154. The Merged Gekuma's defeat! Arrival of aid!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 3:10 p.m.]

"Dude, he's been going on for a while now, is he ever going to finish this battle?" Doi asked already bored. Denji and Renzo, however, continued to watch. ("The others are approaching, which means I can finish this villain now.") Yukito thought and moved forward with a quick run. At that, Gekuma raised its head and began to gather energy for the shot. As it collected this, it shot Shodō, who flew frantically towards Yukito. At that, Yukito raised his head and took a step. At one point, he destroyed his Henshin and his sword returned to normal example. "What the hell is he up to? He stopped his Henshin?" Doi asked and was very disappointed.

"Maybe he reached his limit." Added Denji. "No, it looks like it's over for Gekuma." As Renzo said this, Denji and Doi both looked at him. Yukito pressed his sole to the ground, releasing more energy. He jumped high into the air and noticed Shodō flying into the wall and destroying it. Yukito was next to Gekuma's jaw and swung forward with an ice-covered blade. He cut into its jaw and froze it in such a way that it was open all the time. As Yukito stood on Gekuma's jaw, he raised his sword and stabbed its mouth on the inside. He discovered an orb, which was the main core for the operation of this Gekuma. With that he stabbed this orb and the smoke covered Yukito and Gekuma, a scream was heard from Gekuma when Yukito was caught in a smoke explosion, thus bouncing him into the air and crashing into the wall, the blood disappeared in the red cells and souls , which made up the body of this Gekuma, disappeared.

"What the hell !?" Doi asked in a surprised call. Denji, however, was lost. "He knew it was dangerous. Why did he sacrifice his hand? How does he intend to continue the duel?" Denji asked, but Renzo added. "Maybe he has some other plan." With that, Denji stood up. "Boy, no kind of Demon is fun enough, it looks like it's time for us to kill him." Renzo jumped to the ground and uncovered his hand by pulling back his sleeve. He had a symbol of red energy on his skin, and Yukito, who was standing, was lost. "Well, young captain, you seem to have survived all three phases of our test. The first discovery of their actions, then the destruction of the Gekumas group and finally their fusion. I must admit, the first test was fun, but thank you. You allowed me to gather enough power , to kill captains and people. " Yukito, however, was serious and asked.

"Who are you really? You're not human, are you?" Asked Yukito and held his injured hand. "Oh? You found that out too? Well, you're right, I'm not, but I have the blood of Demons, remember what you called these lives 'Specialized Livings'? Well, I think I'll take that name for myself and the other two, it sounds fun . " Renzo said as he slowly moved toward Yukito. At that, his red symbolism on his skin transformed into Demon claws, built of energy.

"So these tests were active just for you to raise your strength? Should have known." Yukito spoke and asked, and noticed that Renzo stopped and prepared a smile. His eyes glowed red. "Yes .... that's right .... Doi, Denji, it's time to get ready for our killer plan." As Renzo said this, Doi and Denji jumped down. Denji grabbed his coat and showed off his proper body. He had yellow energy around his body and also a symbol, yellow. "Haha, I can finally have fun, destroy this young man first and then the rest!" Doi chuckled. Denji, however, prepared his right hand as it changed into Demon skin and larger claws. Yukito was surprised.

("As I am now, I have no chance of winning. But the captains are almost here, all I have to do is keep them around me.") But when Yukito thought that, his eyes widened, Renzo was in front of him and had a serious smile. Kept his claws open and his energy was felt by Yukito. ("The pressure from him is terribly rich in power!") Yukito prepared to defend with his sword, but even so, Renzo easily hit his sword and sent it into the distance in one hit, Yukito flew back when he felt the force of the wind. Renzo landed in a three-step move with his left hand behind his back, releasing red energy floating in the air around him. Yukito rolled over with a turn and landed and slid back, but he noticed red energy forming in the spikes and flying toward him. Yukito tried to bounce but too late. Even before he could pull away, Denji appeared on his side and swung his claws. Yukito bent down and stretched his right leg forward. He slipped behind Denji's back and heard red energy stab into the wall and explode. Yukito turned and built icy spikes, but.

Denji swung his claw and broke the ice in one. At that, Yukito moved away from near him, but was left with Doi. "Hello, young man!" Doi hit with his fist, but Yukito defended, still he was knocked back and felt the pressure In his hard hand. At that, Denji swung his claw and stabbed Yukito in the stomach. With that, Yukito felt pain and jumped against the wall. ("Three against one. I can't last long enough!") Yukito said. In doing so, Renzo stopped between Doi and Denji, and stood in front of them with his right hand raised.

