160. Provoked disappearence!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

- 12 years ago -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Village in forest - Thursday, 8:05 a.m.]

"Hey catch!" With a call, the brother threw the ball toward the sister. The girl, however, jumped up and caught. "Nice catch!" The brother of his sister smiled. The sister then threw back at him when he caught it, while their parents tore the ground. "You know .... I'm proud of our kids ... I think they understand each other better not as some other people." Said the mother. "Yeah, you're right ... oh, wait, we agreed today to be visited by our close neighbor and his father." Said the father.

"Yeah that's right, I just forgot exactly when they'll come, we made an appointment at half past seven in the evening, didn't we?" The father, of course, nodded. "I think so, I can't wait for those two to meet her." With that, Dad stood up straight and wiped his sweat. "Yeah you're right, they're both more, self-centered .... they would need a little company from the other kids already ..." the mother explained. "I agree with you .... but, I hope she will accept them as friends ....." Dad said. "Yeah, even though she's happy, she often hides from people she doesn't know well, which I understand, because a lot of kids worry about that ..." "Well ... then I'll go to the store, we need some salad for today's dinner ... "Dad nodded and smiled. "Mom! Dad! My sister and I are going to the woods a little bit, I hope you don't mind!" Cried the older brother.

"Sure! No worries, just don't get lost!" She called, their mother. "Don't worry, we won't, let's go!" Called the brother and took his sister's hand. While they ran through the village. "Hello madam!" Cried the brother. The older lady smiled. "Hi, how are you Mina!" The lady smiled. "Great, and you? Need some help, my sister and I are happy to help." Mina called out. "Wow, well, then why not ... just come!" The lady smiled and invited them inside. "If you don't mind, would you hang these clothes?" The lady asked. "My pleasure!" They both nodded and helped the ladies put away their clothes. "Ah, these two are always so kind!" The lady smiled, and after a few minutes handed them the badge.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Village in forest - Thursday, 7:03 p.m.]

A few hours later, Mina and his sister got lost around the river. "Brother .... I think we're lost ...." said the sister. "Uh ... don't worry, we'll find a way already!" Mina replied but heard that his sister was hungry. "Brother ..... did you bring any food .... I'm hungry .." said the sister.

("She's so hungry she can barely walk ...") Mina thought. ("I have to do something about this ...") Mina replied and then smiled. "Hey. Wait here, okay? I'm going to get something for you, don't worry, I'll be back!" Her brother, Mina, smiled. "But .... brother .... can't I come along?" "No need, calm down for now, I'll be back!" With that, Mina waved and ran through the path. ("I hope there's some village near here.") Mina uttered in his mind as he ran through the forest path. ("I need to find some village for help quickly, she needs food, urgently ...") After running through the woods, he approached the village, but it was already dark. He looked around and saw that there was nobody on the outside, but in front of him was a bakery.

He looked anxiously into his pockets but had no money. He closed his fist and eyes and quickly ran towards the bakery, opened the door and checked to see if anyone was inside, but luckily there was none.

He slipped behind the counter and looked towards the kitchen, there were two men. ("Be careful, be careful ...") He thought, and at that the boy reached for the loaf. ("I have it!") He quietly moved his leg but at that he pushed against the trash can. But then both men looked in his direction. "Hey! Thief! Stop, pay for it !!" The man shouted loudly. Mina became frightened and quickly ran through the door. "Stop, you fucking bastard!" The man shouted loudly and quickly ran after Mina. "Please just let me have this loaf, my sister is hungry !!" Cried the man. "Silence! Pay for it!" The man called out and slowly began to approach. With that, Mina noticed the car as it drove by, but luckily the car only shoved into his bag. He quickly continued to run, and the two men lost him after seeing that Mina was nowhere in front of them. "Damn donkey! Where did he go ?!" The man asked angrily.

"Let's find this little devil and show him not to steal things!" The other man agreed and then headed back towards their wooden cabin where they grabbed an axe.

