150. The Demon Race rules the city!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

- A few days later -

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Tuesday, 3:20 p.m.]

Yukito was leaned against the wall while checking into his notebook. ("They haven't been moving at all, they've constanly been biting onto this single building....") By the words Yukito sighed. ("There could possibly be trouble if these don't feed up. It could mean that once they're finished biting onto this building they'll go wild and raise in strength, to think about it, it could mean destruction...") However once Yukito wondered he heard a shout. "Gah! Somebody help me, it's attacking me!!" Yukito immediately hopped forward and dragged out his Ginken. "Shimo!" At the call of his sword, Yukito appeared in front of the screaming man and swiped with his blade, at that he noticed how the Demon's eyes went wild and turned red. "It's finished! Seems I may as well take care of them! You. Retreat at once, I'll take care of these Demons. Mitsue, help out!" And at the call Yukito pushed that Demon aside and made a step.

"Uh, of course! Right away." At that, Mitsue grabbed his sword and jumped forward towards the Demon and swung that Demon away. ("Looks like we can damage it now ... but they seem to have great power for now.") In doing so, Yukito quickly cut obliquely, and quickly at that, the Demon released his hot smoke and disappeared in the dust and steam. Yukito just cut through the air and became lost. "It's gone ???" In doing so, Yukito looked around but there was nothing.

"Mitsue, did you happen to see him where he went?" But Mitsue was lost. "No .... no ... the same thing happened to me when I hit him, he suddenly disappeared ...." Yukito looked towards his coat and noticed that it was a little burnt. ("So ... it's hot enough to burn silk ...") In doing so, Yukito moved his sword a back and stood forward. ("They don't even have real pressure .... which means I can't detect them .... just what are these types of Demons ...") "Mitsue for now, let's retreat, stay on the lookout, I'll keep researching .. . "

With the words Yukito gave, Mitsue agreed and moved back toward his space. ("Demons who disappear when hit, but is that supposed to mean their death, or is it an escape?") Mitsue moved his finger towards his mouth and thought.

During this time, when all this happened, however, three persons stood and looked towards them. "Hah, you can't believe it ... or do they really think the Demons have escaped. Not coincidentally, they adore blood and human flesh, so they're still around you ...." "They're more dumb than I thought .... Doi, Denji, let's go back." With that, the talking boy stepped aside. Doi's body was modestly hidden by the blackness of his clothes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Renzo."

As they moved, they pulled away without Yukito or Mitsue feeling them.

- A couple hours of researching -

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.]

(They feed on hard things like bricks .... the walls of buildings, but if they don't have enough of that it means they have to have some sort of way of multiplying and attacking. It still doesn't give me an answer as to why they disappear after the first blow?) Yukito sat down on the bench and moved to the next page of his note. "Captain Kobayashi, did you find out anything more about this?" With the question Mitsue added, he moved forward toward him. "In research, I found out their way of eating .... these Demons only attack people who deviate more than 100 meters away from them. But I haven't yet got the right answer for their disappearance." He explained to Mitsue and tilted his pen.

"So they have a remote distance when to attack?" With a nod, Yukito tilted his body back. "Their steam probably gets hotter to when they eat more stuff, if they're undernourished then they'll happily attack people, but of course as long as they have the strength of buildings to feed, then they're only active on buildings ...."

"This research is likely to come in huge help ... of course, I had some other thought on it when those two Demons disappeared." At that, Yukito looked at Mitsue. "Is that so? Explain?" In doing so, Mituse responded immediately. "By what you just told me. It gave me that idea. Like you said, and you explained that these types of Demons attack all those people who move 100 meters away from them that they've seen. But, they don't mean to lose food it means that they themselves do not move away more than 100 meters ... giving me the thought that the Demons do not actually escape but stay in the same space and use this steam as invisibility for their body, which means .... " With that, Yukito passed. "That those Demons are in our environment and feeding somewhere." As Yukito said this, Mituse confirmed.

"That's right, we just have to find the right space." With that, Yukito stood up and turned toward the buildings. "These Demons were feeding in the same area and in the same building. Which was the one for them." When Yukito looked behind him, he found that the wall was falling apart. ("He was right .... these Demons don't run away and feed all the time .... which also means they've lost power, it gives me the chance to attack!") With that, Yukito drew his sword and disappeared and at taking he appeared at the wall and cut, and the blood flowed and Demon's eyes exploded, and then his whole body. "You were right, Mitsue." Yukito confirmed.

