170. The inefficient strategy!

[The Chronicles of friendship: Arc 8]

Ginkens are one of the most well-known weapons in the world, and both humans and demons use them as righteous warriors.

Of course, Ginken is a weapon that is an extension of human strength and is also renowned for its special abilities; each Ginken contains a different ability, and now, more than 75% of the population possesses such weapons, which is otherwise very dangerous for residents of various cities and villages.

The first Ginken was created by a little goddess named 'Zero,' who also created and gave birth to another world where only warriors with a special quality of mental strength are born, and these warriors are guaranteed to acquire Ginken, which is why people created thirteen clans in which one captain of achievable power survives, and these people who are chosen into those clans are known as 'Spiritual Duelists.'

According to legend, the goddess 'Zero' gave birth to a daughter who received a rare 'curse' that wiped her strange memories; her identity was unknown until now, but in a short time, everything has changed; now all the Captains recognize this girl and strive to hide her perseverance, even against important people like our hero 'Shinkaku Tim.'

Of course, our hero is unaware that this girl...

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Right Path) - Friday, 2:30 p.m.]

The plan that Sakami came up with, was for now successfully, splitting themselves and in hopes that he and Codey will be followed by their leader, but on the Right Path, Ayuka was still in luck to not be figured out who she was.

"So, how far or long do you plan to run, buddy? This is like chasing down a mouse!" Exclaimed Natsuko while chasing Ayuka without losing her sight. "Running will not really save you, y'know, just show yourself who you are, or speak, because this chase is as boring as it could be without any confident voice!" But, Ayuka was very careful not to speak. ("Does she really believe that I will speak? That way, she'll easily understand if I am a female or a male? She can't be that stupid...") Thought Ayuka when leaning forward and speeding up at higher acceleration, from there Natsuko became surprised once the wind breezed past her. ("Oh wow, they are really fast, might be trouble!") Spoke Natusko but she too accelerated after her, while the leaves blew past the two. ("Accelerating right after I did? What was the point if she could simply just accelerated before I did and catch me with simple thoughts, is something going through her mind?") By moving her head to the side a bit, Ayuka's eyes gazed back forward, luckily making her hood not blowing off.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Middle Path) - Friday, 2:33 p.m.]

("We're lucky that paths lead to the same side but are spread decently far between, they can't sense other Spiritual Symbolism and smart thinking by Sakami, putting me in the middle while putting herself and Codey on the opposite side of Ayuka's, the man was able to sense Codey's Symbolism from decently far away, but we're in luck that he cannot sense Spiritual Symbolism across middle on the right...") Kanji believed once he just made a jump to the side, from there his eyes witnessed surprise. "Come on! Show your face!" Laughed Tsukiya when appearing right in front of Kanji. ("He caught me off guard, damn it!") While thinking, Kanji quickly disappeared from the air and Tsukiya missed his cut with dagger, but from there, Kanji felt another Spiritual Symbolism behind him.

Naoki swooped toward his back and prepared a heavy kick to his back, in luck Kanji turned around keeping his head lower so his face was not recognized, he was pushed on the dirty path when Tsukiya slid behind him. "Yo! Naoki, nobody told you to attack my prey!" Once calling out, Kanji quickly jumped back when avoiding the next cut, he began skim-jumping backward, once seeing a dagger flying toward his head, he ducked but his hood was a bit cut. ("Damn it, that is not going to be helpful at all!") Once Kanji spoke so, he released electricity from his left hand. ("I'm sure these people don't know, what Type Ayuka uses, lucky for us!") Once Kanji thought he spun around and threw the dagger back at Tsukiya. "Electricity??" Questioned Tsukiya. "Not a bad Type, but it really is mostly focused on emitting, through your body, simmilar to Pyro!" From saying that, Tsukiya jumped a farther range once Kanji disappeared in speed of lightning, once making a bit of distance.

"Why are you focusing on running, it would be much more efficient if you were to fight me, not like you'll manage to escape us, even if you have speed of a lightning bolt." Called Tsukiya. "Would you focus on capturing them, not killing them!" Angrily called Naoki. "Would you just shut the hell up, I wish that I'd be left alone or put by someone else, not a fool like you, besides, I'm trained in solo, not pair!" From the annoyance, Tsukiya spun his daggers. ("Gotta keep on moving!") Called Kanji and continued running. "Back to running, seriously?!" But from there, both Naoki and Tsukiya ran after him.

"Hear me out, I have a strategy that could potentially stop them, but it requires both of us!" Called Naoki. "Why of course you would, you're supposed to be the 'Detective' who works with crooks like police." Answered Tsukiya in annoyance. "Even if, just go with our plan, this time, then if they are not the right person, you may as well kill him, not like I'd tell Police Force, I'm just their helper and work with cases, but I do not arrest people, so, if you do work with me, this one time, you'll get the chance to do whatever you want with him." Spoke Naoki.

"Huh? Is that so...? Well, if that's the case, then fine, but do not expect me to hide." Spoke Tsukiya, and from there, Naoki explained their plan. ("What the hell are they plotting on about now?") Wondered Kanji, a bit suspect.

