158. The Perfection! Gained form by Renzo.

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Sewa o suru hospital - Thursday, 4:15 p.m.]

During the time Isora, Saraki, and Kauri were fighting the trio, however, Shion used more energy than she thought, but successfully calmed Tim's body, slowly his skin returning. Ayuka, looking at Tim's heartbeat, exhaled when she saw his heartbeat return to living speed. At that, however, she stepped out of the room and noticed that Thomas was sitting on a bench.

With a question of concern, Thomas asked. "How ..... is .... Tim?" He asked when he was still worried. Ayuka crouched in front of him and spoke. "Don't worry. Tim is slowly recovering, he will survive, thanks are needed to Captain Hishikaru, who is now resting." Ayuka smiled. "I feel like it's my fault." Thomas uttered, and Ayuka looked at him in astonishment. "What are you talking about?" Ayuka asked. "Because I asked him to promise to come .... then it was a priority for him. If he hadn't promised me then he would still be perfectly healthy ...." But Ayuka then sat down next to Thomas . "Thomas, it's not your fault. Tim made a promise he made himself. Well, it's true that he was worried about what would happen to you, but that's the way he is. You know, he didn't just promise you, he also promised me, he said loudly and intelligibly. 'Ayuka, I will protect my family and you, no matter what the cost will be.' And you know what happened? " With that, Thomas asked. "He kept his promise. I was put on execution, but because he's so stubborn, he just decided to attack the whole Spiritual Realm ... and in the end, he succeeded. If it weren't for him and his friends, then I would not stand here now, in front of you, and talk. "

"He protected you?" Thomas asked with a surprised question. "Yeah, and that just tells you that Tim wouldn't ruin the promise. So you should throw hope at him like I do." Ayuka laughed. Thomas turned his face toward the door, though he was blind. "Maybe .... you're right, I should trust him, because anything can happen at any moment." Thomas smiled. "You see, now you understand!" With a charming smile, they both turned to the door, and Ayuka patted Thomas's head. ("But ... no one expected this to happen after a normal car crash.") Ayuka thought but inhaled.

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 4:25 p.m.]

("Captain Hashujin .... what is she doing here?") Saraki wondered as he looked in her direction. Doi's eyes trembled with anger when he saw his body completely destroyed. "Y ..... You .... bitch ..." Doi said and tried to get up in anger, but because he lost too much blood, his body just lay on the floor. Sakami turned to the side and took one step in the other direction, but at that one Saraki's eyes shook when he saw the rock flying towards Sakami. "Captain Hashujin, watch ou-" But, Sakami swung her right hand and cut through the rock and destroyed it in an instant, and Doi's eyes shook, causing Doi to completely lose his strength and collapse in a hurry. "Captain Hashujin! What do you need ?!" There were summoned four members of the thirteenth clan.

"Take Lieutenant Saraki and Captain Mashikato to treatment ...." "Immediately, of course, Captain!" With this, four members stepped up against them and helped them. ("Captain Hashujin, is .... so skilled ....") Saraki uttered in his mind, her black eyes were in a stoic look. She put away her swords and stepped aside. "The others, take these corpses away ...." With that, four other members moved and carried away the dead corpses.

The moment this happened, however, Isora avoided the red attack and then let out a white ray that flew into Renzo's stomach and at that moment Renzo quickly lifted his claw and hammered it into the ground, releasing a cylinder of red energy, thus Isora took a step back and moved his handle. He fired a white beam that limped across the floor and tore it apart, red energy was bounced to the side, and Renzo quickly jumped to the side and turned around when he felt the pressure coming in his direction. ("Great, now that jerk has lost, it looks like I'm really going to have to kill these idiots myself!") Renzo thought angrily, but when he did he was frightened as he saw the white beam in front of him crashing into him and exploded, with which Renzo was thrown into the air and overturned in three turns, thus using the Air Step to slide through the air and turn down as he stood upside down. ("He... this man is getting on my nerves ...") thought Renzo wiping his blood.

With that, the next white beam flew towards him, but he used the force of the air and jumped to the side in a hurry. Beam flew through the clouds all the way to the Universe.

