157. A loss of Doi's life!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 4:11 p.m.]

Saraki was unlucky with the duel against Doi as his transformation didn't even look close to human but it had the power of a sincere Demon. Saraki, expecting not to see something like this, backed away by jumping back and waiting for Doi to attack, but even when he hoped, it happened, but in a different way.

With a display behind Saraki's back, Doi grabbed his body in all four hands and squeezed it close to him. Saraki was in immense pain and did not have enough strength to fight. "Let's taste the ground with our face this time!" With that, Doi turned down and fell to the ground with all his might. Saraki, however, trying to somehow get rid of his grip, just felt his face, being nailed to the ground when the ground around them shattered into smaller pieces and one of the rocks even slammed into Saraki's face. At the same time, Saraki felt that he had been lifted and then nailed to the ground again, his body was sliding on the ground again and then at the edge of the building's wall. Doi was rubbing Saraki's body against the glass and walls as he then jumped over the edge of the roof and in doing so Doi landed. With that, he slid Saraki over the top of the roof and then let go, out, at the end of the ledge.

"Let's see how useful your body is in the air!" Doi threw Saraki forward into the air and then tensed his muscles against the floor, jumping towards Saraki and releasing his energy.

During the darkness when Saraki was in the sky, Doi started dropping blows with all four hands and tired Saraki's body. Then Doi grabbed Saraki's leg, twisted his body around him, and then wiped it against the ground with all his might. Even before Saraki fell to the ground, Doi appeared under him and strained his knee. He kicked Saraki in the back with his knee with all his might and then forced his saliva to spit it out. With that, however, Doi then sent a punch to Saraki's stomach and threw him into the distance. Saraki didn't get a moment to move.

Saraki was now bin on the verge of poor condition as he could no longer stand properly. "What now? Oh one little sting, and now you're on the ground! It's so miserable I'll play with you until you taste real pain!" He called out to Saraki, and when Saraki got up and tried to use his sword he just noticed the body in front of him. Two hands slammed into Saraki's stomach and sent him back with all their might. "Too slow!" With that, Doi quickly followed his target and continued.

At the same time, however, Renzo still had problems. ("How unexpected .... Denji lost... well, I didn't hope more from him.") Renzo thought and then leaned forward, releasing the red energy and appearing in front of Isora in an instant cut forward. Renzo raised his right hand and used his pressure to turn sideways to the side and dodge, while quickly turning flat and kicking towards Isora, this time Isora blocked but was slipped to the side, then Renzo landed and waved his right claw. "What is it, Captain? Have you started getting minor problems?" Renzo smiled.

Isora quickly cut to the side and released a cylinder of white energy, but on a quick jump, Renzo bounced higher into the air and spun, releasing red sharp lightning bolts of energy that flew towards Isora. Isora got ready and disappeared from the spot. In doing so, he appeared at the top of the roof as red sharp shots slammed into the ground and then exploded in front of both of them, and Renzo made a smile and used Air Step to now stand in the air. "Oh, shoot. Looks like I missed it." Renzo said, and Isora turned to face him and moved his handle. At that, Renzo quickly swung his head to the side and a wall exploded behind him, surprising Isora. "What? Did you think these attacks would work again? Well, I'm sorry!" With that, Renzo released the fading energy that shot him against Isora. Isor now used several of his attacks, but Renzo avoided every single one of them, through the air and quickly appeared in front of Isora with a swing of his claw. Isora, of course, dodged back when Renzo landed.

"Well frick! What now? Do you intend to avoid my attacks to the end? Will you defend?" Asked Renzo and moved his claw in front of him, he began to gather red energy. "Then let's see how you get rid of mine this time, Shodō!" Renzo laughed.

Isora got ready when he saw Renzo raise his hand high in the air. With this, it fired a red Shodō, which spread in the air into smaller, thinner but faster lightning as they began to fall like meteors towards the ground. Isora began to avoid this. Renzo, on the other hand, was just laughing when he saw that Isora was now starting to move. Isora jumped to the side and saw one of the red lasers hit the ground, and it tore. With that, Isora retreated by leaping forward, and continued, but one of the inter-attacks finally caught him and exploded at the touch. "Got you!" Renzo laughed and then grabbed his claw, winked his hand, and aimed his palm forward.

He shot Shodō again, and it flew towards Isora in a fast area. "You're dead now!" And as the red beam hit and exploded in the distance, a red light covered the surroundings.