Mina, meanwhile, quickly came to his sister and handed her a loaf. "Brother?" She asked. "Quick, let's go home!" He called out and handed her the loaf with a smile. "Huh? But, where did you get that?" The sister asked. "Don't worry, I asked and they gave it to me, haha!" ("Sorry that's not true, but I had no other choice!") The boy exclaimed in his mind.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Village in forest - Thursday, 7:50 p.m.]

"Mom! Dad, we're back!" Mina called out, they barely found their way back home. "Oh god! You two scared me ... where have you been for so long?" She asked, their mother. "Oh, don't worry, we may have got a little lost, but we're back, haha!" Mina laughed. "I told you nicely not to go far and not try to get lost. Well, forget it, let's go fast. Dinner is ready." Spoke their mother and then another few minutes passed by.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Village in forest - Thursday, 8:10 p.m.]

The girl, father, mother and brother were sitting at the table. "Hey? What's wrong? Aren't you happy to meet a new friend?" Mom asked as she looked back at the girl. The girl made a smile. "Haha .... of course I am, I just hope he's not some fool!" The girl smiled. "Oh, don't worry, this boy is very kind ...." When his father said that, he bit into the bread. "Well, if you say so father!" The girl smiled. At this, the girl continued to eat. "You know, his father is also kind, and quite clumsy, but don't be afraid of him, even if he tries to be scary, his father can't." Mom smiled.

"Yeah, good!" The girl picked up her spoon. "When are they coming?" She asked. "Oh, soon-" But as soon as she said that, someone knocked on the door. "Oh! Look! They probably came earlier!" Dad stepped towards the door but as soon as he did, blood erupted. The eyes of the children and mothers trembled. "Good! Where's the little bastard!" Cried the man. At that, the girl's brother became surprised. "There you are the devil abusive!" Cried the man. "What are you doing?!" Mom asked. "Nothing, back off before I kill you." The man said there were two but this third one had to go to the side. Mom jumped in front of them and called out, after grabbing the knife. "You two! Hurry up and run!" Mom called, and even though the two of them wanted the girl, she was too scared to move. "Father .... mom ..." "Hurry up!" Mom called, but when she stabbed the man with a knife, the man stopped. "Bitch !!!" With that, he swung his secret and cut into mother's neck. "Are you crazy about! We didn't bother to kill the woman!" Another man shouted loudly. "What was I supposed to do? The bitch stabbed me! And hurts!" He uttered, blood running down the floor as the girl's brother pulled her away.

"Hurry up!"

"Mommy!" Cried the girl. "Don't call them! There's nothing we can do!" But as they tried to escape through the back door, this third man was waiting for them. "Where do you two think you're going?" He was the head baker of that bakery. They both backed away, but were stopped by two other men. "Oh, hey, hello, thief, was your sister hungry ... well even if she was .... you know, money exists." The man who grabbed the girl by the shoulders smiled. "Put my sister down!" He shouted angrily. "Oh? Why? You know, I don't care about her, but truth be told, when we get rid of you, I think your young sister will be fine for sale." The man with the axe grinned.

"Brother, what's going on?" His sister asked, but as she lifted her tongue, the man punched her in the face. Mina's eyes widened. "I said leave her alone!" He called out, Mina, but as soon as he stepped towards the man he felt the axe being swung into his chest. Her sister's eyes widened. The man who was on the other side got the call. "Oh, what now?" The man asked and answered the phone. "Well, we've done it right here, let's go now. You know, cutey, we're going to sell you." Mina! "Cried the sister, but she was punched in the face again, and meanwhile as the others were laughing, someone stepped through the door, he was a child with a knife in his hand. "What is it, do you have any problems?" the man laughed.

