153. The 'Freezing Wing'!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 2:45 p.m.]

"Oh. Wow, may I see you look absolutely fabulous, those wings suit you so well, the ice, looks so shiny and that sword, looks like something that could easily bite and dig into human flesh? But is it hard enough to dig into Gekuma before you?" Questioned Renzo and made a complete smile. "Is this really just a game to you? If it's so, do you know how many human can die to these beings, hundreds, thousands, even more than that!" Annoyingly said Yukito, back. "A game? Why every city needs a game, don't you think so?" But Yukito then gave an answer. "If so, a game that does not destroy a possible future for people!" By saying that Renzo just swung his arm and ordered the Gekuma to attack, Yukito. "Whatever, not my style of game." When said so, Gekuma roared in the air once Yukito felt it's pressure, coming at him. ("His pressure, it's coming through his mouth. Getting to that part, would be a problem, but not for me.") Yukito prepared to flap his ice wings, once he unleashed himself forward at breakneck speed. At an instant, he showed himself in front of Demonoid body, swinging forward with his blade. However, even as he thought he'd land a strike, the Gekuma swung its giant arm and pressed it against Yukito's blade. From there, he was pushed backward and flung in the air. Once his body was forced to twirl around, he then raised his sword and created ice from the nearest wall, that grew above his arm, and was pushed toward Gekuma at an instant that Yukito swung. However, even if the ice was heavy and strong. Gekuma's body was incapable of being cut.

"Don't sweat it kid. That body cannot be pierced by pure ice, just like the one you've used." Ironicly laughed Renzo. "You know, Renzo. We might not even need to fight, I bet this Gekuma will cause enough damage to him, kind of boring to be asking me." Spoke Doi, after scratching his ear again. "I don't think so, it'd probably get killed in a few hours, it cannot be like that for more than 5 hours. If the Captain, stays in battle for those 300 minutes, it'd get killed." Spoke Denji. "Huh? How the hell are you supposed to know that?" Questioned Doi, rather annoyed. "Don't complain, Denji is right, that thing can only be merged for another 5 hours...." Spoke Renzo and became, serious again. "So you believe that that kid, will last that long?" And the nod was given. "Well, then I'll just pump him to the ground myself, after it is finished." Smiled Doi and smashed into his palm with the left fist.

"For now, just let us watch, what will happen." Spoke Denji. Then, they noticed Yukito disappearing from the air and appearing in the distance, swinging downward and releasing a Downfall Pour of ice, that began creating ice spikes, dropping down toward the Gekuma, and because of the rainy spikes, the flesh was getting cracked every so and then. Yukito noticed a fist, swinging toward him, but luckly he avoided and slid across the hard floor when he spun his sword behind his back. He swooped it back ahead, unleashing the next row of icy spikes growing. The Gekuma raised it's gigantic arm and then smashed downward with pure force. Once it smashed into the ground, the floor went cracking and shattering, even destroying the ice that was created, Yukito sliced ahead when a rock slammed at him, with that the rock got halved and from there Yukito dashed forward, through the flying rocks, by spinning and avoiding them at the same time. Once he neared on the Gekuma, he pressed his both feet at the ground and launched himself up, creating a middle cut through Gekuma's middle part of flesh. Once the armour began cracking, Yukito flipped at the same height as Gekuma's head and swung forward, but, once he did that, his eyes noticed an attack. ("Shodō?!") Questioned Yukito and notcied how the red Shodō struck forward from up close, his body was caught in it and blasted backward, once the walls of the area got struck down. From there, Yukito went slamming into a wall and from there created a frozen barrier. Shodō was once again shot, but this time, Yukito slipped between the barrier and felt the beam, how it destroyed the barrier, slamming it and bursting it into shattered pieces.

Yukito slid on the floor once again and then prepared to attack again. "For ice, that barrier was quite hard..." Answered Denji a bit surprised. "What do you expect from a skilled Captain, like him? He may be a kid, but his power is what makes him the real deal." Explained Renzo, a bit glad, he has seen a tough opponent. Yukito stepped aside when the next Shodō went bursting past his body, because of its force, creating wind, his clothes waved and almost completely broke Yukito's body. Once he had the chance, he launched himself forward by flapping his wings and slicing forward, followed up by ice, that went devestatingly cutting through Gekuma's shoulder and chest, from there his body was slammed by the giant arm and launched into the wall. Yukito was stuck inside the wall and felt the heavy arm pressed against his body, but from stabbing ice, the Gekuma finally moved its arm and roared in pain. ("I see, your arm is your weak point!") Once Yukito figured that out, he pressed his feet on the wall and unleashed his aura, from there he went blasting ahead and slicing through the Gekuma's palm and then, disappearing in quickness, cutting the entire arm of Gekuma. After that, Yukito came behind Gekuma above its shoulder and held his sword high up. He sliced into its shoulder and then with force cut it loose. The arm was cut into pieces and blood, from there the Gekuma roared further and Yukito froze its wound so it wouldn't recover. From there he landed on the floor and jumped forward once the Gekuma stomped at him, he avoided and then turned around with a quick cut. He unleashed the next ice, that went freezing into Gekuma's stomach and forcing it to stand there from the forced push.