"Funny isn't it? I'm sorry, but even if you're a captain, you're not strong enough to destroy all three." Renzo said and, with quick intent, prepared Shodō, shot it, and Yukito was surprised. He drew out his sword for the hope of defending but, at that, a white beam appeared which flew into the red Shodō. "Huh?" Renzo turned to the side with a question. Yukito looked away and felt the pressure.

"Captain Kirashito, Captain Mashikato and Lieutenant Saraki?" Yukito called out. "We apologize for the short delay." Saraki replied as he raised his head. Isora and Kauri jumped ahead of Yukito with Saraki. "Oh, look. The other captains showed up. And that's very interesting." Doi smiled.

"Stay behind, you did your part, now it's ours." Uttered Kauri and grabbed her Ginken.

The setups were clear, Kauri was in position to confront Denji. Isora with Renzo and Saraki was destined to fight Doi. "Hey. Why do I only get a lieutenant?" Denji asked in disappointment. "Shut up, just kill him and then you'll be able to help the others." Renzo ordered. "Ah? Well, then I have the party ready! Good baby! Time to die!" Doi stepped aside but Saraki spoke back. "I'm not a child, and in addition, don't underestimate me. Hen-Shin!" With that, Saraki lifted his echo as he acquired a stretchable blade. His clothes changed and turned red with black shoulders. His kimono pants were black and with that he swung his sword, he also had a belt around his kimono pants and red jacket.

"Modern huh?" Doi laughed and prepared his muscular arm. Saraki was serious and prepared to fight Doi.

Kauri swung her sword. "Kodachi." She said, and the sword formed into a black rim with a blade. Her aura became firmer and stronger. Denji was serious. "From the shape of your weapon, I'm guessing that weapon could be thrown, interesting." Denji replied and prepared his claw. "And a hit. You're right." Kauri was serious, but even though she was injured from the last time since the fight, she recovered.

Isora, however, was standing in one place when Renzo looked up. "You know, you look a little serious for the captain. Why? You can't smile?" Said Renzo. "It's not important." Isora drew his sword and was ready, meanwhile.

("Looks like I just kept them away for long enough ....") Meanwhile, Yukito moved quickly toward Mitsue. "But you need urgent help." Yukito said and lifted Mitsue onto his shoulders. "Argh!" In pain, Mitsue called out. ("This wound, I don't know if we can heal it, but it will be necessary to try.") Yukito said, fortunately his wound was not horrible, so he could carry a person.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Sewa o suru hospital - Thursday, 3:21 p.m.]

Odina and the others were still worried, but nothing was healed with Tim's body, and finally the door opened. "He's in this room!" Ayuka exclaimed. "Ayuka ?! Where have you been?" He asked, Codey, but finally a person appeared to his question. "Captain Hishikaru?" He asked, Kanji in surprise. "It doesn't matter, now let me check on his condition." Shion ran towards him and felt the dark energy. "God his energy is severely evil!" She replied.

"Is it possible to do anything about him?" Odina asked in a worried face. "Probably yes. But, it's going to take a while." Shion lifted her sleeve and used green energy, she touched Tim's hand and felt her skin begin to absorb. Shion quickly withdrew her hand and looked up. She was already bloody. "Captain Hishikaru!" Called out, Ayuka anxiously. With a serious look, Shion's mouth quivered. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." She moved her hand back and began to feel her skin move again. ("Violent energy. Like some kind of substance. I have to hold on even if it means injuring my right hand.") With that, Shion grabbed Tim's hand harder and moved her other hand over her right.

"Captain! It's dangerous, what are you doing ???" Kanji asked. "If I don't touch his skin, then my treatment won't be helpful, and it will work the same as the cure from Ayuka's aura." She explained to others.

("I can't believe my eyes .... Captain Hishikaru is sacrificing her hand just to help Tim .... she's a real warrior, I wouldn't even dare.") Kanji thought and was still scared.

Odina looked at them. ("Not even my treatment is effective enough to help Tim ... is hers really effective enough?") Odina asked by sweat dripping down her forehead, looked into her palm and exhaled. ("I must not underestimate her power, as she has the title of captain .... I know she will succeed. ") Odina said, during the time she closed her palm and hoped it would heal. Codey looked at Tim's face. ("I don't even want to know what his face looks like, hidden under that blanket, already his, pure black hand, skinless. It's awful to look at .....") Codey thought, while he had high hopes, that he, Tim, will survive.

("When I heard that his 'Dark Soul Fiend' was very dangerous, I didn't think his body would be on the verge of death, please hold on, you can't die .....") These were thoughts from Ayuka when her right hand on her chest shook. With this, she had anxious hopes, however, the time would come when she would determine if Shion's treatment would be effective enough for his survival.

To be continued...