"Tsukiya, hurry up and report our situation to Octavius, I'll follow this fool!" Shouted Naoki. "Why would I? Ugh, I hate when you order me around, but fine!" From there, Tsukiya disappeared. "Don't make me regret this!" Shouted Tsukiya. ("What? Have they just split out, what's the point? If there is only one chasing me, I could simply just keep him busy, away from the others, there's gotta be something more to their plan...") Those were difficult, but yet simple thoughts that Kanji had.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Left Path) - Friday, 2:54 p.m.]

Codey and Sakami were still moving. "That's strange, they have not yet tried to speed up, but why?" Wondered Codey. "I believe they wish to stay as close as possible..... to the entrance of the Left Path... okay, not the best solution, but we have to speed up." Spoke Sakami, from there Codey agreed and even they began running quicker, which caught Tsukiya and Toshiro off guard. "Damn...." From there both of them speed up too.

- A bit of time passed -

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Middle Path) - Friday, 4:00 p.m.]

("What the hell is going on, there were no signs of report or any kind of other reasons, it passed another hour and I don't see any threat to me, maybe I can just cut him... no, I shouldn't, it's risky, who knows that they have planned.") Kanji prepared electricity but then. "Now, Tsukiya!" Loudly shouted Naoki. Clothes whirled through the leaves, once Kanji's eyesight became shocked. ("An ambush!?!") Kanji then quickly noticed how Tsukiya began to closing in on him and cutting toward his neck. Kanji ducked aside but his cape's neck part was cut. ("Damn it! Not again!") Because Kanji was too focused on himself, he then forgot about Tsukiya who was right in front of his sight.

Tsukiya sliced toward him but in a quick maneuver of body, Kanji unleashed a burst of electricity from underneath his feet once being forced to get bounced high in the air and spun, Kanji was in a lying shape of the body, midair, when he quickly reached with his left arm to the side. "You idiot, you had one job to do!" Shouted Naoki. But Tsukiya was a bit surprised when seeing lightning waving from the shaded base of Kanji. To keep his voice from them, he just summoned his Kodachi, which was a spear, surrounded by zapping electricity, and by doing so, he spun his spear and unleashed a lightning trail, from his spear, which extended and waved at high speed, from there, Kanji spun his body in the air and stabbed down, Tsukiya was caught in shock and automatically jumped back, but the spear struck the floor and unleashed a devastating wave of the electrical pulse, that came clashing at Tsukiya and Naoki.

Once doing so, both of them were paralyzed by it for a couple of seconds and from there slammed into the trees, once the electricity devoured their skin a little, from there, Kanji spun in a hand-stand on the spear, unleashed a pulse into the ground that shattered them and sent him flying higher into the air, once spinning his spear in the air and turning his sight at them, he immediately landed on the floor and slid backward, he twisted his foot to turn a 90 degree angle and continue moving forward, stopping his Kodachi skill. But at that, Tsukyia and Naoki stood up in pain, covered by paralysis. "You idiotic jerk! I told you to aim for their arms, not their neck! Are you dumb enough to not understand that!?!" Angry asked Naoki. "Shut up! I don't care about your plan, all I wanted was to kill that idiot!" Angry shouted Tsukiya. "That was going to be your reason after you cut their arm off, that's where their electricity is the most aggressive!" Angry shouted Naoki. Tsukiya bit into his clothing, ripped it off, and wrapped it around his right arm wounds. "Shut up, you can leave, I'm not letting that idiot escape!" Aggressively saying that Tsukiya continued following Kanji.

("So, their plan was to cut my arm off, but that guy made a mistake, if that were the case, I would only be able to use only one arm, smart from that guy, but then again, it wouldn't be much helpful to cut my arm off....") Kanji believed and continued running.

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi Forest (Left Path) - Friday, 4:10 p.m.]

Octavius faced to the right. "What are those two idiots doing?" Annoyingly asked Octavius once rather confused. "Is something the matter, Octavius?" Toshiro questioned, but luckily, Octavius declines. "So, we were right..." Thought Sakami, which also made Codey face at her. "What do you mean?" "We were right to believe that he can sense anyone's aura decently far no matter how many seconds have passed, but it seems he cannot sense completely, at least not the side that Ayuka is on." Spoke Sakami with a sigh. "He's got a high Focus, no matter in what situation he is in, so he'll pretty much understand everything that's happening at the Middle, but not strong enough for him to sense the Right Path...."

Exclaimed Sakami. "So, currently, we do have an advantage, but that might change, I believe that guy is already slowly beginning to be suspicious about us." Answered Sakami. "Well, we cannot let him get his sights off us, Ayuka needs to reach the point first, then Kanji and finally us two." Quietly explained Codey. "Yes, that is correct... however... we may have troubles dealing with that, and besides, even if she reaches the end, she still has one opponent on her, which means, she has got to shake that enemy off, somehow, or some way.... if not...."

"...we could potentially give away our plan...."

To be continued...