162. Discovering 'Umi City'!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most famous weapons in this world, people and Demons master such weapons as righteous warriors.

Of course Ginken is a weapon that is an extension to human power and also famous for their special abilities, each and every Ginken contains a different power and now, more than 75% of the population contains such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for citizens of different cities and villages.

The first Ginken was made with a little goddess named 'Zero' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors are born who have a special quality of their mental strength, these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into such clans are called 'Spiritual Duelist' or for short 'Ginkenians'.

Legend has it that the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who acquired a special 'curse' which erased her unusual memories, her name was not known until now but in a short time this has changed, now all the Captains know this girl and try to cover her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Timoshī Shinkaku'.

Of course, our hero doesn't know that this girl....

- The next day -

[Planet Earth - Umi City - Kaiyō Street - Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.]

Seagulls flapped theirs wings and flew over the sky, once calling out with their noises. The sun that just moved into the sky has shone its rays through the window. Alarm was set off and Ayuka dreamt about unusual feelings once she wrapped her arms to the side. "....Shut up.... would you?" She reached for her phone, grabbed it and stopped the alarm. She sat up on the bed and yawned when scratching her hair. ("Sleeping in the bed is so uncomfortable....") She rasied her body and twisted it to the side and stepped onto her slippers once she stood up and walked for the window, opening it so the fresh wind reached inside. By turning around she then walked toward the hallway and noticed that both Charlotte and Ava have already been energetic. "Good morning, Kirashito! How have you slept?" Ayuka was rather quiet. "Okay.... I guess I'll let you wake up... completely... Charlotte hurry up, we're going to miss seagulls flying over our roof!" Charlotte sighed and dragged her arms beside her shoulders. "Huh, why not." The two girls ran outside but Ayuka just decided to go take a morning shower. ("Staying at Tim's home and actually using bed, makes me feel strange....") The door that was locked in front of her, have been opened and she locked herself inside, preparing to take a shower.

Ava and Charlotte however decided to go forward through Umi City and discover it. "Look! There is a puppeter! Want to check it out?" After hearing, Charlotte declined. "Do we really need to go watch that? Those people can be so annoying at time?" "Oh, come on, everything will be all right, let's just see what kind of play he is making." At that, Charlotte just let it happen. "....Sure, why not go look at some creepy old man, using dolls to make an act...."

Back in the house, when several minutes passed, Ayuka exited the bathroom and reached for her hair elastic and raised her hair into a long ponytail, her hair have now reached to the bottom of her butt. "Sometimes, having long hair can be very annoying." Once Ayuka spoke so she inhaled and walked into the kitchen, it seemed that Dasuke was gone too. "At least some quietness for a change." Ayuka then opened the fridge and reached for an apple and bounced it up and down in her palm, then bite into it. From there she walked for the hallway and grabbed her everyday hoodie. The fresh wind breezed across her face and by that, she proceeded to lock the door and moved through the Umi City. ("....I haven't really been much at such parts of the world.... it's beautiful, yet strange.... but, it's still likeable enough for me to enjoy myself more.... but, the worries about Tim are still roaming around my mind, ugh, I gotta stop thinking about him... he's probably fine, just doing some training...") Her feet were pressing against the floorboards as she began moving down the bricky stairs. Many people passed by and were absolutely happy. Just to make sure, Ayuka checked onto her phone.

("And not many Demons have been showing up lately... or maybe it's just this area... even if that is so, there must be other Demons that are going wild across the world, luckly 'Spiritual Realm Society' produced greater number of their warriors to protect other sides of this Planet.") Ayuka took a turn and began moving toward the main road to the top of the hill, many people hiked up there, just to see the beautiful view of the ocean. But in short duo of time, Ayuka also reached the top and set down, on the edge of the bricked wall. Doing so the sun let out its rays for her eyes and the calm breeze passed by her. She checked her contacts on phone and thought to call Tim. "Argh. Forget it, what am I thinking. He won't answer...." By saying that she put the phone back into her bottom pocket and inhaled the fresh air. "I may as well enjoy myself for the morning." People's voices were heard talking, smiling and even giggling around her. Once Ayuka leaned her back on the warm grass with crossed arms behind her head, her mind changed once again. "But, it sure would be more interesting with him around, his two younger sisters may not show it to us, but they really are worried for him, so is his dad and his other friends... though I still don't understand myself to why I'm thinking this way." Then a guy spoke.

