159. The 'Devouring Form'!

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[The World of Zero - Spiritual Realm - Tatar City - Thursday, 4:40 p.m.]

Sakami was ready for a tougher fight, even worse than Doi, but Doi was easily defeated as well. "It's going to be a lot of fun, playing with a young girl! Let's see what you're capable of in reality." In doing so, Renzo took a step forward and raised his red violent energy, his red symbol glowing all over his body as the ground beneath him exploded and instantly appeared in front of Sakami.

With that, Sakami moved the sword and slammed it into the sword from Renzo, feeling the forceful pressure that pushed her back across the hard ground. At that, however, Sakami's clothes shook from the storm when Renzo made a smile and disappeared into the red light, Sakami turned his back and slit, again both swords hit and produced a tremendous force of wind, thus the sword from Renzo was swung forward, but Sakami jumped back into the air and felt the pressure beneath her, at which point Renzo turned toward her and swung his sword. He released the red energy and with the pressure of the purple energy released, Sakami disappeared and landed on the ground. With that, she noticed a body circling around her. She felt a swing against her, but luckily Sakami leaned over and took a step back, then felt the sword from Renzo cut against her back.

Sakami grabbed her sword with her left hand and used her right hand as support to defend herself. The ground collapsed as Sakami pulled away and made a flip in the air. After landing, she jumped into the air as Renzo's sword cut under her feet, Renzo looked up and noticed Sakami swinging her sword down.

After a quick thought, Renzo defended but, Sakami quickly disappeared and appeared on the wall, Renzo immediately detected her and opened his right palm, shot Shodō and threw it like a bomb. At that, Sakami quickly jumped away and slipped on the floor as the entire building behind her exploded. Sakami turned in the air but one of the inter-cuts cut through her cheek. She quickly landed on the ground, and wiped her blood flowing from her cheek. "You know .... maybe you're actually more fun than that long-haired captain! But of course I'm not going to forgive him for what he did to me! I'm going to tear him to millions of pieces as soon as I kill you!" In doing so, Sakami fixed her hair behind her ears as she saw Renzo attack at full speed, raising her sword while her right eye glowed red.

The moment Renzo stood in front of her, Sakami stood in a serious look, still holding her left hand on her left ear, with a serious look and a red glowing right eye, the floor collapsed. ("What the hell ?!") Renzo asked. Sakami defended his attack without taking a step back, and her pressure reached around them. ("Her eye! What ??? Why does it scare me, what scares me anyway???!") Renzo asked but at that Sakami's right eye glowed brighter and with the swing of her sword she released purple energy as she sent Renzo to distance with all his might, while the rocks he destroyed hit him in the body like bullets, his body was bloody in an instant and his body was then driven into a wall that collapsed on him., Sakami's red eye, became black again. ("With .... one swing .... she .... hurt me to such a state that I can barely walk ....")

"Things like that make me angry! I swear I'll wipe out all the captains right after I kill you!" With a loud roar, Renzo tensed his muscles and released a red energy that bounced all the rocks aside and his body became heavier, his eyes preparing to kill as his sword was gripped. Sakami reached for her sword and took a step aside when she saw a red flash in front of her. Renzo appeared in front of her and prepared his blade.

Sakami made a cork to the side when she saw a stab against her chest. She used her right hand to lift it to the side and felt the sword scratch and cut through her skin at the edge of her hand, making Sakami notice the turn in front of her and knew that Renzo would kick towards her face while doing so, she felt a kick in her face and red energy swirled around her as it tossed her aside, across the hard and sharp ground, she noticed Renzo running towards her lying and rolling body.

Sakami prepared her hands as she folded in front of her and felt a kick next to her, making her clothes shake and her body kicked like a ball into the distance through the air, with that Sakami gained a mouth that shook from there on, when she saw the next movement in front of her .. Renzo created a red Shodō that was expanding and at the same time she noticed how Renzo threw that red light towards her. With that, Sakami quickly moved her right hand towards her second sword and turned straight. She spun in the air as her blade cut through the center of the red blast, as both pieces of the slashed blast flew past her behind her back as an explosion appeared behind her, her hair blowing in the wind as she fell to the ground and landed . Renzo was already standing in front of her. "You really think you're saved, forget it!" With the blow of his strong fist, Sakami lifted her left arm and quickly defended his blow. Her hand felt the heat and also gained burnt skin on that part, Sakami then noticed a kick against her stomach and at that one saw Renzo's knee thump into her stomach.

