146. The true meaning of 'Disastrous Shades' brings out intimidation and fear! Laia, Yuu and Yoshiaki reach transformation!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Hallways), Saturday, 11:55 p.m.]

The shout that Laia released almost sounded just like a female roar and once doing so she disappeared from the spot not even making a hint for Shion to see. Shion was only able to see a blade in front of her so she immediately blocked, but the pressure was sent into her arm when she went blasting backward, getting cut on the ruined walls when she colappsed to the floor and almost slammed her head into the spike. But in luck, she avoided by pressurizing her body aside and spinning it for her to avoid to the side and risked herself of getting injured in the arm rather than head.

- Meanwhile -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Vents), Saturday, 11:55 p.m.]

"What was that sound? It sounded like roar?!" Asked Saraki in confusion while they were still crawling through vents. "Something must have had happened..... it could be that one of our enemies unleashed their rage of will!" Explained Ayuka who was crawling behind Tim, but even though, Tim seemed to only have one thing on his mind, to kill and reap Yumma's body apart. ("I can sense it. Tim's holding back his rage and hiding it from the rest of us.... but I bet once he reaches Yumma, he'll let it out. Is there anything I can do, to prevent that from happening?") Even if Ayuka was trying to think of a solution, nothing came to her mind.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (North), Saturday, 11:56 p.m.]

("Is she crazy? Why is she already using the 'Liquid'?") Asked Yuu once turned into the direction in which Laia stood. Yukito on the other hand seemed to be confused but aware that he can not let that stop him. Yukito then corrected his stance and dashed forward thus giving Yuu an immediate sense, so Yuu turned around and swung with his energized sword, but was pointless, Yukito spun in the air and reached behind Yuu's back, correcting a simple cut into Yuu's back and make him bleed, he then furiously unleashed the next attack, but this time the frozen spikes went growing toward Yuu. Luckly Yuu slashed through the ice and cracked it into particles. Yukito followed up with additional swing but both swords colappsed and the metal sound was heard, Yukito then slipped his left foot back and then swung back up ahead, releasing a growing ice, which Yuu quickly avoided by jumping back into the air.

Even as the ice grew in additional extensions, Yuu needed to put his feet on top of the frozen and hold his stance, he ran down the slippery ice and moved his sword behind his own back, grabbing it with both hands and then closed in on his opponent, in this case Yukito. Yukito noticed such movements so he proceeded with a step to the front and slashed ahead of time. Both swords clashed once again and from their pressure, the ice that Yukito created, shattered into million of pieces, Yukito was somehow sent back by force and flipped in the air, catching himself in a wall and then countered back my launching himself with feet off the wall towards Yuu, who became surprised. ("That was fast thinking!") Yuu immediately dragged his sword on the floor and cut upward, when he unleashed a roaring black surge. Yukito unleashed cold wind and growing ice that surrounded him from the ground, making a tunnel, Yukito successfuly blocked the energy and immediately forced himself to reach for the stab with serious look but since Yuu noticed that his eyes got terrified.

("That's it, if she's doing it, then I am too, I had enough of this child!") Yuu raised his arm when Yukito realized something. ("Is. He, going to?") And yes, it was exactly what Yukito thought. Yuu stabbed himself with a syringe when Yukito noticed beam bursting into the air and forced out a violent pressure. To stop himself from encountering Yuu from close, Yukito sliced upward with his sword and unleashed a freezing wall, to instead slam his body into that. The black surge rustled through the loud wind and hurricane that even shattered the left out ice and even forced Yukito to be close on getting pushed away. ("His pressure is rising and rising! It's senses are also violent!") Those were words that Yukito had in his mind. Yukito now knew, why they called themselves 'Disastrous Shades' because they bring disaster with their intense strengh of darkness. ("The feeling it makes it feels as if it was cracking the air....") The red eyes appeared on Yuu's face when his hair reached out and unleashed devestating roar.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (East), Saturday, 11:59 p.m.]

Genkei stopped in front of Tihara since both of them felt the pressure. "Are they stupid? They used that too early, what were they thinking?" In questions to the rest, Genkei seemed upset. "What do you mean?" Tihara asked seriously, holding her short sword. "What do I mean? Why should I tell you that, you're the enemy to us after all?" But yes, Tihara understood nothing more from him to explain. "Maybe mind explaining me the reason to why their pressures suddenly grew?" But Genkei puked out his saliva and seemed to be annoyed. "Fine, whatever." He wiped off his blood. "They used a special type of blood that is infused with Human, Demon blood and Shade's essence, we don't have a name for it but it involves increasing their power to potential to those that they do not indeed need." The explanation was quite simple, Tihara understood their real to why they wanted Demons to roam around the area. "Now I understand, that was the only reason you wanted these Demons to be roaming around. Just so you could get your dirty hands on their Blood, so you can impale their strength to your bodies." Even if she was on the correct path of understanding, Genkei answered back.