"What are you doing!!" The boy called, and then the man turned and his eyes twitched. The boy who had just stepped through the door stabbed him in the abdomen with a knife, and at the same time the man squealed in pain. "Damn bastard !!" The other man and ran towards the boy after the stabbed guy dropped on the floor. The boy lost his knife but ran through the exit. The girl, however, was frightened. The man ran through the door. "Where the hell did that little devil go ?!" The man asked, but at the same time he noticed a wooden board in front of him, which had nails in it, and these were stabbed in his face. "Leave them alone!" The boy shouted and then kicked the man in the stomach. Two men were killed by this young boy.

The boy quickly ran inside and took the girl's hand. "Let's go, fast!" He shouted, but without a word, the girl ran with him. But when they had already hoped to escape, they were stopped by this third man. The boy's eyes were frightened as he had nothing to defend. He moved his hand in front of the girl and said. "Get away!" He said but when she was pushed aside the boy ran into the man hoping to do something, but the man just laughed and grabbed the boy by the neck, started choking him. "What do you think you're going to do! You know, it wasn't nice of you to kill two men, so I'm going to grind you by squeezing your neck to the blood!" The man called out and started squeezing the boy's neck harder. The boy tried to hit and kick but did not have enough strength. Then the girl noticed a knife lying next to her. "Let ..... me go ... let me ...." But the boy couldn't speak because he was being suffocated. Then he looked at the girl, reaching for the knife.

But she was scared and didn't know what to do. Then the boy spoke. "Fight ..... do .... do you not ..... not see what happened ..... to your family! Fight! Just - come on - fight them .... you're brave - you can do it ...- "The boy's voice was heavier. The girl's eyes trembled and she didn't know what to do. "No .... I don't know ..... your name ..... but - I know you can! Attack! Fight! Fi-Fight! Hurry up already, stop standing there and FIGHT !!!"

Shouted the boy and at that moment the eyes of the girl turned to anger and fervor, with a loud thud she ran forward. The man turned when his eyes shook, he felt his body stuck. "Damn bitch !!!" The man called, but let go of the boy. At that moment, the boy grabbed his neck and felt pain. He ran towards the girl and quickly ran through the house. "Get back here !!!" But when he called for it, the board above him collapsed and pushed him to the ground.

The boy and girl ran through the woods and village when she had tears on her face. "Father! Call ambulances and police!" Cried the boy. The man was surprised and quickly ran towards them. "What happened? Where are her parents ???" The man asked. At that moment, however, the boy explained everything.

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - Village in forest - Thursday, 8:30 p.m.]

The boy and his father were standing by the fire as the girl sat by the walls. The boy was very sad in his eyes at what had happened to this poor girl. She had her legs pressed against her body. "Hey ... I know how you feel, and- I'm really sorry about what you experienced ...." Boy's dad said, but the girl wasn't in condition to talk. The boy's eyes were rather sad. "Do .... do you have a place to stay? Your house .... will need to be repaired and you can't live on your own .... you're still too young." But, Dad heard her word. ".... I don't ...." Her tears slowly ran down her face as that boy approached and reached for her hand.

He helped her stand up. "How are you ...." But the boy was expecting what she answered .... "I'm ..... cold ....." She uttered, and then the boy looked towards his father. "What do you say ... would you come live with us until you get a proper home?" Asked the father. But then the boy reached for his scarf. "Here ..... it's going to warm you up .." That's when the boy wrapped the scarf around the girl's neck, gently. When her eyes trembled a little, she grabbed the scarf.

"Is it better?" He asked, and at that tear appeared around her eye. "Come on ... let's go .... my name .... right.... my name is ..."

- Present day -

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - ???- Friday, 8:00 p.m.]

Somebody leapt to the ground and stood before the giant door. The boy stepped in and was awaited by two other human. There was a girl and a boy, standing in front of him. "And, who the hell are you supposed to be?" Questioned the girl, and the boy answered.

"My name is Timoshī Shinkaku...." His right eye glowed bright red.

To be continued...