147. Kanji's and Asuka's teaming! Yoshiaki loses his temper of battle, victory arrives.

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (West), Sunday, 00:10 p.m.]

The fight was still on its way while Kanji was slowly closing in to Asuka. "Asuka!" With quick utterance, Kanji looked at her in worried look. "What happened to you, you're injured, why don't you ask for help if you're struggling?" With the question given by Asuka, Kanji quickly answered back. "What? Do you just want me to watch you suffer in that pain?" Kanji asked but the answer he was given back was pretty much unexpected. "Of course! You're on the lookout, not here to fight..." Asuka then bit into her cloth to wrap it tigher and stood up. "Now if you won't mind, I gotta get back to fighting Yoshiaki or else he'll go crazy with all the patience he's losing." Since that saying, Asuka jumped toward the roof and faced at Yoshiaki. But she was immediately spotted.

"There you are you little girl..." Calling that, Yoshiaki immediately reacted by swinging his energized axe and knocked the next bullet of rocks. Asuka turned her body to the side and jumped, but the bullet was still as fast so she got scratched a bit from it and gained a cut. ("It's warm and heated as a proper bullet, this is almost impossiblr to avoid, not when you're slowed down because of the wound.") Asuka continued dragging her feet across the rooftops and tried to figure out a way to close in on her opponent, which in this case was Yoshiaki. ("Damn, I only got two strikes left.")

Thinking that he will attack again Asuka reached for her sword and shattered her blade, then swung it and released the transperent-like smoke which flew forward at speed and curled at him with pressurized force, hoping to get a clean cut, but in that case Yoshiaki needed to risk the next bullet so he swung that axe and knocked it forward at quickness, luckly stopping Asuka's attack, he was left with only one bullet.

Asuka made secondary step and jumped in the air but before she could jump something caught her off guard. Electricity elevated from behind her and in soon surrounded her, with that she noticed a gigantic rock growing from the wall, which could of have potentially kill her in a one swoop. Kanji slid across the roof by holding Asuka's hand and faced at Yoshiaki. "What the hell? Another one?" Asked Yoshiaki while looking at Kanji who was surrounded by electricity. Kanji swooped to the side with his Ginken when it gathered electricity into it. "I told you to stay on the lookout!" However even though Asuka called out to him and was quite upset, Kanji just couldn't be bothered. "So what, you plan to win with those injuries, well just look at you. You didn't even sense an attack from below you, which everyone would. Either you help out and or you stay back and I'll fight him myself." But Asuka's thinking was still a bit unsure.

("With them being two, I'd need to use twice more of my shatters..... this isn't very good in offense, but if that won't work I may switch it to defense... who knows.") Yoshiaki's thinking was on the verge of confusion however before him flashed a light that cracked the floor, the surprise was the arrival, breaking through his weak defenses currently. ("He's gone?") Asuka was quite shocked once she saw the high-speed produced by Kanji, however that was not enough to put Yoshiaki down on the floor. Kanji spun his lightning spear that then allowed him to release a shaky lightnng and then disappeared from the cracking floor, from there he swiped with his spear, both-handedly and cut thin into Yoshiaki's back, even that attack was pretty useless. Yoshiaki twisted his head to face Kanji and in anger screamed out, his saliva flowed down when he swung with his axe. Kanji felt the pressure coming from his mouth and then immediately disappeared from the hard floor and appeared in a thunderous flip above Yoshiaki. He spun his spear with the form of a flip and sliced down to hopefully cut through Yoshiaki's stomach.

Even then as he tried, it ended up in failure because of Yoshiaki's actions. ("That was hurdingly fast.") Such words that were thought in his mind were almost a fake example of a loss, but from then when he noticed the rocky floor spiking up toward him, he spun and created a wall of spinning electricity which also gave him a boost in agility, which then allowed him to back away onto the floor and slipped behind seeing the giant rocks growing, from there Kanji hurled forward and sleed in a criss-cross shape, once closing in on his target. Yoshiaki however raised his axe and prepared to devestate the lands around them, however he completely forgot his second opponent that was Asuka. Whispering a word she aimed her blade ahead when releasing a dusty whirl that began moving forward. Kanji's job was just to keep Yoshiaki's eyes away from Asuka so she could deal a sneak attack.

But that was not exactly working, since Yoshiaki sensed the energy and at that moment as the dust was about to strike, he turned around and swooped up with the heavy axe, creating another wall of shattered ground, catching both Asuka and Kanji in surprise, from there onward, Kanji swooped forward to stab with a spear, but even that was useless since Yoshaki encountered by creating another wall behind him from the next swoop. "You're trying to make a plan for you two to win, well you may as well swoop your own face to taste your own blood." However, his speaking just came to an end since Yoshiaki disappeared with a boosting jump, high in the air, the thunder that struck even shattered the walls created by Yoshiaki. ("What the hell is he doing?") As soon as he wondered he looked on both sides and noticed that the dust made a wall through which he could easily just get caught. "Sorry, but you're trapped, thank you for your help." With that Asuka made a smile. "Trap? What do you mean??" The question was simple to be answered.

