148. The Evil Within!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

is always by his side ....

And so, the skip of time arrives, one year later after the disastrous Shades attack.

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Sunday, 5:50 p.m.]

Asuka just entered the room where sat Captain Yukito. "Urm. Captain Yukito, I am sorry for the misplaced entrance, but I'd like to tell you just a couple of things." From there, Yukito dropped his pen while he seemed to have a lot of work. "All right, what is it Lieutenant Asuka." The gaze toward her made her a bit calm. "Tatar City has been overwhelmed, we've been given an 'SOS', the letter explains something about new Demon species that walk among those feet, however they seem not to attack human, but they are very destructive.... of course, if you'd mind, would you consider go help them and try to figure what their goal is?" The explanation extended further which surprised Yukito. "Is that so? Demon who do not attack human species? Yes, sure I'll go take a look at it and try to figure out, while I'm gone, please remind 'Head Captain' that I won't be accessable for a few hours. I'll departure right away." The orders that Yukito gave made Asuka appreciative. "All right, I'll do that." With those words, Asuka left the letter on the table and left the room.

("Hm.... Demons who do not attack human kind but do provide destruction to their every day life.... these are some strange enthusiastic species....") By the thinking head, Yukito stood up and grabbed his white 'Captain Coat', he immediately headed for Tatar City.

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Sunday, 5:55 p.m.]

Civillians inside of Tatar City were afraid to do anything. "What are they, we have never been warned about these types of Demons???" Questioned a young woman, who was terrified to move. "Yeah! I think I might give complains to those idiotic fools at 'Headquarters' I'm not just going to stand here with these ugly creatures." With that the man shouted. "You, uglies! Might wanna leave before I beat 'hell' out of your guts!" But the man was just given a stare and he became terrified immediately. ("His face, it terrifies me!") With thus thinking, the man sweated and backed away. "Don't be so loud, are you stupid?!" The woman called however at that the Demon who gave a glare to that man bit into the wall.

- After a few minutes, Captain Yukito finally arrived to Tatar City -

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Sunday, 6:14 p.m.]

The civillians were still stuck at the place once Yukito arrived. "Look, it's one of the thirteen captains! A child called, very estaticed and amazed to see a proper warrior. "That's a captain? He's the same age as us. Well, at least he looks that way..." "That's Captain Yukito! He is 12 years old! Fighting in this world made him 'unageable' which means he's stuck at that age! But to your loss, that kid is one of the most capable captains among them!" With a smile the kid seemed to be constantly excited. "Ah, right. I'm surprised he managed to become a captain.... but I believe he might have some real skills, hopefully he just gets rid of these ugly Demons, wasting our territory.... they're making me annoyed." The other kid was quite unamazed, however Yukito reached out with words. "What's the situation here?" Question Yukito once looking at a 'Spiritual Duelist'. "Uh, Captain Yukito. Good to have you here.... well, the area seems to be surrounded by these three Demons, however they won't move, even if you attack them, they won't move... they seem to be eating bricks, walls and so on.... ruining everything...." The Spiritual Duelist spoke. "What's your name and from what Clan are you?" Yukito questioned. "Sorry, but yes. My name is Mitsue Gurea. I'm from the fifth clan, lead under orders of Shion Hishikaru. Sir, please I believe you've been sent her for aid?" Of course Yukito agreed and nodded.

"That's correct, but if they won't attack, have you tried to kill them with your Ginken?" Question Yukito who was a bit confused. "I have, but these Demons seem to have intense aura that compresses the sharpness of our blades, that is of course if they are on guard, this is why I've been waiting for them to move.... but they do not seem to be interested in moving, at such cause we cannot cut them, nor kill them.... not until they move and open up their guard." Explanation was easy, but Yukito tried to understood a way to get rid of them. ("Intense aura? It protects them from getting cut by Ginkens, these Demons are something new..... I wish I'd knew a way, but I'd need to ask for some assistance to research on them....")

- This happenings in 'The World of Zero', however, is not known on Planet Earth -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Gara Street - Sunday, 6:30 p.m.]

The days in Tokyo City, however, were much more cleansed of Demons, and Tim seemed to have been heading through a street, by the spin of his phone he checked on the recieved message and noticed the name. "What does he want?" Tim answered back to the person by entering 'All right, I'm on my way'. "Ugh, this kid really seem to have been loving meeting me..." Tim put a paste on with his run and rushed past people.

[- Ever since the opponents were put down, there haven't been any sights of normal Demons, in fact it was quite calm. Me and Ayuka were constantly trying to figure a way on what was happening but we never came to a conclusion, the problem here was. Even if the villains were defeated, the Demons were not forced to step back. It confuses me since there have been several signs of murdered people, there was blood splattered and even if it was, the humans were never warnd about it, but ever since that, the worries dropped, no Demons, no harm. Even though Tokyo City and entire human society on Planet Earth have been safe and were only dealt by robbers and burgulars, I did not expect this to turn quickly, the next departure was 'The World of Zero' -]

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Natural Park - Sunday, 6:50 p.m.]

