152. The 'Gekumas' merging!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 2:10 p.m.]

Yukito and Mitsue were stopped in path by Gekumas, and until now, they have yet to defeat them.

"It's slowly getting me tired! More and more of these Demons are showing up all the time, and even if we get rid of them, we can't attack the three of them in this state." Called out Mitsue as he bowed against the sent attack.

Yukito was still in a position to fight. "Fatigue doesn't really matter now. Even before we get tired, other warriors will come and help us along the way. For now, just focus on Gekumas. After the others come, you'll be ready for a more serious fight." Uttered Yukito and defended a swinging hand with his sword. ("Wow. Captain Kobayashi. How do you not get tired. Hah, I think he's right, if I weigh like that, I'll never get stronger ... so I'll give it my all! ") Mitsue smiled and raised his sword, cut obliquely and then killed a Gekuma in front of him.

- A bit later -

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Society - Thursday, 2:30 p.m.]

Ayuka jumped forward at the light once her Spiritual Mode disppeared into light, from there she landed on the ground as her Ginken was forced to appear on her back, once her hair hurled in the wind, after the landing crouch, she stood up and was awaited by guards. "Huh. Kirashito Ayuka? What brings you here?" Questioned the guard once Ayuka stepped forward. "It's an urgent event in Tokyo City, I need to talk to Captain Hishikaru from Clan 5." Spoke Ayuka. "Urgent event? What has happened?" But Ayuka did not answer. "That is not your concern, just let Captain Hishikaru know that I'm on my way toward her." Once Ayuka ordered those commands, guards accepted. "We'll do it right away!" They spoke and with that Ayuka thanked, then rushed forward to reach Shion and hopefully get her healing ability help.

[- Captain Shion Hishikaru is not just a strong warrior and beautiful, she's got one of the most efficient 'Healing Abilities' that uses up her aura and let's her heal even the most horrible wounds..... -]

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Society - Thursday, 2:31 p.m.]

"Ho? Ayuka needs my help?" Shion asked as she listened to the phone. "Well, that's something I don't see much of her. Well, I'll expect her." With that, Shion pushed her phone away and got a little surprised. "That she asks me for help. It's rare, but, I'll try my best." Said Shion. "Hey. Lieutenant Jun, I could I ask you to tell the others that Ayuka Kirashito is destined for us, just for safety so they don't attack." Shion smiled.

"Of course Captain Hishikaru! Immediately!" With that, Jun grabbed the book and stepped against the others to warn them.

"But I'm just wondering what kind of help she needs ... well, whatever, I'd better get a bigger share of the paperwork for now." With that, Shion sat down and prepared her pen.

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 2:34 p.m.]

Yukito jumped with a notch down and dropped the icy spikes that stabbed Gekumas one by one, making the ice break and lay on the side of the walls of the buildings. Finally, all the Gekumas were destroyed.

With that, Yukito moved his sword back to the side and looked back at the trio. "Well, oops. Looks like these weak Demons have fallen, can we attack now?" Asked Doi and scratched his ear. "What are you talking about. There's still one ..." Renzo raised his head and looked at Yukito. "It's over with your Demons, but now finish and get ready for a fight!" Mitsue called out. "Oh? Is that right? Do you really think that you've killed these Gekumas successfully?" With a horrible smile, Renzo raised his right hand, at which point Yukito and Mitsue became surprised. "Well, not even close!" With this, Renzo threw the next capsule next to which black smoke appeared and at this the Gekumas began to rise, but covered with darkness.

"He has more ?!" Mitsue asked, scared. "No .... they look different." Yukito explained. "Ah? I see you understand, Little Captain. These are just the souls of the Gekumas, but in a short time they will become something that you will fear to death ... just look!" With a growl, the smoke rose from as Gekumas, covered in darkness, began to hover like souls and began to be sucked into the orb in front of them, with a faint wind rising in the storm, black smoke began to surround the surroundings.

Yukito's eyes twitched and he called out at a glance. "On the ground!" Mitsue and Yukito jumped away and felt the wind pressure rise, the ground exploded behind them, and one of the rock fragments cut through Yukito's face, and Mitsue was surprised when one of the rocks flew into his shoulder and broke it with ease, at which point blood flowed and his bone pushed through the skin. With a loud scream, Mitsue fell to the ground and was all overwhelmed with pain.

Yukito, however, dodged at the last moment, grabbed Mitsue and jumped with him for the top of the wall. The smoke, however, roasted on and so on swirled around, a dark figure appeared, larger and more violent.