"Wrong... that's what your thinking was... we've wanted you to create those shattered walls around you to keep you from moving. Why you ask? Simple, because whenever you use that ability of yours you cannot move much or it will harm you as well, for that, we reached for an easy opportunity to strike you." Explaining what their plan was, Yoshiaki became rather surprised.

But then the bolt of disastrous flash broke out from the sky, flashing around Yoshiaki and unleashing a roaring screen of breaking and destroyed floor, with the explosion of thunder the walls blew away and Yoshiaki was incapable of avoiding, so his body was burnt in a massacre of speed, with that his clothes went blowing off and soon with that Asuka hurried along, when she raised her Ginken. "Finish this!" With the loud call Yoshiaki turned around and noticed that he was about to get killed, without any ideas on what to do, the ashes that were earlier surrounding Yoshiaki sliced forward and cut his body into two pieces, his capulse that held the 'liquid' was destroyed and such liquid vaporized in the bolt when Kanji's eyes glowed silver through the earlier used attack, with a three-step stance he then stood up with confidence and seriousness, there went another 'Disastrous Shades' the only one lasting were Laia and Yuu, meanwhile.

"Kanji!" With the call that Asuka creaked, Kanji faced her. "Hurry up, this is not yet finished, you leaving the lookout caused other Demons to sneak up behind us. We must keep them busy at all cost!" With that Kanji spun his spear with his spark of lightning disappearing. "You know it..." From there, the only opponent both of them had were just Demons, as for Yoshaki, his body was in ashes and then vanished in it, when his blood vaporized.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Vents), Sunday, 00:20 p.m.]

"We're near." The words that Ayuka gave were almost unheard by Tim, while he just watched ahead. "Hey. Ayuka, don't you think there is something strange in Tim's look. He seems, kind of 'agressive' well, his aura that I sense at least." But Ayuka knew. "Yeah, I can sense it too.... just what is he planning, we just can't get a proper idea on discovery of what he is doing." As much as Ayuka was decently loud, Tim didn't answer back and only had one thing on his mind, the priority of murdering Lucas and Yumma.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Clock Tower (Main Room), Sunday, 00:20 p.m.]

Yumma was shaking. "Damn these idiots.... I can't feel Yoshiaki's 'Spiritual Symbolism' not even his aura, don't tell me he was also knocked out, these bastards." Spoke Yumma when pounding the edge of his chair. "Lord... Yumma, I believe we'll soon have visitors here, and not the good type of visitors..... not at all." Lucas made a horrifying face when he tapped the floor with his foot. ("I still remember you, almost killing me, yeah.... this is how you'll get yourself killed, Timoshī Shinkaku.....") Even he, Lucas jad his rage against Tim.

But then it happened....

The ceiling above Lucas and Yumma's head broke down when a black shadow dropped down with an aura like evil. From there, once the ceiling shattered down, stood a figure, covered in darkness with its eyes darkened. ("There you are.... I was sure....") With Lucas's thoughts, he knew the aura, once Ayuka and Saraki dropped down next to the shadow figure. "Tim! What the hell is going on, you could have been at least more careful!" But even the words that were said by Saraki, Tim just did not intend to listen. "I think, talking with him is the last thing, that you'd do." Spoke Ayuka, but sensing Tim's aura becoming stranger and stranger. "So there you are, you finally reencountered me, Timoshī Shinkaku." Lucas was serious once Yumma stood up. "Lucas, is this the guy?" With the questions, Lucas immediately agreed. "Yeah, so don't be dumb, stay back or this kid, here will make sure you don't see the light ever again." Tim then finally spoke. ".... Lucas.... of course you'd be working for someone like that idiot.... oh, I just can't wait to get my hands on your and make sure you don't see the light of day, ever again." Tim's voice was enraging and quite loud.

"Is that so? So you're planning to fight three against one, you believe that is not very fair." However, Tim soon gave an answer. "No... only I.... let's make a deal, I'll fight you myself, only if you promise that after defeat, you'd let me kill that 'friend' of yours behind you." From there, Yumma became enraged. "Lucas, don't you dare, or you'll feel discipline." Of course Lucas was not afraid at all. "Fine.... have it your way.... but of course you do realize that now, I have even greater power, you will not be able to reach victory again." However, Tim couldn't care less so he just ignored Ayuka and Saraki behind him. "This was not our plan of 'taking' action, you've messed it all up again!" The angry shout by Saraki was useless, so Tim just prepared to fight.

To be continued....