161. Meeting of 'Akuseis'!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

[Planet Earth - Tokyo City - ???- Friday, 8:00 p.m.]

The girl had black hair but green eyes. "So what do you want from us?" The girl asked, and Tim picked up the paper. "That." The girl exhaled. "Oh, so you got our offer? Nice of you to decide to-" But even before the girl spoke to the end, Tim cut into her word. "I haven't agreed yet ... first I want a proof that you're capable of teaching me how to handle this ability." Tim uttered when he was serious and threw the paper aside. "Proof? Really ... and how do you want us to prove it to you?" Then Tim spoke up. "I want you to use that ability and prove your power difference to see if it's worth mastering that power at all." Tim explained.

At that, however, the girl exhaled. "Mayumi, just do it..." the man uttered. "Ugh, all right ..." Mayumi jumped in front of Tim and raised her hand. Green and black energy appeared around her arm. "Okay, if you want it, then let me also see, prove yourself to be worthy of that power." Said Mayumi. Tim reached for his back and drew his sword and the cloth waved in the pressure, while preparing to fight. "It's going to be interesting." Said the boy and sighed.

Mayumi drew her sword and swirled it on her finger, at which point she reached with her right hand in front of her face as her eyes glowed green, her hair lifted with force as a black mask with a green frame around her eyes appeared in front of her , Tim's eyes twitched as he felt her pressure. "Okay, then get ready." She uttered, and her sound was combined with 'Fiend' and her girlish voice.

Tim drew his sword and noticed Mayumi disappear from the spot, while Tim noticed the swing of the sword against his body and raised his sword, thus defending the attack but at that he felt the proper pressure bouncing from their hands. Tim swung forward but Mayumi disappeared from the spot and appeared behind him with her leg raised, she spun and gave a kick, Tim felt her kick against his back as she sent him forward, he rolled on the floor but turned in her direction , holding his sword in his left hand, raised, and his right hand holding the ground so he could stop sliding. Mayumi disappeared from the spot and quickly showed her body in front of him, due to the speed her chest shook and she swung her blade as he did so. Tim bent down and felt the green energy pressing over his head, with which Tim stabbed towards Mayumi, but with a jump she disappeared and quickly appeared above him, made a turn and slammed Tim's top of her head with her sole. Then he felt his body plentifully lifted and kicked into his stomach, bouncing him into the air and Mayumi sliding her palm down the blade and creating green energy.

Tim was surprised to see her green energy rising towards him. "Hen-Shin!" Tim called out and at that moment disappeared from the air, and green energy hit the ceiling. At that, however, white smoke began to blow around his body and Tim jumped out of it and landed, his trench coat changed and his sword as well.

Mayumi crossed her arm under her chest and looked sideways. "Oh? Henshin?" She asked with a serious face. Tim raised his sword and released the pressure that flew around the entire room.

Tim lifted his shorter, thinner but sharper sword to the side, letting go of the blue energy that turned into blue fire, thus Tim disappeared from the spot and appeared around Mayumi, he used a similar technique as against Isora because he was fast enough, Mayumi saw the plurality of his body. Mayumi looked at him warily with her eyes.

Mayumi felt the pressure approach, so she swung to the right and Tim's and her sword hit each other. They let go of the pressure as her sleeve tore. She made a serious smile at that. "Maybe you're not that bad ..."

"But I still haven't seen your power in your 'Fiended State'." Said Mayumi. "Forget it!" Tim let out a blue fire and then created an explosion that bounced Mayumi aside, then jumped behind her but at that he felt something cut through his chest. Then he was kicked back and tasted the blade flying towards his neck, at which Tim lifted his right hand and sacrificed it, his blood erupted and at that he disappeared. Mayumi turned quickly as both swords crashed into each other again.

"If you don't show how your 'Fiend' works then we can't help you!" She called out, Mayumi, and swung her sword. With that, Tim jumped high into the air from the rage as she forced him, and with that, Tim locked his sole against the wall and let out a blue fire that bounced him off at an incredible speed forward toward her. He swung with all his might but Mayumi defended his attack as the fire blew away and disappeared. Tim's left eye let out a blue fire and at that. he let out fire around his blade and cut down towards Mayumi. With that, however, she was bounced away when Tim took a step and released his pressure to spread around them, thus Mayumi swung her sword, Tim jumped directly towards her but dodged with a swivel body and slashed, but his speed at that moment collapsed from the wound and he felt the blade cut into his body, with shaken eyes he fell to the ground and his blood dragged across the floor.