Yukito looked back at Mitsue's hand when he noticed that it was the end of the fight for him. ("This wound is too severe for him to fight .... means he needs treatment right away.") Yukito thought, looking back at the dark figure as he hid behind the wall. "Captain, come on! Hiding really won't work!" Renzo laughed as he stood on the roof behind the figure. "Oh, things are getting interesting now!" Doi smiled and flattened. ("It's not safe to leave him here, even if the Demon doesn't see him, a violent fight will somehow hurt him. And remoteness isn't safe either!") Yukito thought anxiously.

"Hey! Captain! What's going on! Aren't you one of the most powerful warriors? Well, then this fusion of Gekumas won't be a problem to kill, is it now ?!" Renzo laughed and sat down on the edge of the roof and then leaned on his palm. "Well, well. All right, then, I'll give you a few seconds to figure out what to do!" But even before Yukito accepted this, he showed up from behind. "You don't need ...." Yukito was serious and shook his sword. "Oh? That was a quick decision ..." Renzo laughed.

("This is the Gekumas merger? How did it come to be so huge and what was the reason ....?") Yukito asked himself. "Hoh. I have to admit this beast looks interesting ...." Denji grabbed his chin and smiled. ("My goal is to hold this beast back before it comes any further and demands death, but if this Gekuma approaches me more than 40 meters, then after, Mitsue will be in trouble.") While Yukito was thinking this, Mitsue was sitting by the wall , his shoulder bone was hanging out and his arm was hanging and moving, he was very pale in the face. ("That force of a huge rock would be fatal, if it hit him in the face.")

"Tell me, do you really think you can kill that kind of Gekuma? Well, if so, why don't you prove it to me?" Renzo smiled. Yukito was serious and then raised his sword over his head. ("He's right. It'll take a lot more than that.") "Hen-Shin!" With a loud call, a whirlwind of cold wind appeared around Yukito, blazing forward and preparing for a whirlwind. Renzo moved his right hand in front of his forehead and smiled. "Oh? I see you've become more serious!" Renzo smiled and watched in the wind where Yukito stood, ready to see his Henshin.

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Society - Thursday, 2:40 p.m.]

Ayuka landed in front of Shion's office with quick disappearing movements. "Captain Hishiharu, I need your help, it involves Shinkaku Tim!" Called out Ayuka very worried. At that, Shion stepped out from behind the door. "Oh, hello, Kirashito, what happened?" With a serious question, Ayuka immediately stood up straight. "Tim was hit by a car, he has 7 broken bones and his skin is disappearing due to a 'Fiend' in his body, I tried everything I could to help him, but my treatment is not even effective enough. If this continues without treatment, Tim will be killed because of such sickness! Please, I need your help, I will do whatever you want, just help! " Ayuka called out and almost shed a tear.

Shion was surprised. "It sounds severe. But I also don't know if my treatment will be effective enough." Shion replied. "I believe, just please. Without an experiment, we won't know!" Shion nodded. "Lieutenant Jun, explain to the captain and the others that I traveled to Tokyo City, explain the situation. And that's an order." With a nod, Jun quickly ran in the direction of headquarters. "So that means you'll-" And with that, Shion nodded. "Yeah, but let's hurry now, we can't know how much time we have before Tim's body gives way!" With a smile, Ayuka nodded and immediately ran away with Shion, back through the 'Spiritual Path' and started to make her way to the hospital.

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar Forest- Thursday, 2:44 p.m.]

"That's surprising. That Captain Yukito needs help." Kauri uttered as she ran forward with the other two, through the woods. "Captain Kirashito! Do you really believe that more help won't be needed, wouldn't it be better to send another captain instead of me?" Polietly wondered Saraki as he was moving behind Isora. But Isora was quieter for a few seconds. "No. You're capable enough, for such an easy command. No more talking and moving." Kauri, Isora and Saraki approached the Tatar City faster, and with that Saraki nodded. ("He's right. If I'm not capable of overcoming anything thrown in my direction, then I have no right to call myself Lieutenant.") With that thought, they kept moving.

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 2:45 p.m.]

An icy wind blowing through the sky rose and began to glow. At that, a mist appeared, waving and covering Yukito's body. A wing appeared in the mist, rising and swinging on both sides. The sword held by Yukito acquired four sharp parts that grew outwardly like a scythe. With that, both of Yukito's arms were covered in ice and sharp spikes, at that point, that mist blew out and Yukito's full body showed up. He was surrounded by pieces of ice floating around him. "Tōketsu Hane!" He called out to Yukito as his blue eyes gleamed.

To be continued...
