151. 'Gekumas' producement!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Tuesday, 9:45 p.m.]

"More and more, constanly, even though we've got rid of those 20... there are still more coming, this is such a curse to deal with!" Answered Mitsue just when he cut through the invisible Demon. Yukito jumped and killed another. "Yes, but getting rid of them is absolutely necessary, or esle there could be consequences." By admitting it to Mitsue, Yukito had no other choice. "Yes, I'm aware."

Yukito and Mitsue after the night successfuly finished their job to drive those Demons away and from there onward, another 2 weeks have passed, the actions that were taken by them were always recorded and noted from the trio, stalking them, as for Tokyo City, Tim's recovery did not get better at all.

- 2 weeks later -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Sewa o suru hospital - Monday, 3:30 p.m.]

Ayuka just stepped up the stairs and entered Tim's room. But his body was now covered by a blanket. By confuson and closed onward, his room was completely darkened. Ayuka neared on for her weekly treatment and reached forward with her arm. However, once she reached further, she felt ferocious energy, there was dark glow that was reaching through the blanket, which was bloody. ("What happened, it's been a week, and this was no where near to how it looked.") By thinking, Ayuka's freezing body, seemed to be afraid.

("Something stops me from reaching for his hand .... but .... why and what?") When asked, Ayuka swallowed and with that sweat ran down her face. Ayuka chose courage and grabbed the blanket, with that she lifted and her eyes trembled, what she saw frightened, hurt, and worried her.

Tim's hand was all black, covered with dark energy, his skin was gone and the black energy was scurrying around, at that point it immediately covered his hand, and she lost her words in surprise. "This ..... is not true, impossible ...." Because of the roof and the horrible perception, Ayuka stepped back, still not understanding what had happened.

'The Evil Within' slipped away.

What Ayuka saw in illusion-like-spirit, a dark shadow, overflowing through the corpse, it seemed that, Tim have..... died?

- 3 days later of treatment -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Thursday, 8:30 a.m.]

Ayuka who has been now using roof for her lone-moments, tried to figure a way. She has sat on the roof, still thinking of the past that she has witnessed. ("I've been covering this for another 3 days..... I can't tell his family, what had happened to him. There's gotta be a cure or something.... something that will make him normal again. Doctors say that he's incapable of treatment, which I get.... but.... there has got to be some other skill or technique that would bring him back.... his skin, is gone and his 'Spiritual Symbolism' is barely felt.... there's gotta, gotta be at least something!") Thinking in her mind, Ayuka became very concerned and further afraid.

Ayuka then sighed and proceeded to jump down the roof. She ran into the distance and then performed a casting. She opened up the 'Spiritual Realm' and in that moment, she jumped through it. She used her Spiritual Mode and made her body transperent and glow alike. She began moving toward Society in Spiritual Realm. At that two children froze. "What did that girl just do?" Asked a boy, but the other boy dropped a box of chips. "Horror...."

- A bit later -

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 10:30 a.m.]

Yukito and Mitsue were still expecting the next 'Gekumas' attack, but they no longer showed up. "But now I don't understand it anymore. At one point they showed up suddenly, and now not one." Said Mitsue, very lost. "Understandable and believable. But, the possibility, their downfall is definitely not logical. I guess someone summoned these Demons, of course, that's not said, but the possibility is qualitatively great." Explained Yukito and moved his finger towards his mouth.

"You think so?" And with that, Yukito confirmed. "Someone woke them up with difficulty, but that person needs to be around." He uttered, still thinking. At that moment, however, someone slipped out of his hand and threw the next capsule, while black smoke exploded. With that, Yukito and Mitsue were covered and forced to cough.

"What is this powder?" Asked Mitsue as he lost his breath. "Fatal Dust! Usually used for covert attacks." Yukito explained. "Don't breath them in, not even a little or there will be big trouble, find a way out is the most important thing now!" Spoke and called out, Yukito, who started running through the smoke with Mitsue. "How cute, trouble surviving in the smoke ...." Doi chuckled.

As they ran they had been struggling because the tireness was forcing them to soon run out of breath. "Captain Kobayashi, I don't think I can hold it much longer." Spoke Mitsue and he was given an answer. "Don't waste your breath talking and follow me..." Spoke Yukito and so it was accepted.

("On counting, we have at least 2 more minutes to avoid this smoke. The point here is to hurry. But how did this smoke show up in general? ") When Yukito thought this, he gained a sign. ("RIght... for a second I noticed that something crashed to the ground and was destroyed ... was that ..... what triggered that smoke?" Sure, then I was right, our opponents are definitely in our environment .... we have to be careful and find them as soon as possible. ") They continued to look for a way out.

