149. A lost promise!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Gara Street - Sunday, 8:00 p.m.]

By shock, Tim stood. "What do you mean? Why are we going to England?!" Tim loudly asked once he faced at his father. "What's so weird about it? We're only going to take a visit for a month then return. We're not moving, and sorry Tim. But there is no other choice." At such words Tim reached for his own phone and hoped that he'd get an answer from Thomas, but once again, to no avail. ("Why now! This is the worst time!") His entire family was quite confused by Tim's worried actions. By the rush outside, he hurried along the roads and bursted through his door. "Tim, slow down already!" However, both younger sisters, Ava, Charlotte seemed to be concerned about his state. "Man, what the hell is happening with him?" However, Dasuke's question was useless since nobody answered.

"This doesn't seem usual, did something happen that he dislikes this idea?" Question Charlotte.

[- As much as I knew it would be useless, I tried to meet up, call for Thomas, but even once returning to the 'Natural Park' the aerial call ended up in failure. By the next few minutes, I returned home and hoped that it was just a joke, but deep inside, I knew. It was not. -]

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Gara Street - Sunday, 9:00 p.m.]

Tim came entering home, soaked and tired. "Tim, you need to relax, if you run at such bad weather, you'll end up getting horribly sick!" However, even the concern that Ava showed, Tim just thought about some other things on his mind. ("I need to meet him, but how. If I don't answer, without any contact.... this, will be a waste. I won't keep my promise!") Tim grabbed his face, while he felt strange sensations in his face.

[- The evil aura that flowed through the body, usually showed itself at worried times and at tired times, if I am incapable of proceeding normally, however, luckly I am able to hide my second side. But my priority was still, finding Thomas or somehow getting in contact with him. -]

("Out of every choice of the days, this is the one, tomorrow, as I promised... I need to do something, fast!") Tim ignored his family and rushed inside of his room, once reaching into his closet. Luckly, Ayuka was no where near it, so he quickly proceeded by pushing his clothes aside, he reached into the pocket of the hoodie and grabbed an item. However it was merely just an apple, with that Tim became immediately unamused. ("That little ice girl really just put this inside of my pocket!") Tim immediately became annoyed so he sat on the bed and hoped that everything would work out, yet, it didn't and the next day arrived.

- Next day -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Monday, 3:00 p.m.]

By packing his stuff Tim immediately felt extremely horrible, leaving a promise was a problematic feeling for him. "Are you ready?" By questioning that Dasuke gave out, Tim just exit the home while the others seemed to be constanlty concerned. "Dad, do you think that Timmy might struggle with something?" However, even if Ava asked, Dasuke seemed estaticed. "Him? Nah! No way, that kid is more than broken in perfect control! Just watch!" By the shout, Dasuke jumped forward and knew that Tim would avoid, however Tim just took it and never reacted, both of them rolled onto the floor while a car drove past. "Dad! Tim!" Charlotte shouted, however once Tim faced to the side, his eyes shook. By pulling his dad aside, he tried to move away, however, the car smashed intp his body and went slamming into the wall because of the wet floor. What the rest saw, they immediately became worried. "Brother!" By quick shout, Ava and Charlotte both rushed toward the clashed car, their eyes decieved in shock once Tim's body seemed to have been covered in blood. "No. Tim! Hey! Brother!" But even the loud calls from his sisters did not reach his mind, he might if have survived injuries such as ones dealt in battle, but these injuries were very different.

[ - The injuries I recieved were enough to put me in the hospital. I had several broken bones and some were squashed by the car, even then I still wish to return back to check on Thomas.... but I knew this won't happen that day. The worry brings me if losing his friendship toward me. As of now, I lie in hospital, and I believe this will be a while. - ]

- The time that Tim and Thomas hoped to meet -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Natural Park - Sunday, 8:50 p.m.]

Thomas who was upset and confused, stood and waited. "I... don't understand... he.... promised me..... why isn't he here? Why?" Wondered Thomas, while being extremely worried. He was slowly becoming angry at Tim. "I knew it.... I shouldn't have trusted no one, not even Tim! People make promises, but they never keep them! I hate everything! I hate you, you promised me, Tim!!!" The loud shouts coming from the Natural Park made him throw the flowers on the floor and squashed them, then ran into the forest. "If he's not coming, then there is nothing else to do, than to disappear from this cruel world!" Thomas rushed away, not even returning to his care, all though he could not know what had happened to Tim.

Thomas ran quite far, through forest to as far as he could to be away from Tokyo City, yet he tried to do a suicide, but what really was on his mind, was something else. "Every single one of those people leave me. My parents and other friends, even him!" Thomas's thinking was all over his head so he didn't notice a rough thick branch on the floor and accidentally slipped into the soaked grass, he was hurt but he kept crying out loud even slamming his fists into the floor to let out his anger and disappointement. But the crying was interfered by someone, a girl stepped in front of him. ("Why is he here at this time and such weather? Isn't he too young?") Wondered the girl but then crouched in front of Thomas. "Hey, is there something-" But as soon as the girl tried to talk, Thomas faced at her and then slapped his hand aside and ran. "Just leave me alone you people!" By shouting out, the girl turned around in a heavy feeling. "Hey! Kid, wait!" The girl called, stood up, but she just saw how Thomas made a dash for the middle. "Not good, he has to stop moving that way or he'll end up falling between forest canyons!" Called the girl, stood up and rushed after him. Because Thomas didn't have proper Spiritual Symbolism, she could not sense his pressence.