It pushed her back but kept her pain, hidden to herself. Renzo stomped to the ground and released a wide storm of ruined ground. Sakami grabbed both swords and slashed forward, thus defending herself and seeing one of the between the rocks flying past her cheek, with Renzou taking a step and running towards her while she was surrounded by hovering stones, but they blew past her, and with that Sakami took a step forward and prepared to defend her opponent's sword. At that, pressure was triggered under their feet and the ground was raised, Sakami made a distance.

Renzo roared angrily and raised his sword, firing a red ray that scattered in the air and began to fall towards Sakami like meteors. Sakami turned on her red eye and looked back at the falling rays. The first rays approached and Sakami avoided the attack by jumping to the side and then seeing those red rays explode when touched, Sakami took a step forward and retreated to the second ray and then spun her body as the three rays fell past her, she turned flat to land safely and then jumped with a turn back and noticed the beam falling against her protruding face. She used her sword with her hand and hit the beam, the explosion was activated and her body was pressed against the ground, while Sakami quickly jumped to the side and approached Renzo, about which Renzo became surprised when he saw Sakami cut with her sword against his face.

He drew his sword and defended, thus quickly disappearing from the spot. After that, however, Sakami bounced forward when she felt the pressure behind her back. The blade held by Renzo was stabbed into the ground and missed her body. Sakami jumped back with this and swung her sword when she already saw Renzo attacking for the second time with his sword. After a quick reaction, she defended the attack and they both jumped during the distance when all the rays exploded around them, while the fire rose in temperature and lifted higher into the air, Sakami looked back and saw that she was close to the fire. However she noticed how the scarf around her was pulled off and held by Renzo.

Sakami now stood with a serious, horrifying face in front of Renzo. She drew both swords as her black hair and white shirt blew through the wind. Because of her pressure, the fire began to revolve around her body and sparks of fire floated in front of her. Her right eye glowed red and Renzo still didn't understand what was wrong with her eye.

Sakami pinned her sole to the floor as the two rose beneath her feet. The fire was approaching her hips and rising in the air. She moved sharply and loudly as she turned her hilt of swords, she uttered. "Hen-Shin." As she uttered, both of her swords lengthened and acquired a thinner blade, her purple aura rising and beginning to blow like a vortex around her. Renzo felt the pressure frightening him and did not know what to do. He looked at the length of her swords, which were black, thin but honestly sharp, measuring 200 centimetres. Her clothes were blowing at that force as she prepared.

The sun reflected reflectively in the metal of her sword, then Sakami disappearing from the spot, and Renzo saw Sakami, who was genuinely fast, spinning with her swords, the surroundings emitting tremendous pressure, the wind blowing and the speed of the swords has been raised, at one point Renzo felt something, cutting through his neck, his eyes trembling.

("She ... got ..... me ....") At the excuse in his mind, his head exploded in blood and his heart was pierced. Sakami slid across the floor behind his back when blood was on her face, but because her opponent was a Demon, that blood was quickly evaporated away. Sakami straightened up from the bow and turned her head behind her back, shaking her swords as she held them. The body, which was usually attached to Renzo's head, fell to the ground, and her right eye turned black. The flames scorched but completely vanished from the area. And with that, Sakami succeded to strike down Renzo, still her true plans were not known to anybody. Sakami walked toward the scarf and picked it up, she made sure the scarf was all right and wrapped it around her neck.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Sewa o suru hospital - Thursday, 9:00 p.m.]

Ayuka ran at full speed toward Tim's room, and opened the door, but as she entered her eyes widened, Kanji, Codey, Odina, and Thomas froze at the spot. The window was open and Tim's body was nowhere, Ayuka hurried toward the window, and she hoped to see Tim, but his body was nowhere to be seen. "His trench coat ..... it's gone ...." With that, Codey thought. "What happened!?" He asked in surprise.

But, Tim was no where to be seen ....

Tim was moving through the night once his black trench coat waved. His hair were waving while moving and his sword leaned on his back, however, his left eye seemed to have turned completely black.....

[ - The success of victory has arrived into hands of Captains. But the worried thoughts came to the mind. Successfuly treatment that was given to Timoshī has ended up in his disappearence. Sakami, who ended victorious glances toward her killed opponent, her thoughts, just what does she really intend.... Both Timoshī Shinkaku and Sakami Hashujin's existance of current events cannot be known.... has there been any knowledge on what had happened between them. -]

Sakami walked forward once her mouth opened.

"I must find, him..."

To be continued...

[Specialized Livings: Arc 7 - End]