At that, however, Renzo moved towards Isora and smeared himself with his claw. Isora defended with his handle but felt the claw from Renzo grab his arm and then squeeze, he felt his warm blood flowing but Isora still accepted that pain and didn't show it in front of him. "Hah! You think I'm stupid! I know you're in pain, you just don't want to show it!" He angrily called out, Renzo, and then boxed forward with his fist. Isora was pushed back and prepared the next shot, but even before he could aim, Renzo showed up behind Isora's back and prepared his claw with the opening. He swung forward at that, but Isora turned and hit Renzo in the stomach with his handle. Renzo was blown high into the air and then chased with a white beam. This beam hit him and shot him high in the air, into space. "Damn Captain, you're going to be killed by my arms and hands! You just wait asshole!!!!" He called out loudly, Renzo, as his body exploded into blood, a white explosion was triggered in space and also made a storm reach down which overturned several buildings and rubbled them down.

Isora stopped his Henshin and then looked toward the top of the air, when Sakami approached. "Captain Hashujin ...." Looking at her, Sakami uttered. "Captain Kirashito. Chief Captain Shezaki gave me the order to you that you return to the 'Society'." Sakami explained and shifted her green cape. "Is that so?" With that Isora made his sword disappear. "Okay ..... I'll also say that everything was finished here. What about Captain Mashikato and Lieutenant Saraki?" Asked Isora as he turned to the side.

"Captain Mashikato successfully got rid of her opponent. Lieutenant Saraki needed help, but forced his opponent into a special transformation, which then surprised him. They both have more serious injuries .... I ordered the others to take them for treatment. " In doing so, however, Isora moved forward. "I see ... All right, you can head back, now." Said Isora and disappeared from the spot.

During this time, however, Renzo's body quickly began to heal and he was now hovering in space with his face halfway healed. "Damn abuser. I'm going to kill him and finish his body in such a way that he'll never feel the heat again!" Renzo said angrily as his body cleared completely. "He'll pay for what he did!" With an angry roar, Renzo's eyes changed, turning pure red and ready for a blood lust.

"Anyone trying to stop me on my way to that captain! I'll grind her or him to millions of bloody pieces of particles!" He exclaimed, his upper clothes now tearing as his body was now cleanly covered with red energy and a symbol all over his body. His muscles were genuinely tense and his pants were a little torn, he gained a round symbol on his forehead and his teeth whitened and his smile appeared, he was covered with a red aura. "Get ready, I'll show you my whole energy! I'll grind you!" Renzo started laughing out loud.

On the floor, however, Sakami prepared to leave. But she felt the pressure and turned away. A red lightning struck the ground and halved all parts of the walls and floor, a red explosion appeared behind her and in a force she was forced to cover her forehead to see what was happening. When she looked in front of her she saw a black body, standing in the middle of a red beam, his eyes were quite glowing, and Sakami was a little surprised to see that figure step outside the red energy. "Where's that long-haired captain! Bring him here or I'll kill you before you get the chance and grind you at the end! You won't see your daylight again!" Renzo grinned as his red light was absorbed into his body. He held a sword in his right hand, his heart appearing in the middle and beating.

Sakami withdrew her hand and stood in front of him confidently and stoically. She reached for her sword with her left hand and dropped it to swirl on her side, then caught it and released the purple aura. "Ha? You can't believe it, do you think you can beat me alone? That's ridiculous! You can't kill me when I gather all my energy! I'm not such a loser as those two freaks!" Renzo snarled and let out a storm. At that, Sakami's hair blew back but she was still stoic.

"You didn't even blink? Well, whatever, now at least you'll be able to feel the power of my transformation! My 'Devour Form - Mukatachi'!" With that, his red energy spread to the side and everything that was weak against the flame burned, the inferno appearing around them as Renzo laughed with his face smiling. Sakami's cape was burnt so she threw it aside. Her white shirt showed up and her seriousness increased.

[- 'Devouring Form - Mukatachi' is a power prepared with Demon Blood. Renzo successfully gained it because of the collected energy in his body, that was enough for his body to heal clean, when he was thrown into space his body exploded, but because he had enough collected energy, and his heart was still completely fine, his body was easily healed in an instant. Of course, this power can be dangerous to his body if it is too weak, but, hoping to kill Isora, one of the mysterious captains, Sakami Hashujin, was still standing in front of him. She was the final opponent, who stood in his way on reaching his abuser! The only way for her to win was if she had more strength, which he believed she did not, however, as secret as this girl can be, despite her age, she is a warrior among men, a warrior who has one goal on her mind and that goal is... -]

To be continued...