Mayumi, however, turned to face him and shook the blood from her blade. "If you plan to fight that way then you certainly won't get the knowledge." She called out to Tim, angrily, but at that her eyes trembled, sweat dripped down her face as she felt the dark and horrible pressure. Tim's left side of his face melted, his bone showing up as his eyes changed to yellow and his sclera to black. "Oh? Is that so? Then why don't we try it on for size!" Laughed Tim with his once again, maniacal laugh, he turned around and his left eye pressurized around the area, his eye glowed once Mayumi became shocked. ("His energy ..... I didn't expect ... to be so .... horrible ...") Her hands were shaking and she couldn't move.

She noticed Tim turning towards her and pulling his sword behind his back, thereby lowering himself forward and in an instant appearing in front of Mayumi, stabbing with his sword but luckily Mayumi reacted and defended. Her hand shook when pressed and she jumped to the side, and Tim immediately appeared in front of her and was already growling maniacally, cutting towards her but she raised her left hand and sacrificed her, thus starting to withdraw further.

"What's the matter! Can't you hold your ground anymore!" Laughed Tim and then launched himself forward, once again, Mayumi prepared to dodge, but his speed was just too much for her and felt how her chest got stabbed through the right side, her eyes shook when a sweat dripped down her masked face. With that, however, Tim made a black fire that circled around his body. Mayumi could feel the blade pressing inside her body, so she tried to pull away as soon as possible. ("Damn it! He's completely crazy! Now I understand him why he has trouble controlling that thing!") At that, black fire raised and spun around both of them, and Tim's laughed became louder. But before he could attack, he noticed something. The man created a barrier around him and the fire exploded on the inside and hurt Tim instead, from there the blackness disappeared and once the smoke dissipated, his body collapsed on the floor, luckly his half-mask disappearing. Mayumi fell on her bottom and breathed in fright, her mask disappearing.

"I think that's enough before he kills you." Said the boy. Mayumi nodded and calmed down. "Yeah ... you're right ... his strength scared me too ..." She said as Mayumi received her face and felt fear, she remembered his face too. "Now let's take him to the back room." The boy spoke.

- A few days later -

[Planet Earth - Umi City - Kaiyō Street - Monday, 9:30 a.m.]

Ayuka sat on top of the ship's pole and stared at her phone. "I can't believe it. He hasn't come yet ..." With that, Ayuka moved her hand to the edge and exhaled into the air with a disappointed face. "What has even came to his mind?" Ayuka asked. She turned to the seas and saw the docks. "Father! Why did you move so far away from Tokyo City ?!" Ava asked lost. "Haha! Why do you ask? So that Tim will have a surprise when he returns!" Called out Dasuke and grinned, and Charlotte exhaled. "We only lived in Ginga Street for 1 year and a few days .... well, maybe it's not that bad, because it's pretty nice here!" Smiled Charlotte, her hands moved to her hips, then turned to face Ayuka. "Hey! Ayuka! Are you going to sit up there the entire time or come look at your room?"

With that, however, Ayuka turned towards her as the seagulls flew past her head. "Ha?" She became unamusingly confused. "Look at my room?" She asked Ayuka as the sun shone behind her. "That's right! Our father decided to look for an apartment where you can sleep too, because it looks like you didn't always have the right space!" Charlotte laughed. "Hey! The only place I'm going to sleep is in Tim's closet!" But as soon as Ayuka called that out she turned red in the cheek and quickly moved her palm to her mouth. "Oops ...." "Huh? What?" Charlotte asked. "Nothing! Nothing! Sorry, I was just thinking something, ahahaha ....." Ayuka exclaimed, embarrassed. "Well! Anything when you come and look at the room!" Charlotte called. "Yeah! Yeah, of course and .... thanks! I... guess....." Spoke Ayuka and leaned back and looked up at the sky.

"I never expected to be caught in such a state ...." Ayuka exhaled, and at that she looked at the seagull that flew over her head.

Umi City is much smaller than Tokyo City, but it has a lot more nature, the buildings were placed one by one, some placed higher than others in the hilly parts. In the vicinity of the docks there are markets and wooden floors for access to the ships. The streets are narrower but right at the beginning around the docks is a huge open circular area where all the shops and also the apartments are. All buildings have larger windows and some also have balconies. Behind the flats and buildings and docks, however, are hills with rich nature and a larger mountain. The whole place, however, was more set up in crescent form. Docks have ten spaces where ships can be brought in, this whole area was quite secluded in the middle of a huge ocean, but thanks to ships that have free transportation, movement between cities and other islands is easy. This place is also enriched with people and living creatures like seagulls, deer, foxes and even sea animals.

To be continued...