or we will be forced to stop you. As you can see, 'Lord Yumma' decided not to recover him, no more words, please exit." Laia added and tried to stop her. "Are you all stupid? Lucas is a guy who was even forced into injuring me! What do you want for me to do, anything!" And soon, the words came. "You'd do anything just to heal that idiot? Fine! You've chosen that thing. To recover Lucas's state, we'll take your 'Human Soul', since you're a Spiritual Duelist, one should cover more than 90% of a normal Demon Soul, that is the only option, if you choose not to, then Lucas will not be recovered." With that, Mia became to a stress and a sweat dropped down onto the metal floor.

"All right, as you insisist!" ("Even if that means an instant death, I'll at least be able to recover Lucas's body....") Mia thought and then, Lord Yumma stood before Mia. By saying words, he created a red barrier around Mia's body who kneeled on the floor, she slowly began feeling her blood, leaving her body, her mind was losing knowledge and soon then, the red energy blasted in the air, by screaming out loud, into the air, Mia's 'Human Soul' flew in the air and was then sucked into the capsule, with that only 15, Demon souls were needed and what a perfect time it was for Chiharu to use 'Golden Stone' a few days later.

- Present day -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Hallways), Saturday, 11:50 p.m.]

"Mia? Is that someone I should know about?" The question was brought from Shion's mouth. "No. I don't think so, only the rest of you should be aware about that!" Saying that, Laia dashed forward in complete second and swung downward, but Shion blocked when her white light sparked around the two blades, Laia spun on the spot by twisting her move and sliced from right to left, against Shion's neck. Shion avoided with a squat and then kicked Laia's ankle and slipped her toward the floor. Laia caught herself when falling and jumped back on her feet, kicking with both feet into Shion's blade. Laia landed on the floor in a squat and picked up her dropped sword and then slipped benetah Shion and sliced with a spin, cutting against her opponent's back, but Shion hurried to blocked by swinging her sword and darkness and light appeared, knocking each of them into different directions.

Shion quickly twisted her foot and leaned it forward to stop the push and then got surrounded by blackness, her eyes got a bit worried when black spikes stabbed around her. ("She has enough darkness in this spit? Damn it!") Shion quickly spun and unleashed a dancing white wave, that cut through spikes of shadow and changed them to particles, Shion then made a step and grabbed her sword when aiming her blade, directly into Laia'a chest. She gathered light and unleashed a bright beam that went surging through the hall. Laia's body was caught in white light when her eyes shook. When the beam came in contact with her body, a bright explosion appeared and evaporating the area and encircling it, now Shion stood in the middle of an open area, shaped in a circle, these shakes were also felt by Tim, Saraki and Ayuka within vents, who were slowly reaching the top.

But as Shion thought she achieved victory, she proved herself wrong.

Laia was still there, even if she took a crazy and immense hit with her clothes teared apart, stood up before Shion. Her sword was shakeful when her hair covered her face. "Our job was not to fail like the rest, we're the 'Main Guards' you will not stop us.... and this will be shown to you right now." Laia grabbed a syringe and stabbed it into her vein on the right arm. The blood that was inside of the capsule was black and it slowly began to flow through her body. ("Demon Blood??? Mixed up with Shade's essence?!") Shion was shocked, she did not expect. ("This means, these were mere humans just now? They only decide to become Shades whenever they needed to become?!") Laia's muscles tightened and her Human Blood was now mixed with Demon, changing her to be a Half-Demon. Her hair were now completely black and her eyes now gained a full-on blood red colour. Shion's aura reached darkness further and she immediately made a step.

The black surge bursted into the air around Laia's body and through the ceiling and made a collision of rocks, falling down. Shion was forced to back away since the energy was unable to be seen. "You're all going to be killled, right here and now!" Shion's voice changed to louder.

To be continued...