"Yeah, that's it. But first thing we had on our mind was to give that energy to Lord Yumma so he could rule over Demons, so he could reach greater, stronger, frightening and advancing powers, his goal is to be the ruler over Demon Bloods. So he could manipulate them to his will. We're just there to fulfill his great wish, now enough talking, I'm not a guy who'd use this devouring power. So don't worry, you won't have too hard time fighting me." From there onward Genkei froze when he saw, sharp blade wrapping itself around him in a dark blue energy. "What the hell?!" With that Tihara raised her sword and caused those blades to push themselves forward, the blades went cutting into Genkei's skin, once his eyes shook in terror and pain. "You stupid bitch! What have you done!!!" But then, his shout was even louder when his left arm was cut off. "Graaaaaaagh!!" With loud utterance of words and scream, the blood blasted and he began losing blood instantly. "Bitch, bitch, bitch, it hurts, you'll pay for that!" From there Tihara noticed a flying syringe and sliced with her blade.

Doing so, Genkei became shocked and jumped forward. ("No! I need that for Lord Yumma! He needs it more than me!") Shouted Genkei and jumped forward, only focusing onto the syringe. As soon as the syringe was about to caught by his right arm, he noticed the next wiggly blade, cut his second arm and with it the syringe got cut too, shattering into blackness. Even though his second arm was cut, he could not understand that he lost his syringe and blood so he could infuse himself with. Tihara then shortened her blade back to normal and the wrapping flying blades were now in a short blade, as for Genkei he froze on the spot with both arms bleeding and since he lost way too much blood, his body began to age, older and older. ("The hell is going on?") Questioned Tihara, but she saw that Genkei's body slowly began to pile on the floor likes ashes.

From confusion she asked. "That's not really it, is it? Is he actually the 'Main Guard' questioned Tihara, but it seemed that she was correct. "Well, that was hella simple." She faced down at pile for a few more seconds and nothing has emerged from them nor anything else.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (West), Sunday, 00:04 p.m.]

As easy as it was for Tihara to defeat her opponent, still quite confusing. Asuka had trouble dealing with Yoshiaki. Yoshiaki's weapon was pretty much in a shape of an axe and had to hold it in both arms. Asuka disappeared in the air and landed on the roof in distance, her ability was to control transperent smok, but she needed to be careful since her sword's blade needed to destroy itself for it to be used. Asuka was bouncing between the walls when Yoshiaki raised his axe and unleashed greater energy which was stronger and stronger. He slammed his axe into the floor and shouted. "Seperated Shatter!" The floor in a circle beneath him shattered and bounced into the air, the shattered pieces of it seemed to be floating which also created some sort of a ring from there, but then Yoshiaki spun his axe and made a heavy stomp forward, in doing so he swung his axe and smashed the shattered pieces and unleashed it like a throwable object, which was as fast as a bullet and as sharp as sword's blade. Asuka tried to avoid, but the sharp pieces went stabbing through her shoulder, making hole through her skin, able to be seen through.

With loud utterance, Asuka dropped on the knees and reached for her wound in pain. She noticed the next piece flying towards her, but in luck she jumped to the side and avoided so the piece flew behind into distance. While checking on it she quickly bit of a bigger part of her clothing on her right shoulder and used that cloth to wrap it around her bad wound. ("This hurts so much. Because of such wound, I'll be moving slower, damn it, I need more time to think.") As Asuka thought in her mind she decided to hide from the battlefield. "Where the hell do you think you're going!" Yoshiaki questioned with angry shaking mouth. ("Damn, while using this move, I can't move through it, and I can't stop it without using all 5 shatters.... but if I do use them on nothing she could be planning to attack me from behind or anywhere else, while I'm busy wasting my hard-as-steel bullets.... guess I'll have to be patient, because I bet, she won't run away without winning.... that's how these 'Spiritual Duelist' fight.")

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Outedge), Sunday, 00:07 p.m.]

Kanji was still standing on the roof with crossed arms. "You know, waiting her to see if Demons or something would pass by is very boring... nothing is even keeping me entertained, those jerks can have fun but I can't.... so unreliable they are...." But once doing so, Kanji noticed Asuka, injured so he immediately froze in thinking. "It's Asuka..." To check on what she held, made him surprised. "She's injured... she needs urgent help, but, keeping lookout too, what am I supposed to do???" However, Kanji soon decided. "Screw this, I'm helping her!" From there onward, Kanji jumped toward Asuka.

"Christ.... this will be bad if I don't fight, he'll eventually lose his patience and unleashed all of his bullets..... can I even do anything.... luckly I did not yet show my ability to him, since it's risky.... but, this might be too problematic if I do....") Asuka thought....

To be continued...