"Y'know.... Kirashito, you're talking out loud." Ayuka turned and became confused when she saw a familliar body standing above her. "Codey?" With a question, she sat up straight. "Of course, what's up! Seems you've been entertained by this new 'place' of yours, but I do see why, it's magnificent and beautiful." When Codey said so, he faced toward the bottom city. "Wait, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Tokyo?" "Oh? I mean, a little free time, I may as well use it to go enjoy myself, but I really did not expect you to be here." Spoke Codey with his arms, pressed against his hips. "That's coincidence.... anyway, how's stuff in Tokyo?" Codey faced her again. "As usual, though, Tsukimi, Sayori, both of them returned to 'Spiritual Realm', their reason wasn't completely clear, but I don't think we'll see from them for a while, that is why I decided to go away and meet new people, even if I may not be very public about it... but, trusting my guts is all I care about..." He spoke. "And you? Still no sign of Tim, is there?" Ayuka shook with her head. "Nope, not even a single clue of his pressence, but I believe he's doing just fine.." "Yeah... I wish that guy was here too, but, tell me, why have you got so attached to him?" With that, Codey's curly hair waved. "Oh.... right, I guess just spending time with him! And NO, before you think it as 'in love', I see him as one of the better friends I have had." Spoke Ayuka, then she was given an answer. "Yeah, I suppose all of us got attached to him in a way.... me, you, Kanji, Tsukimi, Sayori, even Captains and Lieutenants, really does surprise me what that guy is capable of, raising so many friendships, it almost makes me look like a mouse compare to him."

"Yeah." "One more thing, when you asked me about Tokyo, I've decided to take holidays here, because, I think that this is one of the most 'relaxing' places to stay at, might even think of moving here, yet, that's hard. "Is that so. You can be really mysterious, y'know that, Codey." Ayuka fixed her earrings. "Hey, since we're here, why don't we join up, search around the island and see what it has to offer, after all, I'm pretty much a sucker for nature." Explained Codey. "Mhm, sure, that'd be interesting.... relaxing is always fun by taking a longer trip around an area...." By that, Ayuka stood up. "One more thing, I've had this weird feeling." Spoke Codey which confused Ayuka. "Hm? What kind?" "You see. Even if Tim is no where near us, it feels as if I'd sense his pressence, from somewhere, far across the ocean, though that's just my senses with wind and air." Ayuka looked at him. "You really are strange at times, but I'd probably agree if I were you...." Codey then gave her a nod. "Anyway, let's get along then and see what this island is all about, while we hike around we may also have hopes that Tim will return to us safe and sound." "Yeah, of course, still... his instantaneous disappearence doesn't make sense, why did he leave without an explanation to where he was going or to what he was going to do..." Ayuka stroked her pants pockets. "Yeah, that guy can be as mysterious as a myth." The two of them, then set off to hike around the nature of Umi Island.

[Planet Earth - Umi City - Kaiyō Street - Tuesday, 1:00 p.m.]

Charlotte, Ava, Ayuka and Codey were climbing up the rocky road once both sisters faced over the edge. "This city is so pretty at higher heights." Exclaimed Charlotte once a bit happy. Charlotte was the type of girl who still believes that something has been going on around Tim and the others, but she could not be proved as the time never came and everyone denies for them to have some sort of special abilities. Ayuka turned her head to face down at Charlotte who was pointing to her sister. ("I know it's hard for her to believe us and I know she is sure that Tim's got some sort of other problems to deal with, being Spiritual Duelist and all of that... but we just cannot tell her...") Wondered Ayuka but then faced back ahead, from there Charlotte became unamused once a Spirit began flying around her. "Gihihi! Hey! Hey! You can see me don't you!" The spirit spoke. "Would you just quit!" In loud shout, Charlotte shouted and slammed her arm into the Spirit's body. ("And she can touch, see spirits...") Sighed Ayuka but their hike continued. "Charlotte, what's up?" Wondered Ava but once she asked, Charlotte faced at her. "Oh! Nothing, just daydreaming!" Exclaimed Charlotte but then turned around.

("These Spirits can be so annoying, flying around you like a bunch of lunatics.... how do other people get used to these things...") Charlotte wondered when she proceeded to walk up the mountain trail with others. ("I guess, this Spirit must have died her from the fall or something. But that was probably several years back, since the mountain trail is much more free to walk on a not as dangerous as it once probably used to be.") "Hey, look, Kanji!" Once Codey called out, Kanji seemed to have stood up and waited for the others to come by. "Wait, you're all here too? That's 'coincidence'?" Answered Kanji once looking at them. "I'd may as well believe it, feels as if we're being somehow pulled back together." Laughed Codey once confused in a singular marker. "So, by the looks on your faces, I guess you've gone hiking for a little?" "Not really, more like discovering. But if you say it that way, we may as well agree to it, do we not?" But Kanji just handed a smile. "Oh, I know this is random, but, any sign- you know of... who..." But Kanji denied and Codey sighed. "Well, better to be questionining, as he could be seen by anybody at any time." Spoke Ayuka but then gave a question. "Mind joining us if we're all here, I know this is a short 'talk' but we may as well talk while we go around this island." And, thankfully, Kanji agreed. "Yes, of course, sure."

To be continued...