"That kid has brains...." Said Doi in annoyance. "I've known he'd figure it out eventually, the Gekumas is as dumb as a rock. It won't protect its 'weak' body parts, because it thinks it'll just generate eventually. Of course, that won't work now, since its wound was frozen.... on his part, that Gekuma is in disadvantage." Explained Renzo and seemed to be rather unentertained.

("Sure. Gekuma has a weak defense in its hands, but the only way to kill this beast is by cutting their jaws. This beast has blackness in it and collects pressure to use Shodō. The jaw won't fall off if it's closed, for that he could cut its jaw the moment he uses Shodō. Which is a harder task. ") He said in his mind. Yukito quickly ran forward as Gekuma shot Shodō behind his back. ("It's true that the arm is weak in defense, but it's not that share that's enough to stop it. Something else has to be what I have to cut.") At that, Yukito jumped forward and ran down the wall, bouncing to the side, as he slid across the ice he had created. Gekuma followed him all the time, and he never let go his eyes off Yukito's body.

("It acts like a robot, once it acquires its target, it will focus on it until it's completed and finished.") At that, Yukito jumped to the side in a wheelbarrow and noticed Shodō upside down flying past his body, a few inches in front of his nose. . When Yukito landed, he turned back toward Gekuma. ("Attacks the same as an ordinary Demon. I've thought about it and probably found that these Gekuma's lose their energy too fast, at night these Demons sleep, not like ordinary ones. Which means yes, more energy that they use, then they become slower, weaker and defenseless, but because this Gekuma is built of several Gekumas souls, this work is strong enough to defend my attacks on harder parts. So that means. ") Yukito avoided the next Shodō. ("That the thinner parts are weaker and can't defend the attacks.") With that, Yukito looked back at his jaw.

("And this Gekuma only uses its jaw when it shoots Shodō. If it attacks with its hand or foot, then it has it closed all the time. It means that's the ideal part where it's supposed to cut. But, this won't be easy nor can be so , because in order for me to succeed, it means that it has to open its jaw, and it only does that when it uses Shodō, and at that moment, it is almost impossible to incise it .... now I see why this Gekuma is a special kind and why it is so strong because it has only one correct weak point, and that is the jaw. ") With that, Yukito released the ice that stopped Shodō but was still destroyed, he started moving towards Gekuma.

"And how long does the jaw last in general?" Asked Doi, as he knew how to destroy that kind of Gekuma. "One, stronger hit, and it falls off if that happens, Gekuma can easily lose its orb in its jaw, and that's the main core that destroys their lives." Renzo explained to Doi and was slowly preparing for the fight, his strength growing in secret.

"So that means if this captain manages to cut its jaw, then it's our turn, but then I hope it's quick because I'm already impatient!" Doi laughed. "God. Maybe you could raise your tolerance." But when Denji said that, Doi became unamused. "Oh come on, like you're not impatient." But, Denji did not confirm that he was impatient. "No, because I'm not as quickly commited into duels as you." At that, however, Doi exhaled. "Whatever, you're miserable already." With that, Doi leaned against the wall and began to wait, hoping that Gekuma would be killed as soon as possible.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Sewa o suru hospital - Thursday, 3:02 p.m.]

Odina, Codey, Tsukimi and Kanji were all standing around Tim's covered body with blanket, and their eyes were frightened. "That's not true. It's impossible that this is Tim." Odina was most frightened when she saw Tim's hand, completely dark and skinless. ("I'm just looking at it, It's forcing me to vomit.") Codey thought. "How is that even possible? All that happened was that he was hit by a car ...." Kanji asked. "I didn't know his' Fiendish Soul 'was so dangerous to his body, that .... it must mean that, the more damaged he is, the worse his body gets. I still don't understand if this has anything to do with his' Spiritual Symbolism'? " Tsukimi asked when she was threatened.

Odina took his hand, but when that happened she felt pain and quickly pulled away. Her hand became bloody and in pain. "Odina?!" Kanji called out in surprise. "Are you okay?" But luckily the answer was okay. "Y .... Yes, it just hurts a little .... he doesn't even have skin ...." Odina said. "What should we do? We can't leave him like this!" Codey said in disappointment.

To be continued...