Meanwhile, three mysterious people were hiding on top of something. "This game isn't going to end anytime soon .... believe me." Renzo uttered as he looked down at the smoke. Yukito, however, closed his eyes and heard a heartbeat. ("So there you are!") With this, Yukito grabbed his sword and swung it around his body, creating ice that also produced a tremendous force of wind, luckily he blew out that smoke and with that Doi, Denji and Renzo became surprised. "I found you!" Yukito jumped into the air and prepared his sword for the notch. But at one point, 'Gekumas' appeared that were adapted from the smoke. "What the?" He asked Yukito and quickly made a pass back and landed.

"Nice, interesting that you found us with such ease, but it won't help you much, because I believe you want to get your hard hands on us and kill us, believe me, this will not happen .... so play with my friends ... 'Gekumas' .... Captain Kobayashi! " At that, Yukito looked around and saw him begin to be surrounded by Gekumas falling from the smoke above him. ("Just great, how many of these demons do they have under their control?") Yukito bowed when Gekuma attacked from his insidiousness, but with that, Yukito delivered a hit and forced Gekuma into steam.

"So this is kind of a game for you? Playing with these Demons? What are you flawlessly stupid about?" Mitsue asked angrily. "Mitsue, watch your actions." In doing so, Yukito moved his hand to the side to stop him. "But!" "Nothing 'but'. Get rid of these Demons first, then argue with them." ("So Gekumas call them ... an interesting name ...") Yukito thought and prepared for a terrible fight.

Yukito provided a step aside once twisting his bladed weapon and cutting toward the Gekuma, who then just somehow avoided. "These seem to have better combustion inside their bodies...." Once thinking so, Yukito sliced with the sword again and in quick landing blow, cut the Gekuma's arm, from there onward, Yukito swooped with his blade in a swipey procedure, but the Gekuma took the blow once again. ("They don't seem to be hiding, even if I land a blow... these must act differently....") Thought Yukito once he noticed a claw, cutting down against him. In that moment, however, Yukito avoided with a back jump and then moved the blade behind his back, releasing cold whirl of wind. The Demon or as they call them Gekuma, dropped on all four feet and wildly ran toward Yukito with its saliva puking around. ("They do not even care about defense.... these ones are pure offense, but what is the new cause for them? Is it them?") By thinking, Yukito looked at the standing trio. ("Are they the one who control them how to fight... then again, they only seem to be watching.... there has got to be something else that we've missed before.") Wondered Yukito as he backed away with a jump and noticed the claw, swooping in front of him.

("Gekumas, or Demons... are more 'Night Creatures' which means, they reach better power by being awake at night. However, because it's morning, their sleep recovered their strength, allowing them to constanly offend others.... to be stopped, is something they do not allow.") Thought Renzo inside of his mind, facing at the two Spiritual Duelist, who have been fighting against Gekumas. "Y'know, Renzo. It's kind of boring to be just watching and do nothing... eventually these Gekumas will be wiped out, so sorry. I'm going to kill those two myself." But before Doi tried to move forward, Renzo said. "That is exactly what I want.... Gekumas are merely just beginning test.... once they are killled, it's our turn to proceed and devour them...." Once Renzo spoke so, he raised his palm and looked at it. "After all. I prefer to gather enough spirit, before fighting." Both Doi and Denji looked at his arm too, while seeing dark red aura, floating around that arm. "Ah, so we're only here to spectate to see their skills?" Asked Denji and with that Renzo agreed. "Yes. Now, watch them closely, these may be better warriors than the kind of people we've seen in the past.... after all.... one of them is a Clan Captain, and he must be as skilled as an entire population together." Explained Renzo and then put his arms against his hips.

"Y'know. You might as well be right. Watching them, is far better superiority to us, then just purely forcing our way into their hands." Once Doi spoke so, they've encountered the fights further as Yukito and Mitsue both succeeded in taking down Gekumas. One after another. "The time waits.... those Gekumas should be defeated by today's evening, by then, we should gather our energy and prepare to kill them. Then, wipe them out of existance and move toward the other captains. These fools do not belong in this world...." Explained Renzo and made a sharp smile. "Yeah, killing them will be much more fun then watch them, but I guess I'll give it a waiting rest.... cannot wait to kill them!" At that, Doi pumped his fists at each other.

To be continued...