"Thomas! Hey, I'm here." Tim looked around but the park seemed to be a bit short of people. "Where is he? He told me to meet him at this spot...." Tim however then faced toward the fountain and noticed somebody approachin. "Tim! I'm over here! Sorry, I was gathering some plants! Here, please have some."

[- Thomas is a 7 year old child who lost his parents at a car accidant, currently he has been living at a special and secret home, I met him a few months ago when he was crying for some reason. As much I knew that people crying is natural, I still wanted to approach -]

- A few months back -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Natural Park - Monday, 7:30 p.m.]

Tim walked by a park, once he heard a childish voice. He noticed a kid crying at the corner of the tree. ("Man, what's going on with him? Is he alone, outside?") Tim wondered and was quite confused but approached him. ("I don't get it, does nobody here give meetings to him, or at least say hi...") By the approach, Tim questioned and the kid faced at him, tears flowing down. "Hey. Sorry, this might not be the right time to be asking this, but... you seem alone, why are you crying out in the middle of nothing.

[- Natural Park is somewhat inside of Tokyo City, but it's far enough that people do not visit it a lot and even if they come by, they usually just look at it and leave it in a few seconds -]

"Sorry.... I'm sorry to make you worried..." The kid spoke and hid his head onto his sitting knees. ("Sorry? That was unnecassery....") "Don't worry... it's fine, look, it's a bit, worriying that you're out here without anybody.... I'm Timoshī Shinkaku, but others just call me Tim for short, what's yours?" Even if the kid was crying, he answered. "Tom.... Thomas for short...." He spoke. "That's a very cool name!" A smile was given to him. "Th- Thank you sir...." ("I guess he doesn't really want to tell me, why he is out here....") "Hey, Thomas, you're a bit soaked, come with me, the rain might make you sick. My younger sister makes delicious food and you lasting out here, might be worth it for you, warm and delicious food..." But Thomas never gave an answer. "Huh. I guess you're not much communicative.... but, would you please at least tell me why are you out here alone, wet and crying?" But once again, no words. With that Tim sighed and reached for his arm, the warm and soft skin of Tim's arm pressed onto Thomas's and he finally raised his head to look at him. "Come with me.... no need to talk, I just would like to meet you more." In luck, that caused Thomas to stand up and wipe his tears. "All.... right...." The sad voice, coming from Thomas made Tim a bit worried inside of his thoughts. ("He's so cold, he urgently needs some sort of warm help before he gets sick...") By the time, Tim and Thomas arrived in front of Tim's home.

- After the meeting of Thomas, Tim and Thomas arrived before a warm home -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Monday, 7:50 p.m.]

Tim walked toward the door and unlocked them after putting the umbrella away. "Big brother! Timmy the dinner is ready, however Ava became a bit confused. "Who's this?" She questioned. "This is Thomas, he didn't tell me much more, but he is soon going to get sick if he doesn't get a warm place for a while." Tim spoke, with that Charlotte also came by. "Huh, oh, of course, right away, we'll share some food!" With that Thomas entered and was given another introduction of Ava and Charlotte.

[- Thomas did get sick after a few days, but we took good care of him after the food we shared, he was lucky to be found by me, or he might of have freezed to fatal sickness, but in duo time, he introduce himself properly, he became extremely energetic, he even saw me as an older brother, the time he explained his situation of missing parents, it almost drowned me in worry, but even then, he seemed to become much more 'public' and after he was sent to the care, he was allowed to meet me at 'Natural Park' any time he wanted, but of course, I needed to be free so that he had eyes on him. -]

- Current time (present) -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Natural Park - Sunday, 6:50 p.m.]

"Thank you very much, these plants are beautiful, they remind me of your feelings. Did you know that these plants are known as 'Blue hydrangea' they are very rare to encounter, I'm grateful that you've shared one of them with me." Tim made a precious smile and both of them giggled. "Yes! I found them quite close by, but it was the only type... they.... kind of reminded me of your eyes." With that, Thomas looked into Tim's blue eyes. "They.... remind me of my father, they are almost identical.... and your face, it's so simmilar to my father.... so I wanted to give you something, for taking care of me and helping me.... please if you would, keep them?" But Tim's eyes were quite shaky from what he heard, but the sunset's light flashed in his eyes as he smiled. "Of course I will, I'd be glad!" By that, Tim smelled the flowers. "Haha! Thank you so much! Please, I don't got much more time, would you visit me tomorrow again?" At that Tim immediately smiled and gave a promise. "Of course! I promise to meet you here again, tomorrow at the same time!" The smile shined through the Natural Park and Thomas laughed in a gigglish voice. "Thank you so much! You're the best!" By saying that, both of them giggled and gave each other their 'main' hand shake. "Well then, be careful on the way.... I'll be leaving then. Thanks again for these flowers, I'll make sure to keep them at all time!" The wave of him and the flash of Tim's backpack curled in the air and Thomas agreed. "You're welcome!!!"

[- Of course, the promise I made was thrown away. What I heard after arriving back home, broke me feelings and this is when I tried my best to tell Thomas, even sending a message by phone.... an answer by him was never given from me.... "Just what happened to Thomas?" were my thoughts. -]

To be continued...