Thomas who came across a pitfall lost his way once he felt how the feet lost hard ground. ("Am.... I falling?") By the questions Thomas quickly felt wind how it past him from the fall. But in sudden moment, that girl who spoke to him before jumped after him and caught him in her arms. ("Is, someone holding me?") Thomas asked once he couldn't move. He felt soft body behind him, once he felt wind bursting over his head. ("This kid cannot see, he has blindness.... but, how did he find his ways around?") The girl wondered once jumping all the way to the top of the hill. Thomas was put back on the warm floor, once he seemed to be a bit afraid. "You're, blind.... aren't you?" The girl questioned and that shocked Thomas once he heard it. "Who.... who's talking to me.... please, don't hurt me...." Thomas spoke. "My name is Ayuka, don't worry, I won't harm you, but you seem to be blind, is that correct?" With that Thomas let out tears. "Y....Yes, that's correct...." Then, Ayuka asked. "If that's the case, how did you tell I was in front of you, how did you know where to run?" But the words that Ayuka heard were not expected. "I.... I can sense, everywhere where the nature is.... it shows me a path where buildings and roads are.... but, that can sometimes break if I am in worry." Spoke Thomas.

"Oh... is that correct?" ("That's rare, he isn't a 'Spiritual Duelist' yet he has some sort of ability. Then again, Tim too, had an ablity, able to see spirits, even before he reached 'Spiritual' state....") Wondered Ayuka throughout her mind. "What is your name?" And the words from Thomas came out. "My name is Thomas..." With that, Ayuka smiled. "That's a nice name. Would you mind telling me, what had happen? That you've rushed out in a hurry like so." Ayuka was rather unsure of why as she could tell it was not for no reason. "A friend of mine.... he told me... he promised me that he'd meet me at Natural Park, but he didn't even tell me a word, he just didn't come." With such taste of words, Ayuka asked. "Your friend? Has something happened to them? And if so, do you know what might have happened?" "His name was Tim Shinkaku... I can't tell why he never came." By the name Ayuka heard, Ayuka's eyes shook in a hurry. ("Tim? He never breaks promises, what happened to him? This really isn't normal from him...") But then Ayuka gained a call by someone. "What does Codey want?" She questioned and raised her phone. Thomas also looked at her. "Codey? Hey, what's up? Why are you calling?" At such words, Codey called out a word. "Tim was sent into hospital! He needs your treatment as soon as possible, hurry!" At then, Ayuka's eyes shook. "What? Wait, what happened! Uh, never mind! Which hospital, I'm on my way!" She called and Thomas too heard it. "Sewa o suru hospital! Near Shoujin Street!" By soon given words, she spoke. "All right!" After stopping the call Thomas asked.

"I heard.... a name.... Tim, is he..." Ayuka hurried by saying. "Yes it is him, your friend, come hurry, he needs treatment immediately!" Without regrets both of them rushed for the hospital.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Sewa o suru hospital - Sunday, 9:30 p.m.]

Ayuka and Thomas rushed towards the counter woman. "Excuse us, please, we're here to visit Shinkaku Tim, he was caught in an accidant, is it possible to go meet him at this hour?" Ayuka questioned worried out loud. "Well, our hospital does allow visitors until 10 p.m. so yes, surely we'll allow you, let me just search... Shinkaku Tim.... ah, he is in the third floor, room 305." Answered the receptionist. "Thank you very much!" Both of them rushed upstairs to where the receptionist pointed and hurried to go meet up Tim, who was injured from the car accidant.

Once arriving to his room, Ayuka and Thomas saw Tim laying on the bed hospitalized, around him stood Dasuke, Codey, Ava and Charlotte. "Ayuka...." Answered Codey with a rather upset face. "How is he?" Ayuka immediately ran forward and raised her palm. "He is on the verge of absolute chaotic pain...." From that, Ayuka did not care about others seeing them, so what she did, she immediately released green aura and reached for Tim's chest. "Whoa, what is she doing?!" Questioned Charlotte, but no answer. "Stay strong, don't lose yourself, Tim." Spoke Dasuke while worried. "Mind telling me what had happened?" Asked Ayuka in a rush. "He was knocked by his father onto the road, but to not harm him, Tim pulled him away, hoping to escape the car on his own, a car crash into his body, slammed him into the wall of the building." By such words, Ayuka felt pain. ("He's got 7 broken bones? I can't do anything about bones, I can heal maximum one to three of them!") Worriyingly thought Ayuka in her mind, others were looking at Thomas a bit confused but their priority was injured Tim. "Miss, Ayuka.... will, Tim be all right?" Ayuka was a bit sweaty but answered back. "He'll make it don't worry!" She called out once her sweat dripped onto the floor. ("Just hold tight.....")

To be continued...