However, as Renzo looked ahead he became disappointed to see that he had hit nothing. "Huh?" At the same time, he felt the energy stabbing through his stomach, from behind. Isora appeared behind him and kicked forward, knocking Renzo forward and rolling on the hard ground. Isora then uttered. "Hen-Shin." At this speech, his sword lost its blade, and behind Isora's back, three white lightsabers hovered. Renzo picked himself up from the ground and looked around. "What the hell?" Renzo asked when he saw the light. With this, Isora moved his sword and began to pick up white energy, which was then fired like a sharp laser at Renzo. His eyes twitched as his body was covered in white light, his body was rammed through a multitude of buildings, and at the end the beam exploded and wounded Renzo.

Isora, however, moved his handle and stopped the attack. Renzo, lay in the rubble but then got up with an injured body. "What the hell was that?" Renzo asked angrily. Isora was now surprising Renzo.

During the same time, however, Saraki was in a state of ruin. ("Damn, embarrassed state. I don't even know how to proceed ...") Saraki thought and used his sword to try to get up. "What is your problem now? Have you given up or do you intend to continue our duel? Well, if so, then prepare to die." Doi grinned, thus Doi strained his whole arm and made it huge by collecting his orange energy. Saraki was stressed on the body and could not attack or run away.

"Time to end this duel!" He called out to Saraki and released a deep, stressful, orange trigger energy. As he did so, his arm became thicker and longer. With that, his hand was sent behind his back, and his eyes trembled with anger. "Die!" With all his might, Doi gathered himself, he tore down the ground beneath him, and sent his fist before him. But Saraki knew it was the end for him. At that, Kauri appeared and cut forward with her sword, defending the attack, but by force her sword shattered and her body was driven into the wall and her left arm was broken in an instant, the ground collapsed, lifted from the force and Saraki was sent aside. "Captain Mashikato!" Saraki called out to Kauri but his body rolled on the floor against the wall and Kauri's Ginken was destroyed.

"Oh look, the bitch showed up!" Uttered Doi and in anger raised his hand, knocking it into the ground and releasing orange energy into the ground, rocks and pieces of soil flew towards Kauri and Saraki but both were hit and sent into the remote wall.

"Well right .... maybe this attack didn't kill you, but ..." With the saying, Doi opened his palm, closed it in his fist and tensed, moved his hand behind his back and his four hands joined. in a single hand. His skin moved disgustingly and his eyes trembled, thus lengthening and thickening his arm, the muscles became modestly forceful, the floor beneath him began to rise and the walls collapsed, the glass exploded behind his back, and people who were stuck in these buildings were frightened.

Saraki helped Kauri, but even if he wanted to, it wasn't helpful as his tired body could no longer move quickly. ("Damn ... even if I try ... to help ... I don't know .... what to do!") Saraki thought when he was tired. ("I don't have enough time to save her, I don't even have enough time to save myself!") Saraki tried to start moving forward. But he saw Doi's arm grow in strength and his pressure was collected in one of his body parts, the arm.

Saraki fell to his knees as Doi growled, his energy floating around him in the air and preparing energy. "Now, taste my true strength, not even Renzo is stronger than me in such a state!" With this, Doi stabbed his left foot into the ground and lifted the ground, due to the force, a larger proportion of the ground could also float, thereby squeezing his hand behind his back and then sending it forward, Saraki's eyes shaking. "Dieeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!"

Before Saraki's eyes, however, a green cape appeared. ("Who, is ..... this?") At that, the person took a step forward and drew two swords that swung sideways, with a bend to the ground, the girl's body appeared as she jumped forward and with her the sword cut through his entire arm in a quick flash. The girl was bent by rotating her arm so that it cut from the palm to the shoulder in a circular shape, causing Doi's hand to explode into blood and his eyes trembling as the girl turned in front of his face. He was sent back with a rotating kick. The girl then disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of him.

She slashed forward and shifted behind his back as Doi's body was split in two, then the girl quickly slashed forward and through Doi's neck. At that, his body gave way and fell into three parts. Legs, upper body and head. Saraki and Kauri, however, were surprised. In front of them stood a girl with her body turned forward, she was standing straight but she had her left sword turned to the left and her right sword was resting on her right hip.

"Captain Hashujin ?!"

To be continued...