"So ... that means we just have to wait for them to attack ... and weaken them." Yukito confirmed but added. "Why wait if all we can do is move more than 100 meters away, they will automatically attack." With that, Mituse smiled. "You're right, Captain Kobayashi! I'm right behind you!" At that, Yukito and Mitsue both jumped forward and as they crossed the 100 meters the Demon's eyes twisted and shook, then turned towards Yukito and Mitsue. At the roar, all four Demons jumped towards Yukito and Mitsue. "I thought it was!" Yukito said aloud.

Once doing so, these Demons prepared their sharp fangs, however Yukito swiped his sword in a circle once sliding his other palm on its blade, from there, cold ice spikes grew around him and in instant, the spikes stabbed through those Demons, making them invulnerable to move at that, Mitsue, moved, he swooped with his blade and cut them in a row, however they steamed out once again. "There! They have probably moved back to the same spot!" And Yukito confirmed it. By the stalking senses, Yukito raised his katana and from there, he unleashed freezing spikes that came growing beneth invisible Demons, stabbing through them and killing them. "These Demons are very defensive when on the walls, however, they become extremely weak once moved and waste their steam to disappear!" Yukito spoke. "I think I'll announce them as 'Specialized Demons'." Yukito confirmed and Mitsue smiled at once.

"This research really did a favour to us. Everyone here should thank you, Captain Kobayashi." Mitsue smiled. "No. I just do my orders and job.... anyway, now that we're finished here, we do not need to worry about people moving, let them know they are free to move." Yukito ordered and Mitsue smiled adding a nod. "Of course, on my way." From there, Yukito shut his notebook and put it into his pocket. ("As much as I helped, this still is not the final research, I still would like to know from where they came all of a sudden.") Yukito moved past people and returned toward 'Spiritual Realm Society'.

But Yukito was still stalked over. "Hm... their figuration was admirable.... still, that was not that quick for their knowledge.... but I suppose we may as well produce more of them..." At Renzo's saying, he reached for his pocket and prepared a capsule. "The biological liquidation that was found after Lord's defeat...." At Renzo's words he shook it. "C'mon, why don't we just crush it at once?" Question Doi. "I think I'd like to play with them a while longer." With a serious look, Renzou spun that capsule and threw it into the distance. "Let me multiply for now.." The black smoke covered the distance, luckly not seen by Yukito or others.

"Doi, let him pick his own actions, we're here just for support..." Spoke Denji. "Yah, yah, yah, I get it! Fine, let them play with them for a while." Spoke Doi and sighed. At that instant the smoke stretched further and at soon moment, Demons began appearing from the underworld. "The 'Shade's essence, mixed with Demon blood', perfects out an immersive being, we call them 'Gekumas'."

- That night -

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Tuesday, 9:30 p.m.]

Yukito felt pressence while standing in forest. "What is it? It feels so different than usual 'Pressure'." The shock became worse as Yukito turned toward the distance. He felt that pressure closing in and at that he began rushing back to Tatar City. "Come on, don't tell me there has been another wild-out!" At the worried thoughts Yukito began moving at high speed and quickly reached his destination, which was Tatar City. As he arrived, his eyes felt terror, he noticed over twenty of Demons, standing around them. "There's more, they're all over city! How are we supposed to get rid of so many?!" At the questions Yukito quickly grabbed his blade as he followed the path and came in front of Mitsue, who was surrounded by Gekumas. "This is not real! There were only 6 of them before! How is there so many more now? I can't take them all out by myself!" But luckly, Mitsue noticed Yukito who jumped next to him. "Mitsue, trouble." "Captain Kobayashi. Oh thank god you've sticked around, we need urgent help." And at that Yukito spoke. "I have figured that...." Yukito prepared for a forced duel against Demons. "They're ruling all over and around... killing them will be difficult as I don't know where each of them have fed before!" However, Yukito explained the plan in action.

"Do not worry, we'll be able to see them, wherever the scars of bites and fangs are on the wall, then we know there is at least one of them near, just don't lose focus once comfronting them." At agreement, Mitsue nodded. "Just do hope that there won't be coming more, than there is now, or we'll be in real trouble taking them on, by ourselves.." Yukito was serious, confident and brave to fight each and single one of them. "Right! Your commands are my orders!" Spoke Mitsue and made a fighting stance. "Then prepare for fight of your thoughts."

To be continued...