155. Awareness of 'Captains Strength'!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 3:30 p.m.]

As Shion joined to heal Tim, three warriors, Captain Kauri, Captain Isora, and Lieutenant Saraki clashed against a trio of Denji, Doi, and Renzo.

Doi stood still as he watched what Saraki was going to do, but quickly Saraki raised his sword and swung it down, thus stretching his sword as it flew towards Doi. "Oh? How many meters does this sword reach? 13? Great!" With that, Doi quickly prepared his hand and gathered energy in his fist. When the blade still stabbed into his fist, the fist was hard and easily bounced the sword away. With that, he released the power that created the collapse of the earth. Saraki noticed this, shortened his sword and quickly jumped into the air as bits of destroyed ground hit the wall, thus Saraki looked back at his opponent and noticed that Doi had already jumped in front of him.

Saraki prepared for the pressure and quickly defended the attack as Doi's fist flew into his blade and bounced him against the wall. With the turn, his soles, from Saraki, pressed against the wall, prepared for the scaffold. Saraki pulled his rope because of this and disappeared from that place. In doing so, he appeared behind Doi's back and twisted his willow and caught Doi in it, thus pulling the rope and cutting forward with his sword. He successfully hit his back and wounded him, but Doi punched him with his fist and pushed Saraki into the distance. With a reversal, Saraki prepared for the landing, but even before he landed, Doi had already appeared in front of him. "You're slow!" With that, Saraki quickly bent down and noticed how a fist from Doi flew over his head. Saraki prepared his fist and used the energy to punch Doi in the stomach, continuing to kick and appear behind Doi's back.

In doing so, he cut into Doi's back once more and made a turn, and at that movement kicked the wound he had made, Doi turned with a step and struck with his fist. Saraki defended by pushing the sword behind his back and grabbing his left arm for support, he defended and felt the force of Doi's blow. He knocked him back and slid on the ground, while again grabbing his sword and lengthening it, with which Doi swung at the blade and bounced it to the side, and then ran towards Saraki like a bull.

("Is he trying to ram me over?") Saraki asked, getting ready to take the attack. But when he was ready, his eyes widened, he looked back when he heard a voice from Doi. "Excuse me!" He punched him with his hard fist and added a deep blow to Saraki's back, forcibly knocking him across the floor and bouncing him against the wall, the floor rising as Doi laughed.

Saraki stood up and turned back toward Doi. "How's your back? Does it hurt? Well, don't worry, the pain will be gone when I kill you!" With a loud shriek, Doi took a step and released the pressure of energy rising around him. With that, he ran with all his might towards Saraki. Saraki released a red force around his body and disappeared from the spot. At that, he let out an energy that roared around Doi. Energy swirled around Doi and put him in contemplation. Saraki started running around him with a sinuous sword and at the same time Doi attacked with his fist, but Saraki avoided by bowing but before he could attack he noticed the other hand from Doi grabbing him by the neck and lifting in front of him. "Hah! Nice catch! For me, of course!" Saraki blinked with his body, but could not escape. "Taste the ground, okay?" With that, Saraki felt himself being lifted higher into the air and then falling to the ground. His back was hit in the ground and his mouth gushed. With that, Saraki's sword slid to the side and the sole of Doi was pressed against his stomach.

Doi started punching Saraki in the face like a madman. "Delicious isn't it ???" But Saraki just felt like he was hit in the face. He finally gained moment, Saraki kicked Doi's stomach and pushed him away. Saraki quickly jumped in front of him and with a reverse kick, hit Doi in the face. He flipped Doi to the side, then Saraki kicked Doi's hip with his knee. In doing so, Saraki made the next kick and tripped Doi on the ground, and jumped back to grab his sword. He wiped his blood from his mouth and spat. "Wow .... you've already become fluent." Doi stood up and straightened his hip. "I'm not going to lie, it hurt!"

At that, however, Kauri was overlooked with Denji. "So, girl, I didn't know I was going to gain beauty, but of course, that beauty will disappear!" With that, Denji jumped ahead and fixed his glasses. Kauri spun her ring and took a step, waved forward and threw her ring spinning in a quick flash.

Denji, of course, avoided by stepping aside and preparing his claw. He swung forward but, Kauri leaned back and prepared her leg. She kicked Denji in the stomach and bounced him high in the air, taking a step back and also catching her ring. In doing so, however, she aimed her hand and threw her ring at Denji. Denji, of course, turned so he could dodge and then caught the ring with his claw, returned the throw while Kauri moved both hands, and hardened them so she could catch her ring, while due to the force she slid back and noticed Denji that he was already behind her. She turned and slit back, but Denji swung his claw and defended, at which point both pressures rose. Kauri bent down when she saw the claw scratch over her, twisting her elbow and releasing the pressure from her left outstretched leg, hitting Denji in the stomach with her elbow but, at that, Denji held it back and swung his claw down .

Kauri disappeared from the spot and appeared in the distance. She spun her ring handle and then tossed it forward, with her aura chosen. "Such attacks are not useful.... against me." Denji fixed his glasses as his eyes glowed red, he jumped forward and disappeared, the ring flying through the air while Kauri felt the pressure behind her back. She kicked back with a forward bend without turning around and felt her sole hit Denji's hands. He turned in the air and landed and swung forward toward her. Kauri thus turned her body and leaned to the side. She bounced the claw with her left hand and then prepared a fist. Denji was ready but surprised to feel her fist hit his stomach. It bounced him aside as Kauri reached back with her left hand and caught her ring, which stopped spinning.

"My God. Using your own hands instead of weapons. I didn't expect you to do that at the time, I was hoping you would avoid it. But I seem to have hoped wrong." At the same time, Kauri returned the answer. "I'll probably look for an opening and then strike. If I withdrew, you'd hit the ground with your claw, as it's strong enough to drop violent rocks at me. Which I would then of course avoid, but you would have already attacked me and could have stabbed me through heart. " Kauri explained. "Hm? Looks like I'm fighting a woman as smart as me .... looks like it's not going to be as easy as I thought." Denji then scratched his hair and exhaled. "Well anything, better than a boring man." Denji replied and lifted his claw. With that, Kauri prepared her ring and noticed how the claw would hit the ground. With that done, Kauri prepared to retreat. But even before she hoped she could defend these rocks, she felt another pressure behind her back.

She turned with her body bowed and disappeared. Denji became surprised and looked lost. "Huh?" Then he looked ahead and noticed his rocks. These rocks slammed into him one by one and then shattered him into the distance. Kauri, on the other hand, appeared on the other side and stood in a three-step pose. She used her pressure to stop and not hit the wall. Then Kauri turned the moment she noticed the claw. Her eyes prepared to recede and even if she succeeded, the fingers of that claw cut into her left cheek, she quickly jumped back and felt the blood running down her cheek. "Maybe that surprised you? Well, nice." Denji smiled, but became serious again.

"A little bit already. But what were you up to with that?" Kauri asked. "Oh. Truth be told. Nothing, I just wanted to prove that no one in life is smart enough to figure out my plan in action." He explained to Denji and fixed his glasses. ("You think I'm stupid? I know it's some kind of marker .... you had two extra seconds to attack, but you waited until the last second. You intended for me to avoid and pass that mark ....") Kauri moved her left palm to her cheek and was serious as she watched him.

During this time, however, Isora defended the attack which was Shodō. With that, however, Renzo appeared behind Isora's back, and cut forward. Isora didn't turn around but defended his attack with his sharp sword. Renzo made a pass in place and then scored with his right foot. Isora, however, raised his sword, and felt the pressure of the kick, which reached into his right hand. Renzo disappeared and appeared in front of Isora. At that, Rezno swung his claw up, but Isora took a step back and then cut forward. ("This warrior is weaker than Shinkaku Timoshī.") With this, Isora took a step back and cut down and released the white energy. Renzo released the red force that floated around him. Both forces collided and exploded at which Isora winked with his sword. Renzo felt something cut through his hip. ("What the hell is this? When did I get this minor wound?") But when he asked this he felt the next wound already. "Gah! What are you doing ???" Renzo asked angrily.

Isora was very calm and serious. "You wanted to fight me .... I'm doing just that." Uttered Isora. But Renzo quickly jumped forward in anger and opened his hand. Isora didn't back down and cut forward into a quick-draw. At that, Renzo's eyes twitched as he saw the blood in front of him. His right arm was torn. He cried out in pain but at the same time he felt the next cut in his stomach. With a kick, Isora sent Renzo back and then released the next white attacks, which were too fast for Renzo's eyes, thereby stabbing him inside, which also stopped him from moving. Renzo grabbed his shoulder, which no longer had his arm attached.

"That's the power, of the Captains."

To be continued...